View Full Version : Which dog breeds are protective?

07-19-2001, 11:02 AM
I want to know what dog breeds are protective twards their owners. If you know any, please post it here! And, if you do, please a little information about the breed! Thank you very much!!!

07-19-2001, 12:07 PM
Realy any breed can be protective towards their owners, you just have to build a special bond with the dog. Simba is very protective. I think that is because im the one thta picked him out, drove with my dad to get him and Simba sat on ym lap the whole sway home. And the first couple months i was always with him 24\7. I even slept on the fitchen floor with him just incase he had any accidents of he got scared at night.

07-19-2001, 02:46 PM
Basim, you have to be the best Puppy Mom I know. I don't know many people who would sleep on the floor with her Pup to keep them from being afraid. You are the best. I know Basim would protect you anytime, anywhere from anything. He is the best too. :)

07-19-2001, 03:42 PM
I read an article in Dog Fancy saying that German shepherds are the best guard dogs, and Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Mastiffs, American Staffordshire Terriers (Pit Bull Terriers), and Poodles (I know it sounds silly but its true) are not too far behind.

07-19-2001, 04:57 PM
Pit Bulls and AmStaffs arent the same if that is what you are thinking. AmStaffs are The cosuins to American Pit Bull Terriers.

07-19-2001, 05:36 PM
Lolly is protective over Reece. Its so cute. I took Lolly with us to obedience since Reece's class is in the late evening and I didn't want to leave her alone yelping and bugging the neighbors at that hour. When I was having them potty before class, a dog came up and started sniffing Reece and she stood in front of him and growled at the dog. She also did it a few times after class to other dogs. I don't think she'd do anything past verbal warnings but I was right there to break anything up if it happened.

Daisy's Mom
07-20-2001, 12:57 AM
Kay Ann, I slept on the kitchen floor with Daisy too! Hehe!

If you can beleive it, Daisy is our watch dog! She barks to warn when anyone comes around. People laugh when they open the door and see a little Basset! Just goes to show that any dog can be protective if the bond between you is strong.

07-20-2001, 11:07 AM
It totally depends on a single dog. I mean a Lab can be more protective than a German Shepherd. I do have to say that GSD's are naturally protective of their owners.

GSD's were bred to herd sheep. Then once sheepherding wasn't "the thing" anymore, Max von Stephanitz (creator of the breed), started training GSD's to be police dogs. So yes they are a "protective" breed.

07-20-2001, 02:57 PM
I would have to agree, that all dogs can be protective of their owners if they share that special bond. However, my lab is scared of EVERYONE except me! Although he gets scared, he alarms us day or night when something really fishy is going on out side! I love him, but wish he was more protective in a way.

07-23-2001, 05:51 PM
It completely depends on the individual dog. But in general, BandiTank's list sounds good. :)