View Full Version : Do people judge you?

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-28-2003, 05:02 PM
The other day in PetSmart, I was there with my mom, she was closing which meant she pretty much was going to be there until at least 10:30pm. Anyway, there was this kitten in the vet attached to PetSmart and I asked if I could hold him. I was able to. I carried him around the store, showing him all the fishtanks and birds and whatnot and you should have seen the looks people were giving me. I think it's cause the way I was dressed. I had some baggy JNCO's on and an Ozzfest Tshirt, the one with the devil looking thing, holding a Flying-V guitar. But damn, the way they were looking at me, like I was gonna kill the kitten in a friggin' ritual.

Then there's the pigs, cops, who follow me around the stores because of how I'm dressed. I don't steal things, really. I have money, I'll pay for it. I'm not *that* stupid. They think they can intimidate me by staring me down. What's there to be intimidated by if I haven't done anything wrong?

Then you have the ooooooooooooolllllllllllllllddddddddd people who look me up and down and shake their head in disagreement.

I'm so sick of people judging me. Anyone else get this kind of crap? :) :D

07-28-2003, 05:07 PM
I hate it when people judge!!!

07-28-2003, 05:08 PM
I hate it when people judge by the looks, not the personality!!!!

07-28-2003, 07:02 PM
I don't judge anyone-Hey Albert Einstein used to go around in the most horrid old ripped pants and holey sweater. I have this long stark white hair and a lot of people think I'm some sort of wiccan goddess. If people can't see beyond the outside they need to look inside themselves if something might be just a little bit wrong. Not everyone is a sheep-be an individual-you know who you are!:)

07-28-2003, 07:19 PM
Yes, it's wrong, but, unfortunately, that's the way our society works. Next time someone looks at you in a disparging way, smile at them and say,"HI! Have a great day!" and see what they do. It's amazing sometimes how people change when you greet them with a smile....and a lot of time it catches them off guard and they get embarassed (good for a giggle).

07-28-2003, 07:31 PM
Yep, its really wrong to judge people. I have friends who dress a certain way and they do get stares every now and then. Just try to ignore it and like mugsy said greet them, like say Hi! They might change..:)

07-28-2003, 07:34 PM
I usually don't have people look at me at all unless I have on clothing that let my tattoos show, then boy oh boy do I get the looks:eek:

07-28-2003, 07:40 PM
Sure I get looks.....

But then...when you act like me...:rolleyes:

I'll walk around with neon pink post-its all over my face, what I call my *funky barbie pants*, writing ALL over my body, and a million other things. I get the most looks when I rollerblade with my rats on my shoulder, and Timber leading the way. I got some pretty weird looks the other day when my friend Renee (koneko_kokoro) and I were walking down the highway holding hands. We're chicks. Can't we hold hands? :confused: :p

I just laugh it off. :)

07-28-2003, 09:20 PM
I get looks everyday & I also get sooooooo many nice comments about my shaved head. & they think its even cooler when I tell them my hair has more then doubled in length & I need a hair cut really bad. But too many strangers feel the need to guess my age. & their always soooooo wrong, "U can't be older then 14, r u allowed to work here at 14??" ummm I'm turning 21 in August, "No way! You can't be 21.

I've never had a bad comment about my shaved head, only good, but I get scared when girls wink at me, ick, I'm not a lezbo (no offence to anyone).

& I hate it when younger guys hit on me or get all giggly talking to me, growup & leave me be.

07-28-2003, 09:36 PM
Mugsy, you took the words right out of my mouth.
People who judge others have nothing better to do with their day.
You like who you are, I love Brian forever, that's what matters. Not what other people think.
So next time do like Mugsy said and you can also add, "Hi, how are you today?"

Also I'm 51 years old, am I considered one of the oooolllllllllddddd
I go with how society is today, I don't judge how kids or people are today.
Either you like me or you don't, I really don't care cause I like who I am and I have a great family and a few friends that love me and of course my beloved pets.
That's all that matters.
So don't take to heart what others think.

