View Full Version : I can't stand this. I really can't.

08-04-2003, 08:26 PM
School starts tomorrow. I really do not want to go. I can't stand the people in my school. The people my age. The druggies that talk about selling a pound of this and that. The jerks who make fun of others just for kicks. The morons who start fights with other for the fun of it. The worthless Ho-bags who talk about who they had sex with this night and that night. The people period. I cannot stand the environment. I cannot stand anything about it.

I've been crying for the past two hours now, non-stop. I actually thought of doing things to myself in the car on the way from my uncles house. Then I just thought about Simba. How I could never leave him. I just cried even harder.

I don't want to go. I don't want to put up with the immature kids. I do no want to hear aobut their stupidity. I do not want to look at them.

I want to be homeschooled.

Sorry for taking up board space. I just needed soomewhere to vent.

08-04-2003, 08:33 PM
KayAnn, have you ever considered a private school? Are there any adults at school that you can talk to? You seem to be a very mature young lady. Maybe if you talk to a counselor about possible groups that you could associate with that would buffer you from the others that you dislike. I'm just trying to think of ways to make it more tolerable, not trying to lecture or make light of your situation.

08-04-2003, 08:34 PM
I was in the band program in school, thats were most all my friends were. :)

I didn't get along with many others. I left those people alone, and they usually left me alone. :rolleyes:

Try to get involved with band/chorus/debate/tennis or some other group. Develope friends there and it will help build a buffer with between yourself and the others.

08-04-2003, 08:35 PM
Oh Kayann I know it's hard, being a teenager sucks huh?

School sucks, I know I've been there. All I can really say is to ignore the kids, try to make the best of your life that you possible can by doing well in school. I know people can put up a lot of BS it happens everywhere but in time the losers and such will mature (at least we hope they will) and they'll realize that they aren't really all that and they're life isn't and wasn't as cool as they thought it was. You're a smart talented girl who I know can and will rise above all this, just put a little faith in yourself.

If things still don't improve well then talk to your parents see what they say about home schooling, you can always give it a shot what's it going to hurt to try?

Till then though if you need to talk or anything, you know I'll be there to let you vent and stuff, and I know you know how to find me :D

Now go and cuddle and give Simba and Nala some loving and try to forget all that's worrying you. Worry will just age you prematurely and you don't want that now do you?

08-04-2003, 08:42 PM
I understand I was the same in school, I did homeschool my 2 kids . They both had different ways of seeing the world. My daughter is an artist like her dad. My son had some medical challanges and was very sensitive. They both have turned out ok, both have jobs and drive to excell in them.
You just concentrae on subjects not socalizing and make school your "job" and after school life to do your socilizing ( thats how I made it plus night classes in the community college to grad. early.)
Chin up you always have us here. ;)

08-04-2003, 08:55 PM
Yeah I'm scared about high school too. Starts in a few weeks.

All of a sudden I'm at the top of the world as an 8th grader, oldest in the school and now all of a sudden, BANG I'm at the bottom of the pole again.

I am SCARED out of my mind.

08-04-2003, 08:59 PM
I was scared when I first went to highschool too. Now I just can't stand it. Highschool is horrible. I don't understand wh I waqs so happy to get out of middle school. Now I miss it.

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2003, 09:00 PM
I'm so sorry that you have to go to such a horrible school. Do you have friends in that school? I know that friends make my school worth going to (of course all 10 people in my grade are my friend so :rolleyes: ).

When do you guys get out of school? Our school still doesn't start for another 3 or so weeks, I'm surprised you are going back so "early".

I wish you the best of luck! Just keep thinking you get to see Simba at the end of the day.


08-04-2003, 09:01 PM
I hate school too.

Of course, now being summer, I'm bored and so can't wait to get back to school and see my friends and hopefully start a better life. But I know how that works. I get excited, than a week goes by and I hate it. :(

Your parents won't home school you? My mom won't. :(

Just think about how you need to get through this so you can get a good job and support Simba and Nala.

