View Full Version : 'Back after a while, some info on our cats, hopefully pics

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 10:20 AM
We haven't been here in a long while, not since our cat Smokey passed away in October 2001. We're glad to come back to this really nice site, and hope to catch up and see the pets of the day daily once again. (Oh, and this is the Davis twin sons speaking, sort of for the family, although it's mostly just us who visit the site)

We also wanted to post some pictures of our cats, but whenever we try posting a new thread with an attached picture, an error page appears. So if anyone has any other way of showing the pics, it'd be appreciated. (Would it work if we e-mailed somebody and they posted it on a site for us?)

The feline family we've had include Chaska, a female orange and white cat who lived to 15, and Smokey, a male Russian Blue (we think) who lived to 7. Right now we have a female cat named Lily, possibly a classic tabby, with shades of brown and black stripes, who is about 3 1/2 yrs. old; Zelda, a female calico who is almost 3 yrs. old; and Oreo, a female tuxedo, with her right-front leg missing (was amputated before we got her for reasons mostly unknown), and is about 3 1/2 or 4 yrs. old (we really don't have much of an idea how old she is)

We seem to remember (a while ago) somebody requesting a photo of Oreo, because they had a tuxedo cat also. Hopefully they're still here, the picture's kind of blurry, though, sorry. (Also, I'm sure there's other tuxedo cat owners here, so this might be, uh, interesting to see another, I guess)

07-21-2003, 11:53 AM
Well, welcome back to Pet Talk. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your precious furbabies.

07-21-2003, 12:27 PM
Welcome back to Pet Talk. I'd love to see a photo of Oreo, esp as I have two tuxedo's kitties. Milo (Who is black & white) & Milly (who I have been told recently is a calico tuxedo ?)

You can see them in my signature.

07-21-2003, 12:39 PM
Welcome!. Posting pictures that show up ion your post starts by uploading them to a website (like ImageStation) that will allow off site viewing. The copying the URL and pasting them in your post with the IMG buttn. (PM me for the specific details, if you like). We all love to see pictures, so don't be shy to ask for help.

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 01:41 PM
Ok, here is a picture of some photos of our cats. :) (Use the 'key' below to tell which ones are which)

1.) Oreo napping on a bed
2.) Lily relaxing on the stairs
3.) Chaska and Smokey lying on the couch together
4.) Smokey standing, picture-perfect, on a bed
5.) Zelda sitting in a basket
6.) Chaska posing in the kitchen


07-21-2003, 01:48 PM
Your kitties are all so wonderful!!!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2003, 04:12 PM
What pretty kitties you have! I'm so glad you decided to come back, and it looks like you've got the hang of posting pics, so have you got anymore? ;) :D

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 06:10 PM
Ok, here are some more...

Smokey pawing at a 'lucky rabbit's foot'.

Smokey and Chaska notice the camera.

Chaska knows she's beautiful.

"Who are you?"

More are on the way.

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 06:50 PM
A young Lily lies on the top of the couch.

Lily the kitten prepares for her balancing act on the scratching post.


Peek-a-boo Chaska.

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 07:21 PM
Smokey chills in the living room.

Smokey in a rare, fierce moment.

Smokey sniffs a spot on the carpet.

07-21-2003, 07:56 PM
Thanks for all the great pictures. Lily on top of the post is priceless.:D

07-21-2003, 08:23 PM
What lovely photos. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Davis Family
07-21-2003, 09:47 PM
I know they're a bit grainy, but that's because I used a paint program to cut them out from larger photos and resized some stuff. None were taken using a digital camera.

Much thanks everyone, I might still have a couple pictures of Oreo tomorrow..and yep, that one with Lily is priceless.

07-21-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Davis Family
...I might still have a couple pictures of Oreo tomorrow...

Yippee! :cool:

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-22-2003, 07:17 AM
Great pics - thanks for sharing:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2003, 12:06 PM
Great pics! Gee, I'm glad I asked for more. ;) :D

Davis Family
07-22-2003, 11:12 PM
Sorry I couldn't get the pictures of Oreo on today, I should be able to post them tomorrow. This thread is on Page 2 and stuff, but that's ok...

07-22-2003, 11:29 PM
Post Away!
They are gorgeous!
Welcome Back!

07-23-2003, 09:47 AM
Wonderful pics! Beautiful kittys!:)
Thanks for sharing!:D

07-23-2003, 11:06 AM
Awww all your furbabies are adorable and I also love the one with Lily ontop of the scratching post, and your comment Ta-Da is priceless.

Davis Family
07-23-2003, 04:20 PM
Smokey relaxin' on a bed.

Oreo is also taking a break.

Another one of Oreo resting on the dresser.

Thanks everybody, that's it for now..

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-23-2003, 04:30 PM
Oreo is just the prettiest kitty! :D

I thought something looked odd in her picture, then I remembered you saying she lost one of her front legs. :( But it seems to have healed over quite nicely and if she's on top of the dresser, it doesn't appear to have slowed her down much. ;) :D

And Smokey looks like maybe he was woken up from a nap - little crabby there Smokester? ;) :D

Great pics, thanks! :D

Steffi N
07-23-2003, 09:54 PM
Welcome back to Pet Talk. Your kitties are just adorable.

Davis Family
07-25-2003, 07:35 AM
Thanks everybody for the comments. We were surprised at well Oreo got around at first, too, and I'm not sure if Smokey just got up from a nap there, but he does look a bit crabby, heh..