View Full Version : Heres Merlin!!!!!

07-18-2001, 05:01 PM
I goofed and added this to dog health but it belongs here. http://www.doggonememories.homestead.com/doggonememories.html Click on to Merlins corner for his photos. I plan to add some better ones soon but at least you all know he really does exisit. If you want to add the site to links page I wouldn't mind. Corinna

Daisy's Mom
07-18-2001, 06:06 PM
Merlin you are so gorgeous! I love Springers! Daisy's best friend Lucky is a Springer and she is one of the sweetest, most loyal dogs I have ever met. I will definitely own a Springer someday!

07-18-2001, 07:32 PM
Merlin is beautiful :) So glad you got some pictures up!

07-18-2001, 08:04 PM
Oh Corinna, Merlin is so beautiful, you just want to go up and hug him and just know he would hug you back. I can see why you love him so much. :)

07-18-2001, 08:36 PM
Those pictures are great!
What a beauty. :D

07-18-2001, 08:54 PM
Merlin, you are one gorgeous Springer boy!! And what a beautiful setting to romp and play in! Thanks Corinna! Hugs and kisses to Merlin from all of us here!

07-19-2001, 10:55 AM
I'm sorry it took so long to get them up, but Ben is really working lots of hours since he started his new job. Thanks for all the complemnts. I think hes kind of a cool guy he was a little miffed at the time he had just endured his monthly bath.

07-19-2001, 12:53 PM
Merlin is stunning and I love his name! What a sweet boy.