View Full Version : Leaving...

08-06-2003, 09:48 AM
...until Sunday. lol. Did I scare ya? ;)

We will actually be going to Minnesota until Wednesday to see my grandma and go shopping at the Mall of America. ;) :D :) Wish us luck...because we are bringing Lexie with us to meet my grandma's dogs (yes...DOGS...she got ANOTHER dog without telling us, which means that we may be bringing home three dogs!! YAY! LoL).

She ended up getting a Siberian Husky a few months ago and never told us...we have no idea why she even got him, though...especially after deciding about a month after that she couldn't handle either one of the dogs. Apparently, her good friend had to get rid of his dog when he went to live in a nursing home, so she decided she could take him in. Ay...

But hey, that's good for us...lol...now we might get her Husky too! YAY!!!! :)

Send plenty of good vibes our way...we'll need them. ;)

Anyway...I just wanted to explain why I won't be posting for a few days. Talk to everyone soon!!

08-06-2003, 11:04 AM
Bye! have a good trip!! Pictures please! :) :D