View Full Version : Micah's surgery (???)

08-01-2003, 01:37 AM
(Here's a link to what's been going on with Micah and our new approach: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31149 )

I'm apart of a yahoo group for cat owners with cats that have IBD. I asked about the surgery Micah's vet wants to do. Here are the two repsonses I've gotten so far:


> Sinbad had the exploratory surgery done too. I am sure the
> was fairly large, and the surgery is VERY invasive. We almost lost
> him after it, as he refused to eat and got a slight infection. He
> lost 2 lbs the week he was at the veterinary hospital! I don't
> believe we would do it again, when it was only diagnostic and
> fix any problems. But on the other hand it was good to get a
> positive diagnosis too. best wishes, donna & sinbad.


Ditto for Roman! The incision was very big, and the surgery was VERY thorough and invasive. They looked into EVERYTHING, even passed an object into the intestines to see if there was any blockage. It took her quite a while to recover from that! She too, like Sinbad, lost over two pounds and also refused to eat. They had to put in a feeding tube, which she coughed up immediately, so they had to put another one in (this requires she be put to sleep for it). After a couple of weeks, she threw up a hairball and the tube came out again. I tried to get her to eat, after 2 days of not eating one bite, it was back to the vet for another tube.

Unfortanately, my vet was out that day, and the other vet was clueless about what my vet wanted and just observed her, and so she had to spend the night. When my vet came back he was p---ed! So she went for four days straight without one bit of food in her, because then they couldn't put anything in the tube until she was over the anesthesia and stuff. Then she actually was sicker after having the second tube put in. I swear it was like having a dead cat for a few days; it was sooo depressing.

She was vomitting again so much that I could only feed her about 3 mL of food a time for the first day or two, and when I'd pick her up to do that, she was so cold and rigid. But they had put her on Zantac to settle her stomach, and that actually made it
worse. I really thought thas was the end of it. But when I took her off the Zantac (I took her off, figured the results - she stopped vomitting everytime I fed her, THEN I told the vet and he okayed it!) then she recovered. Now she is doing very very very well! Wouldn't even know she's sick... but it's only been about 3 weeks. Only time will tell, I guess!

OK, this scares the crap out of me!! Two pounds? Micah only wieghs barely six pounds!!! :eek: :eek: I don't know what to do. :(

I'm asking the homeopathic vet on Monday if he feels Micah will need this. The only draw back of not doing it is having lymphoma going undetected. :(

08-01-2003, 03:02 AM
I hope the homeopathic vet can say something.
This sounds very scary and I am not sure whether I would put a cat through it.

My mom used to see a homeopathic vet because of the backpains of their dachshund Amsel. It really worked very well for many years (until she was really old).

08-01-2003, 05:14 AM
I don't think I could put Bastet through something like that. If there wsa definately something there its an emphatic yes I would but just an exploratory I don't think I could put her through it.

My 2 cents worth anyway.

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-01-2003, 05:41 AM
That sound scary... I'll be praying for you and Micah...

08-01-2003, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
I hope the homeopathic vet can say something.

I do hope, too!!!

I've just read in the book "Dr.Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural health for Dogs and Cats" about this disease, because I've never have to deal with this before...
There it is said that if it is the mild form you can do quite a lot with a change of diet and they have some diet suggestions there that might be appropriate for Micah!!!

The surgery sounds so scary and I do hope that you'll find another, maybe homeopathic/holistic, way to help poor Micah!!!

Paws and fingers crossed here...prayers are on the way!!!

08-01-2003, 08:22 AM
Kelly, from what I know about any illness and treating it, there is a certain amount of time that it takes for the medications and food changes to have any effect. I am certainly not a vet. And I don't have any clear cut answers for you.

I hope you find one program/vet and stick with it long enough to see if indeed it is the correct one. Sometimes it takes months for problems to clear up. Diet is important but so is consistancy. Stress is also a factor with many illnesses.

Abys are famous for having problems with their bowels. It is a weakness they inherit and some breeders don't know it until it is too late. That is probably why your furry friend ended up at the shelter. My Abys Miley and Graemer had irritations from time to time and Miley still has it off and on. Not that it is the same as what Micah has....but it is a form of it, anyway.

I know you have Micah's health at the top of your list. Just be a bit careful to not accept every thing you read and lead with what your vet says as well as what works for you and your pet.

