View Full Version : Finally got the shedding blade!

08-06-2003, 09:53 AM
I've meantioned that Rocky and Taz have started shedding like devils. I've tried everything, all kinds of grooming tools, brushes, wipes, oils, etc. Nothing gets it all. Then I got the shedding blade the Miss Edwina likes so much.

Last night, I tried to take the boys into the garage for the combing, but that didn't work out as the garage makes them think they're going to the vet.

So, I put them in a huge box full of paper- kitty heaven. Then started the shedding blade. OH, you'd think they had lost control of their functions. Apparently, the shedding blade FEELS GOOD! They just collapsed into it and started purring and rubbing their heads. It was hilarious.

Anyway, I worked on them for about an hour. Got two huge hair clumps from Taz, then 4 from Rocky. These clumps are as big as both my hands open palms up.

I highly recommend the shedding blade. They recommend doing it weekly. And, since the boys like it so much, I probably will.

Here are the pics from our first shedding blade experience.
Here's Taz getting ready, hanging out in the box:
Here is the first hairball-
Note: Taz had 2 of these and Rocky lost 4! Size of each hair ball was approximatly two hands palms open.
Whew, I feel better now!

08-06-2003, 09:56 AM
I am interested in getting one of those for my guys. Where did you pick it up?

08-06-2003, 09:57 AM
PetSmart was the only place I found one for cats, but I'm sure your local pet store has them too. But Petco does not.

08-06-2003, 09:58 AM
Thanks, I have a PetSmart a few miles away. But I definitely like your idea of "kitty heaven". I think that I will have to try that for all of my guys (4 of them) :D :D

08-06-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties


Hey, I guess you could easily knit a third kitten out of this stuff...;) ;) ;)

08-06-2003, 11:10 AM
I bought my shedding blades at Agway.

I posted last week that Mystic was making a toupe for her daddy with all the fur she looses, but I have yet to get a picture of her daddy wearing his toupe. Mystic will actually yowl and yip at me when she sees the grooming tools. It is so funny. If she is out in the backyard all you have to do is yell "Mystic Groom Time" and she comes running.


08-06-2003, 12:04 PM
Hmmmmm, I almost got one of those this week, but picked up on like they had at Wolflady's shelter cause it worked so well. I think its cause all those shelter cats are shedding and don't get brushed.

Hmm....I think I'll be going to PetSmart today. :) Thanks for the great, CONVINCING pictures. :)

08-06-2003, 01:20 PM
I think I too need to get one of those. Terra is always shedding and this year has been the worse yet. Despite my grooming her everyday with the Zoom Groom, she's still yacking up hairballs at the rate of nearly every other day. Time for a new too and this sounds (and looks :eek: ) like a winner!

08-06-2003, 01:58 PM
Woa:eek: Mystick lost a bunch. That's about how much I got from Taz, but Rocky is my furriest boy. It just kept on coming off him. Poor thing, he must feel better now without all that hair!

The shedding blade was amazing. I'd tried absolutly everything. Until this, my best success was with the rubber brush. But, this was far and away the best.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-06-2003, 02:27 PM
I agree, that the shedding blade is the absolute best thing around for grooming cats. Tubby has never looked so good or felt so soft in his entire 17 years! :eek:

I brush him now every chance I get, and every time I brush him I get at least a pile like you show here. I really don't know where he gets all that hair. :rolleyes:

And he likes being groomed also, but I always seem to push it too far. I want to do his tummy, and he absolutely hates when anyone touches his tummy. So he starts making these noises like I'm killing him or something. Terry comes running out to see who's killing the cat, and I'm sure the neighbors wonder what's going on too, but I gotta do it or he would look kinda strange - all sleek and shiny up top and all fluffy and hair down below. ;) :D

I absolutely highly recommend these. :)

08-06-2003, 06:33 PM
Ok, would someone please fill me in on this shedding blade? I must have missed the orginal post about it, and have no idea WHAT this is! But, it does sound interesting! Is it a machine? Can you post a picture of it? Any info would help.....Thanks!:D

08-06-2003, 06:42 PM
I want one!! I don't even know if they have them here .. we don't have a Petco or Petsmart store =/

08-06-2003, 06:53 PM
This (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29332&highlight=shedding) is the original post.