08-04-2003, 09:06 PM
My mom said she'd check into it but I think that was just her sad attempt of stopping me from crying. :(

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:10 PM
I can somewhat relate, KayAnn. I mean I get in trouble all the friggin' time, which I'm getting sick of doing. But I can't help but 'let go' when the teachers do the stupidest crap and p*ss me off. School starts for me on the 18th of August and I am anything but looking forward to it. In my school, there's like 3 major groups.... the preps. The preppy jocks, too. But the preps who all wear the same brand of clothing, Aeropostale, A&F, GAP, whatever it is, they all have it. Almost NO preps can think for themselves and are so unoriginal. And boy do they talk about those who aren't like them... such as myself. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I think the most 'stupidest' argument I ever got into with a few preps was... well let me just explain it. We were in science class, our table were our groups for this project. We had to make a model of something? And then present it to the class. Well, my 'freak' friends and I were at the table right next to the preps. My friends and I glanced around the room and then these people next to us put up their binders to block our view from seeing what they're doing. I asked them what the hell were they doing? They're like, "well, we don't want you to steal our ideas." I'm like... "if I was going to steal ideas, I sure as hell wouldn't steal it from you preps." (You know those odd times in class where everyone gets silent for some reason.) Of course, that odd silence had to happen when I said that. Then everyone was staring at me. Half of the class laughed and the preps stared at me and said, "What?!" Like 'how dare I call them preps...' what they are. Geeze. After that of course, they started talking about me. *|[ If anyone is reading this, just to let you all know how stupid I am... I repeated the 9th grade, because my first freshman year, I skipped about 3/4's of it... so they held me back and now this year I'm in the 10th. I'm retarded. :o ]|* So, I go to school with a whole age group down from me. I go with 14 and 15 year olds. How embarassing. :o But... know you all know. The other group is freaks. My school is like 1/3 FREAKS. It's pretty cool. I don't like to classify myself as a freak, but I guess when I say 'freak,' you can think... ORIGINAL people. At my old highschool, no piercings were allowed. Here, they're allowed, even the teachers have them. The other group is the like punk, skater people. No offense, but those people just annoy me. They're always carrying their skateboard and they wear like all Etnies and Vans and DC stuff. They just over-do it a little too much. Then of course, among these 3 groups are the potheads. Weed smells like CRAP. They come to school smelling like it, ew. They're always talking about it, it gets so annoying. I used to think it'd be cool to be a pothead. But, my views have definitely changed on that. Since there are no cameras in my school, there are plenty of places to hang out and smoke. And believe me... they do. I hate school and the teachers think they can just disrespect me and walk all over me because they're "authority" and I'm not. Haha, not gonna happen. That's why I find myself in the office all the friggin' time... which I'll put a stop to this year. Just stay strong, KayAnn. Only 4 years of this crap and you're done with it. :) :D

Sorry so long.

08-04-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by I Love Brian, Forever <3
Only 4 years of this crap and you're done with it. :) :D

Four years? Isn't she going into grade ten or eleven? I'd just assume, since you're about my age, Kay Ann, and I'm going into grade eleven. :confused:

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2003, 09:25 PM
Ughh, un fare! I'm just starting Highschool :( and I'm 15 too (stinks to be stupid, get good grades kids! LOL)

Kayann- Whatever you do don't go to a christian school, I'm messed up for life because of last year, LOL.


I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Four years? Isn't she going into grade ten or eleven? I'd just assume, since you're about my age, Kay Ann, and I'm going into grade eleven. :confused:

I mean 4 years of highschool, total. :) :D

08-04-2003, 09:28 PM
Already going back to school?!?! :eek::eek: WOW! That's early. I still have a month left.

I'm sorry you're so upset about going back. :( I know, high school is horrible. I really hate it. It sucks. :(

Good luck. Are you considering home schooling, or you just *want* to?

08-04-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by I Love Brian, Forever <3
I mean 4 years of highschool, total. :) :D

Oh, okies :)

I think it's pretty early to go back to school too. I don't go back until September 4th..

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:37 PM
lucky you, lol.

What time does school start for you?

My school is totally screwed. It starts at 8:05 and lets out at 2:25, or 2:05? lol, I forgot. And we don't have like 'periods' or whatever, we have block scheduling. So it's A. days and B. days. On each day we have 4, 1.5 hour classes. It sucks.

How about you?

08-04-2003, 09:39 PM
We got out in early May, so that's why we're going back so early.

School starts at 7 bleh.

I really want to be homeschooled. I'd be able to be home with the only things i care about all day.

