View Full Version : New Pix

07-23-2003, 05:28 PM
Whoo! I actually had a half hour free tonight to get some new pix up here .. unfortunately I can't go to the mall to get my gift for the gift swap, will do tomorrow instead. But anyway, here are some new photos of my babies for you to see :

Hello! What's this?? A LASER?? :D

Lily loves to dance, as you can see :D

Don't worry Toby, I'll kill it!

What? You want me to play with that laser beam?? I think not.

Ugh. Now i have to sit here and groom myself for the next 6 hours.

All groggy after waking up

Toby's famous pose - lying down

Lets see those pretty blue eyes!

07-23-2003, 05:53 PM
too cute!!!!!!!!!!

Steffi N
07-23-2003, 05:55 PM
What enjoyable pictures and captions. Lily and Toby are just adorable. :) :)

07-23-2003, 05:59 PM
Lily is just SO BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL!!!!

She reminds me a lot of Miss Mocha Bean when she was that age. Unfortunately I only have one baby picture of her. :( So I am totally loving ALL the Lily pictures you post.

And Toby you are quite Handsome. I see you are being a great Big Brother.:D

07-23-2003, 06:07 PM
They're all so cute, but I especially love the post bath one -- :D

07-23-2003, 09:41 PM
What great pics.

Lily looks quite at home ........ although, did we EVER doubt that!!! :D

07-23-2003, 10:39 PM
It's great to see the two of them playing together :) They are both so precious.

07-24-2003, 12:20 AM
Too cute! Poor Toby! Kylie hates baths too! But they are a necessary evil!

07-24-2003, 01:32 AM
Now, isn't Toby a gorgeous boy?!
Nellie and I are really fond of his mellow nature and he's looks are so incredibly cute...what a great cat and a wonderful brother to little cutie Lily!!!
They look lovely together:)

07-24-2003, 05:54 AM
Brother and sister playing nice! Those lasers are illegal in Australia so we can't get one :(

07-24-2003, 06:00 AM
Great pictures. Lily sure is getting big. I guess she likes the Newfie food.:D

I'm surprised that Toby didn't play with the laser. I thought you said he really like the last one you had.

07-24-2003, 07:03 AM
thnx :)

Actually he went nuts over it last night, I couldn't believe it . . he actually ran across the living room a few times after the laser. Then I gave them some shopping bags and they both went crazy playing :) I had Lily so beat out playing last night that SHE actually started panting ...hehe I thought I could never wear her out

07-24-2003, 07:21 AM
Both of them are so sweet -and they really are like sister and brother:)
They give you a good lough daily, isn't it?

07-24-2003, 07:34 AM
Great pictures. Toby is so handsome and Lily is so beautiful. My favorite picture is of Toby laying down and my next favorite is of Lily as she woke up.

07-24-2003, 07:46 AM
What adorable pics!!!! Absolute cutie-pies........http://www.mansun-nl.com/smilies/luvlove.gif

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-24-2003, 10:02 AM
Toby is handsome as usual, and I'm sure he was especially handsome after his bath and 6 hour groom session. ;) :D

And Lily is absolutely adorable! She seems to be growing so fast though. :( Please Lily, stay young a little longer. ;) :D

07-24-2003, 10:05 AM
I can't say how much I love Toby and Lily!!!! They are both gorgeous, and cute!!! I want to reach through and hug and kiss them!:D :D