View Full Version : Need a small breed dog for a present, any suggestions?

11-01-2001, 11:59 AM
My mother who lives in the Middle East has been looking for a dog. we were looking for one for her when she was here over the summer, but had no luck. I refuse to buy a dog. I want to adopt one for her and send it as a present with my brother for the holidays. He leaves December 15.

They live in an apartment, so the breed has to be small (prefreably less than 14 lbs so it can ride in the cabin with my brother). Want a shorthaired doggy coz my dad doesn't like hair all over the place. Would prefer an already house broken dog and want an adult (1.5 years or older: out of the chewing phase). I would have to get her/him fixed before I sent it to its new home.

Any ideas on what kind of dog I am looking for?

11-01-2001, 12:06 PM
Is there any quarantine issue when you send a dog to the middle east? I would hate to think that it would have to be kept away from its new home for any great period of time.

As for breeds, if your mom is at home during the day, a little poodle mix, Yorkshire Terrier, or something like that might be perfect. Good luck...I know that would make your mom very happy!!! And it would be great if the puppy could go back there with your brother. But you probably need to hurry, don't you? If it is a pound dog, I know you'll want to make sure there are no health issues before sending it overseas......


11-01-2001, 12:06 PM
Off the top of my head, I'd suggest a toy poodle or a short-haired terrier (Jack Russell? - but they don't do well in apartments, I've heard :confused: ) At our local shelter, small dogs are a rarity. You might have to have your name added to a waiting list. :eek:

11-01-2001, 12:10 PM
Mom works from 8 AM and gets home at 3 PM. Do toy poodles shed? I heard knowJack Russells are very hyper and do not do well in an apartment.

Do you guys know anything about Chihahas?

No quarintine issues there. The dog has to have the right paperwork saying he is healthy, up to date on shots, and disease free.

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: Souraya ]

11-01-2001, 12:22 PM
I know you're trying to do a good thing, but giving a dog as a present is never a real good idea unless you are positive that the person that is recieving this gift really wants this specific dog.

A lot of times people don't really want a dog that they recieve as a gift, and end up turning them over to shelters when they become too much trouble.

But if you're absolutely sure that SHE WANTS a dog, then I'd suggest a Toy/Teacup Poodle, or a Pug, or maybe an Italian Greyhound.

Try this web site to find out more :) http://www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/toys.cfm

Or maybe you could find a small mixed breed in a shelter. Take Aly's Lolly, she's a great little dog, and she's a "mutt"! :D

11-01-2001, 12:36 PM
Yes! Mutts are GREAT! I wouldn't trade my Lolly for any pure bred in the world.

As far as no shedding, poodles are one of the very few breeds with absolutely no shedding at all. Because of this they require grooming about every 4-6 weeks.

I never notice Chihuahuas shedding much, but they do shed. Great little dogs if raised properly.

I wouldn't recommend many of the terrier breeds unless your mom was willing to give them the exercise they require. They can do okay in apartments if exercised enough. But if not, you've got trouble.

I would go the rescue group route, because the small breeds that end up in shelters are generally snatched up fast. There are many small breed rescues, and most of them willing to transport to a qualified home.

I was going to bring up what Sarah said about the giving a dog as a gift thing. At the humane society, we don't adopt a dog or cat to someone who wants to give it as a gift unless the person they are giving it to comes to visit the animal beforehand and agrees to it. It would be a wonderful surprise, but maybe you could ask your mom first if she's ready for one right now.

11-01-2001, 01:19 PM
Oh, I know you shouldn't give a dog as a present unless you are sure the person you are giving it to really wants one.

Trust me, my mom REALLY wants one. She always tells me that she wants a dog, but there are no shelters in Lebanon or even breeders to go and get one. We spent all summer long at shelters trying to find her a pup, but only found big dogs. She doesn't care if it is purebred or not.

I plan on telling her before I go out and get one. That way she can be ready for it.

11-01-2001, 01:22 PM
Opps, sorry I misunderstood :) Have you started looking around at the rescue groups? I'll search around a bit at the ones in your area and come tell you if I see any that catch my eye.

