View Full Version : Sudden kneading...

08-02-2003, 11:51 PM
Ever since Boo has moved to Washington D.C. he's become a HUGE kneader. He almost never did it before, but now he's constantly sitting on me and kneading my arms, legs, stomach, etc.

Do you think this could mean he's stressed out? :confused:

08-03-2003, 12:25 AM
Maybe he's just happy that you are home all day to be with him :) Does he purr while he's doing it too?

08-03-2003, 12:32 AM
Sometimes he purrs, but mostly it just seems sort of compulsive. I'm a little worried about the Boo these days, so maybe I'm just being extra sensitive. I'm worried about his transition from outdoor/indoor to indoor only. I keep thinking that I'll need to get him a little girlfriend once I get a job and am out all day.

I want her!!! (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=1765296&adTarget=468catbaby&SessionID=3f2c9da35b550bae-app1&display=&preview=&row=0)

Miss Meow
08-03-2003, 01:07 AM
Oh my god, she is the girl version of Boo! You should get her and call her Betty, then you'll have Betty Boo! ;)

Welcome back :)

08-03-2003, 01:19 AM
Betty and Boo!! It's too purrfect!!

I will be calling in on them on Monday. :)

And thanks for the welcome back. ;)

Miss Meow
08-03-2003, 01:24 AM
Good luck on Monday :)

By the way, our cats knead sometimes when I pet them and they're really relaxed. They seem to revert to their kitten selves and go into a dream state when they used to knead their mummy's belly for milk. Boo might be kneading you to assure himself that you're still around for him after the unsettled period he's had???

08-03-2003, 03:02 AM
I've always thought that kneading is a good thing! Cats only do it when they trust you, are relaxed, and are feeling happy! Perhaps it means that for Boo, he's happy that all the stressful moves and stuff are over with.

Welcome back!

08-03-2003, 08:55 AM
Soledad, it is good to see you back.

As to the kneading, I am of the opinion it means several things, and the one I think relevant here is for security/comfort. I don't doubt Boo has been stressed by the events of late. He might be kneading to bring about a sense of calmness that he might not otherwise be feeling. I think by giving him extra love, trying to stay in a routine, extra interaction, and he will pull through. As a human, you had a ton of transistion. Imagine him as a kitty, going through the same thing, and not quite understanding it the same. Pretty traumatic. As goofy as this sounds, have you tried mentally connecting with him, using images instead of words, to let him know what is going on/has gone on? I have had people swear by it...and also, the feliway stuff, might be worth a try.

You all have been through so much. And, best of all, Boo is with you! Maybe a picture or ten would help us here at PT!!! :D

08-03-2003, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the input, guys. It seems to make sense that he's stressed and is reverting a bit. Do you think, then, that this would be a bad time to introduce another cat to the house? Would it be too stressful for him??

08-03-2003, 12:09 PM
You know, Soledad, I wanted to address that point with you, but, the last time I questioned someone introducing a kitty, I lost a few friends....but, since you brought it up, I think now might be a bad time to introduce a new kitten. Maybe in a few months Boo would be more receptive??

08-03-2003, 12:20 PM
I agree with Cataholic -- Wait a bit before getting Betty for Boo (too cute combo there!). As for the kneading, all that's been said makes sense. Boo's been through a stressful move and is reverting back to kittenhood security/kneading. I always wonder where their little fuzzheads go when they're kneading -- Mitzi gets this far-away dreamy look in her eyes. She kneads me all the time - it's so sweet to be "kneaded" by a cat. :D

Edwina's Secretary
08-03-2003, 12:55 PM
When I have been gone on a trip Edwina always become velcro kitty when I return. On me like white on rice. In my lap and kneading......following me, talking to me.

I think Boo missed you and loves you and is VERY happy to have you back!

08-03-2003, 01:01 PM
Welcome back. How is married life?

I'd like to give an alternative view point about finding a friend for Boo:
Since your D.C. home is fairly new to Boo, he may have not staked claim on it yet, at least not 100 %. Possibly brining a new cat in NOW would allow the 2 cats equal footing to starting a new relationship. (kind of like meeting on neutral ground). I am torn on the 2 points of view (now vs. later), and since no one knows your Boo like you do, I do not actually have an opinion. This is just allowing you to see the other side of the equation.

08-03-2003, 01:09 PM
I could use as much advice as possible on the issue of introducing another cat. I appreciate anything you guys can tell me pro or con, because I want to do the best for Boo.

My reasoning for getting a kitten now is that I am not employed, so I would have lots of time to spend with them and get them settled in. I was also concerned that Boo will get bored/depressed when I do get a job since he was used to being an indoor/outdoor in NZ where he had lots of stimulation and kitty kat friends.

P.S. Married life is pretty much the same, that is to say, very good! :)

08-03-2003, 01:26 PM
Well, I do like the idea of being at home a lot during an introducton. It is certainly by no means necessary, but it should speed up the process. (reason being, when you intro a new cat and need to leave them unsupervised your best bet is to separate them. Being at home lets them be separated less of the time. SEE?)

