View Full Version : Anyone see Jay Leno 2-nite (5/21)?

05-21-2001, 11:35 PM
I wanted to just cry... practically did! I caught the tail-(no pun intended) end of a segment he was doing on "the ugliest dogs". First of all, I have a hard time hearing that. I don't know of ANY ugly dogs. They are all precious. The last dog they brought out has apparently won this contest 5 years in a row. The owner and dog came out and my eyes filled with tears when I saw him! He could hardly walk on his scrawny little legs and he had salt and pepper "einstein" hair. His face was adorable and I felt so awful for him! I guess he just turned 17 years old.

Anyway, the other dogs were no where near ugly either. But this one just stole my heart. My point is that I thought the whole segment was cruel and those poor dogs were humilitated.

I was just curious if anyone else had seen it so I know I'm not the only one who thought this was cruel and sad.


05-21-2001, 11:37 PM
Haha, we posted about this topic at the same time http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif