View Full Version : should we take him?

07-24-2003, 02:52 PM
the people next to got Bow when i got Saidi... SAidi and Bow are brother and sister but Saidi was stolen on halloween. Bows owners put him out in the yard and ignore him... i have gotten so used to sound of him barking... i think things sould weird when he's not... he sits in the yard with 5 feet of leash conected to his moldy dog house. i dont ever see food in his dish and his water is very dirty, the yell out their windows for him to shut up and don't even take him for walks anymore. i hear his owners scold him for doing his 'thing' in the yard... but they dont take him for walks... what do they think he's going to do?!
my dad thinks that we should take him and give him to our friends.... they are looking for a dog (their old dog passed away) and i have seem how well they take care of their pets. i don't like the idea of taking Bow because Saidi was stolen from me... however i think he would be better of in a new home.
what should I do?

07-24-2003, 03:05 PM
I donth think you should steal their dog away from them. I think you should call the local humain society and tell them about the abuse that is being done to this poor pup.

07-24-2003, 03:09 PM
this is kinda like a situation i was in.. at my sisters house there is this pup who looks alot like cami and i really wanted him.. i feel soo bad for him.. my sister was gonna take him and bring him to our house.. We live far away from the house.. i feel so bad.. i think you should call the shelter.. if you take the dog they might suspect you and you could get in loads of trouble.. So i suggest you call them tell them whats going on a find this poor dog a home with love and not with abuse..


07-24-2003, 03:11 PM
will they really do something about it? i mean... yes he isn't being treated very well... but he has a home... and they dont beat him... they just yell at him.... he does look like he gets some food... he is skinny but he's not scrawny.... he doesn't get brushed or bathed... but there was a god across the road from me once that had a pen so small all she could do was stand sit or lie down... they never took her out and she was left in the beating sun and pouring rain... i called the SPCA and told them about the situation and how the poor dog was being treated and they did nothing about it....!! that dog died last year and the people who owned her moved out... it doesn't seem like they care at all....

07-24-2003, 03:12 PM
I think you should go talk to them, and tell them you have a great home for the pup, where he can live inside.
I just did this, a friend of mine, her hubby got two puppies, left them outside for days when they were babies. When I asked why they were not allowed in the house, he said because they were not houseboken (duh....how could they ever get house trained if they are not allowed inside the house!)

So...long story short.....it took me almost 6 months, but he finally gave them to me, and I found a home for them both (they stayed together)

So....I think just talking to them would be best, if that doesn't work, then call the humane society.

07-24-2003, 03:16 PM
Yea I would say talk to them first. Tell them how they wouldn't have to deal with the barking anymore and he'd have a loving home. If that fails, keep bugging both the human society and the neighbors lol.

07-24-2003, 03:24 PM
we have told them that they should find a better home for him.. the say " you never treated SAidi well!!! She got hit by a car!! because she was trying to find food!!" they say this because the day after Saidi was stolen there was a blak dog on the side of the highway... the dog that got hit belonged to Mr. stoby... he was a very old dog... i dont see how they could have thought it was Saidi. they also shout insults at us and yell at me when i try to pet bow or feed him through the fence... trust me... they will not listen!

07-24-2003, 03:24 PM
Well, they obviously don't care for this poor pup, so just suggesting to them that you are willing to pay money for him should make them give him up. Like, go there, say a friend of yours saw and is in love with their dog and is willing to offer money for him. *shrugs* I don't know, that's all I can think of.

07-24-2003, 03:32 PM
I'll try but i can't seemed to get two feet into their yard without getting cused at... :S ... they are very mean... i don't like shouting things to them... it's hard to be the voice of reason when people are yelling rude things about youand your family (pets included)

07-24-2003, 03:35 PM
Maybe you could try having the friends come to their house and offer them money. They're probably holding a grudge against you but if someone was to offer money the first time they met...I'm sure they'd be a tad bit nicer.

07-24-2003, 03:40 PM
good idea... i'll have to try that ^^

07-24-2003, 03:44 PM
Then have someone take him when you can prove you were at home. Have the peopl do it when they're not there and don't ever let any of your neighbors know you were involved. If he's not in dire need you probably wont get very far in getting him away from them through the Humane Society. Unfortunately dogs must be in horrible condition in most parts of the world before the authorities will intervene. I hate telling someone to do something illegal, but I think you must in this case. He's being abused whether or not they hit him. Sounds like they are disgusting "people".

07-24-2003, 03:48 PM
Don't take him.

Have your parents speak with your neighbors. Not too many people are friendly with kids.
If you parents are willing to take him have them tell your neighbors that they are willing to take him where he can have a life as an inside dog with lots of attention he deserves.