07-28-2003, 10:40 PM
How you choose to present yourself to society of course influences how people will react to you. We ALL "judge people" and if you are trying to combat a negative stereotype, then act extra nice to people, be even more kind and considerate than you normally would be. Reacting in a negative way just reinforces negative stereotypes!

07-28-2003, 10:59 PM
I dress in dark colors most of the time... People don't really judge me though. If they did i'd ignore their stupidity and go on with life because they're the ones who don't know doo doo about me.

07-28-2003, 11:44 PM
I get frustrated when people judge too. I work a dirty blue collar job. When I get off of work, I am filthy, and my clothes are often holey. I'm often mistaken for homeless or a lesbian just because of how I look after work. (*no offense to lesbians, my two closest friends are a lesbian couple) I am amazed at the difference in customer service when I am dressed in my work clothes opposed to showering and dressing girly. It doesn't really bother me to much, though. I make more money then most lawyers, so I just laugh myself to the bank.

My brother's average outfit is nappy long hair, holey jeans, and a marilyn manson shirt...the rest of our family was cracking up the last time we traveled. He got stopped and searched a dozen times. We joked with him that we weren't bringing him next time cause he holds us up.

When I was younger, I was into the piercings and different hair colors. I can remember getting alot of attention for that. Truthfully, looking back, I think I did that stuff for attention anyways.

07-29-2003, 02:46 AM
Being and having a lot of friends who are "furries", I'm pretty used to that sort of thing. Most of my friends aren't the type to wear ears and a tail out in public all the time, but there are some rather unusual looking/dressing people among us. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-29-2003, 04:29 AM
I really hate it when people judge me!

In South Africa I worked in a very up-market corporate environment - and I used to wear all the typical "Ally McBeal" type short suits, heels and stockings EVERY DAY but....... I used to LOVE "Casual Day" so I could go to work on my bike, in my bike leathers:D It was amazing to see how different people acted towards me when I "dressed down".

My kids think it's great that their Mum is "cool" on the weekend - Jeans and Doc Martens or Sketchers, although once, when my Son was about 7, I had a PTA meeting at school and he instructed me to "dress more like a mummy" - whatever THAT means!!!!:rolleyes:

07-29-2003, 12:59 PM
I instead of watching them do it....go up and start convo with them. I dont dress the nicest either. I change their opinion. Its rather funny to see my clothes, my ripped jeans, faded tees, hot pink hats, pins up and down the pant legs. jammies to school and wally world. My friends dress the same as you describe...we call it Marshall goth. I've met so many new people this way. Talk to them. They learn not to judge.

Edwina's Secretary
07-29-2003, 02:11 PM
Of course people judge me. And I judge people. It is a survival mechanism that is instinctive in humans -- well in all creatures. Past experiences drives future behavior. If in the past I had a bad experience with a person who looked a certain way, or acted a certain way, etc., my instinct is going to be to expect the same experience.

If I see a person coming toward me with a gun I am going to judge him or her and not wait to find out what kind of person they are on the inside.

I can however, change people's impression of those who look/ act like me....as others have suggested as well!

07-29-2003, 04:52 PM
People judge other people on their looks ... because it's all they know about them. If you have never met someone, how can you judge them on their personality? You can't. People have to have some sort of screening system, it's human nature. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the way the human brain works.

I really don't have a problem with it too much, as long as it is based on things one can control. For example, I have two tattoos, and I recently put blonde stripes in my dark brown hair. Now, I'm not really one of the ooolllldddd people you speak of, I am 35, so I do probably get some funny looks from more conservative people my age. But, I don't care. If I would have cared, I wouldn't have made the choice to get tattoos and stripe my hair. If we choose to look a certain way, then we also consciously choose the impact and effect it has on others. If we don't want people staring at us and commenting about us, then we should not do things to bring on attention. If we don't care, then we probably shouldn't complain when it happens.

I do have a problem with judging people based on things they can't control, however ... such as race, handicap, etc. I HATE people who judge other people by the color of their skin or their religion, etc. That's just wrong, and there's no way to justify it.

