View Full Version : Am I setting myself up again???

07-25-2003, 10:51 AM
Am I setting myself up for another heartbreaking failure, or will it work out??? I went to the MHS Rochester Hills shelter yesterday to look at what they have. Getting another pet is a big decision and I want to explore all my options before getting an animal, so I went to two different places yesterday...first to the Michigan Humane Society, and then to a foster home for a no-kill cat rescue organisation. When I walked into the kitty room at the MHS there were maybe 40 or so cats, most of them were sleeping, some were playing, one was crying. I looked at every single cat...but there was this one little cry that I kept ignoring. I looked at the crying cat and saw that she was a 2 year old female all-black cat (black cats are, for some reason, my last choice based on looks), but after ignoring this crying kitty and seeing every other cat, I knelt down to her cage (her cage was one on the floor-level) and put my hand up to the bars and her motor box kicked on, she stopped crying and started rubbing back and fourth against the bars trying to "pet" me. I sat down on the floor and stuck my hand in her cage and pet her for a LONG time. I read a bit of her cage card bio, that said she's a 2 year old stray named "Kelly". I felt too worried about taking home a 2 year old cat for Minion, so I got up and started looking at the younger cats again...she started crying again :(

Several people walked in the cat room at various times during my visit but Kelly kept her eyes on me. She just kept crying and watching me try to make friends with the other younger kitties. After finally not having any connection with any of the younger cats, I started petting Kelly again and she was soooo happy. She purred and purred. It broke my heart. I get teary eyed just thinking about her. MHS is a VERY high kill shelter. She is the oldest in the room (that I saw anyway) and she is black, and the shelter employee said that black cats get overlooked often.

Anyway, I broke down and took Kelly's paperwork to the front desk and asked to hold her. I filled out an application, got approved, and then they took Kelly out, handed her to me, and we walked to the "acclamation room". It was a very large room with lots of benches and seats and lots of stuff to explore, but Kelly plopped down on my lap, motor box going a zillion mph, and layed down on my lap for about 20 minutes, until it was time for me to go. She didn't have any desire to explore the room, or jump off my lap. She was so charming and she had a beautiful little spirit. Not only that, but she will be the first cat "pulled" when they are out of cage space :(

So now I am considering inviting a 2 year old cat into my home...I imagine that will be even more difficult then a 1 year old cat. I just wish I could speak cat language and find out if Kelly would like to live with two big dogs and an adult cat and be an indoor kitty for the rest of her life. I wish I knew what the best thing to do is.

Donna I still want to see the kitties at your shelter on Saturday, but if I don't see anything that jumps out at me, I may drive right to the MHS shelter and pick up my new girl and see how things go. I do believe in fate, and Kelly was VERY vocally trying to get me to take her out of that cage. I hope that if it is not meant to be with Kelly and Minion, that Kelly will be adopted by a loving family and I find the right cat as a match for Min.

It would be nice if it were as easy to introduce cats as it is to introduce dogs :)

07-25-2003, 11:17 AM
She sounds like such a sweet cat and she really needs you. I really hope that she ends up in your home and everything works out for you and the furkids.

07-25-2003, 11:32 AM
Ohhhhhh!! She sounds like a doll. :D

I support you 100% whatever you decide. :)

07-25-2003, 11:38 AM
Kelly sounds very sweet. And cats know who could be the right human for them:)

She also doesn't sound too complicated as she was glad to stay with you in that room.

And didn't she already reserve a small place in your heart?

Steffi N
07-25-2003, 11:39 AM
Kelly sounds like such a love. I hope that she can become a member of your family, but I know you will make the best decision for all your furkids.

07-25-2003, 11:46 AM
Oh my gosh! What a sweet sounding cat! It sure does seem that she wanted your attention. Remember, cats choose you, not the other way around;) It sure sounds like Kelly chose you. :)

How old is Minion now? Introducing opposite sex cats should be pretty easy. I'm not sure about the dogs, but I hope everything goes smoothly for you and that Kelly gets a new and loving home!! Also, I don't think her being 2 will be a problem. I have to wonder if that is a staple age that vets use when they really can't tell how old a cat is. They look at the teeth to guesstimate age, and they told me that my little Sergei was probably two. After having him inside now, he seems much younger than that! I would be surprised if he was even one! He's still very much a kitten, but I think he's always been and outdoor kitty. Who knows, Kelly could be younger than two years of age, but even if she is, I think that should be fine with Minion.