07-24-2003, 03:54 PM
they cus at my dad too...:S
i cant stand how badly he's treated... he should be spoiled... and walked and bathed... and have.... giant dinners.. and one of those big soft dog beds... beside the fire... ^^
he deserves it... unfornatly they got him young and have always been this mean... now he jumps up and barks... it will be hard to teach him now that he is older ^^ but my friends will do a good job!! ^^... ... ... i'll try to talk to the SPCA but if that doesn't work....i don't know what i'll have to do... i can't bare to see him being treated so badly...

07-24-2003, 03:57 PM
Isn't there an animal control officer in your town you can contact? That sort of treatment of an animal would get attention fast around here. And judging by the way they treated you, spoke to you, I can only imagine how much worse the dog is being treated. It doesn't matter that he is or is not being "hit." As you describe it, that is abuse, at best neglect, in my mind. Perhaps your parents can convince them to surrender him. And yes, perhaps a financial payment would be an incentive. In any case, I think that dog needs to be removed from that home:(

07-24-2003, 04:01 PM
animal control officer??

07-24-2003, 04:10 PM
That's a great idea, contact your local animal control or
spca. Whomever you would report mistreatment of animals too.

07-24-2003, 04:18 PM
Many towns, cities, have animal control officers. They are an "arm" of the poilce dept. that deals with animal abuse, neglect, strays, injured animals, etc. Try your police dept. and ask if you have one. In the meantim, please click on the link below. It should answer all your questions about what is and what is not abuse!! Plus it offers a lot of excellent adivce re: how to proceed should you suspect an animal is being abused.

Animal abuse...what to do if you suspect it (http://www.animalforum.com/gabusemain.htm)

From the Humane Society...What is abuse and how to report it (http://www.hsus.org/ace/11847)

07-24-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Koneko_kokoro
animal control officer??

Would an animal control officer do anything?

My cousin is an animal control officer and I believe the only cases they take is when someone finds a stray and they pick it up, or there is a report of an agressive dog or puppy mill. I'll have to ask her...

also, koneko_kokoro lives outside of Campbell River, a ways away, in the country. Apparently the Campbell River Spca avoids cases out there...:confused:

07-24-2003, 04:30 PM
Here in Mass., once a complaint/concern has been received, the family is immediately visited by the animal control officer. Regarding cases such as "nuisance barking," or other minor offenses such as repeatedly disobeying the leash law, the family/owner is given a warning. After a second complaint, a fine is levied and after the third offense, the owner is requried to appear before the Board of Selectmen. (Town Council) Our animal control officer works very closely with the family to try and determine the cause of the problem and works with them to rectify the situation. In cases of abuse or neglect, there is no quesiton that the animal is rfirst emoved. (If proven to be true) Then the family is given couseling/education re: responsible dog ownership. If the neglect/abuse continues, the dog IS removed from the home and the family is encouraged to willingly surrender the animal. Our town council does have the authority, upon the recommendation of the Animal Control Officer, to remove the dog from the home. On rare occasion, the owner will take the case to court. I would still encourage you to contact your local branch of the Humane Society. In all of the their literature, mailings, they encourage the reporting of abuse!!

07-24-2003, 04:36 PM
Is the Spca the same? Everyone always says "humane society" but I don't know if it's just BC that doesn't have any, or Canada, but I've never even seen a humane society. There isn't one where my friend lives either.

Where I live, animal control officers take the dogs they pick up to the Spca...If my friend calls the Spca and they don't do anything, but she calls animal control and they take the dog to the Spca, what would happen then? Would they be mad?

07-24-2003, 05:04 PM
No, the Humane Society of the US (HSUS) is different from the SPCA. I was under the impression that although based in the states, the HSUS had branches in Canada as well; perhaps not. Check out their website (I posted the link above)

If the dog goes to the SPCA, there is a good chance that it will go to a kill shelter. If there is an animal control officer your friend can call, I would suggest she call her/him first. Honestly, if I felt the dog was truly being mistreated, if speaking with the family lead no where, I would call the SPCA. If they decide the dog is being neglected, they will take it to a shelter. I would find out to which shelter he was taken, THEN, go to that shelter and apply to adopt the dog. It's a very difficult decision to make and you're not alone in your anguish. Others here on Pet Talk have faced these very same, difficult decisions. I for one, could not in good conscience, allow that dog to be treated in that manner without doing all I could to recitify the situation. I know it's hard. You have to live "with" these people. I give great credit to you and your friend for your concern and valiant ttempts to help this poor pup:( Please keep us updated. Sandra

07-24-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11

If the dog goes to the SPCA, there is a good chance that it will go to a kill shelter.

The Spcas here don't PTS anymore. :)

Thanks for the info! When my friend gets back home, she'll be sure to take your advice.