View Full Version : How Well Do We Know Eachother?

07-25-2003, 03:33 PM
I think that the passing of Jessica has brought us all so much closer together already. Not alot of us knew Jessica very well, and I won't pass up another oppourtunity to get to know somebody so great. I don't know alot of you, so I just want to make sure that I DO know you guys, if God decides to take another one of us.
This is how it works:
Just tell everyone a little bit about yourself..You know?
Stuff like your hobbies, what you like to do when you're not at work, your favorite foods, colors, pets..Maybe tell us a little bit about your pets! What is their favorite toys, foods and treats? What is their hobby? What do they like to do to get themselves in trouble? Digging, barking, chewing?
I'll go first. :)

Hi. My name is Cayter J. Everyone calls me CJ, though. I am 12 years old, and I live in Arizona. I have one dog named Darlin. She is a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix, and she is 8 months old. I love to spend time with her when I have nothing else to do. On occasion, one of my parents will take me down to the local pound, where I love to spend my time giving the poor homeless dogs treats, and donating. If I can someday, I would like to try to put all of the local Puppy Mills out of buisness once and for all.
My hobbies are basically anything to do with dogs! I love to swim, run (I do Track at school. Short distances), hike, read, watch Animal Planet, play video games, liasten to music, chat on AIM, get on the computer, collect anything doggish, and take care of Darlin'! I like to hang out with my friends, but I would much rather spend my time doing something to help animals, like going to PetCo or PetsMart and buying things to donate to the pound or any Rescue agency.
Well that's me..There's alot more to me than that, but let's wait and see what other people post. ;)

07-25-2003, 03:41 PM
I think this is a very good idea....

I'm still a newbie around here. My name is Christine but most people call me Chris. I am 29 years old live in Annapolis, Maryland. I am happily married, and we just found out on 5/22/03 that I am pregnant with our first child! I have a pic of the sonogram if anyone would like to see it. Well, my hubby and I are owned by two dogs, a sheltie named Honey and a lab/mix named Licorice (Licky for short) and a very crazy cat named Mee Mee. Honey is our little piggy....she will come running at the sound of any kind of food being eaten.:rolleyes: Licky is so into her tennis ball....I had a hard time teaching her "give me your paw" because when I would say gimme your paw she would get her ball! So I used the word shake. She also loves her blankie and will suck on it for hours until she falls asleep. She also LOVES her sister Honey....love play so good together.......Honey will lay on her back and Licky will grab her by the tail and pull her!! I'm hoping I can get a pic of that to show everyone.

We adopted Mee Mee from the SPCA in January and she has been a joy ever since. My hubby calls her our crack kitty.....she runs around the house like she is on crack.:rolleyes: Well, some of my hobbies are spending time with my girls, cross stitching,listening to music and reading, especially anything by Stephen King. I also LOVE spending time on the internet. Well, I think that should sum up most of everything....if anyone has any questions to ask me, feel free to ask!!!!!! And I really look forward to getting to know all about everyone.........thanks for reading!

07-25-2003, 03:42 PM
good idea..

My name is Amber.. Everyone calls me aly because of my middle name which is lynn.. so they just said A from Amber L from lynn and Y from lynn.. So.. I have a dog and a cat.. Umm when im not on the computer im usually eating or watching tv.. Cleaning my room hanging pictures and stuff like that.. I live in Miami, Florida.. Well pembroke pines.. Cami is 9 months old and shes a Pembroke welsh corgi/ American eskimo mix... And cali is about 7 and shes a calico cat.. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers.. My oldest sister is 24 and her name is tylene then comes my brother bobby hes 22 and then comes my sister Stephanie shes 17. And me im 13 and then theres my little brother kyle and hes almost 10... :) when i grow up i wanna be a vet or a vet secretary.. or to work atr a local shelter, Photographer for animals.. And is that it?? :p..

Aly ;)

07-25-2003, 03:46 PM
Chris I would LOVE to see your Sonogram! Congratulations on the new baby!! Keep us updated! :D

07-25-2003, 03:47 PM
My name is Kim Smith. I'm 26... female. ;) I joined Pet Talk shortly after adopting Kia. Now I'm mommy to 4 wonderful pets. (Kia, Zam, Logan, and Jango)

I work for the Library at Cooley Law School as a Web Tech. When I'm not working, eating, sleeping, or playing with the "kids", I like to read and draw. My main hobby is costuming. I belong to the 501st Legion which is a worldwide Star Wars costuming club. I travel around the state and to other states for cons, charity events, ect. Kids love Star Wars and I love making kids smile. I also have other costumes including Ren Fest wear and Harry Potter.

Kia doesn't have any hobbies other than eating, sleeping, and playing. I'd like to get her involved in agility.

I've been meeting people from the internet since 1997 and I love getting to know so many different people. :)

Love to everyone at Pet Talk.

07-25-2003, 03:48 PM
Would it be ok to post it here or should I PM it to you?

07-25-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by sheltielover
Would it be ok to post it here or should I PM it to you?
I'd like to see it too. :)

07-25-2003, 03:50 PM
I think lots of other people wanna see so posteh!! ;)

07-25-2003, 03:56 PM
Ok!! :D I forgot to add: I told my hubby if we ever get a small dog I wanted to name it Scribbles (I just love that name!). Well ever since I told him that, he calls me scribbles. Now that I am pregnant, he calls the baby little scribbles....it's really strange, but cute. ;)

So, here is little scribbles at 10 1/2 weeks old:


07-25-2003, 04:00 PM
Awww! Little Scribbles is so adorable! It's so small. My bets that it's gonna be a girl. ;)

07-25-2003, 04:02 PM
That is a wonderful idea. :)

My name is Brittany, but I MUCH rather prefer Britt. I live in Bayport, which is a small town on Long Island, in New York, USA. I am 13 years old. My favorite things to do are play video games (preferably Zelda), swim, watch horror movies, and of course spend time with my pets. I am a TV fanatic and my favorite shows are Cheers, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Frasier.

My mom's name is Alison, and she (rarely) posts as SallysSlave62 on PT. My dad's name is Tom and he also (rarely) posts on PT as Mr. Coral. I also have a 12-year-old sister named Kaitlyn.

I love all animals, especially rodents. I have four pets that I personally own: Malley (Mackarel Tabby Cat), Floppsy (Lop Rabbit), Murphy (Mongolian Gerbil), and Mack (Argenti? Gerbil) My sister has a Tuxedo Cat named Oreo, and a Dwarf Hamster named Speedy. My dad has a German Shepherd Dog named Lady, and of course my mom has her Tabby Cat, Sally. All of us basically share our pets though.

Sorry this is so long. :o

07-25-2003, 04:03 PM
You know, my hubby had a dream that I had a girl. :eek:

07-25-2003, 04:09 PM
Hello, my name is Vickie and I'm addicted to Pet Talk!!

Oh, oh, wrong meeting :D :D

I'm probably old enough to be a grandmother to you all. I turn 51 next month and I live alone with two cats, Speckles (16) and Max (10). My main goal in life is to help people and animals. Material possessions mean nothing to me.

I work full-time in the IT dept for a charitable organization - been doing it for 17 years.

What do I do in my spare time??? I'm close to my Mom so twice a month I take her shopping. I do alot of volunteer work with my local Humane Society. In fact this last weekend we had our annual dog wash and I made the front page of our local rag!! I also do alot of cat-sitting for friends.

When I grow up and retire, I'm getting a dog, and a computer at home so I can stay in touch with PT!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-25-2003, 04:14 PM
My name is Brandi and I'm 16 years old. I'll be 17 this November. I have been caring for animals since the age of 4, starting out with cats and kittens. I play guitar and have played almost for two years now. I have a wonderful, loving boyfriend, I've known him for a year in August and we've been together for four months. I own 1 hamster, 3 rats, 4 dogs, 4 cats, 1 Tokay Gecko, 1 Iguana and 1 Pacman Frog... 8 of them being rescues. I live in Saint Louis, Missouri. I have an older brother, who is 18. I love music and am currently obsessed with Marilyn Manson's new CD. I left a good friend back in Georgia, Christopher. We've been friends for 4 years now. I like to aggressive inline skate and snowboard. I love adrenaline rushes. My favorite TV show is That 70's Show. I play a wide variety of songs on the guitar, from Guns N Roses to The Calling to Metallica to Blink 182 to Marilyn Manson to Disturbed. (Many, many more, too.) I know I can be a real irritant on here and I'm sorry you guys.

I gtg.


07-25-2003, 04:23 PM
Hi, My name is Amber. Im 13 years old and Im from SM, Ohio.

I have 1 older brother. He is 16. I have 3 wonderful pets. Katie is 7 years old. She is a schnauzer mix. Maggie my cat is about 9 months old. She is a maine coon mix. Then theres Gracie. She is a dwarf hamster. My birthday is March. 6, 1990. In my spare time im either eating, outside, watching t.v., or playing with my pets. And when I grow up Im going to be a Animal cop.

07-25-2003, 04:29 PM
This is a good idea! I feel so sad that I never got to know Jess.

