View Full Version : Kylie's HERE!!

06-16-2001, 05:38 PM
Well, I have a very confused greyhound and a very p*^^ed off cat!!
The dog can't understand why the cat won't come out so she can sniff her and the cat can't understand why this big thing with this long nose is coming at her!!
And I have a nice long scratch on my leg that bled for about 10 minutes from Kylie's back claws!! She was on my lap and Shai got too close!!! When Kylie is on my lap, or letting me pet her she just purrs and purrs.
She seems to be adjusting as well as to be expected!!!I hope I am not rushing it!!!
I will keep you posted!!

~~~"Noone appreciates the very special
genius of your conversation as a dog does."
Christopher Morley

06-16-2001, 06:40 PM
Sounds like things are going well. What a sweetie Shai is to share her home. Give lots of lovin to Kylie from me, Reece and Shiloh.

Sounds like you're handling things fine. Give it time and they will come around. Be sure to supervise them when they are together and seperate them when you leave the house. I'd do this for at least two weeks to make sure nothing will go wrong.

Daisy's Mom
06-16-2001, 07:24 PM
Good luck with Kylie! She sounds very pretty. Can we see some pictures? When you aren't breaking up the fights of course http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-16-2001, 07:53 PM
Welcome to my world Staci! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif At least that's how it was a few short weeks ago around here. I think things are right on target and your furry friends are behaving normally, all things considered. Actually Kylie is much braver than my two "scaredy cats" were. Hopefully things will settle down with time. We would love to see pictures if you can take a minute from your duties as referee! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-16-2001, 11:47 PM
jeeze, i want to post something, but don't know what to say. i've been following this w/ alot of interest. i'm glad things are going ok. i'm realllllly sorry about the claw scratches. boy do they hurt!!!

06-17-2001, 12:46 AM
Shaianne is doing superbly, I am so proud of her!! At least right now!! She tried to chew her once!! Kylie is being very brave, she is coming out and laying on the couch, and the bed,(which drives Shaianne nuts) when she is on the couch she turns and looks at me like "MOM!!! I can't do that!!!"
Kylie is hissing and swatting at Shaianne, tho she is declawed in the front , so its not doing any good and Shai runs from her when she does it!! Kylie likes the spot behind the computer desk, and Shai likes that area of the room too, so I was in the chair and Kylie on my right and Shai on my left looking at each other, Kylie hissing, I just made sure my legs were out of the way, I didn't want caught in the crossfire again!!!
Shia is doing pretty good at sticking close to me. Tomorrow Shai and I are going to grandma and grandpa's for father's day and Kylie will get the run of the house by herself, Shai is always in the crate, when I leave, but I don't think Kylie has figured that out yet!!!
I am concerned b/c she hasn't used the litterbox yet, and she has been here for 12 hours, tho she hasn't eaten or drank much either. I have put her in it a few times but she turns around and jumps out.
I baby gated her in the bedroom, I know it won't keep her in but it will keep Shai out!!! I was thinking then she could get to the litterbox and food dish freely, but she didn't act interested in either, tho she did drink a little water.
I did take pics but can't promise when I will get them posted! Right now Kylie is rubbing my feet and Shai is in her normal position with her back against the door she isn't paying attention, Tho I am a little freaked!!! Kylie surprised me!!!
More tomorrow!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Right now they are about 6 inches apart and I am hoping my exposed legs are out of the way!!!! Kylie actually leaned out and sniffed Shai's paw a little while ago and then hissed at her!!