Good luck and let us know what happens! This story tugged at my heartstrings.

07-25-2003, 11:47 AM
Kelly is nicer to you than my cats are to me:eek:

She sounds like a keeper.

07-25-2003, 11:51 AM
Take her!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2003, 11:56 AM
She sounds like such a sweetheart, and very laid back, and the laid back is a good thing. I, too, believe in fate, and I know you're trying to do the best for Minion, and I'm at minimum a little biased towards black kittes ;) , and I'd hate to influence your decision if it turns out it doesn't work.....but sounds to me like Kelly has chosen you, and may have already stolen your heart.

I personally don't think adjusting has anything to do with the age of the cat, but more on the temperament of the cat. I think one of Wayne's ways of telling if the kitty will get along with others is if he can pet their paws. Didn't happen to do that by chance, did you? ;)

I believe all of us here will support you in whatever you decide is best, but I for one am putting my vote in for Kelly. :D

07-25-2003, 12:09 PM
Follow your heart. I think she knows who she wants to be with and I believe that although all matches don't work, she sees in your heart and probably knows about Minion and the dawgies. As owner of two black cats I can tell you I wouldn't get another kind. They are my baby boys and the best kitties (out of 15!) I've ever had. Good luck.

07-25-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by kitten645
Follow your heart. I think she knows who she wants to be with and I believe that although all matches don't work, she sees in your heart and probably knows about Minion and the dawgies. As owner of two black cats I can tell you I wouldn't get another kind. They are my baby boys and the best kitties (out of 15!) I've ever had. Good luck.

That's really nice. Thank you. Thanks everyone. I'll see the kitties at Donna's shelter, but I think I'm already sold on Kelly. It's nice to think that she already knows about my animals because she saw into my heart. She was one of those special little souls. I do hope everything works out and I can get to her before she gets adopted on Saturday.

I think a kitten would adjust better, but I really would rather adopt a cat with fewer odds then a kitten. I think the odds are stacked against Kelly in the shelter she's in now. MHS is just so high kill it's heart-breaking. Unfortunately, they don't test for FeLuk or kitty AIDS (FIV?) so I'll have to do have them do that before I bring her home, if she is indeed going to work out. Sorry to babble on.

07-25-2003, 12:29 PM
Black cats are the best ;) (Not that I am biased either)

I think Kelly has made her choice......Go on, you know you want her

On a serious note, best of luck with which ever kitty you decide to adopt.

PS. Would the shelter loan Kelly to you, to see what she thinks of your dogs...just a thought

07-25-2003, 09:18 PM
Sounds like Kelly may be the one. I think after this weekend you will know for sure...unfortunatly I will gone for a week and won't get to find out til next week :(

Good luck with whatever you decide...If Kelly isn't the right one, keep looking. You will find Min the "buddy" he deserves!!!

07-25-2003, 11:09 PM
OK - here's my 2 cents! :) First of all, congratulations on getting ready to try again! I think it certainly does sound like she has chosen you! Just hearing that she wanted to sit on your lap, rather than explore the room speaks volumes to me!

Leslie, I understand your thoughts regarding a kitten, but in my limited cat experience (two of my own cats and my daugher has two) it's almost impossible to tell what the personality of an adult cat is going to be when they are kittens. My Andy was a naughty crazy boy if there ever was one and has turned into the most precious affectionare lovable adult kitty. The nice part of adopting an adult cat is that their personality is already developed, and it seems that you have already had a glimpse into Kelly's personality and it sounds purrfect!

My daughter's male kitty, Guinness, (who is also black) purred so loud on the way home from the shelter we thought there was something wrong with the car's engine. We had to shut off the radio and heater to see what the noise was and it was only Guinness! :D He also has the most lovable personality and sounds very much like Kelly. Maybe black kitties have a gene for loud purring! LOL!

I guess what I am trying to say is that Kelly sounds perfect. I will follow this thread with interest and do hope that you can give this sweetheart a home.

