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View Full Version : Litterbugs.............GRRR......

07-23-2003, 09:38 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but I have a Pet Hate, excuse the pun, and it is people who just throw their rubbish wherever they please, ruining (what remains) of our beautiful country.

This morning I was walking my daughter to school when, this girl around 11 or 12, ( I see her every morning) is walking to school with her friend, she finishes drinking her flavoured milk, then just throws her plastic bottle on my neighbours roadside lawn, I was just going to walk past, and I thought NO this really bothers me, I said to her "You should go back and pick that up" she looked taken aback, glared at me and walked on. LAZY LITTLE MADAM.

I suppose she has done it so many times, and no-one would say anything, gosh in my day if an older person had said that to me, I would have walked back and picked it up, and would have been embarrassed and bright red in the face. NOT THESE DAYS

I wish they would bring in laws like Singapore, I have heard it is one of the cleanest cities in the world, because they have adopted a serious attitude to litterbugs. Good on them.

Well I have had my rave and rant today, living in an area close the to the University, I see lots of vandalism, littering and just in general a slack kiwi attitude. IT BOTHERS ME.:o :mad:

07-23-2003, 10:05 PM

It bothers me no end too.

I catch the train home most evenings, and here in Melbourne they have a free newspaper called MX. Great paper, no loonnnngggg stories, just short and to the point.

The amount of people who LEAVE IT on the train when they get up is appauling. It is not hard to carry it off and throw it in the bin on the station platform.

So, about 2 weeks ago, a man read the paper from cover to cover, and shoved it inbetween the seats. when he stood up, I grabbed the paper, stood up and followed him as the train slowed down and said loudly.

"Excuse me, You left your paper". He looked and said "NO, I was finished with it". So I shoved it at his chest and said "Then throw it away, you lazy sod!"

Needless to say, he took it, and rushed off the train.......... and I can gladly say, no-one else left their paper on the train that night either!

I am with you, if an older person had said that to me, I would have walked back and picked it up - and looked around fearfully for my Mother who would have really had something to say!!!

I am off to Singapore next week, and will take pics so we can see CLEANLINESS!!!

07-23-2003, 10:17 PM
Have the same peeve!! in Singapore-whoa you get fined for not flushing a toilet, chewing gum is forbidden-but it's beautiful. Some people are so afraid to say anything to the litterbugs-good for anyone who confronts them!! It's not nice to throw trash at your mother(earth) :D

07-23-2003, 10:17 PM
Oh I am glad I am not the only one who gets mighty annoyed at litterbugs, do let me know if what I have heard about Singapore is really true, hey have a nice trip too.

07-23-2003, 10:22 PM
Oh boy don't get me started on chewing gum, that stuff really really makes me mad, rather the people who chew it and then think it is ok just to throw it anywhere.

My husband came home from work a few weeks, ago, with chewing gum stuck to his rear end on his trouser's (now try not to laugh) some very grubby person had left it there on the seats in the smoko room, can you believe it?
Yes I did eventually get it off, but what a painstaking job, the old ice cubes bit does the trick, just because of some lazy person, I spent my precious time getting it off, GRRR GRRR.:mad: And then when it gets stuck on your best shoes..........oh I could go on and on.
Now I know American's are very fond of chewing gum, do you do the right thing with your gum when you have finished? sure hope so.:)

07-23-2003, 10:27 PM
Oh this really is the most annoying of all three of my complaints, the amount of people who SPIT on the footpath, everyday I walk my daughter to school, I am continually looking at the ground to avoid stepping in people's SPIT, man this really gets up my nose, I just find this incredibly filthy.
Does this bother you as well?

07-23-2003, 10:29 PM
Your poor husband-nothing worse than gum-where you don't want it!-I don't chew the stuff-I think one looks rather bovinesque(cud)
and please don't get me started on bubble blowers and cigarette butts out the car windows!! I've seen birds get all clogged(ahem) from trying to eat the filters, another good one is parks and used condoms-doggies can pick them up and heaven knows what can happen!!

07-23-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by carole

Now I know American's are very fond of chewing gum, do you do the right thing with your gum when you have finished? sure hope so.:)

NOOO! People don't! I get nasty gum stuck to my shoes all the time. :rolleyes: They have some wonderful big fines for littering here and keep the country as clean as possible, but people still manage to throw things here and there. :rolleyes: The gum is the worst...often found in store parking lots. :rolleyes:

07-23-2003, 10:34 PM
Hey maybe if they are caught throwing their gum, instead of a fine, which means nothing to some people, they should have to spend so many hours getting all the gum off the pavement.

