View Full Version : Chipmunk

07-26-2003, 04:30 PM
there is this little chipmunk hanging around our house We think he lives under our deck. We named she/he Chip. lol
Sometimes we set out hamster food for it.
:rolleyes: It's very cute. Today I saw him up on our deck. So close to our house!!He has Beautiful markings!!!

p.s. Ill try to get pics of Chip~

07-26-2003, 04:51 PM
copycat:p :p :p

"our" chipmunk is named Chip too, lol--so original:)

07-26-2003, 04:56 PM
lol really??? We were gonna name him Dale but werent sure if it was a boy or girl. So chip it is!!!lol

07-26-2003, 10:37 PM
My babyhood chipmunk was named chip, except it was more french sounding then english, only cause I was raised french my first 3 yrs of life. I have photos of m as a baby with cip on my taking peanuts off of my sleeper.

I was raised with wild animals heheh

Chip taking a peanut from my hand
I forgot!! you can see Beajue (I have no idea how to spell it, its french) in the window. Thats the only known picture of that dog (I have no idea if was a he/she). Beajue lived to about 15 until grandpa shot it. it malled a young child for no reason (the kid wasn't even near the dog, the dog ran up to the kid & attacked).
But the dog loved me :)