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View Full Version : Possibly getting a dog, but really dumb question...

08-08-2003, 01:04 PM
Hi everyone! As some of you know, I have been in the market for a dog for a really really long time. I just wanted to wait until I was able to be home more (i.e. not having a 4 hour commute everyday). I didn't feel that it would be fair to leave a dog alone for 10+ hours a day, even though I have a backyard and all. For me, a dog is part of the family and not to be crated for extensive hours and left alone for extensive hours. I finally found a job after my lay off, and I am working only 4 minutes from my home, which means that I can make it home during lunch hour! It's definitely a nice change of pace. And, one of my job perks is that I can bring my pet to work if I want to. I'm working in a vet hospital! :D
Now, for all you dog people out there...this is going to sound like a really dumb question, but I would really like some input. I have always been a "big dog person". I would absolutely love to have a Tervuren or a malamute or a shepherd....those kinds of dogs. Anyway, I also volunteer a lot at my local animal shelter and recently was disappointed by the staff who adopted a GSD dog right out from under me (that's a different story) to a mean lady with bratty kids. :rolleyes:

Now, there is this tiny little mix-breed dog (dachshund? Lancashire heeler?? Pom??) at the shelter that is very sweet. She has sort of a doxie build (long and low to the ground), but has silky hair and a foxy face! She's quiet, likes to be held and likes people. She's also dog and cat friendly.
I am interested in her and have been weighing the benefits of little dogs vs large dogs. I have always wanted a large dog, but what's your view on little dogs? Any advice would be appreciated, because if I am to get her, I want to be sure to be first in line tomorrow (saturday)!! :D


08-08-2003, 01:15 PM
Little dogs give just the same amount as a big ol lazy fat pup.. :o excuse my example.. lol.. Well I think you should get that dog.. she sounds adorable!! but the number 1 rule if your gonna adopt is come back to pettalk and take lots of pictures!! :p

08-08-2003, 01:22 PM
I'm a "big dog" person as well. Always have been. :) Little dogs are great too though....she sounds soo cute! :D If you think shes the perfect dog for you...go for it. :) Remember, we want pictures! :D

08-08-2003, 01:27 PM
I myself am a big dog person also, but if I were looking for a dog and a little dog caught my eye, then I would go for it!

08-08-2003, 01:41 PM
No big black dogs available? Only your heart can tell you if she's The One!

08-08-2003, 02:07 PM
considering the fact that you have 3 cats I would NOT get a malamute, for they are closest breed to the wolf and they will kill the cats. I have owned malamutes as pups all my life and even raised them with cats, My malamutes were pure bred and they would still not be able to overcome there prey drive. So dont get a malamute while you have 3 cats.

I would go for the smaller breed that is less likely to hurt your cats

08-08-2003, 02:27 PM
Smaller dog = smaller poops :p
smaller food bills ;)
Just as much love :D
Won't scare the cats as much :eek:

OH..............You will know the right one when you meet it! :)

08-08-2003, 02:55 PM
We've had big dogs and little dogs. Dick still prefers the big ones (of course, he's 6'5" tall). I like the little ones.

I'll agree to "littler dogs-littler poops-smaller food bill". But my preference has to do with more "portability" - they go places easier than big dogs. It's nothing to strap one of the little ones in their car seat (yes I have a car seat for my little ones-actually two) and take them for a ride.

I'll also agree to "just as much love". Mine give out tons of love and happiness.

Also like the idea that I can handle without problems. When our big dogs got upset at another dog coming around, I always had trouble controlling them. With the little ones - no contest.

And the biggest reason - it takes 2-3 or more little ones to equal 1 big one (easy translation, I get more dogs!!)

Whichever you choose, I think you know when you see the dog and it speaks to your heart. If it's right go for it.