08-04-2003, 09:43 PM
Unfortunatly I know exactly what you mean. I hate ppl so much..most of them. If it wasn't for work, I'd prob still think all ppl are evil..but the guests at work are soo nice most of the time..anyway off sub. Ppl at my school were always being made fun of for stupid reasons..I actually remember one guy who was always after me because I was shy..?! wtf? I mean really..He'd sit there for the longest time asking me stupid things and making me feel like crap cause he knew I wouldn't say anything..I'd love to see him do it now..I've actually changed a lot from then and would tell him off..-sigh- I wish I were like that then. Anyway that was jr high. High school for me was almost a breath of fresh air. Jr high was so horrible for me so I guess thats why. I'm glad to be finished though. Ppl are still immature and fixed on drugs and alchy. Gr..Sry but I cant stand those ppl even though those ppl are my friends. I couldn't hang around them when they took out drinks cause it sickens me how they act..I really don't need to loose respect for my friends. It upsets me actually cause I no longer get invited with them a lot 'well, we figured you wouldn't want to cause you don't like alcohol. Whatever :( Nice to know. Anyway Kay, you'll be done soon (2 yrs right? or 1?) Just ignore those ppl even if its hard..its the only thing you can do..for me..it was just going to class then leaving..so maybe thats why it didn't bother me so much.the students were afraid/respected the teachers not to act up so that was ok..Hopefully homeschooling will work for you...I hear good things about it :p

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:46 PM
Off subj., but very cool sig, slleipnir. :) :D

08-04-2003, 09:46 PM
My school starts at 9:00 and ends at 3:15. We have ABCD days, and EFGH days, and the blocks get switched around each day. The blocks are 75 minutes long each.

Your guys' schools start early, that must suck. :(

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2003, 09:49 PM
Mine starts at 8:15 and goes till 2:50. BLAH :( I don't want to go back why did you have to remind me? Hey Kay, I'm thinking about running away before school starts, I'd be willing to start tonight and meet you half way between Florida and PA and we can back pack across america with our pups. Sounds good?

:D Ash

08-04-2003, 09:49 PM
We're on the 4x4 schedual, only 4 classes a day and we get out at 2.

I have three years left, including this one. I wish to be homeschooled and i really hope my parents consider it. I wonder if I could start now.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:49 PM
Ooh, I'd hate to have your block scheduling, Jordan. :eek: :eek:

When I went to an alternative school, we started school at 9:45 and ended at 2:30, it was so great. And the work was so easy. It was at the end of 8th grade that I went b/c... well it's a long story. But anyway, 6th, 7th AND 8th graders were are all put in the same classes. So you could pretty much say I worked on a 6th grade level the whole time I was there. Sad to say, but that's pretty much the only way I passed the 8th grade... cause at my regular middle school, all I did was... nothing. No work, none whatsoever. I really gotta straighten up my act. :o


08-04-2003, 09:54 PM
Here, school begins Aug 11, ends May 25. And my step son will start at 7:30 AM, and get out at 2:10 PM. Not sure what they are doing about study groups or the like.

08-04-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by I Love Brian, Forever <3
Ooh, I'd hate to have your block scheduling, Jordan. :eek: :eek:

Yeah it's confusing lol. First day is ABCD, second is EFGH, third is DABC, fourth is HEFG, then CDAB, then GHEF, and on and on and such. It's annoying lol.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Yeah it's confusing lol. First day is ABCD, second is EFGH, third is DABC, fourth is HEFG, then CDAB, then GHEF, and on and on and such. It's annoying lol.

lmao, I'm retarded. You just *totally* lost me there. :o :o

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:56 PM
OH wait, nevermind I got it. lol. :o :D

I Love Brian, Forever <3
08-04-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
We're on the 4x4 schedual, only 4 classes a day and we get out at 2.

I have three years left, including this one. I wish to be homeschooled and i really hope my parents consider it. I wonder if I could start now.

What time do you start school?

4 classes a day and no alternating classes? I would so love that.
Or am I wrong with the whole 'alternating' thing?

08-04-2003, 09:58 PM
I know I'm going to sound "OLD", but I'll risk it. :)

I know school sucks, especially if you aren't the cheerleader or the football captain...but, you can concentrate on what you're there for and actually go to college (READ: FUN!!!!). If your grades suck now, its not too late to get in gear and study. $$ isn't an issue, there are so many programs out there for scholarships and free education $$.

Trust me, please. My BIGGEST regret in my almost 25 years was that I screwed off in high school. :( :( :( I wish I would have straightened up, ignored my home life and gotten the grades I'm capable of. Now, I'm 25 and STILL in junior college with a bunch of 17-18 year olds and I feel like a loser.

Please, concentrate on school work and ignore those people. They aren't worth your time or energy.

