View Full Version : You know, im starting to REALLY REALLY love my grandpa

12-26-2001, 01:41 AM
My Papa came over tpday wiht one of his lil doggies, Kayla... and well he was talking to me... and my dad was right next to us.. and hes said " KayAnn, You need another dog." i replied.. "yeha i think i do Papa!" ..... always knew he was a good man... im still working on my dad and mom..... I think Simba would be just fine wiht another dog my grandparents dog was here all day, she even drank out of his watter bowl and he didnt do nothing! We just need a dog that doesnt chase Simba around all day! lol! She was chaseing him alllllll day... i put him in his room for a while for he could rest.. poor pup!

12-26-2001, 01:17 PM
Neat to have a grandpa that sees into your very soul, isn't it?

12-26-2001, 08:20 PM
KayAnn just let PaPa do the convincing, LOL
all our kids call Don PaPa too and he usually talks the Dads into whatever the kids want. It's great to have a nice, caring Papa.

12-26-2001, 08:38 PM
Do they happen to call you Memaw? hehehe We call my dad's parents memaw and papa (even my mom and dad call them that) and then we call my mom's side grandma and grandpa.