View Full Version : Mikka finished

08-09-2003, 12:43 PM
Tis done. The shoe is soo messed up I know..too lazy to fix
With a bg
No bg..

what do you think? (her hair is suppose to be that funky color..trying to make it more animeish..do you think its to light for her skin?)

08-09-2003, 12:47 PM
Audrey I think it's great, it totally reminds me of anime which of course is the look that your looking for. And I don't think that the shoe is messed up at all, it looks perfectly fine to me.

08-09-2003, 01:08 PM
W:eek:W! Well done. :D

08-09-2003, 01:46 PM
Wow!!!!! I'm no expert, but it looks awesome to me!! BTW...how were the smashed taters??? Hope you're feeing better today, Audrey!!:)

08-09-2003, 01:49 PM

They were yummy Sandra :D I'm suprised a small plate filled me up though. I slept like a log last night, so I guess that means I'm doing ok! My mom woke me up at 730 to tell me to take my pills and I slept through it? lol, later I got up )830) and went online, sat my comp on my lap and fell asleep again?! lol I didn't even mean to..