View Full Version : My cat has been throwing up latley....

07-31-2003, 02:31 PM
My cat, Bailey, has been throwing up his food latley. It might just be the food or there's something wrong with him. I really hope not. I gave him new food and maybe he won't throw it up. I was just wondering if a cat could be allergic to a certain brand of food. If someone has an answer, please reply.

07-31-2003, 03:16 PM
There could be many reasons for Bailey throwing up.
- kitty eats too fast
- kitty is allergic
- kitty has intestinal worms
- kitty is constipated
- could even be the heat
- hairballs
- chewing on plants or grass
- constantly changing foods

Questions: how long has it been going on? Is there any hair in the throw-up or is it just all food? How old is Bailey? Does Bailey eat dry food or wet food or combo of both? Is he indoor or outdoor or both? How often does Bailey throw-up?? More than once a day??

Firstly, if it's been going on for 3 or 4 days, then take Bailey to the vet as soon as you can along with a stool sample and a sample of the throw-up. Bailey could be dehydrated and the vet can examine the sample to rule out any foreign bodies. If it's only been a day or two, check to make sure that Bailey is pooping OK. If so, then maybe give Bailey smaller amounts of food just to see if it will stay down. If it doesn't stay down try picking up a can of gastro-intestinal food that is very easy on kitties tummies. See if that stays down.

There are many other more experienced people on this board and I'm sure they will come up with some other solutions. Good luck.

BTW: Welcome to Pet Talk!!

07-31-2003, 03:29 PM
Did you gradually introduce your kitty to the new food or just change it abruptly?

When you change a cats food, you need to do it gradually. Mix the new food in with the old food and gradually decrease the old till there's no more left, just the new stuff.

When he vomits, does it contain WHOLE piece of food?

If so, he's eating too fast. Better to give him smaller portions.

Check the contents also to make sure he's not suffering from an intestinal parasite.

Also check to make sure he hasn't been eating anything foreign, as Slick mentioned, like plants, rubberbands, small objects.

Does he go outside? If so, he may have eaten something from the outside.