08-08-2003, 03:09 PM
When we were looking for another dog, I said no hairy ones. I didn't want grooming bills again for 18 years. So we weren't even looking at the 'puffy' ones. Then we saw a pic of Nina on the internet and knew she was the one. She is VERY hairy, and VERY puffy. We drove 3 hrs to check her out. Love at first sight. Just go with your heart. Seems like this little one may be just the right one for you;)

08-08-2003, 03:45 PM
If your heart says she's the one, go for it! I've been wanting a dog all my life and decided on a medium-large breed, the border collie. Everything went to plan until last minute. Then we got a sheltie. Needless to say, I couldn't stay po'd for more than a minute. And amber's right, you MUST take pics lol.

Aspen and Misty
08-08-2003, 03:49 PM
I also always thoughts, Big dogs Only big dogs. untill I had a little dog of my own, I just loved him and will always want a little dog because of him. And also, meeting and falling in love with Huney I want at least one little dog at all times. You absolutly need a dog to carry around!


Ash :D

08-08-2003, 03:55 PM
Thank you for the input everyone! :) tikeyas_mom, you're absolutely right in that I need to find a dog that will be a good match for my cats. I have been taking that very seriously(my kitties are my babies!) and making sure dogs are "cat tested" before I opt to take one home. There is a beautiful malamute girl named Miaya that I was very interested in through BASH (Bay Area Siberian Husky Rescue), but she was so scared of cats, that her foster mom thought it wouldn't be a good idea because when she gets scared, she panics and becomes destructive because she wants to get away. With an 85+pound dog being afraid of cats and destructive, I figured it wouldn't be a good match in my small home at this time. The GSD that I wanted was cat friendly, but I missed out on him. So, yes, some dogs are prey driven which is why it's taken me awhile to decide.
Good point about the smaller poops and less food to eat! Very true! LOL This dog is about the same size (or possibly even smaller than) my cats, so it would be like having another cat only I could take her places! ;) (LOL Ash, I like it! I think I do need a dog to carry around! ;) ) I think I will go for it! :D Her little face really tugged at my heartstrings. I can always get a bigger dog (Tervuren) later on down the road after my husband gets used to dogs. He's never been around dogs, so I wanted to break him in easily with a nice quiet dog.
I called the shelter today to ask if I could take her home this weekend. They said I could pick her up on Sunday because that is when her "holding period" will be over! Yay! I'll be sure to keep you posted!

08-08-2003, 03:57 PM
:D :D :D YAY!!! Good luck with the sweetheart

08-08-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
She's also dog and cat friendly.

Oh Karen I know how long you have wanted a dog!!!!!!! I think the above quote speaks volumes! You certainly want a dog that will interact well with your kitties and this sounds good to me! I agree with what others have said - smaller dogs = smaller poops and smaller food bills, etc. but of course there must be a "connection" between you and this dog. She sounds like a sweetheart but you must be the one who connects (and of course hubby...we certainly can't leave him out! LOL!)

I remember when I visited Ripley in the shelter and he seemed to speak to me with his eyes (after I uncovered all of the hair of course! LOL!) I sat on the floor of his cage and he walked over carefully and then sat in my lap. That sealed the deal! Even though I was someone strange and new to him, he trusted me and I loved him right then and there.

I remember the story of the dog that was adopted right out from under you. :mad: I certainly hope if this sweetie is meant to be that you will be able to take her home without any problems. Please do keep us all posted. I am so happy for you!

Oh, here's a little added thought regarding breeds - I think I would stay away from anything "terrier" when trying to find a compatible dog for kitties. I have heard of too many stories of terriers attacking kitties. :( Since that is not in her lineage and she is said to be good with kitties, I think it sounds very good. Good luck with your decision. ((((hugs))))

08-08-2003, 04:03 PM
I'll echo what everyone else has said about going with
your heart, but here's a few observations I've made
having 2 Cairns and 1 Collie:

Big dogs are easier on the back where training is concerned.
Oz's nose is at hand level, so it makes it really easy to lure him
into position with a treat.