KayAnn...I hope you have a good day tomorrow. :) I'll be thinking of you, OK?

08-04-2003, 10:04 PM
Is there any way you could take a GED early?-is there a high school site where you can take an equivalency exam? Maybe school online? I really feel sorry for kids now days-too many pressures and so much emphasis is made on appearance and being part of a certain group. Hey I know it's lousy;but if you need any help with school-Here it is-I have a 168 IQ-just don't ask about math, please. Hey cheer up you have something none of the other kids have in school-a whole bunch of PTers who like you!!

08-04-2003, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
School starts tomorrow. I really do not want to go. I can't stand the people in my school. The people my age. The druggies that talk about selling a pound of this and that. The jerks who make fun of others just for kicks. The morons who start fights with other for the fun of it. The worthless Ho-bags who talk about who they had sex with this night and that night. The people period. I cannot stand the environment. I cannot stand anything about it.

I've been crying for the past two hours now, non-stop. I actually thought of doing things to myself in the car on the way from my uncles house. Then I just thought about Simba. How I could never leave him. I just cried even harder.

I don't want to go. I don't want to put up with the immature kids. I do no want to hear aobut their stupidity. I do not want to look at them.

I want to be homeschooled.

Sorry for taking up board space. I just needed soomewhere to vent.

That really makes me happy about starting high school! :o

08-04-2003, 10:15 PM
KayAnn, lovey. What classes do you need to take to graduate? Talk to a school counselor now, and see if there are some you could take from home/study on your own and test out of ...

What kind of career are you thinking of? Are there classes you could focus on and enjoy that might make the others worthwhile?

What college or other education/next step are you considering for after high school? If there's one you have your heart set on, speak to an Admissions counselor there for advice on what classes/grades you'd need to get in, then you can concentrate on your future, work hard in those classes and not struggle with classes you don't need.

Are there teachers you respect? Perhaps you could work something out with them?

Find out what you need to graduate. It's different in every state, so I can't suggest anything without knowing all this ...

Okay - all that aside, I know English is one of your better subjects ... consider high school as great fodder for your first great novel - become a detached observer, and every day write down one stupid thing you saw, or one frustration - keep a journal. It'll keep you amused, and maybe you could turn it in for extra credit! ;) Just change a few names, and it'll read like either high drama or great sarcastic comedy!

And oh, all of you? Guess what - this too shall pass.

08-04-2003, 10:23 PM
Doesn't school just suck Kay? I hate the people in my school...They are so judgemental and so immuture. I can't stand them they only thing that makes it half way decent is my two friends and Capt. Cracker. Everyone should have a Capt. Cracker. He's one of those saltine kinds. and we like to tape them in out lockers...why? I dont know...but everytime I open my locker I laugh so hard. I that you keep your friends close. Don't get detention...lol I should talk and find your own Capt. Cracker and next year we'll all come join your school...man, I'm gonna have a long bus ride every morning. If all else fails more to some place so cold thats all you can think about.

08-04-2003, 10:28 PM
Im going into the 7th grade:( I dont want too! this is a brand new school for me. Im going to be so confused with classes:confused: Ill be a fricken retard in math class:( but other classes i guesse are O.K.? but 7th grade bites for me. Aug. 15 im gonna go to my >NEW< school to check it out so I can fing everything O.K.?:confused: :( :( I wanna cry I dont wanna go too 7th grade!!!! But I just know that ill have my friends there to help me~ lol they always do! anyways...My school umm starts at ??
well alls I know is that I have to be at the bus stop by 7:30 and we get out at 3:00! this really bites!!!! sorry im blabbing about this!
I wish i was home schooled!
So i could be with Katie, Maggie, and my Gracie!

08-04-2003, 10:32 PM
Kayann, I heard that of recent homeschool "stuff" (not entirely sure what that consists of) is available online. It is possible that you could have a teacher in another city/state and do your homework via email/fax.

As cliche as it sounds, I've been there too. High school sucked until my senior year...that was a blast! I, too, PLEADED with my mom to homeschool and/or let me take the GED. It wasn't that I was miserable with the people, I was just bored with the school work--it came too easy for me and I wanted to move on quicker with my life. Mom, the big meanie ;), wouldn't let me. I know this isn't what you want to hear but... don't rush it. There is SO much growing up to do in those few years. That being said, every circumstance is different. I fully support your decision one way or another and I hope you are able to choose one that makes you happiest.

