View Full Version : I need some music...

11-01-2001, 07:05 PM
I was wondering if anyone has come up with an idea for music to accompany the "butt-scratch dance"? You know, when you scratch your dog just in front of the tail and he/she "dances" to get you to do more? I think a rhumba-type rhythm would be perfect, but I can never think of a song that would work. It would be great for Letterman's "Stupid Pet Tricks". Ideas??????

11-01-2001, 07:22 PM
Chubby Chekers' "The Twist", since they seem to do alot of twisting :)

Golden Smiles
11-02-2001, 01:27 PM
:D :D How about the Macarena??? LOL

11-02-2001, 11:28 PM
Twist and Shout??
OR how about sending it to Animal Planet's America's funnies Animals??

11-12-2001, 08:17 PM
First, I want to thank you guys for your suggestions. Really good, except, I forget how the Macarana goes.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I have been "fighting" with my computer situation for weeks and it looks like I'm going to have to invest in a real one soon. I come to the site to see how the convalescents are doing and keep getting kicked off the server or my computer does some "illegal" thing and I'm off or something else stupid like that. Very frustrating. I am trying to upgrade to another computer, but just got the information to download and had to download the Adobe Reader which doesn't seem to want to install -- Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Actually, I was kind of thinking of the "World's Funniest Animals" if I could get just the right piece and a video camera. Or that show on Animal Planet. Shiloh does such a funny dance, I was thinking of putting a black drape about halfway up her back and just show the "dance" part with a bit of music. I think it would be hilarious!

Well, thank you again, and if anyone else has any suggestions, I'd be glad to "hear" them.