Well, my name is Amanda, sometimes called Mandy and sometimes called Caytie (my middle name is Catherine) and I will be thirteen in 21 days. :) I am owned by two WONDERFUL guinea pigs named Dexter and Scooter, a teeny-tiny turtle named Maxwell, two adorable cats named Clara and Dozer, and a tiny Bichon Frise dog named Chloe Colette. I love my friends and I love children, so the thing I want to be more than anything when I get (much) older is a mom! And an obstetrician. :)
I 'work' for free as a camp counselor for 5 and 6 year olds. I love the outdoors and I really love swimming and dancing. :)

By the way, Little Scribbles is adorable! I can't wait to have my own! :) (in the future, lol)

07-25-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by ChloeLove

By the way, Little Scribbles is adorable! I can't wait to have my own! :) (in the future, lol)

Thanks, Amanda!! Yes, you have a LONG way to go until you have your own.....;)

07-25-2003, 04:49 PM
Wow, you are all so interesting! I'm glad I'm getting to know some of you! :D:D

07-25-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by slick
Hello, my name is Vickie and I'm addicted to Pet Talk!!

Oh, oh, wrong meeting :D :D

I'm probably old enough to be a grandmother to you all. I turn 51 next month and I live alone with two cats, Speckles (16) and Max (10). My main goal in life is to help people and animals. Material possessions mean nothing to me.

Sorry, Slick, you can't be my grandmother because I'm 52.

My name is Connie and I have 3 cats: Leonardo who will be 13 next month, Luke who is 10, and Chester who is 3. I also have a stray named Grandma who is an outside cat. She doesn't care for other cats so I can't bring her in to join the mob. I've loved animals my entire life and always had dogs, cats, a bunny or two, hamsters and an assortment of other critters until my health got so I can't take care of them. When my dog went to the RB, I just stuck with cats because they are lower in maintenance. I'm disabled with arthritis and spend lots of time on PT. I love seeing everyone else's animals. The people at PT have become like family to me. I love all of you. :D

07-25-2003, 04:51 PM
Hi, my name is Stephanie. I am 26 years old. I live in Richmond, VA in an old section of town called "The Fan". I've been married since March to Brian (who joined PetTalk this past weekend, user name Venger), although we've been together since March 1999. I've been coming to PetTalk since summer of last year, but only in Nov/Dec did I join. heheh...Kim talks about meeting people on the Internet. That's how I met Brian!

I work in the medical credentialing field. If you'd like to learn more about it, go to www.namss.org. I've been doing this type of work since I was 16. I just became certified by NAMSS in Nov. 2002.

I've got two dogs, Bailey and James. Bailey is a pit/lab mix and James is chow/sheperd mix. We adopted Bailey in February of this year and we adopted James last Sunday!

When I am not working, I like spending time with my husband, reading, writing, playing with the doggies, and going to local events aroud town. Also, when I get the time, I love taking my husband and the doggies to Virginia Beach, where most of my family live.

By the way sheltielover, the baby is so cute! Congrats! hehe...my aunt just found out the day before yesterday that she is not just pregnant...she's gonna have twins! it will be the second set of twins born in my family within the past year! The way I look at it, it's great that there will be so many babies in our family now, nobody will bother me about when will my husband and I start having kids. ;)

07-25-2003, 04:57 PM
My name is Liana and I am 15, going onto 16, years old. I live in Quebec, Canada with my parents, two sisters, brother, 2 birds and dog. I like to spend my time online, with friends, drawing, or anything involves animals. I like watching any comedy shows or movies and love to make my own friends and family laugh. I love music and singing songs or making them up off the top of my head (even when they don't make sense).

I try not to be greedy and appreciate everything I have. What happened to Jess helped me understand how short our lives can be and I hope I can start making each one of my days better by doing something more valuable then sitting down on the computer all day or staying cooped up in my house. I originally wanted to be a vet but now am trying for advertising and will be going to college soon.

I may be a bit mean on the board sometimes, and I'm sorry. PT is a great place and I'm so happy I followed the link that a girl posted on another board. This place is like another family to me, not a board where a bunch of people just post messages for no reason and don't care for eachother. Thank you Karen and Paul for the board and thank you PT members for making it what it is.
I'm getting a bit sentimental here...I'm sorry. When I get older, I hope to maybe work at a shelter and take in animals that need a home. And most importantly, I hope to have children and get them to join the PT family! ;)

07-25-2003, 05:07 PM
Nice to meet someone my own age Connie!! I didn't think there were any other baby-boomers here. Sorry to hear of your medical problems. I hope you have plenty of local support.

07-25-2003, 05:12 PM
I edited Foam's post to take out her last name and city. It's not smart if you are a child to post both in a public place. We like to think of Pet Talk as our own community, but it IS public, and anyone can read these posts.

In case anyone is wondering, yes, she did get parental permission to me to be here, that is why she is allowed even though she is not yet 13.

Now -

My name is Karen, I live outside of Boston Massachusetts. I'm a grown-up, am now 39 years old, so Slick, you can't be my grandma anyway, either. I am a graphic artist and work as an Art Director for a magazine, as well as building websites with Paul, who is the co-founder of PetoftheDay.com and the whole family of sites, the Administrator of Pet Talk and before all that even, he is my husband! :) Right now we have one pet, Miss Hoppy, the cutest little brown bunny you ever did see! She would like cooler weather, please.

07-25-2003, 05:13 PM
What a wonderful idea. :)

My name's Ashley and I'm 15. I'll be 16 in november. I live in Vancouver, BC and currently live with my mom, dad, grandma, younger brother (12) and sister (6)..that makes me the oldest. I'll be going into grade 11 in september along with math 10 lmao. I failed math...I guess it's not my strong point. After highschool, I plan on taking a course at the "animal behavior college" out in bc. I originally wanted to be a vet but I couldn't stand the thought of putting down animals so I decided I wanted to train dogs because it's what I enjoy most.

As for hobbies...when I'm not on the computer (very rare), I'm either pigging out, watching tv or both. :rolleyes: I try to draw occasionally but nothing ever comes out quite the way I expect it so I'm still practicing.

Before Kai, the only pets I had were fishes. I had about 5 at one time and they all died the same day. I was at my cousin's for a sleepover at the time so I didn't know what went wrong. About 5 years after the fish incident, I got Kai. I've wanted one since I was about 2 or so but my mom never allowed me to get one. In those 12 years, I researched ALOT. I knew more about dogs than some of my friends who actually had a dog. After years and years of begging, I talked my mom into it. Actually...she never really said yes...lol. At first, I wanted to volunteer at the shelter and walk the dogs. After asking about volunteering, I ran off to see the dogs. My mom naturally followed...and we looked at the dogs. After that, we started going to other shelters to look at the dogs. We only went to the shelters to look...we were never serious about adopting...at least..my mom wasn't. One day, we found Lupe a BcX. We were going to adopt him a few days later because we had to tell my dad first...he got adopted before we could get back...then after that, my mom was serious about getting a dog. :confused: Weird how it works...

Anywho enough blabbering about me...

07-25-2003, 05:17 PM
Good Idea...

Hi, my name is Julianne, but everyone calls me Julie. I am 13 years old going on 14. I live in Los Angeles, California with my mom, dad, sister, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a hamster, and 6 desert tortoises. I love chatting online, checking message boards (obviously ;) ) , spending time with my family and friends, anything to do with animals and playing and caring for my pets. I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up, but if not, I would love to train dogs to work as Guide Dogs or Assistant dogs.

My golden retriever, Daisy is the joy of my life. Shes my baby. She is the one who brightens my day whether its begging for a belly rub or playing fetch. If it wasn't for her who knows the kind of person I would be instead of what I am now. Shes my best friend. I hope for many more fun filled years with her.

My collie Molly is a goof-nut. Shes always there to make me laugh. She has great personality even though she is very timid around new people. Her favorite T.V show is Animal Planet (she actually watches it and barks at the dogs..I told you shes my goofy..hehe..) I can't imagine my life without her, I hope for many more happy years with her.

What happened to Jessica made me realize how fragile life really is. One day your here, the next your not.... I won't ever take life for granted again. I will always cherish every day and live life to the fullest.

07-25-2003, 05:21 PM
Karen, I'm not a baby. :) I'm sure nobody could find me..Phoenix is a pretty big city. I can take care of myself..

Okay more about Darlin!
Darlin is one hell of a character. One minute she's romping and rough housing with me, squeaking balls and chewing up her toys, and the next she in your lap snuggling with you, and..loudly sleeping. Lmao, she snores..LOUD. :rolleyes:
She enjoys digging, and BARKING! She will bark til the Roadrunners come home. She'll bark, bark, bark at nothing..It's the most annoying bark ever, A little yippy noise. Uuugh, can't stand it, but I love her anyways. ;) She's caused quite a few falls in our backyard. She digs so many holes, that people step in them, and my mom actually got her foot stuck in one a while back!

07-25-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Foam
[B]Karen, I'm not a baby. :) I'm sure nobody could find me..Phoenix is a pretty big city. I can take care of myself..

I never said you were a baby. I just said it is NOT smart for young person to reveal his or her first and last name AND city/state publicly. This is for your own protection. Thinking you'll be fine, and are invulnerable is part of being twelve. Trust us who have been there, and don't post your last name.

07-25-2003, 05:39 PM
Being a 'young person' doesn't mean I can't protect myself..in PUBLIC. :rolleyes:

07-25-2003, 05:41 PM
My name is Jordan and I'm 15. I'll be 16 in October. I live in Kelowna, British Colubia, Canada. I have one 5 year old brother. I'll be going into grade 11 when September rolls around. Next summer I want to try and take a ten week dog grooming course.