Big dogs are intimidating to most people, even if they
wouldn't hurt a flea. I'm not near as antsy when walking
alone with Oz at night, as I am with Murph.

Less worry about stepping on or tripping over a big dog
and seriously hurting him.

It's so easy to resolve any issue, by just picking up a lil' dog.
Oz got jumped by 2 big dogs recently. This situation
would have never occurred with Murph or Maddie. When I
saw the dogs racing towards us, I would have just picked
them up off the ground. Problem solved. I may just do that
with Oz next time too and just hope I don't throw my back out.

No worries about what you leave on counter tops with lil'

Lower cost and less space needed for a lil' dog. I really wish
I had a lil' bit bigger back yard now that I have Oz.

Easier to get a small dog in a hotel.

All in all I think the pluses and minuses of each, evens out
and I've found I love both sizes equally.


08-08-2003, 04:07 PM
Karen -

Congrats on the job and the possible new addition!!!! :D

I LOVE big dogs too and can't wait until I am in the right living conditions for one. I would love to have a Mastiff or a Dane. That said, I love my little Reecie boy to death! I just love to scoop him up in my arms and shower him with kisses. He lets me hold him like a baby, he fits comfortably on my lap, he's very easy to transport, and he doesn't take up *too* much room in bed. I honestly think you can't go wrong with ANY size dog!

One plus for getting a small dog would be she wouldn't intimidate your cats as much as a big dog might. That is if your cats have never seen a dog before.

I can't wait to hear your decision and if you get her, you have to show us pics ASAP :D

08-08-2003, 04:08 PM
And remember all Marriott's are pet friendly.;)

08-08-2003, 04:15 PM
A soon to be adiition to the dogs side? Yeah!! I hope you find the right dog for you. This one little one at the shleter sounds like it couldbe a good match. I myself prefer big dogs, but there are alot of benefits to small dogs too. When we were at the airport, and saw a guy with his Corgi puppy in his carry on, I was wishing I had a 4th dog...a smaller one I could take EVERYWHERE!!!

08-08-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Oh, here's a little added thought regarding breeds - I think I would stay away from anything "terrier" when trying to find a compatible dog for kitties. I have heard of too many stories of terriers attacking kitties.

It can be true of any breed. Chester would attack a kitty, but Millie would never and they're both terriers. Chester is actually the 1st terrier I've ever had that didn't like cats. All the others (5) have loved my kitties. Here's a pic of my West Highland White Terrier with his best friend. :)


08-08-2003, 04:32 PM
I hope all goes well this weekend. :)
I will be waiting to hear how everything goes.

08-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Congratulations!! :)
Hope she works for you! And like Amber said..the number one rule is..PICTURES!!!! :):):):)

08-08-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by micki76
It can be true of any breed. Chester would attack a kitty, but Millie would never and they're both terriers. Chester is actually the 1st terrier I've ever had that didn't like cats. All the others (5) have loved my kitties. Here's a pic of my West Highland White Terrier with his best friend. :)


AWWWW! What a precious picture! I love Westies. My brother has one named Millie and they are so cute! I hope I didn't offend you with my comment but I was just passing on what I had read. :) The following is from a Dog Breed Info site regarding Jack Russells, for example, which I think might discourage most cat owners from considering a JR, but I am sure there are exceptions to any rule. :)

They have strong hunting instincts (stronger than your average terrier) and should not be trusted with other small animals.

08-08-2003, 08:09 PM
Its true that you would be safest avoiding Terriers if the history of the dog is unknown. But it sounds like Karen knows for sure that the sweet girl is both dog and cat safe so I wouldn't worry about it :)

08-08-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Pam
AWWWW! What a precious picture! I love Westies. My brother has one named Millie and they are so cute! I hope I didn't offend you with my comment but I was just passing on what I had read. :) The following is from a Dog Breed Info site regarding Jack Russells, for example, which I think might discourage most cat owners from considering a JR, but I am sure there are exceptions to any rule. :)

They have strong hunting instincts (stronger than your average terrier) and should not be trusted with other small animals.

