View Full Version : i need some help here

11-25-2001, 04:35 PM
My dog is obsessed with food she isn't pregnant and whenevr we open awrapper there she is right by your side wanting some!!! LOL why is she like this and she barely ever eats her own food so we give her some of our food o she doesn't starve im ina bad stuation what should i do?? :eek: :eek: :eek: :( :( :confused: :confused:

11-25-2001, 05:51 PM
Dogs love people food! Don't feed it to your dog too much, so she does not fill up on it, then maybe she will eat her own food.

11-25-2001, 05:58 PM
Chantelle, I'm of the opinion that if dogs get whatever we are eating they can get quite picky about eating dog food. That is the reason that we don't offer our dogs very much "people food" other than a bit of vegetable of small piece of apple or banana on occasion. We generally don't offer any food while we are eating it, because that turns them into little beggars, just like you described. My previous two dogs were even made to leave the room when we ate anything. We just said "Dinner time" and they automatically left the room. What kind of dog food do you currently feed your dog and how much? Do you feed it once or twice a day? Is it dry kibble or a canned food?

What should you do? For right now I would stop offering her anything that you are eating. That is the first step.

11-25-2001, 06:10 PM
Your dog has you wrapped around her little paw. :D I hate to put it that way, but it's the truth. She's found out that people food is much more tasty than dog food. And she knows that if she doesn't eat her food, you'll feed her some people food.

She has to learn that dog food is for dogs, and people food is for people. If you want her to stop this, than stop feeding her people food. Never give her any, even when she looks at you with those sweet eyes that melt your heart. :D She sounds like a very intelligent dog and she knows how to trick you.

It might take some time for it to sink in that she doesn't get people food anymore. Be insistent, and she'll learn. :)

Your dog is not an idiot. She's not going to starve if she daily has the opportunity to eat her own food; so don't worry about that. :D

[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: Rottie ]

11-25-2001, 07:39 PM
Thanx all everyone is kind on this pet talk thing and i will pass on the kindness :D

11-25-2001, 09:17 PM
My Lilly is the same way.....she thinks everytime I am cooking or eating, that it is for her too (and the sad thing is that it never has been). But she has learned that when I tell her to "go get in her bed", she has to go out of the kitchen and onto her rug in my office. She positions herself where she can watch my every move!!! :D

11-25-2001, 09:21 PM
What everyone has said is right - your dog will not starve herself, she will just make you think she is! Be strong and stay firm. No more table scraps for her AT ALL. She should get the idea before too long.

Good luck!