Miss Meow
08-06-2003, 07:00 PM
They're big hairballs :eek:

We brush ours and go over them with a lint remover, but the shedding blade looks much more effective!

08-06-2003, 07:58 PM
I've had one for awhile, but everytime I use it I end up getting so much hair up my nose and around my face that I end up getting sick. When I would use it I would have to take a shower immediatly to get rid of the cat hair on me. Maybe I should try wearing one of those face masks next time I use it.

08-06-2003, 08:26 PM
Yep Laura I was going to suggest that!!!

WOWZA that is alot of hair!!!

08-06-2003, 11:21 PM
I also have one and I highly recommend it too. :D Storm, Sunny, and Cirrus love it but Sky becomes very wiggly and bitey. I think I get the most fur off of Storm. I bought mine at Petco and it just happened to be on sale too. :)

08-06-2003, 11:40 PM
I picked one up on sale last week. Both Cassy and Livvy love it. I have a thigh high trash can that sits under one of the window hammocks and I'd drop the excess fur in there. It was over half full when I quit brushing Livvy earlier this week. The extra kept coming off and coming off and I was late for work ... amazing groomer tool.

08-07-2003, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by ScantyNebula
I want one!! I don't even know if they have them here .. we don't have a Petco or Petsmart store =/

I would love to have one of these as well Johanna. If you find one around here please let me know.

08-07-2003, 10:06 AM
Rosemary, I got one! Its at "The Dog House" just up from where I work on Duckworth Street! It was 14 dollars total .. I can't wait to go home and try it dinner time! :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-07-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
... but I always seem to push it too far.

So he starts making these noises like I'm killing him or something.
Terry comes running out to see who's killing the cat,
and I'm sure the neighbors wonder what's going on too...

Sound jest like our howze... :rolleyes:

Dad anna Kat settle into the kliner chair for a groom job...
Ebberbuddie happie aza klam fur a few minnitz....
LOTTA PURrrrrin an happie tail Swissshin...

Then... the *purrin* fades a bit...
the tail startz twitchin onna end...

Uhhh, Dad - check dem EARbonez - looks like he's gettin ready fur take-off...
anna engine is revin up into full *Grrrrrrr* pitch...
Dont think he's so *happie* ennie more...

Duz Dad take notice? Nope!
Not till da Kat digs in wiff 4PD (4-paw drive) an makes a dash fur his hide-out inna fallin waddur klozit!

Kat'z Dun! :p
Smoke - ya wanna be next?


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-07-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
anna engine is revin up into full *Grrrrrrr* pitch...
Dont think he's so *happie* ennie more...

:D :D Yep, that's exactly how it goes! The other night Tubby was so funny with his growling. After a few "you're killing me!" screams, I stopped with the brush and was just petting him with my hand. Then the growls started. I'd scratch between his shoulders - which he loves - and he'd stop for a second, sniff the breeze, look over yonder like something was going on, then start with the growling again. After awhile he basically ignored my hand, except that the growl kept up....for about 10 minutes there was just this deep rumble in his throat, and it definetely wasn't a purr! I think he thought he was doing it quietly enough that I couldn't hear it because he just kept pretending I wasn't even petting him, just looking around and stuff. But eventually he gave in and did the ol' turn the head upside down stretch thing, which usually means he's completely content. So the 10 minute growl session was all just a big show. :rolleyes: :D

Here's a pic of the turn the head upside down stretch thing in case you were wondering. Now does this look like a cat that's been growling for the last 10 minutes? :rolleyes:

08-07-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

This looks like a sudden snooze attack...zzzZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!

No work is ever that interesting like a good nap!!!:D :D :D
And any time is "NAPTIME"...yeah throw away your shovels and zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Felicia's Mom
08-07-2003, 07:28 PM
I have one that I forgot about until I saw this thread. I wasn't sure where I put it, but found it and gave both cats a brushing with it. Both Felicia and Beau enjoyed it.

08-08-2003, 12:57 AM
Taz your namesake lives here in NZ , just around the corner from me, looks exactly like you. BEAUTIFUL:)

08-08-2003, 07:32 AM
I got one of these brushes from a local pet supply place and some Petromalt to help Terra with her hair ball issues.

She LOVES the Petromalt. After only 2 days, she comes running when she hears me open the drawer that I keep it in. She's so thorough about getting it all off my finger, that she's nearly taken the top layer of skin off too.

