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08-06-2003, 11:40 PM
people have said that my school has gone too fare with he dress code, what do you think??

1.no blue jeans or clothing that resembles blue denim.
2.no halter tops,spaghetti straps,bare midreffs, micro mini skirts, and beach wear
3.no shorts exept in may,june,and september. shorts but be reasonable lenth
4.no shirts with questionable images or sayings
5.no hats toques or bandanas indoors.
6.no bare foot, or socks without shoes
7.no frayed or ripped clothing
8.no gym or athletic wear(sweat suits,spandex,sport shorts) in class rooms
9.no outdoor clothing(parkas jackets..) -sounds reasonable but we have horrable heating in there and it feels about as cold inside as it is outside in the winter.
10.no camouflage clothing
11.no extreme hairstyles(shaved heads,mohawks, or unnatueral haircolour)
12.no exessive jewlery,make-up, body peircing, or tatooing.

what do you think?? have they gone to fare, telling you how you can and cant wear your hair, and the colours you can dye your hair, and when you can wear shorts, etc..???:confused: whats do you think??

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-07-2003, 01:50 AM
I think your school is friggin' insane. lol. That sounds like my middle school, but about twice as bad.

Are you in highschool?

My highschool allows... everything. I LOVE it. I *so* wouldn't survive at your school.

08-07-2003, 02:07 AM
That's crazy. I would hate it...

08-07-2003, 03:00 AM
My gosh, I'd go crazy. I would have gotten in trouble numourous times if I went to your school...with my past red and blue hair. when I'm not in jeans, I'm in shorts or track pants...gosh...

08-07-2003, 06:48 AM
It sounds rather difficult to find out what you can wear. I can understand part of it but I can't understand why you couldn't go in jeans and in a clean sweatshirt (as this is probably gym clothing). Doesn't sound too sexy, offending or not clean enough for me.

Way back in the late 60s when I was in highschool they did not allow us hotpants and bare bellies as well, so when we left school we rolled the T-Shirts high :rolleyes:

08-07-2003, 07:08 AM
At my school we have a uniform...
Girls: white blouse with a pleated navy blue skirt with either blue stockings, knee highs, or socks. Black or dark colored shoes, no sneakers.

Boys: White shirt, blue tye (cannot be clip on), navy blue pants, and navy socks that has to be worn under darklu colored shoes only.

NO jewelry whatsoever
NO earrings
NO dying your hair different colors
Boys cannot have hair past the shoulder
NO makeup
NO sneakers
NO heels above 1 1/2 inches high
NO extreme hairstyles (mohawks, shaved head, buzz cut for girls, etc)
NO headbands
NO tattoos (temporary or permanant)
NO nail-polish
NO hats or bandanas

Basically, no nothing. :rolleyes:

I hate this! Thank goodness I only have 9 more months!

08-07-2003, 10:27 AM
OMG that's even worse than my dresscode and I didn't think that was possible :eek: No earrings, tattos, and "extreme hairstyles" is just terrible. Let people be who they are! :rolleyes: With all these stupid rules, why don't they just assign a uniform?

We got this real jerk for a principal and he assigned a uniform. Gray pants or skirt with a white blouse or white and gray polo top. I guess it's not so bad because you do have a choice of black sweaters and tops you can wear and I get to wear a tie (:D) but they were really picky about it at the beginning. Thank God they didn't ban running shoes or sneakers or I would have died!

They did send this girl home though because her black bra was noticeable under her blouse (that stupid blouse is so see-through!)

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-07-2003, 10:34 AM
The day my school got uniforms, especially with skirts, would be the day I quit and went elsewhere or went for my GED.

My school just has the basic stuff, don't show too much skin. But they don't even enforce that .

08-07-2003, 12:24 PM
I don't wear skirts anyways but that's why it's good that there are pants for us. We have a uniform but it's not as bad as you may think. Besides, if they thought they could stop people from dressing "skater" or "gothic" or whatever by doing this, they're wrong. People in my class still wear their pants low or have mohawks or have long chains with the huge cross. Lol What do they expect? ;)

Aspen and Misty
08-07-2003, 01:14 PM

It's soooo much more leniant then mine is! Ughhh, ::jelouse:: We can wear Jewlery though, but our shoes have to be tenis shoes or at least shoes with a back.

Is your shool a private school?


08-07-2003, 01:43 PM
Uhh.... Too far? Yes.

It seems like these schools don't allow children to be who they want to be.