07-25-2003, 11:56 PM
Black kitties have a special place in my heart, I don't know why, I just love them. (and calicoes) But this little Kelly sounds EXACTLY like what you need/want. I agree that she seems to have picked you!
I think if she is healthy she will fit in right away with you and the furbabes and Dan.
Open your heart to her, I am sure you will see cats of colors/kinds on Saturday, but I have a feeling with as generous and loving as your heart is, you will take Kelly! ;)
And you are not blabbing on!! I love to read your posts! ;)

07-26-2003, 01:23 AM
Well I am very biased being a black cat lover and owner of Lexie and RB Sooti, both sleek beautiful black panthers.

Oh I hope you do take Kelly, she sounds so sweet, and loving, beautiful nature, just like my lil Lexie.

I wish you luck with your choice, and I am hoping it is KELLY.:) :D ;)

07-26-2003, 01:35 AM
Yes....take me home!! :) hee hee I can't even tell you strange that was reading this thread. (My name is Kelly, for those that don't know.)

I think the others are right. If she's laid back, she'll most likely be that way with the dogs and with Minion.

Let us know what you decide. :)

07-26-2003, 10:06 AM
The one point I really, really want to stress is to please be patient with the introductions this time around. While I think you gave up too soon on Fawnie, I want you to be a multi cat household, so, I urge you to try again. BUT please follow the advice...and be slow and patient. The saying, "don't keep doing the same thing, and expect different results" (or how ever it goes), seems appropos here. I have introduced mature cats, kittens, dogs, many times. I really think the key is slow and steady.

07-26-2003, 11:22 AM
Kelly sounds just darling, just the type of personality to make us dog people long for the possibility of a kitty in our lives. Your experience with Fawn (which I only now read about) had extenuating circumstances because of her UTI, and it did sound as if she was really bonded with and pining for Donna.

My fingers are crossed that Kelly will be the one you choose. I'm thinking that she will develop the kind of attachment for you that Fawn had for Donna.

07-26-2003, 11:57 AM
Oh, Kelly sounds like a keeper to me..... I hope it all works out! Of course, we'll need pictures soon too!;)

07-26-2003, 12:20 PM
Please choose Kelly. She sounds like a keeper to me.

07-26-2003, 06:32 PM
I went with Donna to the shelter she works at and I picked out the cutest little bundle of black & white fluff :) She's a tuxie girl with cute markings and a GREAT, loving, cuddly temperment. I adopted her but can't get her until Monday because she has to be spayed. It was bitter sweet, being that I fell in love with Kelly. I called the MHS when I got home just to see how Kelly is doing, and she got adopted today, her new owners pick her up on Monday :) So all is good. I will miss Kelly, but it was not meant to be. I am glad someone else was able to see what a beautiful spirit Kelly had. She really was a precious girl.

So we get our new kitten soon :) I'll take pics when I get her. She's a 4 month old domestic medium hair tuxedo girl who is VEEERRRYYY cuddly! The whole litter was extremely cuddely but Kelly was a bit more mellow then one of her brothers, who I also fell in love with. She was scratched in the eye by one of her brothers' so she had to be seperated in a cage with just her and her sister. Her eye is a bit irritated, but they gave me ointment to put in it. Her sister was sweet, but not as outgoing or comfortable with being pet/held. I ended up with a tuxie after all :) I'm so happy and excited!

I will do it right with the introductions. I won't rush it this time. I think it'll work out. She is social, was in with other cats, and in the same room as a bunch of dogs. She's a kitten but not so tiny that I would worry about her getting herself stepped on. Hopefully Minion won't object to the "youngen" too much. I think he'll do just fine, he's such a social guy. I think the youngin' will test his patience, but she'll also keep him young. We are thinking about naming her Misha (prounounced MeeSha). Minion and Misha :)

Pics on Monday when I pick her up :) Yay for Kelly and yay for us...we all made out good :D

07-26-2003, 06:42 PM
I am so happy that you adopted a tux baby and that Kelly cat found a new home too!:)
I look forward to seeing photos when you bring her home.
I like the name Misha, it goes well with Minion.

07-26-2003, 07:11 PM

I am SO happy with the outcome. I think you really took your time and looked over ever single cat in the shelter. I, in my own opinion, think that a kitten is the way to go. In my experience, I have brought in all my cats as younguns and never had a problem. Just one word of advice, like Cataholic said, take it slow. Especially where the dogs are concerned.

