View Full Version : SAS...I feel your pain!

Edwina's Secretary
07-28-2003, 11:37 AM
Edwina has become such a well.......bitch.... when it comes to Eddie. He tries so hard. Follows her around...looks at her with those sad, soulful eyes. And she whacks him. He lays on the floor just minding his own business and she whacks him. Right now he is sitting in the window in the other room. If she knew ....well she figured it out and I had to go referee! There was no reason...she was here with me. If she wanted to look out there are other windows open and her screen porch.

I give Eddie credit. He leaves and then returns in a few minutes! He is determined!

Now Edwina has decided the dining room (I had the carpets professionally cleaned on Friday:mad: :mad: ) is her litter box.

WHY can't she be nice!!!!!!!!

07-28-2003, 11:51 AM
Ali was the same way with Jack. She even got so mad at us she refused to eat and then she broke out w/ weird bumps all over her ears. She would hiss and swing at Jack every time he came near her. And some of the time she would be lurking, waiting for him to pass by her and attack him for no reason. A lot of time and patience is what it takes. I know that's not much comfort to you while you are in the midst of it, but that's what it takes. It took Ali a year to even tolerate Jack being in the same room w/ her...I hope it doesn't take that long w/ Edwina. Hope things get better soon!!

07-28-2003, 11:54 AM
Mishi started not using the litterbox for a bit too after Mitzi kept rebuffing his attempts at affection. I bought some of that "Nature's Miracle" stuff and it seems to have worked to take the scent out. Then I moved his litterbox to where he was leaving his messes for me to clean up. It seems to have worked -- now they're BOTH using that litterbox :rolleyes: and Mitzi is being a little bit nicer with the big goon. They still aren't snugglers, but at least she lets him lick her occasionally.


Ally Cat's Mommy
07-28-2003, 12:11 PM
I hope things improve, I feel so sorry for Eddie, bearing the brunt of all this unprovoked aggression, but I also feel sorry for Madam Edwina - she must feel that her place as Queen of the house is under threat!

Hugs to all of you


07-28-2003, 12:19 PM
Some cats just never warm up to each other. My second oldest (Ginger) and youngest (Krissy) don't get along. I would be thrilled if they just tolerated each other, but it has been war for the past 8 years. We give Krissy her own area when we leave the house or she would be a basket case because Ginger is relentless in her hunt for poor Krissy. What Krissy doesn't know is that Ginger is a total coward and if she just showed some moxie, Ginger would back right off.

07-28-2003, 12:24 PM
Sara, I feel your pain. :( I'm sure you're giving Edwina lots of attention - the spoiled little brat. ;) And I'm sure you give Eduardo his cuddles when Edwina isn't around. What more can you do!! Perhaps Edwina can smell him on your clothes? :eek:

Wasn't it just the other day they were rubbing noses. Try and see this as a minor set back, the little lady is bound to give in to his charm sooner or later. :)

Off to clean the carpet again! :rolleyes: Good luck - and lots of patience!!

07-28-2003, 12:36 PM
Oh NO! I hate to hear that you are having problems with Edwina and Eduardo..... I sure hope this works itself out for everyone involved! I think as long as Eddie is still coming back and isn't in fear of being attacked, then things are still promising!


07-28-2003, 12:55 PM
I was thrilled when I first read that you'd take in gentle Eduardo, as Edwina has been a spoiled only-cat for quite awhile (exactly like Nellie) and I knew it wouldn't be easy...

Nellie now knows the neighbor's cat for four years and he has quite the same personality like Eddie, never a hiss or a growl and so very gentle...but Nellie is growling so much at him I sometimes expect her to have a heartattack...but sometimes they even sit together...

Cats work out their relations on their own terms...and they often make up their minds...one day is sunshine, the other day is rain!!!

But you've done so very well and always kept up your wonderful humor and I admire you so much for taking in Eduardo that I hope and pray they will get along one day!!!

I very much enjoyed the book "Is your cat crazy" by John C.Wright...it's about Cat therapies and it's interesting and funny to read...

And to Edwina: I am sure pretty girl that you couldn't ask for a better guy to accompany you then sweet gentle Eduardo...give him a chance and make your Secretary (:) ) happy again!!!

07-28-2003, 01:03 PM
I cannot imagine that Edwina tries to hurt Eddie seriously -this seems to be a difference to Ti- but I can feel your pain too. You don't want your little spoiled girl to be unhappy and you don't want Eddie's feelings hurt.

I hope however it will work out. Try more catnip! For the cats if it doesn't work for you;)

07-28-2003, 01:11 PM
I took my mom out (yep, I keep her in a cage :eek: ) to Petsmart and got some of that Feliway. After reading the directions, I squirted my hand, rub them together, and applied it on each of the three cats scruffs. Mom says today it seems a little calmer around the ranch. Her one cat Washy goes after Indy something awful. It is just a thought to try.....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-28-2003, 01:36 PM
Oh no, I was soooo hoping Edwina wouldn't resort to this to show exactly what she thinks of Eddie. :(

I guess my only suggestion would be to separate them again, even if it's only during the day while there's no one home, so Edwina can feel like she's queen again. When you get home, make sure to shower her with attention before letting Eddie out.