Also, try to keep this in mind .... someday YOU will be one of the ooooolllllllddddd people, and you cannot even begin to imagine right now what young people will be doing, wearing and saying in sixty years. Yep, I know what you're thinking, "Yeah, but I'M not going to be some old fuddy-duddy, I'm always going to be cool." Well, that's probably what those ooolllldddd people in Petsmart thought 60 years ago, too! I once saw a bumper sticker on a big old car driven about 30 miles per hour by a tiny little old lady. I was getting frustrated creeping along behind her, when I saw her bumper sticker. It said, "Someday, you too will be old." Wow, that really hit home for me. Always try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you criticise them ... isn't that exactly why you posted this thread? You were frustrated by people judging you without knowing you? Isn't that kind of what you are doing? Judging ooolllldddd people without knowing what it's like to be old, sick, scared and maybe alone in a world that is moving too fast for you to possibly keep up with? Just some food for thought .....

07-29-2003, 07:00 PM
I dont know what its like to be judged negitivly but I remeber some old people were like freaking out and getting all upset and scared when they saw my brother, because he wheres baggy cloths, a mohalk with blue tips, an earing in one ear. he was scaring the old folks, but my brother is really really nice, and very religous believe it or not, he lives on his own, with very few possesions no car(takes the bus, or walks) and travels a lot. he even got kicked out of a store once when he did not do anything wrong, but hey he's 17 therefore he must be up to no good :rolleyes: people like me lol, I dress sort of like a girl, but I could not care less about being dirty, I have dogs, got a problem?? :cool: I dont care who likes my style, why would I want to be friends or go out with someone who does not like my style?? besides the only people who have a problem with me walking around covered in mud is snobby stuck up girly girls. for heaven sakes I walk into a restraunt after running around outside in the mud and water for 9 hours, and I dont mean a fast food joint.:eek: lol

07-30-2003, 11:38 AM
I find it sad that some of the seniors start singing "Jeuses Loves me" as me and my friends walk by. They did that every day until I told them the right words to the song.

07-30-2003, 11:54 AM
oh and on the old people thing I LOVE OLD PEOPLE AND THEY LOVE ME!!!!!!!
Arn't we sweet?!?! Im on the Left, Jenny the one who was really really sick at the time is in the center, and Kels is at the Right!
Our clothing consists of most black and red. We're goth. Just Marshall Goth, which is what we are called around here if you own and Black clothing and wear it. :( :(
AND MY PRETTY PINK HAT that I talked about earlier


Ally Cat's Mommy
07-30-2003, 01:16 PM
Cool pics - I think as long as you are comfortable with yourself then you're doing fine;)

08-11-2003, 11:07 AM
~chuckles~ oh yes the judgement flys when im out (not too often) and usualy goes along the lines of F(censored) Hippie :D lmao, that sort of stuff does not bother me and i just laugh it off

08-11-2003, 01:30 PM
Yes, I'm sure I have been judged many a time (it happens to the best of us :D). It used to bother me, but that's just the way things are. It sucks when people can be so closed-minded, but I try not to let just a few shallow people get to me.
One of my favorite quotes by the honorable Dr. Seuss:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

08-11-2003, 02:02 PM
In my school, everyone judges everybody. I hate it. I used to be best friends with these two girls but one day they just ditched me and my other friend because we weren't "cool" enough. It's so stupid. I'm a lot happier now but still, they can't just stick a label on me like that. Anyways, I used to hate all the "popular" people in my school because I figured they were all like thos etwo girls. I was wrong. This year, a lot of them spoke to me and they were really nice. That's when I myself learned not to judge so quickly. I don't really get dirty looks but if I do, I just ignore them. It's their loss if they want to be stuck up and that shallow.

Once I was on the bus with my friend and the morons around us were pushing eachother around and they ended up hitting me, so I ended up falling on these old ladies. They started swearing at me in French and saying how stupid and impolite young people were. As if they were any better? They practically shoved me onto the floor :rolleyes: