View Full Version : Vet Visit Results in Job Opportunity!!!

07-29-2003, 07:52 PM
I took my little Sergei into the vet today to get his 3rd and final round of shots today. He had also thrown up some worms on Sunday, so I wanted to ask the vet some questions about that too. It freaked me out, because when he threw up, I thought he had eaten a rubber band, but then it started moving! Eek! I've never had any of my pets throw up worms before. Anyway, since I volunteer at the animal shelter a lot, I picked up some Drontol and gave it to Sergei Sunday night.
I went in there today and the vet said that is exactly the thing they were going to give him and that I shouldn't worry about my other cats because this is a young kitty problem. In any case, he gave me some extra tablets to give Sergei in 3 weeks to make sure it's all cleared up. Anyway, I mentioned my involvement with FOSMAS (Friends of San Martin Animal Shelter), which is how I came by that medication and all, and that I had been volunteering there every day since I was laid off in May. He looked at me and asked me if I wanted a job! :eek: At first I thought he was kidding, but he said he's interested in having a vet assistant to start temporary, but could turn permanent.

My question is, should I do this? I am currently collecting unemployment and also doing a website for a winery as well as volunteering at FOSMAS and looking for a marketing/tech job. I know this job will definitely not pay much and it's a step down from my techie career, and I don't want to lose unemployment...especially if this job won't give me more than unemployment. Does that make sense? Things are really tight for my husband and I, because it literally took both of our salaries to support the payment of our home (gotta love california housing costs! NOT! :rolleyes: ) and I don't want to make things worse for us. He said it would be part time at first, being only a couple of days or so a week. He was just looking for people who have a passion for animals, and as soon as I mentioned my volunteering, he really lit up and offered me a vet assistant job on the spot. I'm supposed to go in and talk to him tomorrow morning, and I already filled out an application.

Is this a wise career move? :confused:

07-29-2003, 08:26 PM
why not ask him if you can start out by volunteering? That way he's saving some money, and you can decide if you like the work?

07-29-2003, 08:30 PM
Great idea Nomilynn

Fingers crossed for you Wolflady

07-29-2003, 08:31 PM
If the pay for this new job will keep fiances even, with a chance they will go up as you gain experience, I would say go for it.

It may be a life-long job, or it may be just to get your feet back on the ground. I worked for several months with a temp service between IT jobs. The various places I worked were fun, and I still have fond memories of those places.

They say that finding a job is easier when you already have one, and for the most part that seems true (at least for me it was).

07-30-2003, 07:05 AM
I think that you should go for it. Although this is a "temporary" stop on the way, you may find that it is worthwhile. You will meet new people (and their furkids) and gain an experience that you definitely won't get in the techie world :D

Besides it might turn into more than you think...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2003, 01:21 PM
If the finance part of it works for you, why not go for it? You never know the doors that could be opened. Maybe the vet's office needs to be brought up to speed tech-wise, and maybe he'd be willing to pay more if that is incorporated into your job - helping with the animals when necessary and doing the techy stuff when not. The animal medical field has to be huge, and involve much more than just being a vet-tech (not that there's anything wrong with being a vet tech!) and you might never know about what goes on behind the scenes until you're actually in the field.

Good luck!:)

07-30-2003, 01:39 PM
You can also collect partial unemployment. Work there 2 days and get unemployment for the rest of the money. My friend is doing this right now. She was making $32. and hr at her job, and then got laid off and took the unemployment. Now she works for a temp place 2 days a wk for $15 an hr. The unemployment kicks in the rest to bring her up to what full unemployment was. She makes the same as the unemployment but works 2 of the days. Some of our friends said she was crazy to work when she can just get the money for free, since she isn't gaining any money. But she is trying to get the temp job for real.

Edwina's Secretary
07-30-2003, 05:57 PM
Karen..if you can work it out financially -- go for it! Unemployment is only temporary and a job that you love and loves you back...priceless!

Miss Meow
07-30-2003, 09:46 PM
Have you decided what to do??? It sounds exciting, and if it's not a longer term prospect, it might give you another reference or make things easier financially while you're looking for another job. Good luck with your decision!