07-23-2003, 10:38 PM
Well, the fine in my area is actually $1000, so its quite a lot and I'm sure people wouldn't be happy about that, but the problem is, they never get caught. :eek: I don't know why people like to litter. Can't they do their part in helping to keep the country clean? Its not fair that they make the jobs of city cleaners harder than it already is, and make others get THEIR nasty gum on their shoes and clothes and cars. :eek:

07-23-2003, 10:49 PM
oh I hear ya.

Geez I would be more than happy to volunteer my time to catch the litterbugs, just give me the Power.

While I am on my hobby horse, here let me vent another one, people have started scratching glass on shop windows which ruins the glass, and makes it hard for shoppers to see properly, you know those window shopper's like me lol.

An attitude that get's me is the one with this and tagging, oh they are just being creative, YEAH RIGHT, my answer to that is be creative IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD, and with YOUR OWN PROPERTY.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-24-2003, 02:11 AM
I hate that crap, too. I'll tell them what I think of them, if I see them littering. Good way to get me P.O.'ed. Ahh.

07-24-2003, 02:16 AM
I hate littering as well.

Before they made the road behind my house a larger road, it was only it two lane road with lots of land on both sides. People would clutter it up with their crap.

Every Earth Day we'd go out there and clean up the whole road. We found all sorts of discusting things, including women's underwear.

People are just so sick. Animals are much better.

07-24-2003, 08:45 AM
I absolutly hate when people litter as well.

I HATE it when people throw ciggaretes out the car window. They can't put it in an ash tray??? Is that so hard???



07-24-2003, 09:42 AM
I can be so mad to at littering people :mad: :mad: !
I know that lots of kids don't care at all, but my kids do! From the moment they were old enough to understand, I taught them to throw ALL trash in the bin, even the smallest little piece of paper! They knew that mommy got really mad when they threw something on the floor !! It really is a matter of education ....:rolleyes:

07-24-2003, 10:15 AM
I was at a stop light once in El Paso TX. A woman in front of me threw some trash out of her window. I quickly slammed my car in park...ran up...grabbed the trash and threw it back in her open window yelling that America isn't a trash can if she couldn't put her trash in the appropriate place then to go back to Mexico. Boy did she drive off quickly from the crazy blonde Americano. :D


07-24-2003, 10:49 AM
This was quite a few years ago, but a man pulled up to the curb on our street to park his car. When he got out of the car he threw the bag, the papers, his leftover french fries and the drink cup in the street. Then he proceeded to walk up the street.

However, he had left his car window down.

When he returned - INSIDE his car was a paper bag, lots of loose french fries, hamburger wrappings and a drink cup.

Gosh I wonder how they got back inside the car??:D :D

07-24-2003, 11:41 AM
Try living next to a highschool.

Our yard is perfectly clean in the summer, due to no school. When school starts, there are ciggarette butts, milk cartons, school papers, cheeto bags, anything you can think of. I've even found some detentions... :rolleyes:

Needless to say, about once a week we have to go out and clean up the mess. It drives me INSANE!!

07-24-2003, 12:31 PM

That is MY one pet peeve as well. That's also why the inside of my car looks like a rolling trash can.

I was on my way home last night and saw someone just toss out a bottle wrapped in a brown bag onto the green. GRRRRR!!!!! :mad: What stupid people!! What does it take to wait till you find a trash can??? There are plenty of them all over the place!!!

07-24-2003, 01:12 PM
what i do is pick up the trash and run up to the person and say it as nicely as possible,

"i saw that you dropped this...." hand it back to them and walk away quickly.....


reverse gravity??????? lololoololololol:)

07-24-2003, 08:43 PM
Gosh some of you are very brave, good on you.

I remember waiting outside the medical centre for my mother recently, a little girl about 5 came out and asked me if I knew where a rubbish bin was, I said just over there, when she returned I commented to her WHAT A TIDY KIWI you are, she beamed from ear to ear.

Honestly though I was impressed, our schools promote being a TIDY KIWI, and protecting our environment, and obviously this and good parenting paid off in this child's case.

Now to educate the ADULTS.

07-24-2003, 09:05 PM
OH MY GOODNESS! Those are all my pet peeves.

I HATE when people throw their cigarette buds on the ground,
trash, and I also hate seeing graffiti.
I also think it is disgusting when a person
coughs up a big wad of spit and spits on the ground.

It makes this beautiful land look like a dump!!
Not to mention how it harms ecology.

Why are people such inconsiderate slobs????