My hobbies are my pets (duh), my computer (another duh lol), reading, singing, and biking.

When I'm older I want to have a catahoula leopard dog, a bi-colour german shepherd, lots of ratties, a skunk, a bird, and maybe some other exotic animals. I also want to own an animal shelter and a rattery.

I am having some health problems right now. My doctor thinks I have alopecia. I'm going to go to a dermotologist in August. It is really annoying to have my eyelashes grow and fall out again constantly. I lost about half of my hair on my head, and it looks really stupid, all those baby hairs sticking up.

Before the pets I have now, I had: Bear (black newfoundland dog), Lady (grey and white cat), Spudz (brindle/white american bulldog), Roxy, (gray cat), Stitch (white german shepherd / doberman/ border collie/ lab cross), Cheeko (red siberian husky), Polar (white german shepherd dog), Otis (black and white border collie / collie cross), Ditto (Grey and white tabby cat), Zodiac (mackeral tabby cat), Duke (orange long hair cat), Fink (standard champagne self fancy rat), Samurai (chocolate chesapeake bay retriever / american cocker spaniel cross), Gingy (gold/purple goldfish), Goober (orange gold fish), Mr. Blubber (orange and white oranda (sp?) ) Trixi (orange/ white/ black goldfish), Icarus I (slate gerbil), Havoc (fawn velveteen double rex fancy rat).

07-25-2003, 06:04 PM
My name is Tina and I'm 22 years old. I've been married to my wonderful husband Rob since September 25,1999. We are proud parents to a 3 and 1/2 year old daughter Kaitlynn. And we are excepting our second baby November 2,2003. My husband is a welder and I'm a stay at home mom. And we live in West Virginia.

We are owned by 2 dogs Ginger-Miniature Pinscher mix and Ruff- Collie/Spitz mix. We also have 4 cats Gus,Fuzzy Wuzzy,Ozzie and Tigger, 1 bird Feathers,1 guinea pig- Wiggy Pig and 1 rabbit- Hershey.

My hobbies are collecting anything with horses on it. And I like Ford Mustangs, My Pets, Animals and spending time with my family.

07-25-2003, 06:16 PM
I'm Laura, I just turned 22 years old and I live in an apartment in Az with my two cats Tibby and Corkscrew. I'm originally from a small town in Texas but I moved to Arizona when I was offered a full scholarship in music. I play the bassoon and steel drums, steel drums are my passion but the bassoon pays for my education. I've traveled twice to Trinidad to play in the panorama steel drum competition, the most recent being this past february. I played on the womens rugby team here at the U of A for three years until I had to take some time off due to an injury, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to play again this year. I work part time for a pet sitting agency, and I also do volunteer work at a youth center for gay and lesbian kids. I do everything from talk to them about their problems, sometimes find them shelter because they are having a bad home life or help them with the homework. But more than anything I try to be a positive role model.

07-25-2003, 07:09 PM
ok, well my name is shayna, I am 15, 16 in october, not including my fish I have 18 pets, 5 dogs, 11 guinea pigs, 2 gerbils, animals are my life, with my dogs I play flyball, agility,barral racing,frisbee, and rally-o. um I spend my day at my best friends place, with her 2 dogs, dakota and sparky. I dont have the best life, my mom is really nice but my dad is mean, and had to take counsalling, my 17 year old brother moved to calgary not long ago, he left because of my dad, but he plans to join the canadian forces in infantry(??), or in he cant get in there the finnish army. um, my friend and I take our dogs to the bike path for a walk, or in happy and mistys case a run, nearly every night, I love to draw, my favorite medium is chalk pastello. I live in Regina, Canada.
my dogs are:
happy-border collie
misty-border collie
perky-Jack russle(real Jack not a parsons)
Ripley-schipperkie/bosten terrier

um I am getting a bunny soon, and my mom said we will start building the hutch as soon as my room is clean(only thing left is to vacume) my other pets are fish, lots of sword tails, 2 albino corys, 3 neon tetras,1 simese flying fox, and 2 others that look simler to the flying fox, but I dont remember what they are called. I live in a city house at the moment, but I am movin gto an acerage in 2 years, our flyball club planes to start breeding our own hight dogs, but only one of us lives on a large propertie and they have 18 dogs already(border collie breeders) but there smallest dogs are pyr. sheps. they are not very good at flyball(show dogs)

07-25-2003, 07:18 PM
This is a very good idea..

My name is Rachel and I'm from Ohio. I am hearing impaired, and I am 18, soon 19 in September. I'll be attending a community college next month and I plan to major in graphic arts & design/advertising. I hope to move to Nashville after I graduate from college. I love country music, I'd have to say, it is a big part of my life, and always will be. I absolutely love Garth Brooks and Kenny Chesney. I have seen Kenny three times in concert, and I have never seen Garth in concert..
I have two dogs, named Anna and Rosie. Anna is a Siberian Husky and Rosie is a Beagle. I hope to get my own dog after I graduate from college..
I love comedy sitcoms.. FRIENDS is my favorite.. and Will & Grace ranks in 2nd.. I pretty much like to write, draw, watch movies, hang out with friends.. the typical life.. I live up to the fullest.. Life is too short now and I've realized that..

07-25-2003, 07:40 PM
I'm not sure I can do this right now......... I will come back some other time. :( :( :( :(

07-25-2003, 07:47 PM
Okay, Kfamr. We understand. :( -hugs- Please know that she would never ever want you to be sad, even though none of us can help it. She's now flying with the birds she loved so much. :) Remember that she is now pain-free and healthy. -snuggles from Darlin to Simba and Nala-

07-25-2003, 08:09 PM
My name is Carole and I believe I am the only New Zealander on this site.

I am Scottish by birth, having lived in NZ all my life bar 6 mths, but all my relatives live in Scotland, apart from my immediate family, parent's, sister Margaret and her two children.

I am mother to two children Scott 21 and Melissa 10, and mum to my furbabies, cat's Ash and Lexie.

I am 45 years young, married to Husband Steve, and live in a city Called Hamilton, population around 120,000.

I enjoy surfing the net, relatively new hobby of two year's, shopping, going to the movies, and dining out and travel when I am able, I love listening to Music, dancing and going for walks.

I was raised on a farm , but migrated to the City life when I was 11 years old, so real city slicker now and loving every moment of it.

I spent most of my younger days working as a civilian, in the Navy and Air Force, I have owned my own business in retail, selling used and new clothing.

I am presently retired because of ill health, but I now enjoy meeting people from all walk's of life through the internet.

07-25-2003, 09:51 PM
Hi my name is Denyce and I am 41 years of age. I have been married for just over 2 years now to an incredibly wonderful man named Brian who I also met on the internet the weekend Princess Di passed away. We are owned by four wonderful but bratty cats. Deirdre, Brianna, Katiebug and Kaliban. The third word I uttered before I even said mommy as an infant was horsey. I started riding almost before I could walk at around 2.5 years old and starting training/showing at 13. I was head trainer at a ranch in El Paso Tx for 3 years in my early 20's.

Now I live in State College PA and work in a lab testing plants, soils, manures, compost and biosolids for nitrogen and carbon. This is so researchers, farmers, growers etc can apply the correct amount of nutrients to their crops. My hubby works for a bank and is a magician.

I love to read, watch movies, do crosswork, garden and be involved in any aspect of animal care. I also love computer games such as Diablo and X-box games like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lord of the Rings. Nothing like killing a demon to get out the frustrations of the day. I don't think my hubby and I will ever truly grow up.

One day we intend on adding to our family with many more rescue animals including rescuing some Premarin foals.


07-25-2003, 10:17 PM
Well I'm one of the older members-I'm 51-just like slick;but everyone thinks I'm about 20 something because I have a strange sense of humour-oh, yeah forgive the u's in spelling I had an odd education; I was born in Germany& educated by strange English ladies who wore sensible shoes. My name is Charlene, I live in Indianapolis, Indiana which is famous for the Indy 500 race and persimmon pudding-a fabulous dessert and an effective roof patch. I'm an artist-graduated from a classic art school; our models were nude not nekkid. I've had terriers all of my life;but, alas, am beastieless right now-I travel too much! never married and no children-well none of the human variety. I'm real trivia buff and am the undefeated champ of Win Ben Stein's Money-don't all ask for an autograph at once. I write comedy for a few sites-puns mostly-real groaners! And I'm deathly allergic to chocolate-if anyone wants my Valentine candy just ask!!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-25-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Being a 'young person' doesn't mean I can't protect myself..in PUBLIC. :rolleyes:

Foam, hopefully soon you're realize that you're not invincible. :) :) I totally agree with what Karen did.

07-25-2003, 10:46 PM
Foam,Karen did you a biggg favour! I helped catch a child molester who just looked all over sites like this-there are some strange and nasty people out there! Hey, we may sound like over protective moms;but it's only because we care!

07-25-2003, 11:00 PM
Hi. My name is Jynnelle. Everyone calls me Jynnelle, lol my mom calls me bunny rabbit:rolleyes:. I am 16 years old, and I live in B.C Canada. I have 2 dog named Tikeya and Oscar. Tikeya is 4 years old and Oscar is 1 1/2 years old..I love visiting the pet stores and playing with all the hamsters and animals that are availible, ppl say I have a way with hamsters, the so called viciouse alwasy semm to calm right down in my hands. Once I graduate I will goto upgrade and train for my future vet tech training corse for 15 months in my local university.