11-01-2001, 01:30 PM
I reccomend going to a large, well known shelter and let one "pick your mom out". As for the shedding thing...some shaggy dogs actually shed far less then the short haired breeds. My mom's fuzz ball shih tzu, Ritz, who has really long hair does not shed at all, but yet Cassie the (very short coated) pug sheds enough to spin a whole wardrobe! I would keep that in mind...short hair does not necessarely mean less hair! And as for poodles...they are another non-shedding breed. Bishons (sp?) are another non-shedding breed.

Good luck :)

Golden Smiles
11-01-2001, 01:46 PM
:D What a nice daughter you are!! I hope I get a daughter in law like you someday!! :O) Anyway...I have 4 golden retrievers and have always wanted a toy dog, especially a poodle beacause I've heard how great their personalities are! So.........I got Mocha(aka Mokie) 2 weeks ago and he is darling. No shedding(like that matters with 4/goldens LOL) and hypoallergenic too!! He's very sweet, not hyper at all, and so smart!!! Good luck, tell us what you decide on!! P.S I would think a terrier would be a bit too active for an older person, just my 2 cents worth!!

11-01-2001, 01:48 PM
Yes - I too was going to mention Bichon Frise's! :D They are in the poodle family, and light shedders, I believe (From what I've been told, poodles have one hair per folicle, like humans, and therefore don't shed; most other breeds have multiple hairs per folicle - or so I've heard! :D ) My mutt, Pup, is some type of spitz mix. She has soft, straight hair like an American Eskimo, and it grows quite long when we let it! When we first got her, I was worried that she would be a shedder, but, in reality, she sheds very, very little (every once in a while I find a few hairs). My cocker spaniel didn't shed much either, but they are a bit bigger than toy size.

11-01-2001, 04:01 PM
Oh Souraya, look no further I have the perfect dog for your Mom. No surprise, a Mini Schnauzer. They do well in apartment living, they absolutely do not shed, Daisy is black and sleeps with us and there is never a hair in the bed, that's the honest truth, most Schnauzers are between 12 and 14 inches tall, they are hardy, like to play,
intelligent, the only drawback is that they should be brushed at least every other day and they do have to be groomed about every six weeks. There are many Schnauzer rescues, most don't have puppies but older dogs that are usually house trained. They don't eat much, we feed ours a 1/4 can of food in the a.m. and 1/2 cup dry food in the afternoon.
some of the Schnauzer rescue people are
Schnauzer Rescue of Georgia
Debbie Furbish
[email protected]

S.E. Schnauzer rescue
Linda Pinalt
[email protected]

you can also check with
Georgia Schnauzer Rescue http://www.schnauzerrescue.org

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

11-01-2001, 04:03 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear! I've been looking at rescue pages and these little darling dogs have the sweetest, saddest expressions. I wish I could take them all!!

There is a small breed rescue in Florida. They have 9 pages of available sweeties: http://www.shihtzuandfurbabyrescue.com/

Here's a puppy mill rescue with 21 pages of dogs available for adoption!!!: http://www.puppymillrescue.com/adoptme1.htm

Here's a few from Petfinder that are in your area: http://web1.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=464888&adTarget=468dogadult&SessionID=3be1c5ce72eb8af7&display=&preview=1&row=0 http://web1.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=512059&adTarget=468dogadult&SessionID=3be1c5ce72eb8af7&display=&preview=1&row=0 http://web1.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=510220&adTarget=468dogadult&SessionID=3be1c5ce72eb8af7&display=&preview=1&row=0

11-01-2001, 04:25 PM
Personally, I would I would get a Miniature Dachshounds. They are short haired ( well, thier are short haired and long haired), easy to train, not to active, affectionate. I LOVE this breed. You might also want to look at a Chiwawa( how do you spell that? Im HORRIBLE at spelling dog breeds). or a Maltese ( they don't shed) . or what about a Scottish Terrier? Thier small...and VERY smart.

11-01-2001, 05:19 PM
Toll, I agree...I just love those min. Doxies!! :D They are so much fun, and what spunk!! I'm a 'big dog' person, but I really do like the mini's. Some friends of ours had 2 mini's and I just fell in love!! Poms are cute too, but lots of hair!
Good luck with the search for the right one!! I know it will be a tough decision, because they're all cuties.