07-31-2003, 12:06 AM
Thanks everyone! :D Well, I went in today to talk to Dr. Martinez and he took me in the back and said, this will be unlike any interview you've ever had. He said he didn't believe in the sitting down and talking to someone interview routine, because they don't really show a person's potential. So, he basically showed me around the office and then took me in the back. There was a cat ready for a spay, so I watched the entire procedure. I'm surprised that it didn't bother me at all. It was quite interesting. I didn't like that it was a spay/declaw. :( But, I couldn't open my big mouth, but I had to witness a declaw procedure as well! Ugh! There was also a pug that was brought in that had been hit by a car, and he had a broken leg and 2 broken ribs. He got pins put in his arm today.
I did get squeamish at one point today, though :o A yellow lab had an infected rear foot from an embedded foxtail. When the dog was put under anesthesia, the vet tech started feeling around for it, and cut a whole to empty the wound. She couldn't find anything, so the Dr. came in and started feeling around with some scissors. He ended up punching through to the bottom side of the foot right where the largest pawpad is. He said that it looks gross, but it's done to help the wound drain. I got squeamish when he put gauze around the scissors and was grinding the scissors up and down through the hole in the foot. The dog kept jerking it's leg, but she was under anesthesia. I thought at first she could feel it! It's so strange, because I got really hot and felt like I was going to pass out. The vet asked if I needed to sit down, and I said I probably should :o How strange that a spay didn't bother me, but this thing with the foot did. He said that it's pretty common for people to feel faint if it's the first time being around this sort of stuff.
So, I was basically there for half a day. I'm going in tomorrow to see the more clerical/customer side of the business. He said he would start paying me tomorrow for more of the "working interview" process. I figure I might as well try this for awhile, because it's a good way to find out if it's something I want to do. I'm still going to look for computer jobs, but in the meantime, I'm working for a vet! :)

07-31-2003, 12:12 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I wish I could stumble across one of those jobs!!! ENJOY IT!:D

07-31-2003, 12:17 AM
Karen,this sounds like a great job for you. :) At least you'll be able to get a feel for it while you're still looking for other work. Who knows you might just end up loving it so much that you never want to go back to the computer field. I think you're very lucky to have this great opportunity. If this kind of job was offered to me, I'd jump at the chance. Good luck. :) It sure sounds like you had an interesting day already.

07-31-2003, 05:25 AM
Wow! What a way to stumble across a job! You never know where this job will lead.... :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-31-2003, 09:22 AM
Wow, what a great interview....except for the poor doggie's paw part. I think I'd be quite squeamish myself. :eek: :p

He sounds like a really nice guy to work for, which is half the battle in finding a good job. That's one of the reasons I've been at my job for so long is because my boss treats me good and that goes a long way in my book.

Congratulations on your new job! Whether it turns out to be temporary or permanent, it'll be a great experience either way. :D

07-31-2003, 03:07 PM
Yay!!! I just know you'll do great Karen!! :D :D :D

You have so much experience with working at the shelter and caring for all those babies there. This vet will have a huge asset in you!

So, when do you start? :)

Killearn Kitties
07-31-2003, 06:31 PM
This is absolutely brilliant! That a wonderful opportunity! Not many people are handed the opportunity to try out a totally different career, knowing that they can still look for jobs in their chosen field. Make the most of it - and let us know how you are getting on, of course.

07-31-2003, 10:31 PM
Wow, this is so very close to your dream of getting a second degree in animal care... Sounds like you'd have a good boss, too. Keep us posted! Good luck!


07-31-2003, 11:30 PM
Thank you everyone, for your support! I was really surprised that he seemed cool with me still looking for another job while I worked at his office. I think this will be an opportunity like no other, and it helped me determine that this will be a hobby. I still feel more at home behind a computer working in the computer industry. In the meantime (who knows, it could be 2 months, 6 months, 1 year!).
I officially start on a schedule next week, but I'm to go in tomorrow and Monday just so I can get to know the other vet and how he interacts with all the interns. After that, I'm going to be schedule to work Tuesdays, Wednesdays(only half day), and Fridays. Ths way I will also have time to still look for computer jobs and finish up the website that I am doing for my sister's and brother-in-law's winery.

Today I got to see a neuter surgery. The pug went into surgery for his broken arm today. I was brave enough to peek in the room during this procedure, but I also knew enough that a peek was enough! :eek:
It was pretty slow today, so I only stayed for half day. I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. I feel a little awkward, because everyone else is a vet tech student or something and I'm just clueless with everything that goes on. Hopefully I'll catch on quickly!

KAK, want to join the crew? 2 people will be leaving in a couple of weeks, so I know they're looking for more people! ;) :D


07-31-2003, 11:40 PM
That sounds like a great schedule Karen! You'll still have time for the shelter too, huh?

I bet you'll like it there, for however long you plan to be there for. It sounds like such a wonderful experience.

Can't wait to hear all about your day today. Call me when your off line?

07-31-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

KAK, want to join the crew? 2 people will be leaving in a couple of weeks, so I know they're looking for more people! ;) :D

Karen This sounds tempting. Do they need any help on weekends? Where is the office located? You can pm me all about it. This sure sounds like a great opportunity for you and your boss sounds very nice too. Congrats Karen. :)