My hobbies are music, movies, drawing, painting, pets of all kinds, I love researching and watching animals nature shows, I love to swim, tan, and play with my many pets.

I like to hang out with my friends, but I hardly ever do because I am so busy with all my rodents that consist my life along with my loving dog.
I am single and dont work at the moment I am searching like crazy for a job but noone is hiring ughh.

07-25-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Foam
Being a 'young person' doesn't mean I can't protect myself..in PUBLIC. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter how young or old you are. Anyone at anytime could attack you and take you into the woods or somewhere people will not see.

You're lucky Karen allows children under 13 on this site, as are the rest of us.

07-25-2003, 11:32 PM
Hey, my name is Casey n' im 15 soon to be 16 in November. I live in Virginia. Im the only child..... I have 7 animals....3 dogs, 3 cats, n' 1 rabbit. I love to train my GSD, Asia, but now im moving on to training my new Dobe pup...Colby. I currently have a job at a steak house workin the salad bar......a bit on the busy side...:rolleyes: But haven't been working much since I cut my leg pretty badly....begining of July n' have been off of it. I want to be a vet when I grow up....which well be a while in college...but its worth it.
My 3 dogs are Asia, 6 years old, GSD... Alex, 8-9 years old, Sheltie... n' Colby,13 weeks, Doberman
3 cats are Ashes, 14 years old... Meche, 8 years old..... n' Kayro, 17 years old.
1 rabbit, Baby...2 years old.
I like to train my dogs but mostly im on the computer, watchin T.V or outside running around w/ the animals...:o In school I like to do Track, Cross Country, n' Soccer.
Well thats all I can think of for the moment. This was a really great idea~!:)

07-25-2003, 11:41 PM
Hi, my name is Karen (yes, another Karen LOL) and I am 27 years old, happily married and living in the Bay Area, California. Actually, more specifically in Gilroy, Ca the garlic capitol! In fact, this weekend is the garlic festival! Yum!
I have have always loved animals. They are my passion. I graduated from Purdue University with a computer technology degree and came to CA to work for a startup e-commerce company. I was recently laid off, so lately I've been spending a lot of time at my local animal shelter (San Martin animal shelter). Volunteering there has been a great and rewarding experience. Besides animals, I love step aerobics and yoga. I love to read and have to read every night before I go to sleep. I also like doing web design and help out with our shelter website. I am also going to do a website for a winery soon.

I am owned by 3 cats: Marius, who is my "heart cat", is a 6 year old DSH white with green eyes. He loves feet and shoes!
Scooter is my hubby's DSH tuxie who is also 6 years old. He loves to play with fluffy balls and jingle/catnip balls. Sergei is my newest family member. He is a DMH orange tabby who is just a real love. The vet estimated him to be 2 years old, but I think he is much younger than that. He is still very kittenish in his behavior and he has a little wiry kitten body that has yet to fill in. He just loves to love and play! He and Marius have really bonded.

I am currently looking for a job. Does anyone need marketing people in the Bay Area?? LOL ;)


07-25-2003, 11:56 PM
My name is Tiffanie, but everyone calls me Tiff. I'm from New Orleans, 23, finally graduated from college this past May, and work as a claims manager for an insurance agency.

My fiance's name is Joey. He is a cop and a Marine. His unit is currently deployed overseas and he'll hopefully be back in the fall. This is the first time in the 6 years that we've been together that we've spent this much time apart aside from the 3 months when he was in bootcamp.

Current news...I was trying to buy a condo but after the nightmare with 3 different mortgage companies, the place sold to another relator. So now I'm going to rent somewhere else. Found a really neat place closer to work that I just love. Hope it all works out. I think I'm going to sign a lease on Sunday.

Some of my favorite things...chocolate, Joey, books, dance, and my critters....and not necessarily in that order. I'm a bookworm and collect books. When I move, I swear I'm setting up enough book cases to put all 1000+ books in.

Dance...I took formal lessons for 16 years and taught tap and ballet to an adorable group of 2 to 5 year olds for 5 years. I miss teaching even more than I miss performing.

And why I joined pettalk...I have 8 critters. 5 ferrets and 3 cats. The majority of which came from some form of rescue. Actually only 2 of the 8 were bought, and one of that 2 was a gift to me. I'm a big believer in adopting pets and altering. Too many unwanted critters.

Anywho, that's enough about me for now!

07-26-2003, 01:30 AM
My name is Sara and I'm sixteen years old. I'm very shy in real life, so it's nice to be able to make friends on this board without the awkwardness of real life. People who say mean things upset me, so I'm generally very submissive to avoid confrontations, and people who treat their animals cruelly make me sad.

I've known all my life that I want to be a veterinarian when I'm older, and have done everything to try and make it a reality. I volunteer at my local RSPCA, with the cats at the moment, and sometimes the rabbits. I always visit the dogs there, though, because I'm honestly a dog person. It's something about their loyalty, intelligence, and genuine love for humans.

I'm in year ten at a girls school here in Melbourne, Australia. At the moment we're doing subject selections for the VCE, which is fairly stressful. If I'm going to be a vet, I don't have many choices in subjects though - I'm doing lots of science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology), English, Maths Methods, and French. The next two years will decide my future, and it's going to be hard work.

I don't have many close friends, although I get on well with people in my class at school. I try to be nice to people all the time. I think that's part of the reason why I never become really close friends with people though. It's hard for me to show my real personality deep inside. Even in these posts...can you see how it's fairly polite language? I have trouble letting people in. But I try to never judge.

In my spare time I play the flute, write (stories, not poetry), and look after my animals. Zander and Fergus (rabbits), Garrison, Opal, Kennedi, Lavender, Hallie and Pyper (guinea pigs), and Lachie and Austin (cockatiels). I am a Pisces, which means I am supposed to be a quiet dreamer. I do have a lot of dreams for the future, especially relating to pets. I can't wait until I am allowed my first dog - a beautiful shelter mutt who has been waititing just for me.

I love children, and babies, but am never going to be a mother, because I'm afraid that I'd be too shy to make a good parent. I do love looking at pictures of children, and hearing the gorgeous stories of them as they grow up though. My favourite website is a picture diary of three beautiful children - Rhianna, Liam, and Ronin (http://www.jaeswebworld.com). I don't know them personally, but I have been watching them grow up since Rhianna was only a baby. I can't wait until my brothers and sister start having children. Even if I am not a mother I would love to be an aunt, and watch the beautiful babies grow into toddlers and children. I have three brothers, all older than me, and one younger sister, who is twelve.

Thank you for reading. I think this thread is a wonderful idea, Foam. I also agree with Karen, about removing your surname. There are people out there who want to hurt people, and it's best not to allow them anything to work with. A twelve year old is more vulnerable than an adult, no matter how mature they are.

I know that I don't have many close friends on this board, either. But I do value and appreciate the existing friendships here at Pettalk, because you genuinely care for each other.

07-26-2003, 02:17 AM
HI, I think this is a great idea, Pet Talk says they are a family. Well as a family we should know each other.

My name is Liberty, my parents odd sense of humor I guess. But ever sense College I have been called Libby. I perfer Libby. I'm will be 45 this Aug. :eek: I now live in Florida with my new husband Paul. He is 18 years my younger and he is what keeps me young at heart. He's a wonderful man, any man that can put up with me has to be. LOL

I was a social worker(child welfare) for the city of New York till I moved here to Florida. I opened up a day care for the state taking in child abuse cases. I did that for 17 years till I retired. Somewhere in those years I became known as the animal lady. I guess it was because I also had pet in my center, for the children.
Anyway, a woman from animal control contacted me and asked if I could help a puppy that had been set on fire. I did, and she a wonderful dog and still with me. Sense then I have taken in many, many more animals. I've loved every minute of it. At this time I have 8 dogs, 12 cats, 2 Igunas, goats, rabbits, ducks, peafowl, goose, chickens and a chinchilla. Most, but not all where abused in some ways. I do the best I can for them, but of course it's hard at times, the rewards make it all worth it. I have a wonderful Vet that help me out a lot with my zoo crew and of course a husband that got himself into more then he knew.

(FYI: just in case your interested the fire puppy, Mouch, she the little blonde dog in my sig. Isn't she a cutie).....:D

Spare time.....not much of that around here. If I do get some free time, I spend it in the pool, riding quads, peaceful ride in my
RX-7's and shopping of course. :D Oh and I can't forget the internet.

I try to do my best to be fair to people...but like us all we have our good days and bad. I hope most will be good day here at PT.
It's just sometimes I feel like common sense has become a lost art and I can get a little furstrated with that. If my bad comes out here....call me on it....I'll understand.

That's Fox-gal in a nut shell. ;)

Former User
07-26-2003, 02:35 AM
Hi all, my name is Niina, I'm 27 years and come from Finland, but live in Belgium now. I'm married to Patrick who's half British, half Belgian, and we are owned by 4 cats, Kitty and Casper who are a bit over 2 years and Tessa & Felix who we got last month and they are almost 4 months old now. It's never quiet in this household anymore ;)

Nice to 'meet' you all:)

07-26-2003, 02:36 AM
What a nice idea! Its been great reading about everyone so far. :)

My name is Kelly and I am 24 (25 in October). I've been married to my wonderful husband, David, for two years. We are owned by six cats, some fish and two frogs.

