View Full Version : It's official....I HATE halloween!

11-01-2001, 08:56 AM
Woke up this morning, someone(s) paintballed my new(!) car!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I feel so horrible--this car was my (early) graduation present from my parents!

I'm waiting for all the offices to open--have to report it to the landlord, insurance, etc. I really didn't need to miss class today either.

Sorry for venting. I hope everyone had a better Halloween than I did--and I hope all the pets are safe!!

Dixieland Dancer
11-01-2001, 09:12 AM
I Hate Halloween too! If it was up to me we would eliminate it all together but since I have to deal with it, I try to make the best out of it. So I dressed the dogs up and took them around with me and my son.

I told my son (11 years old) that next year I don't want to do Halloween. He surprised me by saying he didn't like it either and he thought he was getting kind of old to trick or treat anyway! YEA!

We didn't have any bad things happen in our neighborhood but I just don't like this holiday! Give me Christmas!! Sorry to hear about your car. :(

11-01-2001, 09:25 AM
Our Grandchildren came over in the afternoon and we gave them their Halloween treats. We usually get tons of kids, many cross over the border from Mexico in car loads to trick or treat for candy, but now it is a one or two hour wait and sometimes three hour wait to cross over so none showed up. I had bought a ton of candy and not one kid came to the door last night. I'm really not fond of Halloween now, times have changed so much it's scary to let kids go out without parental supervision. Then there are the big kids that get into all kinds of trouble.
Well my daughter-in-law brings all the extra candy into work and they use it up.
p.s. Zippycat, I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your car, I know how angry you must feel and I don't blame you. Don would have gone off his rocker.

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

11-01-2001, 09:57 AM
Oh I am so sorry about your car...that so much sucks! I love to see the small children in the adorable costumes, but Halloween is not like it used to be. Not enough small children, more teens, and of all the kids that came to my moms house yesterday, only one group of polite teens actually thanked us! With the first few kids that I allowed to pick out whichever *ONE* candybar they wanted, they took the liberty of taking several and walking off without so much as a thanks :mad: So I had to start picking a candy bar for the kids because they were so greedy! Ungrateful little brats! And your car...man does that compeltely bite the big one. I'd be incredibly ticked off, and hope that you don't have to pay too much out of pocket $$ for that crappy prank.

I don't know that I will celebrate by handing out candy anymore. I don't mind that there were teens so much, but I spent $20 and my mom spent $30 on candy for strangers that are greedy and ungratious.

To heck with them and with Halloween! Bah Humbug!

11-01-2001, 10:04 AM
I detest Halloween. I have never liked it, except as a little kid. I was actually at the grocery store last night...an experience in itself, having to drive around the store in one of those little go-carts...which sucked, and Mike was home, so he shut the lights off and went downstairs. My dad, who is an invalid was home by himself (because my mom went with me)he also shut all the lights off and no one came to the door.

I'm really sorry to hear about your car. I would be beyond livid about that one. Stupid people really make me mad.

Mike said our dogs were pretty calm because there weren't any trick-or-treaters.

11-01-2001, 10:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your car, Zippy-Kat. And you guys are right, Halloween is just not like it used to be! Jackie, I, too, went out and bought tons of candy and was looking forward to seeing the kids all dressed up. Sadly, no one showed up to my door. We have been living in the neighborhood since May and didn't know if the kids came out for Halloween. You would think at least 1 kid would have been trick or treating. I know there are kids in the neighborhood, I see them out on their bikes, waiting for their bus, and playing in their yards.

Now I have lbs of candy! What can I do with it? I am diabetic and Andrew is a health nut that doesn't eat junk. I am sure Drake would love to get his paws on it, but chocolate isn't good for doggies! I will see if my brother wants it.

11-01-2001, 10:39 AM
I agree. Times have changed so much! Instead of a fun 'cavity' filled holiday, we now have a day that 'allows' people to pull mean pranks such as this one.

I don't *think* there's any damage but I filed a report with the police just incase I do need it for insurance purposes. (Still waiting on an officer to get here...it's been almost an hour...)

I hope whoever did this had fun. Their few minutes of 'fun' has already cost me a few hours of stress and (so far) two classes. Grr grr grr....

