View Full Version : Molly needs a boyfriend!!!

07-22-2003, 02:54 PM
Molly was just telling me and julie today how alone she was, How she wanted a boyfriend to make her life better, someone to talk to on the days her mom was on the computer but most of all so she could take a picture and crop ot together for the cutest couples contest!! Now if some of them eligible Bachelors didnt already know it Molly is a 2 and a half old collie.. She just wants a cute guy!!! She is hoping for a certin someone soooo please reply Bachelors if you are single.. well if your a bachelor!!

Amber and Julie

07-22-2003, 03:04 PM
This is Chubby! I will be honored to bez in the Cutest Couples Contest with youz!!!

07-22-2003, 03:07 PM
Dearz Chubby,
Thnk youz so much! Hehe...I think your purdy cute!

Wiff Wuv,
Molly <3

07-22-2003, 03:13 PM
Hey Molly,
It's Rusty. I would do it, but I'm a wittle too young for you.:(
Wiff wots of Wuv,

07-22-2003, 03:15 PM
Dearz Rusty,
Its okayz. :) I stillz think yur cute..Hehe...:)

Wiff Wuv,

07-22-2003, 03:28 PM
Hey good lookin' :D
My mom keeps saying she needs to find me a girlfriend...YUCK! She made me ask out another doggie but there's plenty of kai to go around :rolleyes:


07-22-2003, 03:34 PM
Dearz Kai,
Hehe...there is plenty of kai to go round..:p You should have no problem findin a girlfriend..;)

Wiff Wuv,

07-22-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Hey good lookin' :D
My mom keeps saying she needs to find me a girlfriend...YUCK! She made me ask out another doggie but there's plenty of kai to go around :rolleyes:


Awww...come on someone! Give Kai a chance! Hehe :)

07-22-2003, 03:43 PM
lol! Kai likes walking on the beach..sniffing sand up his nose...he'll protect his future girlfriend because he likes to bark at intruders and lick them to death.


07-22-2003, 03:52 PM
lol :D

Ad in the paper:


SHELTIE - 11 months old, sable and white, male. Very sensitive, protective but sweet, enjoys walks along the beach and sniffing sand up his nose. Looking for female, any breed, any age, who I can have fun with and can stand me wearing buckets on my head, dressing up as a soccer player, and wearing my fairy wings.

Geez I have too much time on my hands :rolleyes:

07-22-2003, 03:54 PM
Awww, Molly! So who's the lucky man? Chubby, Rusty, or Kai? :p
Lmao, this is just too cute!

07-22-2003, 03:59 PM
Dear Molly,
Woof...hello. My mommy has been letting me look at all the pictures of all the furkids at Pet Talk...and I just love all of your pictures! ;)

I'm a little bit crazy, but a lot of fun...and my mom tells me I'm a very handsome boy. :D

Paws Up,

P.S. In case you don't know what I look like, just check out my photo album.

P.P.S. I hope I'm not too late to reply! ;)

07-22-2003, 04:00 PM
Oh wait..I added something on the bottom

SHELTIE - 11 months old, sable and white, male. Very sensitive, protective but sweet, enjoys walks along the beach and sniffing sand up his nose. Looking for female, any breed, any age, who I can have fun with and can stand me wearing buckets on my head, dressing up as a soccer player, and wearing my fairy wings. Also, I'd like someone who will talk with me because I'm very talkative. Are you that special someone?

lmao yes that sounds just about right

07-22-2003, 04:02 PM
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

07-22-2003, 04:06 PM
lmao that's better ;) ;) ;)

07-22-2003, 04:16 PM
LMAO you guys are too much:D Alex is lookin' for a girl also;) You'll get to see him soon too! Well, maybe;)

07-22-2003, 04:49 PM
Deer Kai~

Howl-dy! Abby *dawG* heer. I'm 2, and I thinks you are very handsome... Mommee lets me lookies at the picturez and I thinks you are very cute!

~Abby *DawG*


If Kai alredy haz sumone I am still an eligible "bachlorette". :)

07-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Hey abby
My mommy said she'll get back to you asap. She asked someone about going into the contest together earlier. Either way, you're one fine lady :D Huggiez and lickz to you and your momma abby.

Studmuffin Kai:rolleyes:

[edit] Kai got rejected...he says that if abby's still interested, he'd love to get together some time ;) lol

07-23-2003, 01:30 PM
Yupperz im still availybullz. We shud get together sometime.


07-23-2003, 01:32 PM
Aww poor Kai got rejected! Lmao!! :D

07-23-2003, 02:51 PM
Hello, This is Max and I'm very mature and big for 9 months. I always have to keep tabs on my dad beacuse he works soo much. But he loves me a lot. He always, takes me to softball and I watch him and his boyz play. Anyways, just saying hello. Woooooffffffffff.

07-23-2003, 03:05 PM
Woof...Hi there. You do look mature for your age and pretty handsome as well....;)

Wiff Wuv,
MollEE :D