Noah was the beginning of our maddness. :) He's my baby...that boy can do no wrong in my eyes. He's a two year old, male, orange tabby/maine coon mix. Noel is our two year old tortie girl..she's daddy's girl, but is my sweetie too. Basie is my baby boy, he just turned one this May and is my little black kitty (formerly gray, then black, then both, now almost all black). He is an utter doll. Olivia is our eldest furball at 7 years young. She's an all black cat who has her daddy convinced she's daddy's girl. (We wont tell him how it really is ;) ) Micah is my precious fawn aby kitty. We have such a special bond with us having the same health issues. Micah is almost 4 years young and is so happy now that he's in his forever home, away from that horrible breeder. ( :mad: ) Lastly, our newest fuzzy is our kitten Hermione. Hermie is a brown/black/white tabby girl and is almost 15 weeks old. She's a total cutie and is ALL girl! :)

I am currently going to school to eventually earn my MA and PhD in Clinical and Developmental Psychology. I truly can't wait until I'm in a position educationally and have the experience to really help children. My ultimate goal is to work in Children's Hospital with terminal children and thier families. I will, of course, have therapy animals of all types. :)

My cats are my angels...each one. I know God picked them out for us, I can even describe how much they mean to me.

I almost forgot to add what I do when I'm not on PT (is that EVER??). I love reading, shopping, shopping, shopping (oh, did I say that already?), being outside, Disneyland (we have annual passes, so we go a lot), friends and family, cooking, painting, school and being with my fuzzies.

Pet Talk is amazing as well. I've met people that I hope will be life long friends. This is wonderful place.

As kind of a tribute to Jessica, I have decided not to add any heated posts any more. Life is way too short and precious to get all huffy over trivial things. Thanks for reminding me of that, Jessica. :)

The Cat Factory
07-26-2003, 03:49 AM
Uhhh...my name is Chantelle, and i live in BC, Canada. I have 4 cats and a Golden Retriever, Buddy. I am obsessed with Star Trek LOL :D Oh, and I have some fish, too :)

I like to collect DVD's, Video Games, and Dragonball Z Trading Cards :)

I live with my mom, dad, 2 brothers, and sister.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-26-2003, 07:11 AM
Great Idea!
My name is Julie, and I'm 31 years old, married to the love of my life, Warren.

I was born in Scotland, moved to South Africa in 1981, and to Bahrain in 2000. I really miss my family back in SA!

I have three wonderful children - Cameron, Amber and Amy, and one hooligan fur-kid - Ally.

My all-time favourite book is Gone with the Wind, and my favourite movie is Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Other than Pet Talk my hobbies are:
Surfing the net
Buying things I DONT NEED on eBAY just 'cos they are bargains - LOL!
Helping with fundraising for my local shelter
Riding Harley with my husband
Collecting Fountain Pens
Collecting Swarovski Crystal
Doing Leslie Sansones "Walk Away The Pounds" at least 4 times a week

I work full-time in an IT company as a systems architect (hey - it pays the bills), but am busy training to teach English as a second language (this is my real passion, and I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to fulfil my life's ambition)

I LOVE - my family, Pet Talk, chocolate, buying shoes and going on CRUISES

I HATE - cruel people, cold weather, being away from family and airline food

Felicia's Mom
07-26-2003, 08:51 AM
My name is Nancy and I live in Iowa. I live alone with my 2 cats. I am 58 years old.
I was married for five years, and have been divorced for around 25 yrs. I have no children.
I like to be on Pet Talk and another message board.

07-26-2003, 10:32 AM
My name is Johanna, I am 20 years old. I got engaged to the most wonderful guy, Justin, this Valentine's Day. :)

I work for a film company in St.John's Newfoundland, and have been for over a year now. I do a number of things - I design magazine ads, posters, logos, stuff like that relating to film and television. I do animation. I currently have two projects. The first is to build a 3d plane for a new tv series our company is producing. The second is to create animations for the beginning of a tv show (as well as to and from commercial animations) that will be airing on television next February! For those who have the Global channel, its going to be premeiring on that station February 14! :D Its called Going the Distance, a reality tv series about long distance relationships.

I also recently got contract work with another company, so after my 9-5 job, I go home and work on my "other" job. :)

I have two WONDERFUL cats, and 1 silly betta fish.

In my spare time I love

taking pictures
playing with my furkids
graphic designing
going to the park
seeing friends
shopping for myself, my fiance, and of course my kiddies
AND surfing the net (aka visiting PetTalk) :D
Someday when I get a car, I hope to volunteer at a Pet Shelter.

My favourite movies are Braveheart and Dirty Dancing. My favourite music is anything by Pearl Jam, the Doors, or Nirvana. My favourite foods are mac and cheese, or anything else with noodles - I'm a very picky eater. :p

07-26-2003, 10:38 AM
My name is Karen and I am 47 years old.
I have been married for 22 years, and
I am owned/loved by 3 of the greatest dogs and 2 turtles.
I have a very close knit family and
I am blessed to be BEST friends with my 3 sisters.
I became a Great Aunt 5 months ago. :)
I enjoy traveling, ice-cream, nature, movies, my PC of course, or just sitting in the back yard yacking with my neighbor while gardening with my dogs.
When I retire, I hope to have a dog that
will be able to do therapy work with the elderly and sick.

07-26-2003, 10:38 AM
My name is Baylee I'm 13 and I live in Ohio, I have one Yorkie pup named Ringo, I have two stray kitties that now live with us Basil and Buddy, and yes they are both fixed, When we first found Buddy she was pregnant so we let her have her kittens and we gave them away then we spayed her, I loved thoses Kittens but we had to give them away. We also had a cat named Victor (my fave) we had him since I was a baby, but he died a few years ago because of a horrible accident. I also have a new widdle hampster but I don't like to handle him because I'm afraid he'll bite me again, His name is Hershey.

But my biggest dream is to someday own a horse! A lot of my family members have them so I get to ride them and see them a lot.

In my free time I Play the Viola, but I'm not very good. I also run cross country for the school, It's like a family traditon now to be a good runner. Both of my older brothers run for the High School, and my oldest brother (who will be a seinor this year) is the captain of the team (their season has already started). I also collect Mint tins, I have 27 so far, My favorite is a little Care Bear mint tin in the shape of a heart.

My parents got divorced last December, and now I live with my dad and two brothers:rolleyes:, even Ringo is a boy! I may not seem like I talk a lot on PT but In real life you can't shut me up (after I get to know you) that's pretty much me:D

07-26-2003, 11:12 AM
here goes not much to tell though ;)

i am Rhiannon, but get called Rhi or Rhino (i love rhino's they are beautiful) . i am 21 years old (22 october the 1st), and live with my mum , 22 1/2 year old brother, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. clover the rottie X is i believe is my soulmate. i am single at the moment :( but find it hard to get close to people and be myself (face to face) so thats not helping in that field :rollseyes:

uh my life revolves around my dogs, especially clover and we are involved in all kinds of dog sports, including flyball, obedience, agility, and hopefully herding oneday.

other than my dogs i love to read, write some poetry and write in my journal, draw paint ohhhh and mess about with my digital camera :D im sorta obsessed with my camera and phtography:o

uhh i volunteer at our local animal shelter and im hoping that will lead into some sort of paid work eventually, i would love to train to be an inspector for the shelter (but they are not training at this point in time:mad: )

id better shut up now i guess:o

07-26-2003, 11:18 AM
i forgot im from Victoria Australia, muh favourite TV show is Will & Grace LMAO love that show and the TV show Six Feet Under.

have no desire what so ever to have 2 legged kids (EVER) and i have 2 other older bro's that are not living with us 26 & 29.

fave bands/ music, placebo,good charlotte, nirvana, silverchair, the dixie chicks:o ~Shhhh~, uhhh anything rock/alterenative/punk ~nods~

07-26-2003, 11:31 AM
Hi I'm Rachel (not Rach, Rachie, RACHEL) and I'm 13years old. I live in CT with my parents, my brother Peter, and my sister Hallie. I am happily owned by two dogs Patrick and Leo, two birds Linux and Baracuda, a rabbit Totoro, and a anole. Besides Hallie and Peter I have three half sisters Natalie, Rose, and Hannah.

My passions are computers and animals. I am hoping to get an apple laptop for my birthday (or a kittie:D ).

My real love lies with the sea and all it's inhabitants. I love marine mammals and I am active in the online orca community. I have never seen a captive cetacean (whales, dolphin, and porpoise) and I never will until I see a wild one.

I am a supporter of Lolita, Corky II, Kshamenk, and the Taiji Five and their return to the sea.


07-26-2003, 02:53 PM
My name is Johanna (and I was hoping to post right underneath the other Johanna, ScantyNebula), I am 37, single, live in Cincinnati, and work as an attorney.

I have six cats, Tex, Tenny, Georgia, Allie and Dakky(brother and sister), and Minnie-mouse. In April, I adopted Binx, the St. B. We live in a small house, but somehow fit quite comfortably.

While I was born in Cincinnati, I have lived on each coast- Seattle and outside Boston (ever hear of Worcester?), but came home for law school. I have travelled to lots of the states, Canada, and a couple of places in Europe. If I could live anywhere, it would be on the ocean.