Congratulations on your new addition!!! I will be talking to you on Monday about hooking up with you to take Misha to her new furrrrrever home.

Great news that Kelly got a home. See??? It all worked out in the end.

Hugs from me and my brood.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-26-2003, 07:29 PM
Congratulations on Misha!!! I'm so happy you found another little girl that stole your heart. I was sorry to hear you didn't get Kelly, but like you said, it wasn't meant to be because someone else saw the sweet soul that she is too. So everything worked out wonderfully, and not only did 2 kitties get new homes, but 3!!! (Fawn, Kelly and Misha)

Congratulations again, and I can't wait for the pics and stories of how Minion and the doggies take to her. :D

07-26-2003, 09:53 PM
HAPPY ENDING all around, that's what we like to see, CONGRATULATIONS, have you a name for your kitten yet, looking forward to seeing the pics.

Steffi N
07-26-2003, 10:22 PM
Congratulations Leslie on adopting Misha. She sounds absolutely adorable. I am glad too that sweet Kelly also found a forever home. And Fawn too :)

07-26-2003, 10:34 PM
That is wonderful news!!! Now there have been THREE cats in forever homes!! :) I'm so happy everyone found what they were looking for.

Misha sounds adorable! I can't wait to hear all about her first day home and see lots of cute pictures. :D

07-27-2003, 06:06 AM
Congratulations Leslie, on the new addition to your family. I do hope that Misha and Minion will become wonderfully compatible companions. It certainly appears that everything worked out for Kelly too, which we are also celebrating.

It has occured to me that maybe Dan had a little help in coming up with the name Misha? Am I right?:p

07-27-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Leslie, While I think you gave up too soon on Fawnie, I want you to be a multi cat household, so, I urge you to try again.

I completely disagree, Johanna. I did the right thing with Fawn for her own sake and I don't regret it. I already feel bad that it had to happen, but it was not a mistake and, regardless of what you think, it was the right move! I just kept thinking about this post and it upset me so I felt I needed to say something. I know animals, I didn't give up on Fawnie too soon. She is where her heart is.

07-27-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
Congratulations Leslie, on the new addition to your family.

It has occured to me that maybe Dan had a little help in coming up with the name Misha? Am I right?:p

Thanks Rachel :) Actually my mom thought up the name Misha, I thought it sounded cute, but Dan is not too fond of the name. He needs to meet her in order to pick out a name, but I am going to have more of a say this time in the naming if the name Misha does not grow on him :)

I actually suggested the name Hannah to Dan, in honor of Graham's most favoritest girl doggie in the whole wide world, but we'll see. He has to meet her first.

Can tomorrow please get here SOONER!!! I want my new kitten!!! Aghhh I can't wait to get her! :D

07-28-2003, 01:05 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Kelly got a new home and that you also found another little bundle of joy to love and adopt. :D I've been away on vacation so I missed the Fawn introductions. I guess I'll have to look them up and read about them. Is Fawn now with Donna again? If not I'm also glad to hear that she now has a forever home too. :) I also can't wait to see pics. :)

07-28-2003, 07:23 AM
I am glad you found a kitten for Minion-Kition. Let's hope everything will go smoothly :)

How nice that Kelly also found a furrever home :)

07-28-2003, 07:50 AM


07-28-2003, 08:25 AM
Can't wait to see pics of Misha!! :D

07-28-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
I completely disagree, Johanna. I did the right thing with Fawn for her own sake and I don't regret it. I already feel bad that it had to happen, but it was not a mistake and, regardless of what you think, it was the right move! I just kept thinking about this post and it upset me so I felt I needed to say something. I know animals, I didn't give up on Fawnie too soon. She is where her heart is.

Ah, now I see why Donna felt it necessary to chew me out in private. It all comes clear.

What I said, if you go back and read it again, was to take it slow. I said that you didn't give Fawnie enough time. I don't really see how that was so horrible. Where are you getting the term 'mistake' from? It wasn't a term I used. What I think is it comes from you...and that is fine, but, also your issue, not mine. I didn't write anymore than what it said. That you and Donna somehow concocted more is not my fault. Next time, why don't you just read what is written, and not imagine what you think I said.