View Full Version : Letters to Jessica

07-26-2003, 10:55 AM
This wasn't supposed to happen to you. You were young, innocent, no one had ANY reason to hurt you, yet they still did. And look what they have caused. you have become an angel and gone to heaven. All of us here who loved you are crying every tear we have. Tiki, Jewels and Jordan all miss you dearly. God has another plan for you, and he knows you will succeed. May all our love reach you somehow, so you know you are deeply loved. All of us who loved you will grieve your death forever, and miss you every day of our lives. We miss you so much, Jess. We shall all meet up with you someday. Don't worry.

With all our love,
PetTalk Forum Members

I'm crying again.

07-26-2003, 11:12 AM
When I saw your post the other day I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a bad dream. A nightmare. You taught me life is so fragile. One day your here, the next..your not..God must have a greater, bigger plan for you. Know, we will never forget you. There will always be a void in our hearts that will never fill. We'll all meet up again someday, until that day, take care.

Julie, Daisy and Molly

Here come the tears..

07-26-2003, 12:03 PM
Dear, sweet Jessica. You have touched our hearts in the short time you spent with us. You have reminded us of the wonders of being young and enthused with daily life and the possibilities of the future. You always tried to look for the posititives in what others said and did. We were honored to have you grace this board with your caring, cheerful, and appreciative attitude.

Your family is suffering such an enormous loss, it is hard for me to even comprehend what they must be going through. I can only hope it will bring them some comfort to know that your light shone brightly here at Pet Talk. You were truly one of us .

My thinking is that you have set yourself up at the Rainbow Bridge where you are now in charge of looking out for all our dear departed furred and feathered ones as they wait for us. I have to say goodbye now, Jessica, but I will never forget you.

07-26-2003, 02:37 PM
Dear Jessica,
When I read that you had been hit by a car I thougt maybe you had broken a few bones, and that you would recover and continue being a happy healthy teen. But When I read that you had passed, It felt so wrong, like you would still be coming back and saying goodbye one last time. But you won't. I never got to tell you How cute Jewels looks in your signature, and I never got to ask what breeds of dogs Jordan and Jewels are, because they are both gorgeous pooches;).We all miss you a lot and we Hope you rest in Peace. We will all meet you up there someday, and Ringo will most likely beat me up there so take care of him for me while I'm still on Earth. We Miss you!
See you someday,
Baylee and Ringo บบบ