My school doesn't enforce dress code or anything. We have little skanks running around with clothes meant for a 2 year old. :rolleyes:

My friends are obssessed with their clothing. It's a way to express themselves. They design their own clothing. Their hairstyles are also a way to express themselves. Half of my friends have either mohawks, dreads, or have it dyed a color other than what they were born with.

08-07-2003, 01:45 PM
Oh yes.. and the really STUPID one is
7.no frayed or ripped clothing

What if that's all they have?!?! What if they can't afford nice clothing. HOW STUPID.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-07-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
My school doesn't enforce dress code or anything. We have little skanks running around with clothes meant for a 2 year old. :rolleyes:

LMAO!!! :D :D Yep, you can find some of those at my school, too.

08-07-2003, 02:47 PM
lol it is a privet school, if you go there they assume you have enugh money for nice cloths. I dont have that much money though I am there on a scholership and burserys there is no way I can afford to go there

grade 9-$2960CDN
grade 10-12-$3160
:eek: :eek:

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-07-2003, 02:48 PM
Oh, the words "Private School" changes everything.

08-07-2003, 08:31 PM
That's freakin strict! Is a public or private school? Alot of the schools are going to uniforms around here, so at least they haven't went that far. I went several highschools, but one of the public highschools I went to didn't allow shorts period. And it gets up to 110 degrees here!

08-07-2003, 10:32 PM
Actually, the only thing on that list that I haven't heard of before is the no blue jeans thing. That seems really, really strange to me.

Other than that, I think that's a fairly standard list of exclusions for a private school, and frankly, I have heard of a lot of schools with MUCH stricter dress codes.

08-07-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by cali
10.no camouflage clothing

What are you gonna do "blend" in when the teachers asks for your homework??

Now the the hairs style thing would drive me nuts. I like etempting new styles.

The frayed clothes thing also bugs me...hmm guess they wouldn't like my famous pants...:(

My school dont have such a horrible dress code. although the "No Coat" thing bothered me for a while...I just stuck a heaver coat in my locker and told them that my spring coat was a sweater type deal. It worked. But I had good reasons to want it...School is during winter...minnesota is COLD.....poor heating system.

Aspen and Misty
08-08-2003, 01:28 AM
Actually, the no blue jeans thing is comon around here. My school doesn't allow it either. Thats because they want you to look well dressed and respectable, not like what Kay ann was saying about the people who wear to tight of clothes.


08-08-2003, 02:41 AM
At my "middle" school, it was private, so we had a uniform. Also had very stupid rules:

1) No skirts above the knees
2) Girls could not wear trousers
3) Girls could not leave their hair out if it was shoulder length or longer
4) If you did tie your hair back, it had to be with school coloured scrunchies
5) You were not allowed to bring any bag except your regulation school bag
6) NO dyeing of hair WHATSOEVER

As well as the usual no jewelry, no tattoos, etc

Then, at high school, it was ANYTHING GOES

.... and believe me, IT WENT!!!!!!!!!

08-08-2003, 03:11 AM
I feel soooo sorry for you cali!!! omg I would die!!!

the only thing that is a rule in our school is...

1) no shirts with alot of cleevage

2) No really low riding pants that show more then your boxers that are needed to be seen.
3) no belly shirts
4)no shirts with drug or sexual symbols
5) no hats in classroom
6) no gum in classroom
7)no smoking in the school
8) no shirts with the bare back showing

and thats about it lol.

08-08-2003, 08:06 AM
My friends are obssessed with their clothing. It's a way to express themselves. They design their own clothing. Their hairstyles are also a way to express themselves. Half of my friends have either mohawks, dreads, or have it dyed a color other than what they were born with.

Yup, I agree. Even though we have to wear uniforms (and we are a public school :rolleyes: ) people express themselves differently. My crowd of friends aren't really the ones who have mohawks or dyed hair but I know people who do and it sucks that they would get penalized for it. Part of being a teenager is sort of to find out who you are, and you can't do that if someone is constantly trying to change your image.

Before this jerk of a principal came, it was like anything goes. I guess in a way I like uniforms though. Before you could tell if people were rich or not, with their designer skirts, tops and scarfs ( :rolleyes: ) but now it's like we all look like losers so it's all good. ;)

08-22-2003, 10:18 PM
I really think that people should have a choice of what they wear. It makes me really mad, some of these things. Yes, people use their hair and their clothing to express themselves. Our school rules aren't strict. But I mean, if it was a public school and you couln't wear denim(which seemed extremely odd to me) I woulnd't agree with that whatsoever. But since this is a private school, the rules don't surprise me as much as it would if it was a public school.