When I am not working or wiping slobber off of Binx, I enjoy running, working out, reading (and just started with books on tape), cross word, some tv, gardening, cooking, and anything else I can do close to home. I am artistically challenged, and play the radio quite well. I played soccer growing up, and through college, but now prefer non competitive things (even charity runs bother me). I love to play cards, board games, stink at trivial pursuit, and, on occasion, will cheat to win :eek: . I always tell the other person, laugh hysterically, then apologize cause they are steamed over it.

I can eat an entire years supply of the following in one sitting: barbeque chips, peanut m & m's, pistachios, chex mix (home made only), and always wonder why it hurts my stomach...

I am 'thrifty'...(OK!!!!!!!Cheap), recycle, reuse, turn lights off, use water carefully (except when showering), and like to use 'just what you need'....how funny, right? Though, I do keep my a/c on 70....

I have a sense of humour (note the "u"....no, not foreign educated...I just like to appear high brow) that gets me in trouble sometimes...enjoy laughing and making things seem funny when I can, enjoy practical jokes (of course I don't like them played on me), and stand up for/against animal abuse. I love my pets more than most people in my life, and take their lives, and well being, very seriously.

TMI, right?

Steffi N
07-26-2003, 03:20 PM
Hi, I am Stephanie (Steffi) I am 53 (54 in September) but think of myself as younger. I am unmarried and have one cat, Lovable. I have done clerical work most of my life and now work as a medical copy editor part time for an advertising agency and have a second part time job doing internet research. I have become very fond of the people and animals that I have met on Pet Talk and am very glad I registered. Lovable was one of five kittens my sister’s cat Cloud had three years ago in Ohio. I have three sisters, one brother, five nephews and three nieces. I like to read a lot (I was an English major), have too close a relationship with chocolate, and my biggest desire now is to find a full time job. I am enjoying reading about everybody. I have become very fond of the people and animals that I have met on Pet Talk.

07-26-2003, 05:32 PM
I'm Andrea (please call me Ann or Andie) and am 20 (21 in DEC). I'm engaged to Dustin (Redneck Pit Lover - rarely posts) and we've been together for 3 1/2 years now.

I don't really know my biological father cuz he left a long time ago. MY DAD (step-father) is an ex-Carney, ex used car salesman, carpenter so I can win at the carnival, get a good deal on a car and build stuff. LOL. Mom runs a group home for the mentally handicapped which means we take care of the mentally handicapped in our home. We took over the group home after Dad's parents passed away 8 years ago. I have one younger brother Michael, 13 but since my family is so close to one another I usually say I'm the oldest of 6, Mike and 4 younger cousins : Angela - 15 (16 in Sept God help us all) Richard - 13 Brandon - 11 and Amanda - 8

I'm owned by 3 dogs and 2 cats. Fluffy (really Mom's) is our 14 yr old DMH cat. She doesn't do much anymore, just lays occasionally chasing Isis around or running from Isis.
Katie Mae (really Dad's) is our 5 yr old Lab who believes her job in life is to make sure my car still runs (she runs out the door, I get in the car and chase after her, she jumps in the car and we go home) Bull is my almost 2 yr old baby boy. He is my first dog of my own (a pit/lab? mix), is as goofy as his Momma, and was a sergeant Dad to Katie's litter this spring. Isis is my almost 1 (Aug 25) DSH lil princess. She is the bug catcher (and bug eater) of the house, she has made it her job in life to make sure Fluffy moves every now and then and my personal 2 AM alarm clock. (well she needs her morning drink of water and not that water that has sat out all night) Duke (really Mike's) is our 14 week old Lab who is part rabbit we do believe and guardian of the water bowl.

I am currently taking correspondence Vet Tech classes, though I've been the family "vet" since I was little. Everyone was always asking me questions about what this could be or what’s wrong with this one's whatever.

I'm in the process of moving in with Dustin, which I do believe all our little problems are now solved (ac was bad) finally!

Well I guessed I blabbed long enough!

07-26-2003, 06:18 PM
Johanna, your a nut!;)

:D :D :D

07-26-2003, 08:42 PM
What a great idea!!!!!!!
I'm still real new here. My name is Harper,(I prefer to be called Abker, I don't really like my name) and I'm 13 yrs old. I have two doggies, a border collie mix named Abby and Cracker a malamute mix. I found Abby as a stray and she is my baby girl. I love her more than anything. I've just started agility with Abby, and it is becoming my favorite hobby. Abby loves it also, I hope to compete eventually! I'm not much of a cat person, but I love dogs!!!! I hope to do something with dogs when I grow up, but I'm not sure what yet. I love to swim, and talk online. I hate school. (Typical, huh?):rolleyes: I also like to focus on the good points of life, not the bad. U'll probably be seeing lots of silly posts from me... :rolleyes: ;) Anyways, I've enjoyed learning about ya'll!:D

07-26-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I am owned/loved by 3 of the greatest dogs and 2 turtles.

You have turtles?!!? :eek: I've never heard you talk about them! I demand pics!! :D

07-26-2003, 09:09 PM
This is a wonderful idea!:) I love reading about everyone else and getting to know them better.

My name is Lisa. I'm 26 years old and I live in Tennessee. I've been married to the best guy in the planet for the last five years and I have a wonderful 8 year old boy that is an honor roll student and an orange belt in tekwondo.:D :D

I have two dogs, a chow mix named Valientine and a cocker spaniel (at least that's what we think he is) named Max. I also have two kittie cats, Natasha and Panther. Four (yes four) adorable little ferrets: Rogue, Wolverine, Xiaver, and Badger.
And a red eared slider turtle named Mr. Turtle.:D The ferret on my avatar is my first ferret Gambit who passed over to the rainbow bridge this past January. He was a special guy that taught me the joy of owning ferrets.

All of my animals (except for Rogue) were either strays or rescued animals. Badger was actually dropped off in front of my house and left out in 95 degree weather. We are very lucky he's still alive.

I write poetry and paint in my spare time. I apreciate the art of tattooing (althought I could never do it myself) and I have two tattoos. I also have a deep love of music. I listen to everything from Korn to Fleetwood Mac.

Well, I think that's enough about me for now.
:) :) :) :)

Aspen and Misty
07-26-2003, 09:17 PM
Hey! My name is Ashley and I am proudly owned by 1 dog, Nova who I love dearly. Julian, my holland lop mix bunny, who is the best bunny in the world. My 4 rats, Melony, Hope, Tundra and Brook who keep me laughing through my pain and I am madly in love with my fish Bella, my betta. I also have 4 goldfish, 1 dalmation fish and 2 guppies who I love dearly and my big fat cat Misty Moo Moo, who is the most wonderfull cat and makes me want to own at least 1 cat for the rest of my life. I am 15 years old and am going to be hopefully getting a job as a kenell girl in August at the local vets office.

I spend most of my time swimming and taking photo's. I love phtography and hope to do something with it as I get older. I hope to own a shelter when I get older and I already know what degree's I'm getting in college, where I wanna go, what I wanna do and who I wanna work for so I pretty much have my life planned out already, although these plans may change. I hope to be vollenteering as a foster mom to a Paws With a Cause dog (guide dog puppies) in the next year.

Thats all for now!


07-26-2003, 11:41 PM
Here's some more about me! Well My favorite food would have to be Vanilla Ice cream, I have a big sweet tooth. I also love Cheetos, Curious George Fruit snacks lol (They are Tastey and Monkies), Cheese, and Ramen Noodles.
When I grow up I want to become a Home Economics Teacher, and I am looking into breeding dogs, although I don't know what kind yet I will do plenty of research and I'll be very responsible.;)

07-27-2003, 07:37 AM
My name is Michelle and I live in northern NJ. I am a newlywed (married June 21,2003). Brian and I have been together for 7 years. We've been in our house now for 4 years.

We have 4 kitties, Neko-who is 6, dsh, grey tabby; Cookie-who is 5, dsh, black and white; Pumpkin-who is 4, dsh, orange and white; and last but certainly not least, Tama-who is 3 and my beautiful blue Abyssinian!!!

I am completely obsessed with cats, especially abyssinians, and I love to collect anything with cats on it!!
I also love reading and photography, and also country-style decorating.

I work as a chiropractic assistant for the only NUCCA chiropractor in New Jersey. I love my job and the people who come.

Ummm...I think that's about it:p

07-27-2003, 04:11 PM
My name is Dayna. I have 5 pets at the time, but may get another dog soon:D They are all rescues from the animal shelter I volunteer at (with my mom, I'm not old enough to walk dogs by myself:p), and have for 3 (going on 4) years.

Alex is a great pyr/newfoundland mix, and is the best dog in the world. We got him in April of 2002. His favorite things to do are: go for rides in the car, go for walks, sniff other dogs until they fall down, let little dogs hide in his fur, eat, sleep, roll in the grass, get petted and scratched, being brushed, and so much more (I think). He is 11 years old, and being a big dog, is at the end of his life span.

Phoebe and Cleo are my cats. We got Cleo in '95, and Phoebe in '96 as a friend for Cleo when we went on vacation.
Cleo is 9-10 years old, and is a solid black (except for a few white hairs on her chest, belly, and armpits) Manx/Japanese Bobtail mix. Her tail is only 3 inches long, and she wags it constantly, like a dog. She also comes when she's called.
Phoebe is a tortishell. She is a character. When she gets into her "crazy mode", we say it's like she has a hair up her butt:rolleyes: (or atleast my mom does). She's really weird, and I can't exactly describe it.