Pam!! Of course you didn't offend me! :) It takes a lot more than that to offend me!! :p I was just pointing out the differences in dogs. Millie is a JRT x and she'd only run from a cat or possibly kiss it to death. Chester on the other hand has a HUGE prey drive. He's really driven to kill. :eek: Unfortunately, I've seen him catch mice in our yard and he was literally relentless when we got gerbils for my sister’s kids. We had to take them to my hubby’s parent’s house until we could get them to my sister. That's why I can't have ferrets or rats or even reptiles. :(

08-08-2003, 08:55 PM
I was brought up with boxers, and always wanted a 'big dog'...I thought little dogs were silly. Boy, was I ever wrong! I absolutely love little doggies today. I babysit a chihauha that I can't get enough of! What sweetness..it is the best of two worlds...the tininess of a cat, and the love of a dog!

I would follow your heart....I did, and now have a mammoth of a 'puppy' living with me and my SIX cats...it is heaven on earth, plus lots of hair.

08-08-2003, 09:08 PM
I say go for whatever you fall in love with whether it be 5 lbs, 50 lbs, or 150 lbs.
As long as it suits you and your existing family of furkids, it doesn't really matter what size it is, does it?

08-08-2003, 11:39 PM
Karen!!! Thanks for telling me to check over here for this. :)

I say go for it. You sounded so in love with her already on the phone and I think I am too as well. ;) You're welcome to bring her over ANY TIME!! For, while Noah hates people, he LOVES small doggies to run around with. ;)

I can't wait to hear what Aaron thinks tomorrow and if all works out, to see pictures of her on Sunday. :D

Now...what are you going to name her?

What does she look like? (name-wise) Does she need a regal name? A silly name? A whymsical name?

08-09-2003, 12:39 AM
This is a late reply, but when I went to the SPCA, I had all the intention in the world of getting another large male, like my Cody. All the dogs were great, but when I saw Logan, our eyes met and something happened! I just knew! She was the only dog that did a sit/down and she had the most soulful, beautiful eyes. We bonded immediately. So. like the others said, trust your heart, you'll know!
Good luck! And congratulations on your wonderful new job! I'm so kealous..minutes from home!!!! Awesome!!!

08-09-2003, 12:55 AM
Big dog....Little Dog.....wasn't that a childrens book? LOL

I have them all Big, Med, and Little...they are all great. Get what makes you happy.

The only down side to my little dogs is when I let them out to run the yard .....They are so little they can fit through the fence. Big dog don't!! :D

Up side to my little dogs are they fit in my lap, better loving. Great Dane and Boxers try.....but it just isn't the same.

Although my little guys and not as cat friendly as the big guys. Maybe their just mad that the cats can fit on my lap too. Who knows?

Good luck with your new family member.....enjoy!

08-09-2003, 01:05 AM
I had NEVER pictured myself with a purebred dog always a little scruffy mutt that I could carry around. I went to the humane society looked at all the small dogs. Interested in a couple.
Went into the big dog side, my eyes met with the most beautiful greyhound I had ever seen. I walked down the aisle and came back to her and she was laying on the floor pressed up against the cage with her head cranked around looking at me. I was hooked. Never looked back, that day my life changed.
I think whatever your soul meets with will be the right dog.
You sound in love with this little darling so she sounds right for you and your crew. I can't wait to hear more about her!!!

08-09-2003, 07:40 AM
First off, congratulations on the new job! It sounds wonderful:)

Second, big, little, it doesn't matter. Do what your heart tells you!

Let us know what you decide!

08-09-2003, 08:16 AM
I am so excited for you having *emotionally connected* with another dog. As the others have said, that is what is important.