Also, I used to do this until I realized what I was doing, but when you "referee" do you yell at her? If so, she is thinking that she's only protecting her territory and she's the one to get yelled at, so she gets even more upset. Try and sweet talk her away from Eddie, or if you see her going after him, try and distract her with something she likes - catnip? - that way she will get to relate the good thing with Eddie, and will start liking him. I know I didn't explain that very well, but hopefully you understand, or hopefully someone else can say it better.

For example, I read one time about cats that don't like to be picked up. You have to give them a reason to like being picked up, so when you do pick them up, give them a treat they like, or scratch them in a favorite place and they will soon associate being picked up with the treat or the wonderful skritch, so they won't mind being picked up. You have to associate Eddie with good things, which almost seems like you need to reward her bad behavior, but it's not quite like that.

Anyway, I hope you get what I'm trying to get across here. I'm not having a good day which is probably contributing to my inability to put this better.....

Hang in there, hopefully things will only get better. Oh, and is Eddie still using Edwina's litter box? That might have something to do with it too.

Poor Edwina, don't be so upset about that durn Basement Boy. Your momma and poppa still love you dearly, and we all know you are still Queen of your Castle, so please just ignore him and start being your sweet old self again and everything will get back to normal.

Killearn Kitties
07-28-2003, 01:41 PM
Aaw, poor cats. No wonder Eduardo hasn't been writing up his diary recently. I hope things calm down soon.

07-28-2003, 01:48 PM
Some cats are just like that - especially FEMALE cats...
This very thing happened when I moved in to Lucy's house with Mishka. She is just so mean to him. She
growls, hisses and whacks him every chance she gets. And he doesn't give up but also - he gives it back to her.
Sometimes we hear them in a fight and it's just scary - they both scream bloody murder!
Fortunately I don't think it's has ever gotten too serious - no claws or teeth that is. We have accepted that they will never be friends. Now having said all that - we have noticed lately that they are ALWAYS in the same room together. Not cuddling or anything like that by all means though!!! It has taken them 4 months though!!
They do seem to be getting along better - that is that Lucy The Bitchy Tabby may be finally softening up. If it was up to Mishka they would have been friends a long time ago. Once I saw him trying to climb in next to her to lay down and cuddle - for the first few seconds she just looked at him in disbelief and almost looked like she might let him - but the of course he got a good whacking on the head and scampered off...poor guy!
So what I am saying (in a very long-winded way) is be patient but just accept the fact they they may never be cuddle buddies!

07-28-2003, 01:54 PM
Dear Miss Edwina,
This is your friend Taz. My mom did the same thing to me last year. She brought home this squeaky, stinky runt thing named Rocky. Urgh. I was so mad. He smelled so weird and somebody told my mom that it would be a good idea to rub tuna juice behind both our ears.
Nope, that didn't do a thing. He was still stinky. Then, after a few days, she let him eat with me and use my sand boxes. I was very angry and I acted like a real brat. I beat that little kitten to a pulp every time I could.
But, eventually I got used to him and gave him a chance. And, you know what? I found out that he was actually pretty cool. I have to say, it is a lot better to have a friend around to talk to and play with. That's for sure.
Give him a chance, Miss Edwina. Think of it like this: You're the queen of the house, you have lots to teach this guy. And, you may be able to get him to help you clean your ears. Now, that's worth it!

Your friend,

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-28-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
But, eventually I got used to him and gave him a chance.

Ahem, Taz...didn't that have something to do with the fact that eventually that stinky little kitten grew to almost twice your size? ;) :D

(don't I remember seeing a pic of the two of them where Rocky towers over Taz?)

07-28-2003, 02:04 PM
Well, yes, but I don't dwell on that. I'm the smart one, he's just the big one.:rolleyes:

(click on my www to see that pic again.)

07-28-2003, 03:16 PM
Dear cousin Edwina,

I feel your pain. I had babies three years ago. I nursed them, cared for them, weaned them, and then sent them on their way. But Joxer refuses to leave. Every day I remind him that he is a grown boy and its time to stop living with his Mom. Does he listen? No! After all that I have done for him this is the thanks that I get.

It also doesn't help that the humans seem to like him. I think that encourages him.

I really wish he would leave. I loved him as a kitten but now I wish he would move away and just send postcards.

Cousin Jan

07-28-2003, 03:28 PM
*uncontrollable laughter!*

07-29-2003, 01:02 AM
I agree with everyone. You must give them more time to adjust. Storm still chases Cirrus and terrorizes him and he's lived here for almost 5 months now yet Storm gets along very well with Sky and he's only been here for about 2 months. I've learned to accept the fact that Storm and Cirrus will probably never be friends but will only tolerate each other. At least Sunny, Cirrus, and Sky all get along with each other and Sunny is the favorite of all 3 cats.:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-29-2003, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by catland

I really wish he would leave. I loved him as a kitten but now I wish he would move away and just send postcards.