Maybe Sudilar's Killi and Shi. can take care of them for me! lol

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

11-01-2001, 10:41 AM
I wasn't into Halloween this year either, but I do have to say that the kids that came to our door were all very polite and most of them said thank you or Happy Halloween.

Some people around here do a LOT of decorating for Halloween. All I have is this ceramic Jack-O-Lantern which I put in the front window. I barely made getting it situated before the kids started coming. Martha Stewart I'm NOT.

Zippy, I am so sorry about your car. That has to be so aggravating. I just don't understand vandalism.

11-01-2001, 10:50 AM
Thank you everyone for your replies and sympathy. It IS aggrevating. And it's esp. aggrevating b/c of the sentiments attached to it. It's a 2001 Nissan Sentra...pretty snazzy for a college kid. Mom and Dad surprised me with it this summer when my old car (a '96 corsica) bit the big un. You don't know how thrilled I was to drive it off the lot--esp. since it only had 13 miles on it!

I guess the first scratch/dent/paintball is always the hardest to take. lol

11-01-2001, 10:50 AM
All of you with leftover candy could consider donating it to a homeless shelter or even your church day care or Sunday School department. I'm sure it can be put to use somewhere!

Tonya, I am so sorry to hear about your car...what a bummer. I'm sure your insurance company will help you out, but it is still a hassle! Makes me furious! :mad:

We trick or treated away from here last night, so the pets stayed in side, in the dark! I didn't even buy candy since we weren't going to be here. But, after we arrived back at home, I had the outside lights on, waiting for my friend to come pick up her daughter, who was with us. The doorbell rang at 8:50 (awfully late, I thought), and there were two kids! I had to run get Helen and Hannah to dig out of their own candy bags to have something to give to them!! LOL!

11-01-2001, 10:55 AM
This is our 3rd Halloween in our home, and we dutifully and exhuberently passed out candy the first two years, since we both love kids and wanted to see all the costumes. This year, I just couldn't get into it. Over the previous two years, we got a steady stream of kids at the door, but: 1) very few of them were from our neighborhood; 2) very few of them were dressed up; and 3) almost nobody said Thank You - most didn't even say Trick or Treat, they just stuck their bags in our faces.
Trick or Treating is supposed to be about community, and about enjoying the kids in your neighborhood. Now it just makes feel bad about the way kids are being raised today. It just put me in a sour mood the previous two years, so this year I decided not even to waste the money on candy and decorations.

Tonya- sorry about your car! (I keep my ears open all night for sounds of eggs hitting cars or the house!)

11-01-2001, 11:34 AM
We still like Halloween! We had several bunches of trick-or-treaters last night - not a ton, but it was cold and drizzly. EVERYONE who came was polite, said "trick-or-treat" with no prompting from me, and said "thank you!" when they took the candy. We also let trick-or-treaters pet the bunny if I'm holding her before the come to the door, and when that happens, I sometimes have to remind the kids to take candy, too! Some of the kids that I know well from the neighborhood came when the bunny was loose on the porch, and "spooked" her when they opened the door, they dragged their friends to the side and showed them where the bunny's safe spot was, but didn't try to pet her, as they know that's her special spot when she's nervous. Even the last kids who came, well after the others, so I wasn't expecting them, after they said "trick-or-treat" said "We saw your bunny, she's so cute!" in an awed tone.

I think whether Halloween is enjoyable or not depends more on the neighborhood, and the children's parents, than anything. All our trick-or-treaters even were good enough to not bother the elderly people next door, whom I knew didn't have candy, anyway. And, by the way, I do live in what my hometown refers to as "the city."

I'm sorry some of you had bad experiences, I really am, but that is NOT universal!

11-01-2001, 11:45 AM
THAT'S IT! I am driving out there and we will find out who did this to your car :mad: !

That is is beyond disrespectful... that is just plain MEAN! I am all for practical jokes but not ones that hurt people, property or will cost the "victim" and money. That is just crap! Sorry everyone, my dark side is showing :eek:


"Ode to a Sentra"

Dearest little Nissan, the baby of the family,
Your body covered in paint, shame replaces vanity.
Insurance to the rescue, they will fix you up. Your beauty to be restored, the envy of every car and pick-up.
Sweet little sentra, you might be away from home for just a day or two, but when you do return, you'll be as good as new!!

There, I hope she feels better :D!