I've had big and little and mediums and there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

Personally with your husband not being a dog person, per se, I just have an inkling that a little dog will be easier for him to adjust to.... they don't take up that much room in the bed...:D :D ;)

08-09-2003, 11:27 AM
Thank you so much everyone! I knew I could count on you all to advise me in the right way;)
My hubby and I are going to go over to the shelter as soon as it opens today (noon) so he can see her and interact with her. I'm thinking of inviting the neighbors to go with us because they are dog people too:)

This little dog has shiny black eyes, and she has a mini doxie build but her fur is a little bit longer and silkier. She has a foxy face, sort of like a pom face perhaps? She's all black, but when the sun hits her fur, you can see copper or brown highlights. She has some white bun hair :o
Hmmm....names...I hadn't thought of that. I'm all about unique sounding names and she looks like she would have a whimsical type name:) I've always liked Koskha (means cat in Russian) and she would be just one of the cats, right? LOL :rolleyes:

Too bad her probation period isn't over today! :( I'll have to wait until tomorrow to bring her home, but as long as I have my name first in line, everything should go ok. I will let you know how our visit goes today!


08-09-2003, 11:31 AM
Hopefully everything goes well and tomorrow you can bring your new baby home and show us lots and lots of pictures :)

08-09-2003, 11:34 AM
Oh Karen this is so exciting!!!!! Andy says to tell Marius not to worry. Doggies aren't really that bad!! LOL! I'll be looking forward to your next note! (((hugs)))

08-09-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
I have always been a "big dog person".

She has sort of a doxie build (long and low to the ground), but has silky hair and a foxy face!

also remember she just might be a 'big dog in a little dog body'. :D :D :D

08-09-2003, 03:34 PM
I sure hope today's meeting goes well for your possibility-pup! Did you ask Mr. Fish his opinion on the deal? ;) ;) ;)

08-09-2003, 06:52 PM
The suspense...the suspense...

08-09-2003, 07:48 PM
I wish we'd hear something. I have my fingers crossed that all goes well and that the pup comes home to stay.

08-09-2003, 10:43 PM
Well....we went over to the shelter today and I brought out the little black dog for Aaron. Surprisingly, there was another dog Aaron also wanted to see, so we got that one out too. Bad idea. I loved them both!! I think we spent over 2 hours in the backyard with both of the dogs. We finally decided to try the smaller one (the one I had originally wanted to go see) and we were able to....bring her home today!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

We went over to Pet Co. to pick up some things because I have absolutely no dogs things here at home!! Now, I have no idea what to do with her! LOL :o I put a baby gate up, so she's in the kitchen right now. We also bought a crate because I wasn't sure what to do with her the first few nights of acclimation. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! I have no idea if she's potty trained, most likely not, but she hasn't pottied all day! Should I leave her in her crate overnight tonight?

I gave her a bath and currently we have her in the crate while we're eating dinner. She is crying so much! How should I go about acclimating her as a housedog? How about potty training??

I will be sure to take some digital pics and post them soon!!!!!! In the meantime, here is her picture from the shelter website. This picture isn't very good, but it will tide you all over until I take some of my own!!!


**hugs** from a very excited new doggie mom!!!

P.S. Mr. Fish approves ;)

Aspen and Misty
08-09-2003, 10:47 PM


I can not absolutly wait to see pictures!!!! CONGRATS!