08-03-2003, 01:28 PM
I just wonder if there isn't a 'rule' somewhere about how the thought in ( ) should be smaller than the main thought?

I am so clever and witty, arent' I?:D :p

08-03-2003, 01:44 PM
do you mean smaller in size, like this or smaller in meaning?

08-03-2003, 03:24 PM
I don't really have an answer as to why Boo could be kneading but I do have to say............................

I HOPE YOU GET THAT CAT/KITTY!!! She is beautiful!!!!!!

08-04-2003, 07:27 AM
I hope you get the kitty, she's so beautiful :)

Juni also likes to knead from time to time and I discovered this only this winter. But only recently she started kneading me. I have a big towel-like bed sheet that I use instead of blanket in the summer. She looks so goofy when she does that, but I only hope this will not go away.

Killearn Kitties
08-04-2003, 07:51 AM
I love the description of Edwina becoming velcro kitty! We are not long back from holiday and one of our cats did this too. She also kneaded the bed a lot while we were trying to sleep. I think she was just desperately glad things were back to normal, rather than traumatised.

I don't have too much experience of introducing a new cat to an existing household (there are people here much better placed than me to give advice on that - all those people who number their cats in double figures!!) but if I had the choice, I would rather be in the house for a while after the introductions.

Have you phoned the Humane Society today? :D

08-04-2003, 10:06 AM
I just want say WELCOME BACK! I missed you and Boo. I have nothing to add but that the little girl looks like Boo's little sister. In all the introduction stories of the last months everything worked out fine as long as one of the partners was a kitten.:)

08-04-2003, 02:29 PM
Great to see you back again Soledad, I hope you are well! :)

Fister is a terrible “kneader” too, and it can be quite a problem for us. OK, I can move my arm out of the way, but he just LOVES our expensive goose down duvets, and it’s very difficult to stop him destroying them regularly.

Let me just get my claws into this!

I think it has something to do with a need for security and comfort, as Cataholic mentioned. He has always been a very insecure little gentleman deep down, even though he manages to hide it so well. :cool: :cool:
He is used to us both being home all day most days, but if we have not followed our normal routines, or been away longer than normal, he will go into a kneading frenzy on me and the duvet. He will also get into what I call “Power Purring” mode, and sounds like a noisy lawn mower competition. Sometimes he will also get an overpowering need to wash himself at the same time, and produces the weirdest sounds!

We also sometimes feel that it would be good for Fister to have a little friend and companion for the boring times, but I have absolutely no idea how he would react! The few times we have seen him with other cats at the pension, it has just been the big hiss all the time. But he is a very gentle and unaggressive creature, so I would imagine he could get used to it pretty quickly. It’s probably just insecurity.

Then again, the thought of having to get TWO cats into boxes every time we go on holiday makes me think twice! It’s the old “once bitten - twice shy” syndrome. And I have been seriously bitten! :eek:


08-04-2003, 02:39 PM
I think its just something he's doing for comfort and reassurance. Micah does that all the time and I think its for the same reason.

As for the new addition, adding a kitten will be so easy!! Hermie got along with all the cats in about 2 days. :)

She's gorgeous by the way! :D

08-04-2003, 02:44 PM
Well, I called about the kitten today, so we'll see what comes of it. I will have to wait until I meet her to know for sure. I am very protective of Boo right now, and I am not going to take the decision of adding another cat to the household lightly. But I do think I have a good basic gut instinct ability with animals, and hopefully I'll make the right decision.

I really am concerned with Boo's activity level. If he doesn't have someone around he just sleeps, and I don't want him to get bored/depressed because he can no longer go outside.

08-04-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I really am concerned with Boo's activity level. If he doesn't have someone around he just sleeps, and I don't want him to get bored/depressed because he can no longer go outside.
If the kitten works out, you wont have to worry about that! :) Hermie tires out Micah and Basie and she's still going. :)

08-04-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
If he doesn't have someone around he just sleeps

Sounds just like Fister!

08-04-2003, 02:51 PM
I also know that Boo likes other cats, which is very helpful. Specifically, he only likes girl cats. Boy cats he always gets into scraps with, but he'll gladly be a doormat for a cute girl kitty. ;)

Sam and I used to joke that perhaps he was just extremely homophobic and it threatened his frail masculinity to be around other males. :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-04-2003, 05:22 PM
I have to agree with Boo just needing the extra security right now. As to the now or later with the kitten question. I think Cataholic and Jen both brought up valid points, and you're being home would make a big difference - in my opinion.

I think Boo will be just fine either way. He might be needing extra security right now, but he doesn't seem like a stressful sort of kitty and it sounds like he's adapting very well to the whole trip and his new home.

Little Betty is sooo adorable! And Betty and Boo would just be the cutest duo. :D