(I'm still comin' out there to kick some paintballer BUTT!!!)

By the way, does the paint wash off or do you need to have it taken into the shop?

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

11-01-2001, 12:03 PM
OH TONYA!!! We were just talking about Halloween last night on IM. People are sooooo stupid. ugh!!
I can certainly relate to you with the new car is your baby philosophy!! I just got a 2001 Olds Alero in May with 200 mi on and that is only b/c it had to come from IN to OH.
I am sooooo sorry for your car. Its just awful.
I am gonna be one of the few here but I like Halloween, I don't go overboard with decorating or trick or treating or anything. Actually I work 2nd shift so I don't even buy candy. We had T or T on Sat and I wasn't even home then. I just like Halloween b/c its in the fall and I love fall. Of course its also the same month as my birthday so that may have something to do with it.
But kids playing pranks or having rituals is ridiculous. Parents shouldn't let their kids out of the house. But people don't take responsibilty anymore for much of anything.
Hope your day goes better.

Dixie Belle
11-01-2001, 12:14 PM
The beauty of living in the woods!!!!!!! We don't even GET trick-or-treaters!!!!!! I love it. My holiday is Christmas!!!

I am so sorry to hear about your car. If I were in your place, I would be racking my brains trying to figure out who might have done it. If I ever did find them, they would NEVER NEVER EVER do it AGAIN!!! (my husband and I seem to have that effect on people)

Please keep us updated on your poor car. I hope everything works out and that it will be fixed soon.

11-01-2001, 12:42 PM
Spencer, you hit the nail on the head. I just don't get it! I have to wonder what benefit or joy does some idiot get when they do these stupid acts of meanness...vandalism, sending computer viruses, etc. etc. It's not like they get to 'enjoy' the reactions of thier poor 'victims'. UGH!! People like that make me so mad :mad:
Halloween in my neighborhood was pretty good this year and most of the kids said thank you, which is nice. We actually ran out of candy! I felt bad about that. But, I do agree that the times have changed and it's really sad to see ungrateful greedy brats with parents that don't give them proper discipline and rearing. It almost makes me not want to have kids, because sending my kid to school...they would encounter a lot of bad seeds... :(
Tonya, that SUCKS about your car!! That is just so rude. I know how upsetting it is to get the first piece of 'damage' to a new car and it isn't fun. Get this!!! I finally bought my first official car this past April. It only took me 25 years and 1 week to get my first car! LOL LOL So I was really excited about it! I got a 2001 T-top Camaro with 12 miles on it!! :D Within 2 days of having the thing...my windshield gets cracked!! :mad: :mad: I don't know how it happened either. You know how you can be driving down the road and trucks will kick up debris and little rocks from the highway that hit your windshield?? Well, it was something like that...only I wasn't on the highway. I was actually turning left from a stoplight and going into a parking lot, and I heard a loud noise. I didn't know what it was and I looked around but didn't see anything. Ok, so the next morning I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for my dad to come and get me (we commute into work together) and I notice the light glinting off my windshield and I take a closer look and I notice that there's a perfectly round big chip/crack smack in the middle of my windshield!!! I have to wonder if someone thought it would be funny to shoot a BB at my windshield, because there was no way a little rock could have done that, and besides there were no cars in front of me at the time. It's a mystery, but I think it was shot at... :mad: I hope your car's ok!

11-01-2001, 12:53 PM
I am so sorry Tonya to hear about your car! :( How terribly cruel, disrespectful and down right mean. Most of all, how COWARDLY! I am sure the person(s) that did this incredibly cruel, criminal act dispenses his/her hatred ALL year long, in many forms, not just on Halloween! I hope you get your car back quickly and better than new! And that they find the person who did this. And Angel, that is TOO sweet!

11-01-2001, 01:03 PM
Karen, I agree the enjoyability depends on the neighborhood and the children's parents. For the most part, the children in this complex are very nice. We even have a cute lil' couple of kids who take out our trash for 50 cents--they then give that money to the United Way. As for the neighborhood--we live off of one of the nicer main streets. However, it would be easy for someone to pull into the parking lot and do whatever to the cars. Which, I guess, is what happened. I don't know too many people here, but the ones I do know are friends...so this wasn't done out of any type of revenge, just plain orneriness.