Now, with all that, I want to "warn" you that if you ARE able to complete classes via email... be careful and take precautions. I'm working my masters via online courses, so a couple of precautionary words of wisdom:
ALWAYS have your homework completed ahead of time. You never know when you'll experience technical difficulties (including bad weather).
DON'T fall in to the routine of procrastinating! (That's my hardest one!)

Good luck today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter. K'Cee, Piper, and I will hold you in our thoughts.

08-04-2003, 10:36 PM
Also, KayAnn - see http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us/ as there are several "career" high schools that might be a good alternative for you. Can;t hurt to see what's out there.

08-04-2003, 11:12 PM
I sooooo know how u feel... I don't know how many detenions I had to serve for running away from HS to walk around town doing nothing, or hitch hiking back to my town to go home.

I was so happy when I finished HS, I thought college was gonna be great!! ITS WORSE!!! at college the teachers try to talk over the students, but at least in HS the teachers can toss the talkers out of class.

08-04-2003, 11:51 PM
It sounds tough being at High School these day's, I'm not a hundred percent certain on what High School in nz is like these's day's but we donot seem to have so much pressure , like for instant we don't have Jocks and Cheerleaders, and preppys , maybe we have another name for those, I guess I will find out when my daughter goes in two and half years time.

I also here about sororitys and fraternitys (excuse spelling) , in college, we have none of that, and hazing, woa, thats sound's like bad stuff to me, I get somewhat confused about the American system, as it seems so different from our's.

There just seems a lot of pressure in your schools ,so I can understand Kay-ann and her concerns to going back, I do hope home-schooling is on the cards for you. Good luck with persuading your parents.:)

08-05-2003, 12:36 AM
Zippy, a friend of mine actually does *online homeschooling*. She moved to the Middle East 2 years ago and didn't know Arabic, so going to school there was tough for her. Her parents enrolled her in some online homeschooling program from the US, so that's how she's doing her high school. I don't have a clue of how it works, but she says she likes it, and she too, hated high school here in the US, because of all the druggies and the environment etc. so she was relieved to leave public high school here. She's doing it online because she's out of the country, but personally, I would rather do regular homeschooling if residing in the US. Our country offers some great home schooling programs. I believe it works differently in different states, but here, there's some public schools in most big/medium sized cities that have a home study department. They register the kid with the school district and provide each child with a teacher, who moniters the work, and asks oral questions regarding each subject on teacher/student meetings, to see that the student is studying and learning as he/she should. They also provide books for free for the school year/semester, and those are returned to the school at the end of the year. Basically, they give you the books, science kits, etc. and the parent teaches you. Every week, or every month, depending on the student, the kid has to meet with the teacher to show the assignments/projects/reports, etc. The teacher grades the work and asks the student questions on history, literature, science, etc. to be sure the student did indeed study and learn. The state tests at the end of the year is taken at the school and tests required to graduate from high school are also taken at the school. When you graduate from high school, you get the same diploma, credits, etc. as you would if going to school. Its a pretty neat system and I think its better than having to go through all that pressure at school. I know its like this in many states, but I'm not sure about Florida. I think the programs differ in every area, not sure though. The benefits of homeschooling are tremendous, and the best part is you get to be home with your pets. :p Its important to remember some tips when homeschooling, like socializing enough and getting enough exercise. If you can do that, its great. You might want to talk to your parents on this. I go to high school *YUCK*, and I homeschooled several years ago, so I have experience with both. I prefer homeschooling 100 times to school. Its a relief from the environment we don't want to be part of. Good luck and try searching on google for *florida homeschooling*. You might find some useful information. :)

08-05-2003, 12:44 AM
KayAnn, you have received some excellent advice here from several people.

What seems to stand out about you is that you are very bright.

I don't have much advice to give you, but you can count on my support. Why don't you try to update us daily on how it's going. We will support you and it will give you a chance to vent some more.


08-05-2003, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by gini
KayAnn, you have received some excellent advice here from several people.

What seems to stand out about you is that you are very bright.

I don't have much advice to give you, but you can count on my support. Why don't you try to update us daily on how it's going. We will support you and it will give you a chance to vent some more.


Very well said, gini! These are my thoughts also.

Kay - feel free to vent to us here. WE CARE!

