View Full Version : A minor update from Camp Vermont

07-27-2003, 10:33 AM
A special thanks to all those folks who emailed and PM'd me the latest and greatest web sites for Bengal rescue efforts. I have Ti listed with a couple of them. I have been actively posting to a few boards in hope that someone out there will be in need of a kitty such as Ti.

Ti is ok with porch for the time being. I make sure all doors are eye hooked/locked and I double check the porch door at night. Ti is getting the hang of this arrangement.

Miley is improving and actually sits for her twice a day pilling. Her wounds are looking like they should.

Juni is Juni. A silly kitten, moving between both sides of the house. At night Miley Juni and I sleep together, while Ti resides on the comfy porch. He likes to watch the bats!

Anyway, however long it takes, Ti will be rehomed. It is working out ok right now, but I am dead set on getting Ti to the final stop!

Love and thanks to all of you,

I know, where are the pictures?

07-27-2003, 10:40 AM
So the situation is a comfy in-between now?
I am glad to hear the arrangement works and sorry that I can't do anything from here to re-home Ti:(
The best news is about Miley's recovering. Give this sweet girl and extrakissie from me.
And: don't forget to watch Juni grow.She must be as cute as can be and having such a baby around will keep you always one step from depression:)

Steffi N
07-27-2003, 11:02 AM
Thank you for the update, Sallyanne. I am glad Miley is healing and I hope Ti finds a good new home soon.

07-27-2003, 11:08 AM
Glad to hear that you are living with a workable situation and will be able to continue this way until the time is right for Ti to leave Camp Vermont. It sounds like you will be able to take your time re-homing Ti as the weather on the porch should be pretty enjoyable for a couple of months. Let's hope he finds his furever home before the first snow! :)

Originally posted by sasvermont

I know, where are the pictures?


07-27-2003, 11:10 AM
I've been following your story and just want to say I think you are doing the right thing and I hope things work out quicky for you and your furbabies. I'm also glad to hear Millie is doing better, bless her heart.


07-27-2003, 11:34 AM
I'm so glad to hear that everything is quiet and peaceful at Camp Vermont.
Especially glad to hear Miley is healing up well and being such a good girl at taking her pills.
I'm sure in time you will find a good home for Ti. Hopefully, sooner than later.

07-27-2003, 01:24 PM
I am glad that all is quiet on the Vermont front. Ti will have the time he needs to find his special home and Miley has the rest of her life to heal from his...........lets' say....personality. My wish is that Miley and Juni become loving companions and that Ti finds his new people. Ones that will love him for who he is.
Thank you ever so much for your time and effort. A lot of the world's population could learn a thing or two about the responibility we have to our pets, from you. ALL of us know people who would have given up. You, SAS, are not giving up, you are just yeilding to a force of nature....Ti's nature.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-27-2003, 03:19 PM
I'm so glad things are relatively peaceful for all of you at Camp Vermont. Sounds like Ti has adapted quite well to the porch, and I'm glad he's got the bats for entertainment...eeewwwww.....;)

And it's good to hear that Miley is healing, and tolerating Juni's antics. That little Juni must be such a relief to you these days, bringing smiles back to your face with her silly kitteny ways.

And yes, pictures, pictures, pictures! :)

07-27-2003, 03:48 PM
Here ya go!

I am feeling better, thank you very much...

Speaking of butts....here is my private parts/area (Miley's, not Sas') ...not looking so good...

And this is silly Juni Rose, flattened out....

And here is Juni using the poor tent as a trampoline! She loves to collapse it and then have it bounce back up!

07-27-2003, 04:01 PM
Juni being Juni

More of that silly girl!

By the way, I have had two people interested in Ti now. Thank you Vermontcat, for giving me the information relating to the Bengal rescue folks. Now, we will see how it goes...... I will let you know as it unfolds. Fingers and paws crossed.


07-27-2003, 04:37 PM
Oh Sas, fingers and paws all crossed here, even toes. Oh here's hoping.

Loved all the pictures. Your little Miley looks a little sad having her butt exposed like that. I hope she understands that it was for her own good.

Oh Juni Rose, such a silly little kitty thinking you have that tent licked, when poof, up it goes again. I can just picture her doing that. It must be hilarious.

07-27-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

By the way, I have had two people interested in Ti now. Thank you Vermontcat, for giving me the information relating to the Bengal rescue folks. Now, we will see how it goes...... I will let you know as it unfolds. Fingers and paws crossed.