Byakko's Mom
08-10-2003, 05:12 AM
Congrats on your new baby.How exciting.I love my furbabies, they are my family and the days they first come home are very exciting and tiring, like a new child.It is your new child.Let your baby learn to love the crate.It should be a safe place for quiet comfort to go for peace like their den would be.Then if there is ever a need like after a spay or neuter or any recovery there is a safe recovery place or a safe car ride or place for traveling and just their special place.Mine all learned to love their crates,leave the door open when you are around so she can freely go in and out and maybe a special towel/blanket that you have cuddled with your scent since there are no litter mates or mothers scent to put with her.The crate is a wonderful safe place to have not to spend 10 hours a day in but for when you are gone until she is safe in a room or to be left in the house.I don't recall if you said her age?As for house breaking some depends on her age but until you know if she isn't to young every 1/2 hr to hour at first I would take her out and look for signs of sniffing,heading toward the door a different tone in her whine, you wil learn her cries it won't take long.Take her out when she wakes ,after she eats or plays,when she drinks alot.You can take her to the same spot say a word like potty and train her to go on comand.There are techineques on how to do this all over the web.I think at greatpets.com as well.
I put the crate next to me when I slept so mine knew I was close of course if she cries constantly that could be tough,a little soft music,a clock or something may help,there is always a few days or week of adjustment while you both get to know each other.I am trying to hit the high points not to make this to long and it is really late or early Am and I haven't slept yet so I may miss alot but feel free to ask or email and I am sure others will come along with suggestions that have been through this.I have just recently been through this with 4 different breeds from small pom/pappillin/mix to a shiba Inu to a med lab mix to a giant breed Leonberger that are all almost a year old now.The shiba turned a year on the 7th of Aug and the Lab will be a year the 7th of Sept so I still remember some of this.They came to me from 7 weeks to 7 months.Good luck,it will all work out just hang in there ask lots of questions if you need to and there are lots of good sites with good info on the web.Another good site and board is www.greatpets.com they are very helpful and have some just plain information that you can look up from well known trainers and the board also has trainers and vets as well.These are my two favorite boards.I have to get some sleep for now,please keep us posted and I can't wait for more pics too.I wish I had a digital camera and was more computer literate.

08-10-2003, 05:55 AM
She has a very sweet face. Congratulations!!:D

08-10-2003, 06:53 AM
Karen your note is so exciting and I feel like I was there!!! You did such a good job describing your meeting today with your new little love. She is absolutely a doll baby!! She has the same look on her face that my Ripley did when I first saw him. It just seems to say '''''' PULEEZE take me home!!! ''''' Maybe it is an 'inside thing' that rescue dogs teach each other! :D LOL!

The info you just got from Byakko's Mom is terrific. I really can't add much to that at all. I remember when we got Bella I had the crate downstairs at night and she cried and cried. This is where I had kept the crate in the past when I had my other poodles and it was OK for them. Through my wonderful friends at Pet Talk, I learned to move the crate upstairs to my bedroom at night. No more crying! She just wanted to be near us! I also had just gone "to look" at the puppies and really was just like you are now - totally unprepared! I had to quickly run out to Walmart and get a baby gate and some other things. (Thankfully the breeder had given me some food! LOL!)

Was your little one a 'turn in' or a stray? The reason I am asking is to find out if you know any of her history. It might help you better understand her needs. I think the fact that she hasn't pottied gives me some indication that this cutie just might be housebroken or at least an attempt has been made to teach her. When I first took Ripley out of the cage at the shelter to walk him outside, he stopped right outside in the yard and lifted his leg for about 5 minutes! :o LOL! I pretty much knew right then that he was housebroken. He had been holding it until he was in a proper place. :) I also found out that at his last home his people had a doorbell. We don't have one. We just have a knocker. One night while watching TV a doorbell rang on the TV and Ripley barked and went over to the door. It's these little things that can give us insight as to these cuties' past lives.

Oh Karen I am just in love with your new doggie!!!! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/malelovies.gif I am afraid that if I was there I would have been some serious competition for you! LOL! Isn't it funny the way things turn out? Here you had that other dog snatched right out from under you and now you are a mommy to such a sweetheart!!!! I couldn't be happier and will wait with anticipation to hear more about her and of course see lots more PICTURES!!!! Three cheers for Aaron for being so agreeable to this adoption! What do Marius, Scooter and Sergei have to say?!! LOL! Please do keep us posted!!! ((((hugs)))) and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Love, Pam