View Full Version : Clairice's Limp

11-27-2001, 11:00 AM
This is the story I promised to write.I'm writing @ 9:50 A.M. my time.(i should be in school, but was sent home sick with a temp of 101)Anywho, we were starting to notice Clairice limping.We just ignored the limp and thought it was no big deal,but then it started to get worse so we took her to the vet.They took x-rays and told us: At some point in time she broke her hip.Since she hadn't had any medical attion to it... the socket it was supposed to go in had grown some bone to where the hip was supposed to be.There was no way they could fix it because of the new grown bone.So now in cold she limps a little more then usual and waddles when she walks.(i think that's only cuze she's sssoooo fat :D )

11-27-2001, 11:57 AM
Awww, poor girl. I wonder how she had broken her hip :confused:

11-27-2001, 01:42 PM
Aww poor baby, I wonder how that happened ??? Dogs can do things and we wonder and wonder how on earth they did it. Wouldn't it be nice if they could talk :)

I had a goat that broke his leg bone right in half ( a horse kicked it) and the vet told me the best thing I could do was put it down :eek: I said no way do what you can I don't care if it doesn't heal striaght just as long as he can walk pain free. They did it and in 6 months he was back to his old pian in the a$$ self :D but when it was cold and damp he did limp on it.

P.S. Aly that pic of your beautiful babies in your sig. is beautiful :D

11-27-2001, 02:07 PM
Thanks Angie!!! That's quite a compliment coming from you, the photography pro!! :D :D :D