Cousin Jan


07-29-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
and Sunny is the favorite of all 3 cats.:)

Tracey, of course Sunny would be the favorite.........he is ORANGE!

Love, Rascal

07-29-2003, 09:13 AM
Bad....that's what.....

I don't have the energy to tangle with cats that hate each other. Life can be better in another household.

I spoke with the behaviorist yesterday, to cancel the appointment if necessary, since Ti will be going to a new home, hopefully soon. She said that she WOULD have asked to have Miley and Ti in the same room during her visit! And that, since Ti was being rehomed, there was no point in evaluating him now and that he would probably be fine in the new home. It was just a bad fit. She was basing this on the fact that Ti and Juni are fine together.

All that said, maybe Eddie is not a good fit for Ms. Winny.

Maybe Winny would do better if Eddie smelled like the blonde one.....why not put your perfume on him Sara? Have you tried that?

Ti has to do some butt smelling....so you might want to apply your scent to both ends! Give it a try. It might confuse the hell out of Winny girl.

What the hell do I know?

Keep us posted!

SAS and her three brats!

07-29-2003, 09:38 AM
Princess , my older Cat still doesnt like the Other Cats , but she isnt agressive! Actually she runs away! But she will never get used to the other cats , NEVER!

07-29-2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont

Ti has to do some butt smelling....so you might want to apply your scent to both ends! Give it a try. It might confuse the hell out of Winny girl.

Uh - SAS, the Feliway is for the kitties, not for you.;)

Edwina's Secretary
07-30-2003, 09:50 AM
I put aluminium foil on the dining room floor (between the pee stains:mad: ) to discourage anymore. This morning I find someone has peed.....on the aluminum foil :rolleyes: :rolleyes: heavy sigh....

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
... This morning I find someone has peed...
..on the aluminum foil :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

**heavy sigh**...


Hate to suggest this (it will make for a strange addition
to the dining room decor)...

But others have suggested that when the kids "eliminate" in
the wrong places - it sometimes helps if you place a proper
receptacle (read Litter Box) :eek: in that location (read :eek: Dining Room).

With luck, you'll be able to slowly relocate it
to under the breakfront or the china cabinet. :p

Eddie ~
It better not be *YOU*!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Eddie ~
It better not be *YOU*!!

I second that, although no matter who it is it's bad enough. :(

Tubby once took to peeing on my dad's side of the bed. My dad and Tubby didn't get along to good, and I think this was Tubby's way of showing exactly what he thought of my dad - but it most certainly wasn't a good idea! I was told "one more time and that cat is gone!" So my mom put a big heavy sheet of plastic on my dad's side of the bed. Thinking 1) Tubby won't like the feel of the plastic and will stay off, and 2) even if he does still pee, it won't be able to soak into the bed. The good news is that from that day forward Tubby never peed on the bed again - or anywhere else except the litter box for that matter.

So, like Phred says, it might not match the decor, but for the time being, to hopefully help solve the problem, maybe you could cover the entire dining room floor with a piece of heavy plastic. I'm not really sure, but I think you can get big sheets of plastic at Home Depot, or a hardware store. That way, even if whoever is doing it continues, at least it won't soak into the carpeting. And maybe, possibly, like Phred says, put a litter box there also, so whoever is doing it might get the hint, and hopefully doesn't decide to move to the living room or elsewhere.

07-30-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Hate to suggest this (it will make for a strange addition
to the dining room decor)...

But others have suggested that when the kids "eliminate" in
the wrong places - it sometimes helps if you place a proper
receptacle (read Litter Box) :eek: in that location (read :eek: Dining Room).

With luck, you'll be able to slowly relocate it
to under the breakfront or the china cabinet. :p

Eddie ~
It better not be *YOU*!!
When I first read this, I thought you were suggesting putting the litter box on the dinning room table.:D ( after looking at Eddie's picture on the table)
Tubby and Peanut's Mom, why do I get the feeling that Edwina's Secretary is thinking that Tubby and Peanut need a brother?

07-30-2003, 09:01 PM
I have the same problem with Ash , he is just a mean grumpy cat , Lexie on the otherhand trie's so hard to be his friend, she will roll over and look cute at him, and she talk's to him all the time, he either glares at her or ignore's her.

Like this morning for instance, she was just walking past him, minding her own business and he goe's and whack's her one, he really annoy's me, however it is not all that bad, it is just I feel Lexie is lonely for cat company, if only he were of a different nature, it sadden's me, but at least it is tolerable not like with SAS and her TI, so have to count our blessing's really.

Strange thing is on occasion they sleep on the same bed, only a short distance apart, and I thought I caught Ash kinda playing with her outside, we live in HOPE.:)