View Full Version : Yeah - Scout's bald spot is not ringworm

08-09-2003, 09:50 AM
The vet called yesterday and said the ringworm culture was negative so the bald spot was more than likely caused by the Revolution. I'm am so happy!!

08-09-2003, 07:24 PM
That is very good news!!

08-09-2003, 11:04 PM
This is great news!!!:D Did you ask your vet about applying the revolution on differently so this doesn't happen again?

smokey the elder
08-10-2003, 09:06 AM
That's good. Ringworm is a pain in the ***..:(

08-10-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
This is great news!!!:D Did you ask your vet about applying the revolution on differently so this doesn't happen again?

I didn't ask that but the Revolution was applied this once to treat the earmites she had when we first brought her home from the shelter. I always use Advantage to treat my dog for fleas and I know to spread it down her back in small areas. My cats are indoor and not exposed to fleas so I don't have to treat them, thank goodness.

If I ever have to use Revolution again it will definitely go on in small spots and not one concentrated area. What's so bad is the vet tech is who applied it to Scout. Seems like she woud know.

08-10-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I always use Advantage to treat my dog for fleas and I know to spread it down her back in small areas. My cats are indoor and not exposed to fleas so I don't have to treat them, thank goodness.

Unfortunately, indoor cats can get fleas. Mine are all indoor only too and they had fleas a few years ago. You can bring them in from outside and if there are any animals living around you that have fleas then they can get them that way too. That's why I've been using advantage every month and now I don't have a problem. :)