Jasper's Mom
06-17-2001, 06:16 AM
Don't know if Kylie has used the litter box yet. I also find it worrisome for I'm going through the same thing. When I finally brought my Jasper home, he didn't use the litter box for over 24 hours. And who knows how long he had been in the trap. Then I took him to the vet, and again he didn't go for about 27 hours. He finally had to, and I was the one relieved. I am no expert, but major changes and stress seem to play a part in their reluctance to use the box.

Jasper has lived here for years but the trauma of being trapped and coming home after three months is still causing the same long litter box delays.

Hope Kylie feels more relaxed soon and the problem disappears. Good luck to you, Shai and Kylie. Things should work themselves out with a little time. Tomorrow Jasper meets his rescue brother Eli, oh boy, I'll be in the same boat you're paddling now.

Jasper's Mom

06-17-2001, 06:44 AM
Staci...My cats hid for the first week that Bella was here. Trevor hid under my bed on the second floor and Andy hid in the basement. Bella was on the main floor, so I had one animal on each level. I was concerned about "bodily functions" too so I put a litter box and food and water in my bedroom for Trev (Andy had full access down in the basement because that's where their food, water & litterboxes are). I checked the litter boxes like a hawk and for the first day or two nothing was disturbed. I was starting to get very worried too. You never saw anyone so happy as I was when I finally had to scoop! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-17-2001, 04:09 PM
I don't think she has used it yet, either, I even took the top off and checked it. She had the house to herself from 9am - 330pm today I figured if she would go it would be then! She seems more relaxed today, she is coming out and visiting, she actually came up to Shai and sniffed her paw, shortly after an "altercation"(?) hissing, batting and hackles raised on both ends. When she came over to sniff, I held Shai's collar and talked very low to both of them, telling Shai to let Kylie come on her own terms. She did fine, but when Kylie headed back for the bedroom, Shai wanted to return the favor and she was gone!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Last night I was shocked into speechlessness, which takes alot for me!!! I was in bed reading, Shai at my feet on the left when I felt this tiny little thump, and I looked and both Kylie AND Shaianne were on the bed!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I sheepishly admit that my first thought was, "Thank God my legs are covered under the blankets!!!" Kylie came over and curled up by me then it dawns on Shai that the bed is moving and she looks over and she couldn't understand what was snuggling with her mom!!!! Kylie hissed at her, stopped purring and laid there for another minute and then jumped off the bed, Shai followed her, I think this is progress!!! It had been only 12 hours!! I thought as soon as Kylie sees Shai she is out of here, but she lasted a few minutes!!! I coaxed Shai back on the bed, tho I kept getting woke up hearing a hissing sound, and Kylie was over by her litter box, but Shai left her alone, and Nothing in the box today!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif
She hasn't eaten or drank much either, she won't even eat the treats her mom gave me!! And she loves them at home!!!
But I think we are making progress, I am trying to give Shai her attention, so she doesn't feel left out, and give Kylie the attention, b/c she has had a rough weekend!!
Actually they both have, and I think Shai needs a bath tomorrow which will just add to the situation!!!
Aly, how did Shiloh take to the dogs?? Was she a dog hater at first too????

