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07-25-2003, 03:21 AM
Skylar was in my lap befure he decided to plop right down on the keyboard. I think he's telling me I need less computer time and more Skylar time ;)






Hehe, he was sleeping in my lap and I couldn't resist balancing the lens cap on his head. He sleeps like a log :)


07-25-2003, 04:22 AM
Sweet Skylar you show how well you can deal with all the human stuf, don't you? You look adorable with that little black pillbox on your forehead.
And you look so soft and mobile. If you ever want to change homes just fly over please:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-25-2003, 05:20 AM
Skylar, you are so cute! I see you are now doing product endorsments for Olympus! What a busy kitty you are, and we are SO lucky that we get to see all these great pics of you - keep them coming!

07-25-2003, 05:29 AM
Aly, aren't they funny? They sure have a good way of letting us know when "enough is enough". Mimi does it quite often!!

Skylar is just darling!!! :)

07-25-2003, 05:33 AM
What a beautiful boy!! Skylar, you must've caught this habit off Lily - cause she does it to me ALL the time :D

07-25-2003, 06:13 AM
Skylar is absolutely adorable. I love him!! I can't wait to see what he will do next.

Steffi N
07-25-2003, 06:16 AM
Skylar, you are so purrecious. Lovable gets me off the computer with a little leg nip. Keep the pictures coming.

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-25-2003, 06:17 AM



The second and fourth pictures are too precious!!!! Silly boy.. we wanted to write to us pet talkers..;)

07-25-2003, 07:52 AM
Skylar, you are such a cutie! I just love seeing pictures of you. My favorite picture is #4. The close up of your little pink nose....I just want to kiss you.

07-25-2003, 09:40 AM
I just adore those crossed eyes! LOL!!

What a sweetie. :D

07-25-2003, 09:46 AM
Wow, he is so handsome...I am in love!!!http://www.mansun-nl.com/smilies/love.gif

07-25-2003, 11:13 AM
Awwww Skylar you are just too adorable.

07-25-2003, 11:15 AM
Too cute. He is such a cutie-pie! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2003, 11:39 AM
He sure is a cutie, but he sure is getting big!!! :eek: Why can't they stay small for just a little longer....

He is so adorable, and I think you got it right Aly, he was definitely telling you it was Skylar time instead of computer time. :D

I brought my laptop on the couch last night - which I haven't done in awhile since I got my computer desk, and the very first time I set it down, Tubby jumped right on top of it! Guess I now know what he thinks of it. ;) :rolleyes: :D "Mom, put that thing away already and pet me, will you!?!"

07-25-2003, 12:37 PM
What a cutie!!!! I could eat him up LOL!;) He is gorgeous, and I always love to see pics of that clown!:D:D:D:):):D

07-26-2003, 01:17 AM
Um....I think he's made me speechless!!! (wow!!)

He is a huge doll!!! He's making me want to come to Texas just to meet his cute face! :)

07-26-2003, 10:15 AM
I love to see pictures of Skylar, whatever he is doing. He is just so gorgeous!!:) Thanks Aly!:)