View Full Version : Stinky Pee!!

07-28-2003, 08:38 PM
I am pointing fingers at Lily, cause it never got bad til we had her, but they're litter is almost unbearable to go near .. The pee is so strong it almost burns your nose to smell it!! Do you think this may be because she is only a kitten, and is not done?

For the time being, any ideas to allow me to breath when I take a shower?! When will it be ok for me to use clumping litter? I find clumping great ..



07-28-2003, 08:54 PM
I know that vanilla helps with the smell of rodent pee. I'd imagine it would be the same for cats? :confused:

good luck!

07-28-2003, 09:48 PM
I sprinkle a little bit of that Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh Carpet Fresh in the litter boxes and then pour the litter on top. (The Carpet Fresh stuff is cheaper than the litter "fresh" stuff they sell on the litter shelves and it's the same stuff!) It seems to absorb a lot of the yucky cat pee smell. HTH

07-28-2003, 11:09 PM
Hi Johanna!

She is probably old enough now that she can use clumping.

I've got the same bad pee smell now too with Skylar and Shiloh using the same box. Double the cats, double the pee :eek:

07-29-2003, 05:37 AM
hmm...I've read some unsettling things about clumping litter .. how do you guys feel about it?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2003, 09:16 AM
Well, not sure about with a kitten, but T & P have been using Tidy Cats Multiple Cat formula for years and years and years, almost as long as clumping litter has been out, and they've never had any problems with it. I know people get concerned about them licking the litter off their paws and such, but T & P have never had any problems. And I also don't know how any could still be on their paws because it's always all over th entire basement! :eek: :rolleyes:

I think this litter works great because I very seldom notice any odor at all. The only thing is, yes I have 3 litter boxes, but they are spread out through the whole basement, not near each other at all, which I'm sure helps disipate the odor somewhat. I also have some of those lava rock odor absorber things. So far I only have two, each hanging over a different litter box, but I'm looking to get another one. The first one I got at a pet show, the second one I got at Restoration Hardware. I don't know how well they would work in a steamy environment like a bathroom (with the shower and all) but it might be worth a try to buy one of those also. I know you can find them on the internet too, but I don't have any specific links right now.

Good luck! :)

07-29-2003, 09:34 AM
I've got 7 litter boxes for 8 cats. I use Feline Pine. The pine pellets absorb the urine and the odor. After a month, when the stuff turns to complete sawdust, I dump the boxes and start over. You only put in a 1/2 in per box. It's very economical. You need to remove the solid waste every day. The litter does the rest with the liquid.

07-29-2003, 10:08 AM
moosmom where can you get this litter? does walmart have it maybe? I wish we had a Petco store!! :( :mad:

Pounders Person
07-29-2003, 10:54 AM
With past cats i've used the clumping litter.....but recently read about the possible problems with it.....sooooo with Pounder i started using Feline Pine and i love this stuff!!!!!!!!....i won't ever go back to the clumping stuff......

07-29-2003, 01:09 PM
I've never used clumping litter because I am paranoid about the dust. I know there are dust free ones, but I just use either natural litters or the crystals for my cats.

Did my dad tell you I made him order a pizza the night Lily came in so she could use it as a litter box? Hehe.

07-29-2003, 01:13 PM
lol i'm not sure, he may have :D how silly :)

07-29-2003, 02:56 PM
One question: Has Lily been spayed already? Can it be she's getting into heat?

Luna's pee was more smelly when she had a bladder infection (from struvite crystals), so maybe you better have Lily's urine tested just to be on the safe side...

As far as I know, there are sprays for litterboxes which help to reduce the odor.


07-30-2003, 04:27 PM
You can also sprinkle just plain baking soda over the litter also instead of the Litter deoderizor. It works great too.
I tried just about everykind of litter I could find. I settled on Tidy Cat and used that for almost a year, then I just bought a bad of Fresh Step, b/c I think that is what Noah's Mommy uses, she said she has no odor with 6 cats.
I also bought a bag of Feline Pine and followed the directions and put it in the box today, we shall see what happens.
Kylie is very very tolerant of her mommy switching litters, I don't know if she will like the Feline Pine her sister's mommy bought it and Tome HATED it. She just sat and stared at the box for about a half hour before she used it, She had to introduce it slowly and take it away slowly!!!