View Full Version : For Aly...

07-19-2001, 06:55 AM
What's wrong with Reece? I haven't been keeping up lately like I should be.

07-19-2001, 06:05 PM
Hi Tanya.

Reece got back his constipation/throwing up problem again. The reason he was throwing up this time though was because he would strain so hard. He didn't go to the bathroom for 2 days :( but every time we went out he ran to the grass like he had to go so bad :( Broke my heart. I did give him the medicine from the last time and that helped. So this was like the 4th time in 2 and a half months he was having these problems. I'm still trying to pinpoint what causes it.

Also his anal glands are irritating him so much. He is going to get them removed but I don't have the appointment yet. His tonsils are always swollen because he licks his butt SOOOO much. He also has chronic yeast infections which could also be causing the swollen tonsils. I clean his ears twice a day religiously but he still gets the infections.

When he gets his constipation, he worries me so much. I make a big ordeal out of anything wrong with any of my animals. I know every detail of their bodies and the second anything changes, we are at the vet. I take better care of them than of myself, hehe. After Reece gets his surgery and I can pinpoint the constipation problem, hopefully then I can try to figure why he's so prone to yeast infections. Then he'll be all better :) I have to wonder if his previous owners ever took care of this stuff.

Look how shaggy he's getting, we're due for grooming soon:

Thanks for asking about him Tanya! :)

07-19-2001, 06:07 PM
Hehhehe. I was looking through some pictures and I found this funny one. I can't stop laughing at it. I know, I'm being a bad mom :)


07-19-2001, 06:33 PM
Aly, I think I like Reese a little shaggy. He is just so little and when he gets shaved, there is almost nothing to him! He's adorable, and I hope he will be feeling better very soon.


07-19-2001, 07:27 PM
Hope the Reece-Man is feeling better soon.

Sue, Killi and Shiloh

07-19-2001, 08:00 PM
I hope Reece will be ok!! Best wishes to Reece!!

Daisy's Mom
07-19-2001, 08:09 PM
Reece is adorable as usual! I hope his little poopy problems get better! We love ya, Reece and Aly!

07-19-2001, 08:30 PM
Aly, whether he's shaggy or whether he's shaved bald Reece is a cutie patootie!!! Love that little guy!! And you could never be a bad mom!!

07-19-2001, 08:48 PM
Aly, I think Reece looks cute just the way he is, I sure hope he is feeling better.

07-19-2001, 09:33 PM
Aly... I think the 'funny' pic of Reece is one of his Best.The look in His eyes is priceless!!
My Indy Vet routinely removes the anal glands when they have their pet spay/neuter
procedure done. He says they are organs no longer really used by the animals.( Kind of like the appendix in humans),but these glands can becomeome blocked and can harbor infection. Maybe you will finally see an end
to other problems if the Vet does this procedure for Reece.

07-19-2001, 09:57 PM
Simba has alot of thoose problems. His ears, rear- end, and skin get pretty bad at times.. he sometimes get really flakey. I cry when he throws up. He has a sad face after he throws up and if he doesn't make it outside he allways puts his tail between his legs because he thinks he has doen something bad with not getting outside in time to throw up out there.

07-20-2001, 06:52 AM
Poor little Reece. Hans gets his anal glands drained every 4 weeks. I think if the glands are really full dogs can get constipated. Maybe the 2 problems are actually 1. Hopefully. Well, that is not good news. I hope he gets better soon. I consider Reece one of my own! Remember, he was my inspiration for getting Fritz!

07-20-2001, 08:33 AM
Boy, Reece has sure had his problems. The poor little guy. I hope everything comes out okay for him in the end. :D Hopefully the surgery will take care of everything. I, too, like the shaggy look.

07-20-2001, 08:55 AM
Good luck, Reecie-Boy, cutie!!!