Having a special diet for one cat may work, but it has to be a diet that you will be able to fix without spending hours of your time and all of your money. Operations? Well, that is a choice everyone needs to make at some point, if presented with a problem when the vet suggests it. Each kitty can tolerate only so much messing with - and you can only afford so much money and stress as well, I should think.

Keep us posted. I wish you luck with your new vet. I am an advocate of raw diets by the way. Ti will not eat raw meat, but Miley and Juni love it.

Good luck....and give Micah a furry hug from all of us at Camp Vermont!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-01-2003, 01:11 PM
I thought Micah was doing so good with the recent changes you had already made? :confused:

I guess I'm confused because if he is doing good, why would you put him - and yourself - through something like this? It sounds really, really scarey.....I guess I don't really know all of the details of what you're dealing with in him, but before I did something like this I would definitely do like SAS says and give everything else a chance to settle into his system to make sure it's either going to work or not.

I guess what I'm saying is I would use this as an absolute last resort - and it doesn't sound like you're quite to that point yet. Definitely see what the homeopathic vet has to say, and somehow I think he will not agree with such an invasive surgery, and will do his best to get Micah 100% healthy without all that.

Good luck, and please keep us updated. Poor little Micah, he's such a sweety to have to go through all this. :(

08-01-2003, 01:43 PM
Hey everyone,

We WONT be doing the surgery, regardless. When I spoke with the homeopathic vet yesturday, he felt something can be done about Micah since he's still young. :)

When I got the second opinion (we have two vets besides this homeopathic one) and heard the SAME thing about needed surgery, it didn't sit well with me. That's why I've been on my search for a cure through food. We've tried three Science Diet formulas and in four months, no change had occured. I know I'm on the right track with his Innova (+ yogurt, vitamins, digestive enzyme + acidolopholis) and eventually his raw diet.

Just with the change in foods from Science Diet to Innova (and Wellness) the change is amazing! Even my mother-in-law noticed it the other day. He's even chasing Olivia around...now that's brave! :) He's been on his new, better food since last Sunday. That's a quick change in less than a week. I've only see him go to the litter box about four times, vs. at least eight time a day, before.

I'm looking forward to this vet visit on Monday. I just know we'll be able to get Micah in remission without steroids, surgery or anything else that will compromise his immune system.

Thanks for all the support. I really, really need it. I feel kind of alone in this as I don't want to bother David too much with it and I don't really have any friends that care too much for cats.

Oh!! To answer T&P's question. The reason this all came up was because I posted on the yahoo feline IBD board about how their cats were diagnosed, etc. This was the response I got from more than these two people. I had wanted to avoid this and to be honest, was searching for an alternative way. Its hard when two professionals tell you something and you want to go against it. I'd been conflicted over what was right for Micah, but without a degree in animal medicine, I didn't have much confidence in my opinion, even though it haunted me.

Anyway, I'll be sure and post an update after our vet trip on Monday. :)

Love, Kelly

08-01-2003, 01:48 PM
All my thoughts are with you and Micah. Good Luck at the vet's on monday.

Kona & Oreo's mom
08-01-2003, 02:31 PM
I am so glad to hear that Micah is doing a little better with the new food. Maybe this will be what's best for him. Good luck on Monday!

08-01-2003, 03:02 PM
Fingers and paws crossed for you and Micah.

I know how hard it is to hear two vets saying surgery is best. I had to make that very hard decision with Smokey (UTI's and crystals in his urine).

Please keep us posted and again, fingers and paws crossed as well as prayers for you and your furbaby.


Felicia's Mom
08-01-2003, 07:52 PM
The best of luck with Micah.

08-01-2003, 11:31 PM
Wow! After reading those messages that you received, that surgery sounds scary! I am glad that the food seems to be working, so at least you can try and treat his IBD with diet! That is a great start! I hope the visit on Monday goes well, and I want details! :)

I'm so glad that cutie Micah is doing so good and feeling good on his new food! :D

08-02-2003, 08:32 AM

I'm glad you finally found a different approach to Micah's problem. It's too bad vets are only looking at it from the perspectives of their wallets and pooh-poohing alternatives. A change in diet and other routines can and does work. Micah is living proof of that. I'm thankful that you found out NOW rather than after a horrible, invasive procedure with no guarantees.

You rock, girlfriend ;)

08-03-2003, 01:41 AM
Kelly, I'm so glad that Micha is doing well with his new food. :) I'm sure that you'll be able to help him with a change in diet. The surgery sure sounded scary and I wouldn't want to put any of my furkids through such an invasive type of surgery. I hope the vet visit goes well on Monday. Please keep us updated.