View Full Version : Jobs

12-28-2001, 05:58 PM
Besides a veterinarian, does anyone know of any well paying jobs that have to do with animals? I soon coming to a decision in what i want to be, I know i want to work with animals, and i want a very well paying job (I know i will have like 100000 animals in the future!! need lots of $ to afford them all :D..and i want to travel) I haven't been able to find much, besides a vet that pays well..and i'm positive i am going to do something with working with animals, thats my biggest passion and i plan to do what i love most :] Can anyone help me with any other ideas?? Any ideas would be very appreciated

12-28-2001, 06:17 PM
Pet trainers make good, bonded pet sitters/walkers make decent money, groomers make good, some breeders make good, some managers of a pet supply store make good, owning pet store can be good if good amount of customers, trainers of specialty dogs like seeing eye dogs or police dog training..........there are several jobs out there with that criteria.

12-28-2001, 09:17 PM
Audrey, Why not a vet? It's hard work and requires a lot of sacrifice while you're in school but it will pay off in the future. And then you'll have more options and opportunities in your life to help and have animals. There is a great vet school near my hometown: Cornell University. You could visit Duncan and I on the weekends!! ;) :D
Think about it at least...
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be young, making these decisions again...(I would do it right the second time around!) ;)

12-29-2001, 10:54 AM
dog groomer, dog trainer, or conformation handler

[ December 29, 2001: Message edited by: Rottie ]

12-29-2001, 10:59 AM
Jen, I've thought about being a vet, i've wanted to be one my whole life. The hard work put in to being one isn't what bothers me though. I worked for our vets once, for like half a yr or something, it was GREAT expiriance and lots of fun! But there was the times when ppl where cruel to their animals, ppl who didn't want or like their pets, so they thought "hey! lets put our 2 yr old in perfect health, cat to sleep cause we don't want it" and thats what happens, now i don't think i could be the vet to do that, and i know i'd end up taking home like every animal that did that, but i couldn't. I don't think it's fair to these animals, that do nothing wrong, but their stupid owners who THINK they want a pet, and end up just killing it!

Theres also the abused cases, where some idiot hurts the animal, i saw once, this cat who some man tried to put a broomstick in its butt! the cat had some ovary and or utaus prob, and they wouldn't pay for it, so it was put to sleep.

Then theres the things we can't help, but it's still sad. There was a older couple who brought there dog in, it was a small one, and it needed surgry becuase of it's sickness, after that, they had the dog out and were talking about how much they LOVED this little dog, and when it's better they were going to do this and that with this dog, i mean you could TELL this dog was their life, it was their child, and they loved it more then Anything!! i was happy to see that, they had so much love! it reminded me of me and jo. The next day when i came in i saw them couple in a room, and i asked the vet "aw so the dog is ready to go home?" and he said, no the dog died last night. After he talked to them, they were leaving, and i saw them, the lady was crying her heart out, while her husband held her, i know this happens a lot, but it made me SO sad just seeing them, i though, what if that were jo? how would i feel? probably just like they do. It almost brings tears to my eyes to this day. I know it something stupid because it happens so much, but these ppl loved it so much, and if you could have seen them i know you'd feel the same.

I will, if i can't find anything else i like more, be a vet though, i want to keep my options open and explore different things, seeing i already did for a vet.

Jen, lol! we have one of the best vet universities around. People from like everywhere come i guess...lol..the AVC

12-29-2001, 11:23 AM
I was a guide dog trainer and believe me, the money was not that good! In this country, as in the Satates, I believe, it is a charity that supplies dogs for seeing eye duties. If so...public relations and justification of wages do come into it.
I work as a dog psychologist and behaviourist now (as well as a day job!!) and have found that although the money is good.....you end up doing a lot more for nothing than you do for money.
It does tend to be people that really want to help their dog that contact me but I still see a lot of neglect and ignorance and get a lot of funny looks and occasional abuse when I suggest that Fido shouldn't have the first serving at dinner or sit at the head of the table!!!!
Animals and money just don't seem to go together....not if you want to sleep at night anyway.

12-29-2001, 02:08 PM
Yeah i know, Vets make a lot of money though. I don't care if i have to stay up all day and night as long as im doing what i love, i just don't knwo about being a vet lol! i'm not a people person i guess..but i garentee i'll have tons of pets and will need enough to care for them :D

12-29-2001, 05:07 PM
I think that everyone has named all of them. I want to be a dog trainer when I'm old enough. I don't want to be a vet though, blood, shots! I can't stand it!

12-29-2001, 07:39 PM
lol trust me, the shots are nothing compaired to other things! I don't mind blood and all that stuff though, i've watched many MANY surgrys (spay, neuter, lumpectamy, horse castrations, cow surgy - that was weird..pig castrations..there so rough with them! they like rip the testies out its wrong in soooo many ways! lmao!! looks, anyway..)

12-29-2001, 10:02 PM
Audrey, you and I both know that emotionally, it's hard to have anything to do with animals....People tend to treat them like they are not living beings. But as a vet you have an opportunity to save them and help them, more so than someone like me...I work in an office all day long and then I work a second job to pay the bills. I see so many animals that I would love to help but I don't have the money, the time, or the circumstances to help them all. I do what I can but... You're young and you have so much opportunity ahead of you. You have found your one passion in life...ANIMALS!! Follow your dreams...Do whatever it takes for you to be powerful in the world of saving animals. And in my personal opinion (AGAIN , ONLY my opinion!!) I think you should shoot for the stars! If you change your mind along the way, fine, but go for the gold anyway!! RIGHT??!!???!! Unless being a vet is so physically hard for you, go for it. You'll have the money and the opportunity all in one. I have very strong feelings about education so I'm sorry if I'm coming across to hard...Just giving you something to think about...Whatever decision yoy make will be the right one for you...