08-05-2003, 02:13 AM
KayAnn, chin up girl. Just keep on walking. I know how you feel. We change in high school in Year 7 here - I don't respond well to change at all, and after seven years of primary school with a small very close group of friends going into a huge high school was a big deal. I cried every night for a long time, and begged my parents to homeschool me, but they just didn't feel like they had the ability to do it well enough. It took me almost two years....probably until the end of year 8, until school started to become ok. I still don't enjoy it...but it can become bearable. Like what other people have mentioned in this thread, try to make school specifically about the schoolwork, and forget about the social side of it. After all, you are only there to be educated.
And the other thing that helped me...was to think about it day by day. Never think about the accumulative work that you will be required to do over the next couple of years. Just think in the very very short term. Like, be glad if you're having a good day and don't think that tomorrow might be bad. Just enjoy what you're doing and never look too far ahead to what might be, just what is.
And during the day...think of Simba, I guess. It won't work for you but I always run through my Buffy songs at school, hum them in my head while I work, because that always makes me happier :D. Run through the lyrics of songs and think inside your own personal world, your imagination and your brain. It's the safest place in the world because no one can reach you in there. You can think anything in the world inside your head, and who can ever find out?
I hope you had an ok day today, and that things get easier. Thinking of you.

All Creatures Great And Small
08-05-2003, 06:36 AM
I'm reminded of the saying, "that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". I agree, high school is hell, but it teaches you how to deal with all the people you'll meet out in the working world that you can't stand or won't agree with. There are very few jobs that would allow you to stay at home, so you would have to get out there eventually among a very diverse group of people. But boy, oh boy, do I remember feeling the way you do now, and barely being able to face each day at school. I had no friends, and didn't fit into any clique. I was from an "income challenged" family and so I couldn't wear all the cute clothes the other girls did, or drive a car to school. I rode the bus every day to school, which was like purgatory before the actual hell began.

As far as homeschooling though, I personally couldn't give up my job and benefits to homeschool. Many moms have to work to keep food on the table and insurance for the family. I also am not qualified as an educator, which is why I send Laura to public school where there are lots of different teachers with diverse teaching styles, who have been to college and are far more educated than me. Not every woman who has a child is suddenly ready to become a schoolteacher 15 years down the road when their child doesn't want to go to school. My mom was divorced, so her staying home to school me just wasn't an option. Your mom probably isn't ready to, or just can't, make such a drastic change in her lifestyle and job situation, and maybe feels or knows that she wouldn't be the right person to educate you at this very important grade level. But I would bet that she feels your pain and loves you very much.

And Karen, that is one of my favorite verses, "this too shall pass". I repeat that to myself almost daily at work, which at times approaches the hell level of high school. Why am I in such a dead-end, horrible job? Because I didn't finish high school (but got my GED) and didn't go to college! So tough it out now or suffer for the rest of your life, basically.

08-05-2003, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by gini
KayAnn, you have received some excellent advice here from several people.
What seems to stand out about you is that you are very bright.
I don't have much advice to give you, but you can count on my support. Why don't you try to update us daily on how it's going. We will support you and it will give you a chance to vent some more.

Thanks Gini, you have written what I was thinking too.

KayAnn, hope today was not as bad as you thought it would be, and that each tommorow will be better.

Love and Hugs

08-05-2003, 07:32 AM
Please don't think that I'm lecturing you, it's not the way I mean it.

I also did not like school (gradeschool, jr high or highschool) guess that's why I'm just a waitress.
You could make so much out of your life, just put up with it & go on to be a better stronger person. Just know there is so much out there waiting for you:D
My niece Ashley (the one who stayed with us for a while) felt the same way you do, but she's doing fine now & I know you will too.
I'll be thinking about you today, please let us know how everything goes, okay?

08-05-2003, 07:47 AM
I don't want school to start either. Supposedly I'm already supposed to have completed 7th grade as everyone says but too late to do anything now.

In my school we go from preschool to 8th grade. The kidnergarten and the preschool is on 1st floor, the 1-6grades on the second, and middle school upstairs.

I do not want to go upstairs at all. All the 8th graders are snot balls who think they are perfect.

Then there are the awful teachers. The Math teacher...say you hate math AND HE WON'T LEAVE YOU ALONE!! He'll start babbling on and on about the importance of math and what not. I hate my teacher too (we have a main teacher and then math and english with the other two and science with our). He just started in this school and his too excited about teaching! It's won't be long before he finds out teaching us isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'm really sorry Kay. I hope you can be homeschooled.