I agree that it is not universal and I enjoy the little trick-or-treaters and their wonderful costumes. However, those few 'rotten eggs' kinda spoil it for everyone! Not just those that pull pranks, but when we have to check kids' treats for razorblades or "hide" our black kitties, it just kinda spoils the fun.

I would love to live in a neighborhood such as yours! Sounds like utopia! Did you dress Miz Hoppy up? She sounds like the sweetheart of the neighborhood!

Angel, thanks for the poem! LOVE IT!

Wolflady~ that SUX soooo bad! I feel for ya.

Luckily, paintballs are water based so...after a little scrubbing, it came off. I have a couple of chips to the paint...and I didn't notice any dents. Of course, I *just* got done washing it, and haven't gone back outside to do a 'final' look-over yet.

11-01-2001, 01:14 PM
Tonya, I'm so sorry about your car. A few weeks ago someone smashed in the windows of my mom's car while she was staying with me and we both went through so many emotions about it. It is an awful thing to do to someone. I'm sorry you've had to go through all this stress and miss your classes :(

I still like Halloween, although last night I was sitting in class instead of passing out candy :mad: I bought candy to give to my mom's class though. I'm diabetic and can't eat it, but its still fun to buy!

Golden Smiles
11-01-2001, 01:54 PM
:mad: :mad: It's those kind of people who ruin it for everyone else!!I hope they are caught and punished!!! I have 3 sons and if i ever caught them doing anything like that.....oooooooo..they would be in DEEEP DIRT!!!
Anyway....I love Halloween, and all other holidays, I love to decorate!! :D And i love to see the wittle ones all decked out...I had some cutie patooties last night. It was a gorgeous night, warm, full moon, lot's of kids etc!! Sorry about your car!! :(

11-01-2001, 04:48 PM
Get rid of Halloween and Misses KayAnn and Mr Simba would be sad!!!! Me and him h soooooooooooo much fun! every street we went on there was atleast one group of kids saying Simba Simba Simba!! i sweat this dog has a fan club! Every little kid knows Simba even all of the adults! We met alot of friends even a Lab named midnight! He looked sooooooo cute in his costume! Everyone loved him and i felt really safe with him!

11-01-2001, 05:06 PM
Oh yeah, aobut the extra candy...... you can always donate it to this little girl named KayAnn.. she lives in florida! hhehehehe

11-01-2001, 05:34 PM
When I was a kid Halloween was seen as an American thing and we never did the trick or treat run. Our kids expect to do it now, very annoying on our first October 31st back in England after being in Germany for four years. We were not prepared for it and had a new baby, a new dog and a four year old who wanted to join in with everyone else!!
I find it a really worrying time. We lock up the house and go to my sister in law. My kids go with their older cousins around the local houses and they take a mobile phone. When they get back we tip all the bootie out and remove all sweets without wrappers and all fruit so it can be cut into pieces to check nothing nasty is inside. (We have found, in past years, a razor blade in an apple and a needle in an orange!) Every year it worries me more.
On the way to my sister in law we saw three children in costumes, all on their own!
She had two very young girls at her door, in costumes, and she asked them where their Mummy was. They didn't know. They didn't know where their house was and we were about to phone the police when Mum came round the corner and screamed at them for not being home on time!!!! These kids were no older than six, that is giving Mum the benefit of the doubt.
Not my favourite time of year and next we have bonfire night, November 5th, huge bonfires and fireworks dispays!

11-01-2001, 06:00 PM
So sorry to hear about your car, Zippycat! Some people can be so mean.
However, I Love Halloween! It's the one time a year you can just be creative and let yourself go, and dress-up however you want (adults), and of course the kids are all soooo cute! We get a fair number of trick or treaters and for the most part they are very polite. The holiday I don't like is the 4th of July- well actually it's not so much the holiday, it's all the fireworks. Around here they start about 1-2 weeks BEFORE the 4th, and keep it up for a week or so after. I wish they would just ban them all together, like they did within the city limits of Seattle (we live just outside the limits). Too many people are careless with them, especially the suposedly 'illegal' fireworks. Every year there are people hurt and property damaged by fire set-off by fireworks. The thing I REALLY hate though is what it does to the animals. Dogs, cats, etc. are so scared of them, and animal shelters are filled-up in the days following (assuming animals are lucky enough to get to a shelter and not lost or injured).