12-30-2001, 03:24 PM
Jen, yes i agree with you. I know vets help more then they don't, and i love to help animals, or just plain be with them! But there is the hard times, but i guess thats just life. I planned to go for the vet anyway, and atleast get the education for it, and if i find something i like better, its great cause i still have the degrees or whatever. My mom thinks i'd make a good vet, but i'm really not a good people person, i'm not good at talking to ppl. I also what to keep my options open. I'm lazy, yes, but anything to do with math and biology and stuff like that and i'm right in there.. I LOVE bio! it's so interesting it's not funny! I know Vet school is VERY hard to get in, but hopefully if i work hard..ya never know

12-30-2001, 04:11 PM
You say you're not good at talking to people...but you're good at talking to us!!!! I bet you can make your dreams come true. Don't let anything stop you. God knows if many of us were younger and had a second chance, we wouldn't blow it.

12-30-2001, 05:19 PM
Yeah, it's easier to talk to ppl when your not looking at them, or talking in person. I don't know why, but i freeze up and can't think of anything to say. Besides, most ppl i talk to don't like talking about animals like everyone here does :]

12-31-2001, 08:05 AM

I understand that it may be difficult at times to talk to people face to face. Going to college may help that problem. You can get involved with grous/clubs and that will help you build your people skills and make you more comfortable talking to others. Your classes can help too. At first, it will be difficult and you may get nervous, but no matter what kind of career you choose, you are going to have to deal with your coworkers and clients. Slowly, you will be able to build up the confidence you need.

As for careers with animals, I agree with Carrie on the guide dog trainer idea. You do not make much money there. Most organizations that train those dogs are charities and rely on donations, so salaries are not that great. I know because one of my sorority sisters has been doing this for several years. She has another job as well. Vets make the best money as far as animal jobs are concerned. Trainers and keepers at zoos and wild life preserves make good money too.

12-31-2001, 12:04 PM
I just saw these adds and thought that they might give you some ideas about career choices:
1.Fun careers for animal lovers!
School of Animal Science
At-Home Professions Dept. BFRAB1
2001 Lowe St.- Fort Collins, CO 80525

2.The School of Animal Science
PCDI, Dept. CCKP56, 430 Technology Parkway
Norcross, GA 30092 www.pcdi.com (http://www.pcdi.com)
Maybe just getting their brochures could give you some useful information.
Good luck.

12-31-2001, 12:27 PM
Let's not forget about the horses! How about an equine related field? Race horse owners need people for all sorts of jobs. Likewise, horse breeders need people too!

(And if anyone knows how to get a foot in the door in this industry, I'd be much obliged for the input! lol ;) )

12-31-2001, 12:41 PM
lol thanks everyone :] I love horses but i'm some what afraid to ride them. I used to ride all the time, but i fell of one at a full gallop (he freaked, galloped, then desided to stop and go the other way, i'm sure you all know what lovly inersia does), so yeah i flew into the wall and my back hit a ledge and i was in a lot of pain..lmao..not fun

12-31-2001, 12:58 PM
Audrey, you need to get right back on...! You know the old saying! It's true! I rode Saddlebreds for years and I think I've been thrown and/or fallen off over 10 times. That I can remember! ;) It hurts and can be dangerous but the joys of horses far outweighs the pain in my eyes! A hot bath usually does the trick! Did you know the horse that you fell off of well? If not, that may be the reason you're scared, you don't know his/her motivation but I'm sure it wasn't being mean... Just remember too that they are naturally good-natured animals who do not want to hurt their people. But they are also very large powerful animals who don't know their own strength sometimes! And they get scared sometimes too!! Anyway, if you don't want to ride horses, then you don't have too! :)

I just have one more comment: You said you aren't good with people. But you do very well talking to everyone here... I was VERY shy growing up. I wouldn't speak to strangers to save my life, even after high school. College was very hard for me at first because I was so shy. You know, one day, I realized that I hadn't made any new friends in a really long time!!! ( I was 24 at this pt and still had the same friends from high school and growing up but no new ones....) I marched myself directly to the closest restaurant and got a job as a hostess. My entire job was saying hello and being friendly to strangers! It changed my whole life. It took the fear right out of the whole process. Now I bartend part-time and have to talk to strangers all the time! Trust me dear Audrey, you'll be fine. Build up your confidence in yourself and go for it!!!!! :D

12-31-2001, 01:11 PM
There's a riding school not far from me. They used to be a recreational riding facility. Now they are a certified threrapy riding academy! So many children and adults with various types of disabilities, emotional and physcial, are clients. It's a wonderful field in which to combine a love for animals and humans in need. I'm a nurse and am currently working on getting certified in A.A.T. (animal assisted therapy) through the Delta Society. If you have any background in the medical field, such as nursing, physical therapy or occupational therapy, etc. you can combine your love for dogs with your medical knowledge in a very rewarding field. How about getting a degree in one of those fields and taking it from there?