08-05-2003, 07:57 AM
Hi Kay,

All I can say is that I totally understand what you are going through. When I went into Grade 7 I was moved to a school where I knew no one and REALLY didn't fit in. Then by the time I got to high school I kept changing between the two high schools in our city (it's a LONG story...). But I hated going to school and I was really sure about going to University. But that was my ticket out of the hick town I was living in. It turns out that University was ALOT more fun and interesting that high school ever was.

If someone had told me at that time I would finish a PhD I would have asked what kindof drugs they were smoking.

My biggest piece of advice is to try and block everyone and everything out and concentrate on the work. Remember it can be your ticket out and give you control over your life!!!

Good luck and we are here if you need to vent.

08-05-2003, 08:26 AM
Do not let all those people get you down. I know it's hard but you can't let them influence you that way. Just think of Simba and all of us at PT who love talking to you and what fun we have here.

08-05-2003, 08:31 AM
I think I know how you feel.:( I feel very sorry for you.
*sigh* but I have a month left of summer, but that's not too much. I dread going back. I HATE school. I'm going into grade 8 in September, but only one year left until high school. I can't wait until high school actually, but you never know. I might not even like high school. I actually doubt that I'd like it, since I hate school. But I think it'll be better than now, I wish it'll be.
I can't even stand some kids in my school now, in my class, every year. I know that in high school I'll at least be in different classes. But there will be more kids that I'll hate in high school. There's way more "bad" kids.
I wish I was homeschooled too. Or maybe in a private school.
Many teachers and kids at my school make me SO mad. I just try to ignore them. I know its very hard, but you just try to ignore them too. Always think of your dogs, and how they'll always love you and how they need you. I always think of Blueberry when I'm sad or anything, and that always cheers me up.
and you could always talk to us about what happened at school. We're always here to listen.:)

08-05-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by anna_66

I also did not like school (gradeschool, jr high or highschool) guess that's why I'm just a waitress.

Anna, I am going to take exception to your remark here. "just a waitress"

I cannot tell you over the years how many times I have gone into a restaurant tired after a long and bad day. Maybe it was just for a sandwich, or for a full meal. So many times it was the waitress who made me relax, maybe pampered me a bit with extra coffee and good service. But it was also by the small talk, maybe a laugh or two that lifted my spirits.

"just a waitress" is a hard job..so many people are crabby and you have to put up with them and politely accept their complaints about the food or whatever. And when they have left, you realize they have left you a lousy tip.

KayAnn, let us hear from you today - o.k.?

08-05-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Airedalekisses
Is there any way you could take a GED early

No you can't get a GED early. You have to wait until your class graduates and then you can register for classes.

KayAnn, the kids start on the 18th and our day starts at 7:55 and we go to 2:35. We get out May 27.

Our high schools are on 4X4 with 4 classes a day for 85 minute classes with 10 minutes for passing and then change classes at semester.

08-05-2003, 11:07 AM
When you can take your GED depends on your state my daughter was living in Washington and was 16 when she took hers the first time . Here in Montana They can take it at 16 but can't have the certificate till 17 but it is reg if they need it verifed by any school or employer. Most of the community colleges have clases to take then you take it. There are online ones too. Our community college has them. Check on it in your area,.
Some people are just not ment to be in school my brother dropped out after getting in trouble so much he was in his 3rd year as a freshman dropped out took ged passed 1st time missing 1 question. Mom then called high school questioning his IQ scores he was elegible for mensa He was totally unchallanged in school.
He went to voc tech for building, now he is 35 and in charge of all constructinon and building matiance on the Reservation where he lives in Idaho. He goes off to Washington Dc a lot for high level training on all kinds of things.
GED doen't mean your lazy sometimes your too smart for the school your in.

feeling frisky
08-05-2003, 11:23 AM
Hi Kay. my kitties and I can feel for you. When i was in high school I was not popular at all. my studies were good but my "making friends" was bad. I had this cat tho that my grandfather had given me when I was in kindergarden who was my best friend. He knew things about me that no one else knew. It was so hard for me to go to school each day but I knew that i had him to go home to. on my 16th birthday my mom had him put to sleep due to a illness. She did not tell me till about a week later.It took me a long time to forgive her for taking him away from me. But as I grew I understood. Remember things happen for a reason. That cat brought me and my mom closer together and now I am 33 and my mom is my best friend next to my kitties. Keep your chin up and keep meowing!!!:eek: :) :(

Aspen and Misty
08-05-2003, 12:48 PM
Hey kay. I was just checking in to see how it went today. Drop us a note when you get home.