That is good news, as is Miley's progress. I think she must understand that you are protecting her from Ti. And Juni is one precious Aby girl.

07-27-2003, 05:54 PM
Good news all around.
Miley looking happy, if not bald :eek: (sorry ;) you're still beautiful :D )
Juni oh so cute as ever. (how will you ever tell them apart when she grows up?!?
And prospects for Ti. :D
Can't wait to hear more.

07-27-2003, 06:10 PM
Thank you for the pictures! They sure were worth waiting for. Maybe when Miley is feeling a little better we will be treated to a couple of pictures of her interacting with Juni and of course I am looking forward to stories as well! Oh I see good things ahead for you all, including the Ti Man. I think the light is starting to show a little at the end of the tunnel. :)

Steffi N
07-27-2003, 08:15 PM
Thank you, Miley, for letting us know you feel better and please don't be too embarassed, you will be all furred up again soon. Juni, you look as playful and cute as a kitten should be. Enjoy pouncing on the tent and subduing it. And Ti, I am glad to hear you have two prospective new homes. Yes the sun is shining again on Camp Vermont.

07-27-2003, 08:19 PM
It's good to see Miley and Juni. They are stunningly beautiful cats. It's nice, also, to hear about everyone feeling better and Miley healing from her wounds. Poor girl. I am sure Ti will find his wonderful forever home very soon. His looks will surely draw attention...he's so stunning.

Hug the furkids for me :)

07-27-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Juni being Juni

By the way, I have had two people interested in Ti now. Thank you Vermontcat, for giving me the information relating to the Bengal rescue folks. Now, we will see how it goes...... I will let you know as it unfolds. Fingers and paws crossed.

Thank you Sas for posting some adorable photos of Juni and some happy ones of Miley. Do you have any new ones of Ti?
I am so happy that some Bengal lovers are interested in adopting Ti!:) Please keep us updated.

I also noticed that you have 2001 posts now! Congratulations on being a double pillar!:D
I will go see if anyone else started a thread for you, if not, I will start one!;)

07-27-2003, 10:33 PM
I am glad to hear that things are 'quiet' and you and Miley are feeling better.

I am swooning over Juni!!!!! She is sooo precious!

07-28-2003, 03:53 AM
Miley still looks as if she had a hard time back in the past -but definitely relaxing now:) :)
And Juni -oh her little facie is a little more grown-up now. What a cute square nosie she has. I think you will tell them apart by their nose shape -Miley's is more triangular.

And big Ti: Everyone keeps his/her toes/paws, fingers crossed (which gives a crazy picture when we are hopping around;) ) that his new furrever home is close.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-28-2003, 05:56 AM
What beautiful furkids you have! Special luvvies to little Milley - so glad she is getting better!

07-28-2003, 06:32 AM
Oh, your babies are so beautiful.... bare butt and all! hehe:eek:
I am so glad that things are going so much more peacefully for you now...and what wonderful news that Ti may be getting a home soon! You have and are doing a great job, SAS... hang in there!!!



07-28-2003, 07:40 AM

She looks soooooo much like my Juni in this picture, the same mischievous look in her eyes, and the same square nosie Barbara mentioned. My Juni has this square nosie when she plays, otherwise it's more triangular :)

More pictures! More! (talk about addiction :) )

07-28-2003, 08:37 AM
I never noticed Juni's nose. You are right, it does look square. I think it's a play thing to a certain degree. Miley does have a different face though. When they are going by at 100 mph, who notices a nose?

Thanks for the compliments. Juni Rose is a sweet one for sure. She loves to "sleep in" in the mornings....that works for me!

I am getting excited about Ti finding a new home. Every now and then I think about how much I will miss him, then I look over at Miley............................................

07-28-2003, 08:39 AM
Thanks so much for sharing pics. :)

I hope Miley feels better real soon and that Ti finds a new home.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-28-2003, 12:56 PM

Oh Miley girl, how I wish I could reach through the computer screen and give you a nice big smooch on your head for everything you've been through. It's nice to see you relaxing again, although I don't know how relaxing it can be laying in a position like that?.?.?.? ;) :D

And Juni is the cutest little thing. I can just see her, too, when the tent bounces back up. What a little goofy kitty. :D

And such wonderful news about Ti! Fingers, tails, feetsies, eyes and everything else is crossed here hoping it works out and one of these two take him. :D