08-22-2003, 10:33 PM
I went to a private school for grade school and Jr. High, I didn't mind the uniforms too much. In all honesty I don't care enough about the way I dress to care if I had a uniform or not. I kind of liked it because i was so lazy I wouldn't have to think about what to wear.

08-22-2003, 10:36 PM
I wouldn't really mind if I had to wear a uniform, but if it was a public school, and they had a really strict dress code, I would be a little mad.

08-22-2003, 10:41 PM
I've actually seen public schools with stricter dress codes. And those who are "expressive" find ways to dress crazy while staying within the rules and nothing can be done about it because they aren't breaking any rules.

The school my parents teach at (public school) they have a very strict dress code. On top of your list add
boys can't wear earings,
men must be clean shaven,
sideburns must not be any longer than the bottom of your ear, hair must be above your shirt collar for men
Shorts can only be worn on Friday and both shorts and skirts can be no shorter than 5 inches above the knee
A female can have no more then 2 piercings per ear and no facial peircings for males or females
Shirts with a tail must be tucked in
and my personal favorite men are not allowed to wear womens clothing.

08-22-2003, 10:45 PM
One last comment, a lot of public middle schools in Tucson especially the low income schools have uniforms. The reason is that it is cheaper to buy clothes. Because a kid doesn't need to have as many shirts/pants/shorts if he is wearing the same thing everyday. It also helps kids who can afford the cool name brand shirt feel better because they are dressed just like everyone else.

08-23-2003, 07:00 AM
I too had a dress code in school. It was strict and yet we managed to find new ways to dress, that didn't violate the code but still created a new look. It was no problem. We were always a step ahead of the rules! It was fun, creative and harmless.

Most working environments have some sort of dress code. Some of course, do not, but many do. These days in school should serve as a test and taste of what you may have in store for you later in life.

I trust everyone knows the reasonings behind dress codes and rules? I don't necessarily agree with all of the codes, but......."when in Rome"......."do as the Romans do"........ Or not!

There are many rules in life. Some folks don't like them... I never did...but have learned to appreciate the uniform in schools and the easing up of some of the emense peer pressure involved with dressing as a teen.

I know rules and regulations are not fun, but they are not punishment either. You can live through this stage and then do what you want when you are in college or out of high school.

Hang in there ladies and gentlemen, you can do it. Have fun with the rules.


08-25-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
One last comment, a lot of public middle schools in Tucson especially the low income schools have uniforms. The reason is that it is cheaper to buy clothes. Because a kid doesn't need to have as many shirts/pants/shorts if he is wearing the same thing everyday. It also helps kids who can afford the cool name brand shirt feel better because they are dressed just like everyone else.

That's one reason why I wouldn't be extremely mad if my public school would have to wear uniforms. But I just wouldn't like the idea of a strict dress code. I mean what if someone didn't have any jeans without holes in them?

08-26-2003, 09:19 AM
I think kids should be able to wear whatever they like so long as it doesn't interfere with learning. There's no accounting for poor taste in this world, ya know. But, at the same time, there should be a level of decency, etc.
I'm torn because I beleive that much of high school should be preparing you for life after high school. And, in the real world, most of us have dress codes. I'm not allowed to have a mohawk or wear belly shirts to my office. It would be considered unprofessional. I guess I don't see how common sense and decency should be different in my office than in your high school. On the other hand, I hate the rules and "guidelines". I wish all people could just exercise some common sense and we'd all avoid this over legislation in all parts of society, not just school dress codes.

As far as the opinion that dress codes are good because some kids can afford more expensive clothes than others....
Sorry kids, but that's just life. As long as you live there will be people with more money and more things than you have. If you can't deal with it, then you'll never make it. I'd like to have a BMW like my friend who married better. But, that's not going to happen. What should we do, ban BMW's so it doesn't hurt my self esteem.?

And, it pains me to see how many kids are graduating from US schools without even the slightest grasp of the english language. Some can't read, others can't tell you whether the Mona Lisa is a painting or a sculpture. Others can't multiply or divide. It's really sad. So, something must be done. I just don't think dress codes are going to help all that much. Maybe we all don't need to "express ourselves" so much. Maybe we need to learn to read??? Take the title of this thread, for instance? Typo or misspelled word? Far or Fare?