~~~"Noone appreciates the very special
genius of your conversation as a dog does."
Christopher Morley

06-17-2001, 06:14 PM
Staci, everything you are describing seems perfectly normal. From the descriptions of their behavior, I predict they will be curled up sleeping together in no time. Shiloh did the exact same thing with Harley where she'd come smell his paw and then hiss. She learned to trust him though and they became friends (for a little while anyway). When Reece came, Harley started picking on Shiloh and she blamed it on Reece so she'd smack him if he smelled her. When things calmed down though, she realized it wasn't Reece and she has a great time playing with him now.

Shai's so sweet for sharing her home with Kylie. Just be patient and keep doing what you've been doing and they'll start to trust each other more. Its a great sign that Kylie will get on the bed when Shai's on there too. You're so great for keeping Kylie in your loving home instead of having her miserable around your friend's boyfriend. I'm sure Kylie appreciates it http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Show these pictures to Kylie and tell her she can be great friends with Shai just like Shiloh is with her doggy buds http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif




[This message has been edited by aly (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-17-2001, 06:36 PM
Sounds like your making great progress with Kylie. It's amazing to watch them make the "adjustment!" I'm sure before long they'll be no room left on the bed for you! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Kylie sounds so sweet. Pictures when you can, please! Hang in there!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-18-2001, 10:02 PM
Well, she used to litter box!!! AND SHE SLEPT ON THE BED WITH SHAI AND I LAST NIGHT!! I couldn't believe it!!! She is definately coming out of her shell. Tho she still hisses and bats at Shai. She follows me from room to room. She sometimes lets Shai walk by her without hissing and batting tho. But Shai has to ignore her, if she tries to sniff, the fight is on!!(boxing match http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) She is really warming up to me. She snuggles and rubs my legs, which is hard to get used to. I keep tripping over her and sending her careening across the linoleum!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif
But I don't mean to, I just forget she's there!!
I had to move her dish up to the dryer, Shai was eating all her cat food. I got her to eat a little by giving her some canned food. (Thanks Auggie http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) I am taking several pics, in the bathtub, on the couch, under the desk etc. Well that's today's update!!!

~~~"Noone appreciates the very special
genius of your conversation as a dog does."
Christopher Morley

06-18-2001, 10:06 PM
Hooray!! Great progress and MUCH faster than I expected!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Kylie is a brave little girl!

06-19-2001, 01:53 PM
Once again, Kylie slept on the bed with us, She trys to nest in my hair. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
I opened up some of my blinds so she can stand up to the window sill and see outside. She likes to look outside.
Shaianne is adjusting well, if Kylie bats her she comes over to me for sympathy, which she knows she will get. She is the first spoiled child. She will always have a special place in my heart, she and I have a special bond. But Kylie and I are bonding, she follows me from room to room. Last night I was going to the door to let the dog in and Kylie came flying across the lineolum in the kitchen and tried to stop, she ended up doing a 180 degree turn, Jodi had lineolum, but not as much as I do, she can have a running start here!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Shaianne is learning to ignore her and Kylie won't bat and hiss at her if she walks by, Shai desperatly wants to play but Kylie isn't having any of that yet. If I am missing for a couple days its b/c I have to work and don't usually have time to get on before work.
http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

~~~"Noone appreciates the very special
genius of your conversation as a dog does."
Christopher Morley

06-19-2001, 10:20 PM
How nice that things are calming down. If Kylie's with you long enough, I know she's a "fostercat," maybe she'll even learn to play with Shai!

06-22-2001, 06:24 AM
Kylie is here on a semi-permanent basis, she is getting used to Shaianne, unless Shai moves to quickly and then Kylie panics.
She is sleeping on the bed, eating, using the litterbox, etc. She is really bonding to me, she knows one of the first things I do when I get home from work is take off my scrubs and she runs into my bedroom, throws herself on the floor with her belly up for a tummy rub!!
She is so darn cute!!
Everytime she bats Shai, Shai comes over to me as if to say "WHY???" Or she just looks at me!
Kylie loves my lineolum, she will be dissappointed when I get my carpet in!!! She runs thru the house and slides thru the kitchen!! Shai is learning that if she ignores her Kylie won't spaz out, but sometimes she can't help herself and she wants to play. And Kylie isn't having any of that yet!!

~~~"Noone appreciates the very special
genius of your conversation as a dog does."
Christopher Morley

06-30-2001, 11:02 PM
Wanted to Update on Kylie, she has been here for 2 weeks and is getting along fine. She doesn't overly like Shaianne but is tolerating her. and vice versa. Shai is trying to play with her by chasing and Kylie heads for the bed or the couch. She is affectionate with me, she curls up beside me to sleep, sits on the back of my chair at the computer,(where she is right now :D) She loves getting treats, and seems very happy. I am pleased at how both animals are adjusting. Shai is doing very well. I am soooo proud of her.
I will keep up the occasional update!!
:D :D :D

07-01-2001, 12:46 AM
I'm so glad everything has worked out! You did a great thing for Kylie and I'm sure she's so much more happy and comfortable. I'll be looking forward to updates on my favorite greyhound and her new feline friend :)

07-01-2001, 06:57 AM
Things seem to be working out even better than I thought they would at this stage of the game! Give Shai big hugs from me for being such a sweetie to allow Kylie to "invade" her home. What a girl!

07-01-2001, 09:32 AM
Sounds like you might have a permanent Cat. Glad everything is going so well and maybe Shai and Kylie even become Friends after a while. :)