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Running Wolf
07-29-2003, 08:25 AM
Went out of state two weekends ago so my g/f and me could pick up her cat. Big black shorthair with the misleading name of Little Guy. He’s like twice the size of my Ember.

These past two weeks have been a fun adventure (not bloody likely as the Brits would say). At least the only thing that has gone right in the past two weeks have been the cats getting along.

Little Guy would hide under a dresser and Ember would stand a few feet away looking at him like “dude, what is your problem, come out here and play with the 2 leggers!” Little Guy would just hiss and Em would take it in stride.

I was in the living room with Ember and my g/f was in the kitchen with Little Guy. I started walking to the kitchen with Ember in tow and my g/f dropped something. Little Guy goes running out of the kitchen, Em goes running in. They see each other at the threshold and both freeze and look at each other with an “oh poop! What do I do now” look on their faces.

After two weeks, and no fighting between the two Little Guy is starting to come out and lay in different places on the floor and not minding the young kitten. Em is about 4 and Little Guy is about 10.

07-29-2003, 08:29 AM
Glad to hear the your two kitties are getting along! Got any pictures??!?!? We'd love to see them.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Running Wolf
Em is about 4 and Little Guy is about 10.

4 and 10 as in years or months? I'm taking it as months since you said he doesn't mind having the "kitten" around. At this age, they will soon be romping together with no problem. If it's 4 and 10 years, things might take a little longer, but it sounds like they'll still work it out.

You have such great descriptions of how they interact. Loved the "oh poop! What do I do now." description. I can just see it. :D :D

Don't know if I've seen any of your other posts, so I'd like to say a big Welcome to PT to you, your g/f, Little Guy and Ember. Sounds like we should get some good stories out of you about them. :D

07-29-2003, 10:08 AM
I would love to see some pictures of the little ones.

Welcome to Pet Talk. I can't wait for more of your posts.

07-29-2003, 02:55 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Running Wolf. Your Ember and Little Guy sound so adorable.
As others have said, any chance on seeing picture of them.

Running Wolf
07-29-2003, 04:57 PM
I have posted before, off and on.... Right now playing a game on line but wanted to show my g/f the post.
4 years and 10 years.

Between the two of us we fixed the belt on the vacum. Little Guy goes running into the window Em is hiding is. I'm like "dude she's hiding there too!" but in he goes, shocking the pants off me (an ugly site indeed!).
I go over to make sure they are cool. I pet Em cause her look was like "no fair my spot!" He gives a hiss and she in turn licks him above the eye! I about pooped!

Pictures are on the way, wasn't wanting to freak him out so soon after moving. Also promised the lady at the shelter I got Em from for more pictures and a picture of our new addition..... Three years later and I still shoot the breeze with Deb from teh shelter.

Sorry about the spelling I am rushing to go back to my game (typical male, eh?)

07-29-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Running Wolf
(typical male, eh?)
You talk like a Canuck, eh?? Looking forward to pictures.:D :D

Running Wolf
07-30-2003, 07:40 AM
Not a hoser :) I have been up north more than a few times. I KNOW this will offend Canadians but to me the Great White North is a cooler, cleaner, mellower version of the States.

If I ever get the money to go back down to Mexico for vacation I'm gonna learn to say "Don't shoot I'm Canadian" in Spanish :).

I did snag a few pics of the kitties last night. I know Ember is on my web page.