08-31-2003, 07:30 PM
2kitties and ES,
I could not have said it better. Dress codes exist not because everyone dresses 'ok', but, because everyone doesn't. It isn't a punishment, but a minimum bar, usually.

If you must be who you are, and, that is ONLY defined by how you dress, don't be upset when I label you sleazy white trash...call it art, call it 'style', call it whatever you like...impressions/appearances count, matter, can define you, limit you. I don't know too many jobs that don't expect a certain amount of decorum.

08-31-2003, 09:22 PM
Want to hear a stupid rule we have?

No gang colors.

What the hell is a gang color? They won't even tell us when we ask!:rolleyes:


08-31-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
And, it pains me to see how many kids are graduating from US schools without even the slightest grasp of the english language. Some can't read, others can't tell you whether the Mona Lisa is a painting or a sculpture. Others can't multiply or divide. It's really sad. So, something must be done. I just don't think dress codes are going to help all that much. Maybe we all don't need to "express ourselves" so much. Maybe we need to learn to read??? Take the title of this thread, for instance? Typo or misspelled word? Far or Fare?


08-31-2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by allanimalswelcome
Want to hear a stupid rule we have?

No gang colors.

What the hell is a gang color? They won't even tell us when we ask!:rolleyes:

~Rachel For example: Kids have been killed for wearing a bandana that was the color of a rival gang without even knowing they were.
Generally, kids who live in heavy gang areas are better off with a limited dress code, it can actually save your life. Imagine getting shot by a drive by because you happened to wear an "enemy" style or color. It happens. But it does seem a little ridiculous to tell you not to wear "gang colors" without telling you what colors they have identified as being gang colors!! As is often the case, they probably don't know, just know about scenarios like what I just told you about. Between LA and San Diego, there are a lot of gangs, and they aren't run by kids, either.

About "style":
Kids who come from more priviledged areas sometimes buy styles to show their stature either as a style slut or as a rebel who really isn't at all influenced by all the affluence around them. You might be surprised to find out where so many marketed styles originate. We used to tie dye or batik our jeans, and when they got holes we'd sew embroidered patches all over them. It was interesting to see how long you could maintain one pair of jeans. And yes, we did wash them. Contrary to what our elders used to say. Needless to say, before long the styles were available in all the retail stores, at an outrageous (at the time) price. It really pissed off people whose whole objective was to resist the economic rape of the American people. The idea that you could make beautiful things from your old things was buried under clever marketing and people lined up to spend money they didn't have to buy clothes that would fall apart in no time. Planned obsolescence isn't just for cars. And we perpetuate it with a pseudo-concept called "latest style". I know you all have seen it: selling jeans that are "pre-torn", those stupid looking things with the faded stripes that you could do with your own butt, if you wanted to, etc. etc. You've seen it, too. Hey, keep all your stuff, it'll come back around - I had some hip-huggers that would rock your world, some faded and torn jeans that were exceptionally good looking, and platforms to die for - in the 70s! HA
Do you know where the "jeans hanging off your butt" originated? Or the chains hanging off stuff? It's interesting how many styles evolve out of criminal and jailhouse origins. Being "bad" isn't all it's cracked up to be. Ask some lifer sometime how much fun she's getting out of life

I do think it's sad to have a society so screwed up you can't express your individuality, but I also agree that school is supposed to be about getting educated. . Although you do get a lot of your social education in school by default, ideally people have social events outside school that fill that part of your education. What will surprise you the most later in life is how very much like school the work world is, in terms of subcultures, games, friendships and enmities, etc. And that applies to both blue collar and white collar occupations! I know, I've been in both.

09-01-2003, 08:34 AM
Oh yes.. and the really STUPID one is
7.no frayed or ripped clothing

What if that's all they have?!?! What if they can't afford nice clothing. HOW STUPID.
Just picking this on out as an example.

Ok the reason these schools r doing this is because they want to weed out the $ of kids they have. Thats what my old HS did. They had too many kids, but the government said they can have more, so they made sutpid rules to weed out the herd. Ours was mostly clothing related & nothing more then that, but it sure cleaned up the school quick. Less trashy & less fights, & drug problems. Around here the kids who dress down r 90% trouble makers & druggies. They don't dress for the look. I have no problems with REAL goths, but these goth wannabes r driving me up the wall. Oh weres all dark & scarry looking we have to do bad things!! Not goths dress for the look & tend to be a tad more quiet, not these psychos screaming & yelling... damn wannabes