View Full Version : LOOKOUT! I got a scanner!

06-17-2001, 01:58 AM
Finally!!! I got a scanner tonight and have been glued to my computer uploading photos. I am so excited. The only this is that I don't know how to post pics with my posts on this board like you all can do. Any help? Please?

But, I added more pics to my webshots album... please go there and check them out. I couldn't be more excited http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif!

Angel...with extra special kisses from Lexi, Sasha and Maddie.
*To err is human. To forgive is divine.*

06-17-2001, 05:55 AM
Angel! Your photos are just GORGEOUS! Beautiful family, both human and furry! Your shots are so special. The "kids" seem almost human! And what a stunning setting in which to enjoy and photograph them all. Your are truly blessed. Now, as for posting. A few others here may explain it more clearly, but...

Go to your album and click on the photo you want to post. Right click properties. The address of the photo will come up. Highlight the address of the PHOTO and right click copy. For some reason, I have been unable to "copy" webshots addresses onto my clipboard viewer, and usually end up just writing the address down on paper. Either way, write your message here and then paste or type in the address of the photo you copied but add at the beginning then at the end! (No spaces) Did I explain in correctly Aly?? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif You are going to love perfecting this art! Can't wait for more pics of Sasha, Lexi, Maddie and everyone! And yes, they are all SO photogenic!! What gorgeous kids!

And gee, did I edit my own message enough times??? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 17, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 17, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-17-2001, 07:01 AM
Great pictures and great captions! I just love all of these webshots albums. Sandra gave you excellent advice on posting pictures. We all learn so much from each other here, whether it's about our pets or computers.

06-17-2001, 09:18 AM
All of your dogs look so gentle and sweet. Their personalities shine right through the photographs. I love all the pictures, they're great! Keep up the scanning! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-17-2001, 10:37 AM
They are fabulous. Keep 'em comin'!


06-17-2001, 11:31 AM
Oh my gosh! Thank you all for your sweet comments. The pics where there is snow and pines were all taken at my mother and father-in-laws home up in eastern AZ. The dogs love it up there....Maddie hasn't been yet though. Bully is their German Shorthair Pointer. He is the coolest dog and puts up with my girls and my sister in-laws dogs. My one sister in law has 3 dogs, I have 3 dogs and my other sister in law has two dogs and two kids. So, when we all get together it is one BIG party!!! Poor Bully - but he is very accomodating to let them into his space.

Okay - this is just a test of the whole posting pics thing... hope it works http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif



Okay... so it worked but they are little - hmmmmmmm....

We will try again...


Will my head get stuck if I do this mom?

[This message has been edited by doggiemom (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-17-2001, 11:35 AM
Guess I figured it out! YEAH!!!!!!

OH! I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING!! I can finally submit a photo to nominate my dogs for DOTD!!! I just have to find the best ones! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by doggiemom (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-17-2001, 02:13 PM
Great photos! Aren't scannes exciting! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Lexi, Sasha and Maddie are adorable!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


06-17-2001, 05:06 PM
Your photo albums are great and I love your dogs. Now that you have a scanner keep the photos coming so we can see those pups close up. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


Daisy's Mom
06-17-2001, 05:11 PM
What great pictures, and dogs too! You are so lucky to have such gorgeous babies. Keep those pictures coming!

06-17-2001, 05:39 PM
Hey! Are those corn chips Maddie is
eating out of the bag?
You could at least tell her to share!

Cute pics.

06-17-2001, 06:32 PM
Oh, they are soooooooo sweet! Hugs and kisses to Maddie and Lexi and Sasha! Love, Cody and Star


06-17-2001, 07:36 PM
Maddie got busted eating Cheetoes. All 3 of them practially take my fingers off if I try to give them any!!

Angel...with extra special kisses from Lexi, Sasha and Maddie.
*To err is human. To forgive is divine.*

[This message has been edited by doggiemom (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-17-2001, 11:04 PM
wow! those are beautiful dogs!!!

06-18-2001, 09:54 AM
You have great looking dogs!! I loved the pictures. Keep them coming.

06-18-2001, 03:14 PM
OMG OMG!!! What cutie pies!!:-) Everyone's pics make me crave a dog so much more!!!:-) Keep them coming!!!!