Rolo and Scooter are my 2 guinea pigs. Rolo is black with caramel coloring on his neck (that's why his name is Rolo). He is an absinnian. Scooter is calico colored, with 1 cowlick (called a crest) on the top of his head. He is a white crested. Their favorite things to do are eat, run around and wheek, scream at me for food, eat some more, and play with each other.

There is more that I could say, but I've said too much already:p

07-27-2003, 08:01 PM
my name is Robyn.I have 2 cats and some fish.I am 13 and my birthday is September 13th.I love animals and riding horses.My cats are really great and special.they sometimes do things that make me laugh like sleeping in the sink or the linen closet.

07-27-2003, 08:32 PM
I'm Leslie. I am married to my best friend, Dan. We have a wonderful marrige and I adore him, we will be celebrating our 4 year anniversary in November. No human kids yet but as soon as I can be a stay-home mom (got some debt to pay off first), we'll start our human baby family. I have two dogs and as of tomorrow, two cats. I enjoy my house, gardening, spending time with my family and friends, which always includes the animals. I enjoy my pets SOOO much.

07-27-2003, 09:41 PM
Wow, it's going to be hard to remember who is who, but it was such a pleasure to meet and read all about everyone.

My name is Lorraine. I am 51 years old(another baby boomer Slick), I have two wonderful sons, ages 21 & 25 from my first marriage. I have been with my second hubby/best friend/love of my life for almost 20 years now.

I am owned by 3 cats and 1 dog.
My cats are: Katie/tabby who will be 12 years old in September.
Mooky who turned 1 on July 24th. He is a Main Coon mix.
Then there is our new addition, Chipper, who is 10 weeks old. He is a beautiful little guy. I will be talking more about him, with pictures, in Cat general, in a few weeks.

Then there is my precious Buddy/Lhasa Apso who was abandoned on the streets about 10 years ago. He is the best little doggie on the block.

I have a passion for Bengal Tigers since I was a kid. I think they are the most majestic looking animal on the face of this earth. My dream is to visit Tiger Island in Australia, where they have hand raised tigers that walk around the park(on leash) with their owners and you can pet them and have your pictures taken with the tigers.
Been saving my pennies for this dream of mine to come true.

07-27-2003, 09:43 PM
Horseluver...we have the same name...spelled with a Y!! :)

My name is Robyn and I am owned by 2 awesome cats and 1 loveable puppy! I am 26 years old. I am married to Rob and have been for 5 years, we dated for 4 years before we got married (he even taught me how to drive (and oddly enough, we met at a race track) :)). We have a 2 year old son named Christian.

I came to this site when Sasvermont offered to take my Gabe for me. After that HUGE gesture of kindness, i knew this was a great community to become a part of....and have loved coming here ever since.

I am a stay at home mommy and love it!! Wouldnt trade it for the world...i am very fortunate to be able to be, and thank God often for this awesome privelage of watching my son grow up before my eyes with all of those "firsts".

Pre-mommy ;), i was a manager at a China Outlet Store...and pre-china manager, i was nail technician in a nail salon. I still have my license, but only occasionally do people's nails for special occasions like weddings.

I like to make crafty things and use my hands to be creative. If i could choose another career, other than being a mommy, i would be an interior designer. I love decorating and LOVE shopping in home decorating stores. I would also enjoy being a volunteer at an animal shelter in the future. And would like to get into therapy work with dogs in nursing homes in the future.

My favorite food is snow crab legs and dessert would be ice cream!! I love ice tea for a drink and WAWA cappucino is my favorite hot beverage!

Anyway.............its good to get to know everyone a little better !


07-27-2003, 10:16 PM
Hi, we are Tom (48) and Katz (51). Tom has a younger sister and I am an only child. We live in Auburn Washington, about 30 minutes south of Seattle. I work part time for a major hotel chain and have for the past 23 years. (I’d like to run a Doggie Day Care.) Tom works for a school district (He would love to be an Animal Cop for the ASPCA, they don’t have them in Washington state), We have our 3 kids you see in our signature, Ashlee, Nina and Kelcee. We will be celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary this next Friday, August 1st. In our wedding were his dog Shep-ee (RB) Shepherd mix, my dog Tonee (RB) Cocker and a friends dog Sheeba (RB) Terrier mix. The newspaper article about our wedding said something like, ‘nice outdoor wedding in a park, but the bridesmaids were dogs. !!!’

Tom is an avid Mountain Biker, and I am not! I tend to the flowerbeds, vegetable garden and yard. We are devoted to our dogs. Tom takes the girls to the park EVERY day. No matter what. I don’t think he has ever been too sick to walk them. They are our children.

In the spring my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I went to spend 3 months with her and my Dad in Bend Oregon. It was hard being away from my family for so long, but they gave me a big welcome when I returned. My Mom is still battling with her cancer. My father has been living with prostrate cancer for the past 10 years. We just take it day by day.

If we were to win the lotto we would start an animal rescue organization.
My favorite color is yellow, although I look really bad in yellow.
I am allergic to all fish.
Tom hates milk, so eats cereal dry.
Tom is the speller of the family.

We love 2nd hand stores, antiques, and anything to do with dogs and cats!

07-27-2003, 11:56 PM
My name is Amy. I'm 19 years old....a gemini. I live in a dorky town along the mountains in Utah. I graduated from High School in 2002. I've been working at Petco since Sept. 2002. I'm a bath and brusher (shave occasionally) and quite enjoy making dogs look beautiful (except when they try to eat me in the process). I'll be going to college in the fall....just crappy general ed that I'm not looking forward too.

My hobbies are art, photography, music, computers, pets, etc.....I've always loved to draw and my favorite subject has always been animals. I run (pathetically) a website where I do Pet Portraits (link in signature). I love taking photos, especially of my dogs, and of wildlife/scenery. I also enjoy digital editing on the computer, and of course, the internet...Pet Talk! :D I enjoy music, especially rock/alternative. My favorite group to obsess over is U2.

My dogs are Smokey, Reggie, and Nebo. Smokey's more my mom's dog...he's been with us since I was 2 years old. He's now over 17 years old. He's a black mini poodle. Reggie is the funny, grumpy dog with big ears....he's a schnauzer. He's like a little brother with an attitude problem. ;) Reggie is 10 years old. Nebo is my furry child....a siberian husky. He's now a year old....I can't believe how fast he grew up. He's a total dorkboy, and I love him...I love all of them...dearly. :)

07-28-2003, 12:18 AM
Here it goes ~

My name is Kay. My middle name is Ann so people often call me "KayAnn". I'm 15 years of age,going to be 16 this November 24th. I live in Palm Harbor, Florida. Born in Oldsmar and been here in Fl ever since, unfortunatly.

I'm highly obsessed with my two dogs, especially my boy Simba.

Simba has helped me through my beginning years of being a "teenager". I don't know how to live life without him and I truely feel he is what makes me get up day to day and live my life.
Simba is a 5 year old, 6 in December, American Pit Bull Terrier, German Shepherd mix. We had gotten him from our local SPCA when he was 8 months old. Simba was very skiddish around people when we first got him, still sort of is. He's a very smart dog, knowning lots of tricks and commands. He'll do anything for a scooby snack or even just a pat on the head. He will do anything to protect our house from intruders, even if the intruder is a common house fly. I do not feel safe without him. He fills my heart like no other. Nothing will ever replace him. NOTHING.

Nala on the other had... She's my little devil puppy. She's around 6 or 7 months old, Lab mix. We adopted her on a Friday, after a shortened day of school. Dad had promised the day before to take me to the Humane Society like we normally would once or twice a week. She was there with a few other littermates, and like normal, they were getting adopted out left and right. She was the smallest in her little (You sure wouldn't be able to tell that now, she's huge!) Nala knows a few tricks so far. He favorite is "Speak!". She has the deepest bark for a puppy. She's so silly and sometimes even trips over her own legs they're so long!

I rather depressed alot and i'm very emotional. I have no problem with speaking my mind with people, but I do know when to stop. I'm not religious but I have gone to church a few times, never liked it. I'm really into music. Rap, Rock, and R&b being my favorites.

Nelly was the first rapper that actually got me into rap music. I remember the first time I heard him. I was in my brother's truck at the beach, we had just left and we were going over the draw bridge listening to "Nelly". Little did I know, I would soon come his hugest fan. I know so many little things about him from his weirdest eating habit to what kind of toilette paper he uses. Obsessed? NAH!! I have never gotten the pleasure to meeting him or going to one of his live concerts but I have almost everything taped on video of him. I go crazy everytime I seem him on tv or hear him on the radio, but that's not so often since I dont watch or listen to either all that much.

Most of the time you can find Tupac, Nelly and Tom Petty in my cd player, My music tastes vari though.

I'm not too good in school, I really can't stand it. It's not the work or teachers that bother me, it's the kids and drugs. There's not one corner you can go around without hearing how Bob and Sue got together last night ot Lashonda and Tamika smoked this and that and everything else you can imagine.

Althought I lack in book smarts, I think i have a fairly good amount of common sense, which most of my family lacks. :o :rolleyes:

I live with my mother, Mary, My father, Ken, my two dogs and 6 fish.