08-05-2003, 12:52 PM
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way.
I enjoyed high school, so I cannot understand completely, but I do feel for you, having to be around so many "undesirable" people.

I really hope it gets better for you, or you and your parents can come up with a better solution.

Hugs and kisses to Simba and Nala, and best wishes to you.

Please let us know how everything goes, we'll be thinking of you.

08-05-2003, 01:00 PM
I am sorry that you are having such a bad experience in highschool. That makes me sad, because those are supposed to be the best memories. For the most part, my highschool was ok; but my husband was miserable like you are.

One encouraging thing that I can say: I've been out since 1996. I cannot believe how so many people that I looked up to are losers now. How many pretty snobs are on welfare with 5 kids. How the jerk jock that picked on me is now a druggie. How half the druggies are dead or in prison, etc... It's hard to imagine right now, but in a few years, you'll look behind you and laugh. Image won't matter as much. Friends will be friends because they have common interests, not because they are cool or in the same social status. All this crap will be irrelevant and half the people that bother you will be miserable. Your life is in your hands. You have to just focus on taking care of yourself and making yourself happy. Think of this as a stepping stone for the future. Before you know it, it'll all be over with. Good luck.

08-05-2003, 04:41 PM

I feel you pain believe me. I just grinned and beared it all through high school. I didn't belong to the groups at school (mainly preps) and I was picked on most of the time. I just started ignoring everyone and they finally gave up. I'm here for ya along with the rest of PT.

HS here starts at 8:00 and there are 7 - 50 min. classes. School is out at 2:45.

P.S. I'm can help with science (bio, some chem., and anatomy) and history if you need any.

08-05-2003, 05:08 PM
I hope its going better for you today. My high school experience dates back to before a lot of pettalkers were born, but some experiences are timeless. There are still preps, the druggies, the jocks, and the rest of us.

The big joke is that the preps and jocks are just as insecure as the rest of us, they are just better at disguising it.

Don't get involved with the druggies.

If you can bear it, stick it out and get your HS degree vs. getting a GED - it will ALWAYS look better on a job application.

Ignore the idiots - they aren't worth it.

Ignore the idea that these are supposed to be the best years of your life, which makes you feel even worse because they are not to you.

Just try to find one good thing about this time in your life, whether it is one good teacher or one good friend.

08-05-2003, 05:16 PM
gini, that was good!

Kay Ann, I understand exactly what your going through because I felt the same way. I despised school...I mean I really hated it! I detested it so much that decided that it wasn't for me and I didn't need it. Somehow though I managed to graduate high school and on time even. That was 26 years ago. Since I hated high school so much I never even entertained the thought of college.

Twenty six years later I am scrambling to find a job. The moral of my story???

Though you hate it bear with it. I guarantee you that if you dedicate the next 7 years of your life to education (high school/college) the next 50 years of your life will be much easier!

:D :D :D

08-05-2003, 05:34 PM
Kay Ann, one more thing...the jerks you have to deal with at school...they don't go away when your out in the work force...In fact I would say they are worse. That is why it is important to get your education!

When you have a degree you get to tell the jerks at work what to do and they have to listen!

Let that be your motivation!

BTW, I hope your situation turns into you being home schooled.

:D :D :D

08-05-2003, 07:10 PM
Of course, now being summer, I'm bored and so can't wait to get back to school and see my friends and hopefully start a better life. But I know how that works. I get excited, than a week goes by and I hate it. :(

That's exactly how I am! Summer I sit around eating Cereal watching infomercials, I can't wait for school so I can see my friends ( I don't live in a neighborhood:rolleyes: ). School I usually have half of my homework completed and I can't wait for summer:rolleyes: I really need lots of money and a car I'd be set for life!;)

I was scared when I first went to highschool too. Now I just can't stand it. Highschool is horrible. I don't understand wh I waqs so happy to get out of middle school. Now I miss it.

When I started Middle School I was sooo excited I thought it would be so much better than cruddy little Elementary school. Now that I'm an Eighth Grader I look and it's like I'm embarassed to be the Top of Pole, top of the pole of what a school of a bunch of retarded Preteens Who obiously haven't discovered that middle school isn't all that Great:rolleyes:. I can't wait for High school (only one more year!!)but then I'll feel the same way and I'll be dieing to go to College:rolleyes: I can never be pleased!!!

Aspen and Misty
08-05-2003, 07:15 PM
I can't wait to be retierd (sp) That way I can see around with my old husband and eating our tv dinners and watching the game shows ::ahh what a life::