I fell in love with this little sweet face on the puppymill rescue site...awwwwwwwwwww
I wish I could take him home right now!!

11-02-2001, 06:05 AM
Thanks everyone. I will check out all the sites. It will be tough to pick one. Jackie, funny you suggested schnauzers! Ha!Ha!Ha! Andrew made the same suggestions. He loves the breed and desperately wants a Giant Schnauzer.

Unfortunately, Mom is in the Middle East, so the dog can't pick her :( But she is such a wonderful and caring person and so good with dogs. I am sure anydog would love her.

I am so excited about getting a doggy for her. She needs it. She isn't very old (only 46) but gets lonely coz my dad travels alot. She lives in a foreign country and so that doesn't make things easier at all. She needs a good companion. Mom had always had dogs till she married my father and moved to the Middle East. She didn't mind while we were all at home, but now she is an empty nester! Mom's favorite breed is the Doberman. She has had at least a dozen of them. So the Mini Dobe sounds like a great idea.

Once Again, thanks for the advice.

11-02-2001, 07:58 AM
Oh Aly, why'd you have to go and do that?????
I fell in love with all the poms and ppom mixes that remind me of brown versions of Pup, the cockers (there's even one named Freckles, like my sweet girl), the poodles... there's even an italian greyhound, and it's black and white (hmmm... wouldn't he fit into my home perfectly? :eek: )

11-02-2001, 08:22 AM
I would suggest one like Wolflady posted. I just love the little Pom's. They make good watch dogs too!!!!

11-02-2001, 08:40 AM
Oh, look at the fear in this poor girl's eyes. She is so scared. She's on the puppymill rescue website.


[ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Stenograsaurus ]

11-02-2001, 09:35 AM
Souraya, your husband has very good taste, If I was younger I would have a black Giant Schnauzer, we saw one up close and personal at a dog show and we absolutely fell in love with him. Actually I would have my two Minis, Don loves the Standard and we both love the Giants.
Good luck, the mini Dobe sounds good too. I think your Mom would love whatever you sent.

Dixieland Dancer
11-02-2001, 10:16 AM
A mini Golden Retriever! HEHEHEHEHE Just had to put my 2 cents in. Hey what an idea!!!!!! I wonder how I could breed to create a mini Golden?? :confused:

Seriously, I don't have much experience with small dogs but whatever you pick, I'm sure it will be loved. Good Luck in the search! :D

11-02-2001, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by 3-greys-and-a-mutt:
<STRONG>Oh Aly, why'd you have to go and do that?????
I fell in love with all the poms and ppom mixes that remind me of brown versions of Pup, the cockers (there's even one named Freckles, like my sweet girl), the poodles... there's even an italian greyhound, and it's black and white (hmmm... wouldn't he fit into my home perfectly? :eek: )</STRONG>

*subliminalmessagetoJessica* Yes, he would fit perfectly!!!! gethimgethimgethim!!!!! *****************************

11-06-2001, 12:26 AM
ok, i was going to suggest a Rat Terrier/terror, but though thay have short hair, they shed. and when they shed, the hair is impossible to get out of stuff.

a breed i will suggest from everything i've heard about it, though i never met one, and though they are long haired, is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

if you are to go w/ a chihuahua, i suggest those of the larger lines. (more stable temperment imo.)

11-06-2001, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by aly:

*subliminalmessagetoJessica* Yes, he would fit perfectly!!!! gethimgethimgethim!!!!! *****************************</STRONG>

No more (right now)! But we have been taling about it in passing, and there may be dog #5 in our future, but probably not for a couple of years! Pup is so much better behaved when she is with a companion that is close to her size, so we may eventually try to track down a rescue that is 20 pounds or less, so that she can have a pal to play with and wear her out!
It's something we are keeping in mind, but we have to wait until Joe has a 'real' job after his PhD is done, before we consider adding another 'expense,' er, I mean 'dog!'
That IG sure is tempting, though!