Another big part of my life is photography. I'm constantly pointing the camera at something, which mostly turns out to be my two gorgeous babies, Simba and Nala. I wish to do something with Photography in my future.

I also love to write. Poetry is my favorite to write. Most of my poetry is drained out with anger and depression but i've written a few aobut the love for my Simba.

I really can't say it enough how much that dog means to me. It always makes me wonder how some people can see dogs as menaces.

Anyways, I'm sure i've left a few things out and I'm sure you're bored of reading about lil ole me (if you even took the time to read all of my blabber :p)

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-28-2003, 12:43 AM
lol, bored reading about you? Nah.

The way Simba helped you out in your early teenage years, Molli did the same for me. She's my girl! ;) :D
This is her:

07-28-2003, 01:17 AM
Just wanted to say that I love this idea.

Anyway, I forgot a big thing about me when I posted befor:o I ride horses, and this summer was my 2nd summer racing. I barrel race, pole bend, etc., in the circut I'm a member of. My aunt and family own the horses, and they got me into racing. I probably will own a horse sometime in the next few years.

07-28-2003, 08:29 AM
I forgot to post yesterday, so here's a little about me:

My name is Tiffany and I'm 13 years old. I'll be going into grade 8 in September, so I'll be 14 next year. I live in Ontario, Canada. I put that I live in Toronto for the location, but I don't really live in Toronto. I used to live about a street away from Toronto. But last year in April, we moved, but not that far from my old house.

Last summer, in August was when I got my first cat Blueberry. I had wanted a dog very badly for a long time, but a long time ago, my mom said we'll get one when we move. So we did move, and she actually didn't want a dog. She said we could have a cat. So finally, after years of begging for a dog or cat, we finally got Blueberry:D Blueberry is a blue point Himalayan. In case some of you don't know, himmies are Persians too. Just the pointed colors are considered Himmies. He was born on July 1st, so that makes him just over a year old now.
I love him very much:D
I promise I'll post some pics of him as soon as my dad gets a digital camera!
Hmm, what else about me? Oh yeah, I have a sister, she's 18 years old, but will be turning 19 in a few days. and she's going into University in September.

Some of the things I like to do: going on the net, reading, playing with Blueberry, drawing( I love abstract), watching tv, and some other things(just can't think of them now).

Like everyone else here, I love animals very much:D I think when I grow up, I would get a job to do with animals. I don't think I would be a vet, but I'd like to work in a vet clinic. Well, I don't know, I might become a vet. I would also like to work in an animal shelter. Maybe if I don't have a job or if I'm retired, I think I'll like to foster animals.
Anything to do with animals I'll be happy.:)

07-28-2003, 09:08 AM
How nice it is to get to know some of you even better than before! :)

I'm Logan (40) and "mother of many" as it says in my signature. I am mom to my skinkid, Helen, who will be starting the 7th grade this fall, plus "stepmom" to Andrew (8) and Elizabeth (10). I remarried in December 2002 after being a single mom for a long, long time. My husband is Scott.

Anyway, we have a menagerie in our house as you can see in my signature, but each one is loved deeply and we enjoy them all! My husband says that 7 is our limit and we can never have more pets than that. We'll see about that! :rolleyes:

I currently work as a loan officer for a bank, making small business loans. I am lucky that my office is in my home. I start a new job this coming week and am looking forward to the change, but will basically be doing the same thing. In my spare time, I enjoy working in my yard, doing fun things with our pets and family, cooking, church activities, reading, etc. I just completed a class in stained glass, and I think I'm hooked! :)

I have been a member of Pet Talk since its inception and have made some awesome friends here. :)

07-28-2003, 10:30 AM
Good Ideer! :D

My name is Christina I`m 14.My nickname is Bit.Here`s the story. When my brother and I were little he was trying to say my name,christy, but it came out Bitty, so now I`m stuck with that nickname. OK, I live in Texas. I just recently moved from Arlington to Austin, big move! I hated it! I had to leave all of my friends behind,but in return I got to move into a bigger house. Kinda bittersweet huh? Ohhhh another good thing about Austin is that I moved closer to aly. :D SOmeday we`ll meet I know it! :D
We had to move all of the fishies(11 of them,about 3 fishes are 10 inches) That was hard! But all of them made, so no casualties!
I have two sisters and 1 twin brother. My oldest siter is 17 and the other one is 15.
I`m in LOVE w/ Josh Hartnett! He is soooo great! He`s like...THE BEST actor on the Planet! I really like Ashton Kutcher too, but he`s w/ Demi Moore (YUCK).

Well my bro is kicking me off the computer so he can get on.


07-28-2003, 11:07 AM
Hi, my name is Robin (another one, but with an I). I'm 49 years of age (won't say old, cause I'm not). I live just outside Indianola, Iowa on a small acreage with my boyfriend of 20+ years. I have a 28 year old son who married a wonderful girl in May. They don't have any skin kids, but I do have two grand-puppies - rescues that are quite a handful.

I have four doggies, 2 dachshunds, a mixed breed (we think she has GSD in her) and a yorkie. We seem to increase our fur family on holidays. Our first dachshund was given to me on our 14th anniversary, our yorkie was a 20th anniversary present to me and the other dachshund was Dick's birthday present this year. Our mixed was a rescue because we could no longer stand watch our old neighbors starve her to death.

I work as a secretary for a trade association and Dick is a carpenter. When we're not working or playing with the doggies, we seem to do a lot of home improvement projects.

If I would win the lottery, my sister and I would start a doggie daycare. We've talked about moving closer together (she lives in CA) and doing that when we get tired (not retired) of what we're doing now.

I can't imagine my life without my doggies. I joined PT after doing a search for other people who love their pets as much as I do. Hope to make good friends here. And I hope to learn a lot about people, pets and friendships.

07-28-2003, 11:12 AM
My name is Rosemary I am 24 and I am owned by two wonderful cats, Hayley (9 months) and Mandy (6 months). I have been married to the most wonderful man I know for almost one year. Our anniversary is August 17th. We live in a beautiful community just outside of St. John's, Newfoundland and our house is right next to a farm. We get to see lots of animals daily. Hayley and Mandy love to sit in the kitchen window watching the horses, cows, sheep, goats and bunnies.

I currently work for an Electrical Engineering Company in St. John's as a Cad Operator (Draftsperson). My husband also works for the same company as an Electrical Engineering Technologist.

In my spare time I love reading, gardening, cross stitch, and spending time with my husband, friends and my furkids.

I love Pet Talk and have meet some really great friends here.

07-28-2003, 01:27 PM
Rosemary I didn't know you lived next to a farm!! You're so lucky girl! ;) I would be out with the sheep everyday! :D

07-28-2003, 01:34 PM
It's funny you say that. I got up one morning to find my whole yard FULL of sheep. Front and back! I was a little nervous leaving the house to go to the car. I was kind of afraid of what they would do.

07-28-2003, 08:11 PM
My name is Anna & I'm 37 (actually closer to 38 now-Jan 4:eek: )
I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world Mark, and we've been married for almost 17 years.

I'm not able to have children so we only have furkids.
Our oldest is Angus (a rottie), he's almost 12. I can't imagine our life without him in it.
Next is our Roxey girl (Siberian). She's a beautiful, smart, spoiled little girl who gets just about anyting she wants!
And last, but surely not least is our rescue girl Huney (Chow). She was dumped in the country and thanks to one of my co-workers she is now our little baby girl who only wants to love and be loved:)

I'm a waitress at Red Lobster, I've been there almost 8 years. I guess this is what I'm meant to do since I've been waitressing almost all my life. I love to meet different people, & in this kind of job, believe me you meet all kinds;) I actually really love my job since it gives me the freedom to work short hours, this way I can spend my time with Mark & my furkids!

Hobbies, let's see.
I love to do anything that involves our pooches!
And of course chatting with my friends at PT:D

08-13-2003, 08:56 AM
My name is Lindsey, I'm 19 and am from Everett, WA (about 30 minutes north of Seattle). I have two older siblings - Aaron & Kristi. Aaron is currently living in Portland, OR, but Kristi & her daughter (my beautiful niece :D) live in Seattle. I graduated high school in June of 2002, attended a community college for a couple semesters, and will be attending DeVry University in Federl Way, WA this November to get my Bachelor degree in Business Information Systems.

I have been working for a company called Sun Precautions for the past 4 years. I started as a temp pulling orders in the shipping department, but have managed to work my way up the food chain ;) I have a wonderful boyfriend named John who I've been with for about 2 1/2 years. I love to hike, write, inline skate, go to the beach, read, shop, and also have strong interests in philosophy, photography, cars, wolves, music, and tattoos. I also loooove coffee :D

My pets have always been my life. I got my first dog when I was 3 - a sweet miniature schnauzer named Muffy. She died of stomach cancer when I was 16 and I miss her so much. It took me years before I even wanted another dog, but when the time came Ruby was perfect. I also currently have my cute little Blinky boy (a dwarf hamster) and some fishies :D In the past I've also had 2 guinea pigs (Cuddles & Cream Puff), 1 dwarf hamster (Mimi), 1 rabbit (Tulip), 4 parakeets (Sunny, Doogie, Blueberry, & Emily), 1 cat (Ichiro), & many other fish.