View Full Version : To Luna, From Jack

07-29-2003, 09:33 AM
Hi my sweet Luna! Iz thot dat I'd rite u senz I havn't in a while...my meowmie hazn't ben lettin me on da puter lately. How r u doin? Iz u excited bout ur baby sister comin to live wid u? Don't get mad at me, but I tink dat she's really cute. But u will always be the most beutiful kitty in da hole wide world to me!!! O, I haff to tell u, my meowmie waz mean to me last night!! She put me in the bafftub and got me all wet. She din put this smelly stuff on me (smells like the flowers outside) called somfin like zampoo, or somefin. Den she got me all wet again!! I definately made sure she new dat I didn't like it...I yelled at her the whole time. I had to dry myself off for the next hour!!! She had the nerve to follow me around wid the camera...I won't show u any pictures cuz they b embarizing! She may post dem later, but I don't want her to! Anyhow, Iz got to go. Hope to hear frum u soon! Noserubs and headbumpies to u!

All my luv,

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2003, 09:55 AM
Oh goody! We get to see pictures of Jack getting a bath! Thanks for the heads up Jack, we'll be patiently waiting while your mommy loads the pictures in the puter. :D

07-29-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Oh goody! We get to see pictures of Jack getting a bath! Thanks for the heads up Jack, we'll be patiently waiting while your mommy loads the pictures in the puter. :D

Actually, you will only be seeing the ones from after his bath was over. I only have two hands and both of them were holding Jack trying to keep him in the tub. I tried to get my hubby to take some pictures, but he was busy playing on the compter. I'll try to get the pictures posted tomorrow...have to get them loaded on the computer tonight.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Lerah021399
I tried to get my hubby to take some pictures, but he was busy playing on the compter.

I know what you mean. A few times I've tried to get Terry to take pics while I did something with the cats, and he always looks at me like I'm crazy. Like "Why would you want a picture of that?" As he rolls his eyes and walks away. :rolleyes: :D

07-29-2003, 03:08 PM
My dear Jack!!!

So good to hear from you!!! Meowmie has some problems with her neck and wasn't on the computer today, so I almost missed your message!

I'm doing fine, but meowmie took me to the vet today to have my eyes checked (she thinks there are some problems with my pupils, but I feel fine). It has been awfully hot in the car and I got so thirsty while I was in there. Now tell me, wasn't it mean of meowmie to bring me there?

I agree it's been a horrible and embarassing thing your meowmie did to you! I tell you I would NEVER let my meowmie do that to me (she last did it to me when I was a kitten and jumped into a bowl full of porridge!).

And yes, she'll telling me I'm getting a sister next week. Hopefully she'll be nice! :)

Loves and purrs,
Luna ,,,^..^,,,

07-30-2003, 06:46 AM

Iz hope dat ur mommy feels better soon! I don't like to b in da car either, but my mommy always makes it cool in da car for me wid the air conditoner when I haff to go to da vets. Do u haff a air conditoner there? My mommy told me dat she will be posting some new pitures for u to see on a different thread. I tink dat there will be some of me after my baff...how can she do dat to me?!??! Iz b so imbarazing! She told me dat I had to haff a baff da other day cause I got all dusty from her and daddy painting and sanding da walls. But at least it wazn't just me dat got a baff, Ali had to have one too! :D

Sending u all my luv!


07-30-2003, 06:00 PM
Dear Jack!

My moewmie is doing a bit better, thanks! :)

Jack, I saw the bathing pictures of you and Ali, and I felt so sorry for you! What a horrible thing to do that to you! But even with a wet fur you're still such a handsome boy! :)

And no, my meowmie doesn't have an air conditioner in her car, that's what it makes so uncomfortable in the summer. I actually love driving because I'm always trying to look out of the window to see as much as possible, but not when it's that hot!

Love, Luna ,,,^..^,,,

02-25-2005, 11:54 AM
Our dad,lets us,alone,if we keep ourselves,clean.The only one,that he had,to bathe was Mr Fluffy,as he had poo poo,behind his tail!PU.Baths are for Birds,we all say,here.