View Full Version : Under the patio

07-28-2003, 08:39 PM
A friend of mine lives in a neighborhood where there are many cats. So they needlessly "do their business" in her yard. She doesn't mind picking up a few poos in her yard every now and then..

But when it gets to spring cleaning, and she has to clean under her patio, she gets sick from the smell. That seems to be the hit place for cats do do their thing.

Is there anything she can to keep the cats out from under her patio?


07-28-2003, 11:25 PM
I can't say it works...but my Grandmother always told me they use to throw moth balls under her house to keep the animals away. I never tried it...but she said it worked, you know back in the good old days. LOL

I do know they make something for that it's called OUT or something like that. I got it once, a few years ago, to keep the dogs out of the flower bed.........Wrong!!! Didn't work on my dogs but who knows it might work for cats.

07-29-2003, 12:24 AM
Maybe getting a dog! Hehe J/K LOL! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2003, 09:08 AM
I would try the mothballs too. We use them when we store the motorhome in the winter to keep the mice out. Supposedly they don't like the smell. And it must work because so far we haven't had any problems at all, and the guy next to us said the mice ate all the wires in his engine. He had put mothballs inside, but not in the engine compartment, so that's where they stayed. Needless to say next year we're going to double up after hearing that story. :eek:

Another thing we use is those smelly dryer sheets. Another thing they supposedly hate the smell of, but that might get kinda messy outside, so I would try the mothballs.

And I know you're talking cats and I'm talking mice, but I think the mothballs work on all sorts of critters, and they're cheap enough to give it a try. K-Mart, Wal-Mart, any hardware store should have them - and I believe at the grocery story you can get those disc things to hang in closets. That might be good too because it's a bigger piece.

Hope she finds something that works! :)

07-29-2003, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the ideas! :) I'll tell my friend, she will really appreciate it!

07-29-2003, 01:29 PM
You can also buy cat repellants at garden stores. It's a grainy type stuff, and cat's hate the smell of it. When we had our neighbours cats in our gardens, our vet told us to check it out. It worked, but the only thing was eventually the cats would just bear with the smell and go in there anyway. She could also try tin foil all around the patio.. maybe if the cats can't get under there they will stop coming (cats don't like to walk on tin foil).

07-29-2003, 01:38 PM
Mothballs are NOT a good idea. They are highly toxic to cats. Cats do NOT like citrus. There are citrus smelling air freshners in a can on the market. Try putting those out. Under her patio??? Anyway she can block the entrance??

07-29-2003, 01:40 PM
I thought about the citrus too, Donna, but might that attract bees? What about Vinegar?

07-29-2003, 01:58 PM
Oooh, I'll be sure to tell her not to use mothballs. :eek:

I'll ask her if she would rather have bees than cats LOL.

Funny you mentioned the tin foil. I used that a few years ago when Sara slept in my room at night. She would not stop scratching the door. So I lined the door with tinfoil. But it didn't stop her lol. I swear...that cat :rolleyes: Scratching aimlessly at the tinfoil. :rolleyes: lol. I'll tell my friend to try it though, and see if it works.

It wil be hard to block her porch. It's on of those long ones that is high off the ground. :(