11-01-2001, 06:38 PM
Today we in Nova Scotia woke up to the terrible news that a church in Lunenburg, which is about an hour from where I live, and is a United Nations Historic Village, had their Anglican church burnt to the ground. On purpose. What makes this so much worse is that the church was the second oldest Anglican church in North America, and had priceless documents inside.
The thoughtlessness of who ever did this is unbelievable.

11-01-2001, 07:01 PM
Oh my goodness!

That is just HORRIBLE!

Daisy's Mom
11-01-2001, 08:11 PM
Tonya I am so sorry about your car! That must be horrible.

Karen I think my neighborhood sounds like yours. Actually my whole teeny little town is probably like that :) Everyone knows everyone so it's a lot of fun. I had to work at the video store at the bottom of my street during trick or treat, but a few kids did come in and I got to give them some tootsie rolls and lollie pops. I love seeing the little kids dressed up, and the people with really creative costumes! I don't think there are any holidays that I hate because I love to get in the spirit of anything! I even wore a costume to work ;) I have a Flamenco dress from Spain and I wore that! I love playing dress up still ;)

11-01-2001, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat:

I would love to live in a neighborhood such as yours! Sounds like utopia! Did you dress Miz Hoppy up? She sounds like the sweetheart of the neighborhood!</STRONG>

Thanks - it's not utopia, but for us, it's pretty nice - my great-aunt owned this house before us, so I was already welcomed before we ever thought of buying the house! :) Especially living in a city, it's a very nice place to live.

Miss Hoppy did not dress up - we are NOT allowed to touch either under her chin, or her tummy (which we would need to do for a cape-type costume) and she doesn't like things that muss up her fur - they are quickly and efficiently removed! But all the children of the neighborhood know and love her! :) Who wouldn't, right?

Dad still lives in the small town where I grew up, and he, conversely, had a frustrated dog! After the first few bunches of trick-or-treaters, Bruni would get up and head for the door every time a car came by, expecting more kids to come visit her! Alas, some people were just stopping for the stop sign at the end of the street, and didn't have children to visit Bruni, so she would sigh heavily, then go lie down and wait for the next one! ;) Not enough kids for Bruni last night!

11-01-2001, 08:57 PM
I'm not allowed to touch Soph's back feetz--tooo terribly ticklish! Though I didn't dress Soph up last night, she doesn't mind wearing anything as long as it's not a HAT. She HATES 'EM!

Bruni...such a sweetie. Mom said Sara enjoyed barking at (and then running AWAY from) all of the trick-or-treaters. :rolleyes:

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

11-01-2001, 10:56 PM
Tonya! I'm so sorry about your new car! That's just awful. That's such a mean thing too do! :mad: :mad:

I hope everyone had a nice Halloween, though! Sadie and I had a good time! I took a few pictures of her, sitting on the hay, in our front yard, with all the pumpkins! She even let me put a witch hat on her, and take her picture! :D She was very popular when we went trick-or-treating, everyone wanted to pet her!!

KayAnn, i, too, would be upset if they took away Halloween! There is some things about Halloween that I don't like.. but for the most part, I like it! ;)

Tonya, I'm reeeally sorry about your car! :(

Sarah & Sadie

11-02-2001, 07:22 AM
Tonya - so sorry about your new car. Why is it people just can't stand to see something new and beautiful. I just got a new car in May and I was afraid of something happening to it also. But thank goodness everything is OK. I've always loved Halloween, but I think it's more the season than the Halloween thing. The full moon was just gorgeous, but there was something different about this year - I think the events of Sept 11th really put a damper on the night.
Anyway - hope you get your beautiful car back to the way it was - just another reason why I love animals so much more than people. A furbaby would never, never do this!!!

11-03-2001, 08:34 AM
Tonya I'm so sorry to hear about your car! My poor tailight was "decorated" with an egg, but that's nothing like what you went through. I wasn't home on Halloween (just couldn't get into it this year with all that's been going on). I got home around 9:00 which was after the curfew and we just kept out lights out to discourage any curfew violators to not bother knocking. Maybe someone chose us for the egg since we weren't home? Anyway, mine washed up with soap and water. Hope yours can be fixed too.

[ November 03, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]