The blade itself is great. In just one swipe, I can get a whole lotta hair off her and she seems to enjoy it. My only complaint (which isn't really even a complaint) is that the loop is so big (or Terra so small) that only parts of it are actually on her, pullling off dead fur, when I use it. I probably should have just bought a smaller blade. Live and learn.

08-08-2003, 12:28 PM
We just used a brush ang got a big grey pile as big as the cat himself! Anyway that probably works really well too, probably better.

08-19-2003, 08:50 AM
I meant to search DOGS so I could find the post relating to dogs and the shedding blade...but, can't find it and can't wait to give my totally singing endorsment of this product!

I shedded Binx and was certain I would find a minature St. B by the time I was done. I got so much hair it was unbelievable, and I am certain I would have gotten more had I done it more completely. I cannot wait to get a mini shedder for the herd....what a remarkable product! This was the 3rd brush I got for Binx. It will be the only one I use. It is that good.

feeling frisky
08-26-2003, 04:07 PM
Meow all!! Thank you for the great idea!! I will be making the trip to petsmart this weekend!! Now if I can just get brave enough to cut their nails!! I really like that idea of paper in box idea. When I brush my Chloe she walks all over the house.She luvs to get brushed but wont set still.It's like a work out for me!!Corbyn on the other hand just falls at my feet and "flashes"me. He also luvs to get brushed.He dosn't shed as bad as Chloe.What is it with us girls and our hair???

02-20-2004, 07:16 PM
I know this is an old thread, but we finally had a chance to go to PetSmart (nearest one is over an hour away) and we picked up a shedding blade while we were there. It works great! Two of the three cats absolutely enjoyed being groomed. It must feel nice to get rid of all of that extra hair.

guster girl
02-20-2004, 10:05 PM
I wish I had seen this thread a month ago. I must've spent forty dollars on grooming products for Lock before I found the shedding blade. I'd had one before, but, forgotten about it. And, Lock's fur is more like a pelt than regular cat hair, and, nothing worked on him. My boyfriend is allergic, too, so, it's important in a lot of ways for Lock to not throw as much hair around. I vacuum really well after I'm done brushing him and then, I use a pet hair remover tape thing for me! I spend forty five minutes brushing Lock each time! I just don't understand how that much hair comes off and he still is covered in fur. It seems like they'd be bald. ;)

02-24-2004, 11:28 AM
I definitely am getting one , for my pal ,Moose The Magnificent , as his fur gets so tangled , and he has to be groomed! Which he doesnt like , at ALL!!!!!!!!!!

02-24-2004, 04:34 PM
It's a wonderful tool and I love it, just don't over do it. It will remove all your cats fur if you don't stop. I got carried away when I first used it and Orangey had a 'bald ' spot for weeks. It took out all his underfur, only the overcoat was left.

02-24-2004, 04:47 PM
can someone post a picture of the shedding blade so i know what to buy and how much it cost

02-24-2004, 04:50 PM
Shedding blade


In England they cost £5:00 ($9.50)

02-24-2004, 05:03 PM
how does it work?

02-24-2004, 06:37 PM
You think with all these long haired cats I would have one or a dozen floating around. But I don't but I am going to order some as soon as I get off of here. I have one guy who is shedding really bad. Thank you I am always learning new and wonderful things. Just shows that you are never tooooo old to learn.


02-24-2004, 06:37 PM
You think with all these long haired cats I would have one or a dozen floating around. But I don't but I am going to order some as soon as I get off of here. I have one guy who is shedding really bad. Thank you I am always learning new and wonderful things. Just shows that you are never tooooo old to learn.


02-24-2004, 06:37 PM
You think with all these long haired cats I would have one or a dozen floating around. But I don't but I am going to order some as soon as I get off of here. I have one guy who is shedding really bad. Thank you I am always learning new and wonderful things. Just shows that you are never tooooo old to learn.


02-24-2004, 07:55 PM
Since we have no petsmart or petcos around us, we just ordered ours online, it should be shipping soon. Can't wait to try it out on my furries!!:)

02-24-2004, 09:57 PM
We got ours at PetSmart. They had a couple of different ones in the cat department. The price was in the $7-$9 range. We got the least expensive one, but it works well.