View Full Version : Frontline plus for cats, help

07-21-2003, 06:42 AM
I obtained frontline plus for my cats (not via a presciption). I put it on. The directions SPECIFICALLY say put between the shoulder blades. Well, cats can LICK there and have been. Now I am scared. I have never used this stuff before, I never had a need to. Have I just condemned them to death?:eek: I am actually shaking here with worry.:(

07-21-2003, 06:46 AM
Jen, my two, Graemer and Miley used to lick it off each other. They were fine. I wouldn't do a steady diet of it, but I don't think it will hurt them.

What I started doing was staggering the administration.....one one day, the other cat the following week.....

Hope this helps.

Keep and eye on the kitties.


07-21-2003, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Jen, my two, Graemer and Miley used to lick it off each other. They were fine. I wouldn't do a steady diet of it, but I don't think it will hurt them.

What I started doing was staggering the administration.....one one day, the other cat the following week.....

Hope this helps.

Keep and eye on the kitties.

1st, thanks
2nd.......staggering application would take 2 weeks!:eek: :D
3rd, I meant they were licking it off of themselves

07-21-2003, 06:56 AM
I think the application should be done high and between their shoulder blades, actually right behind their heads....sorta on the back of the necks. My cats can't reach there themselves, but the reach each other's.

By staggering, the one with the application usually runs and hides....thus leaving the other cats to not see the problem...

Two weeks, well, within a couple of hours, the stuff is absorbed, so maybe staggering by day...AM PM...


07-21-2003, 07:10 AM
I was kidding. A little humor in my distress. Any damage that is to be done, is done. I may never need to use this again, but if I do, the back of the head is the place it will go. But I am a stickler for directions, and I read OVER and OVER, between the shoulders, I needed to believe them. And you know what, out of the 13, only my normal "hiders" (read: Willow and Fern) actually ran away to hide. The others could care less.......except that several had the need to lick the spot.:p
Keep the encouraging words coming, though, I am still worried about a reaction to licking.

K & L
07-21-2003, 08:54 AM
We went through this not long ago (you probably remember). A couple of our cats started foaming at the mouth and darting like crazy through the house. It all turned out fine. I don't think you need to worry!

07-21-2003, 09:21 AM
We recently applied Frontline Plus on Angel and Dillian. Angel likes to lick it off Dillian and have used it for a few years now. There completly (sp?) fine, so not to worry! :)

07-21-2003, 09:29 AM
I don't want to add stress to you but PLEASE always get flea meds from your vet . and have then administer them. After our scare in April I don't want to have any cat or human go thew that. And $400.00 vet bill for a flea treat ment (no good) Luckly our old boy pulled though and no side effects . But it was touch and go for an entire weekend. PLeas a small vet bill is nothing for piece of mind and safety for your pet.

07-21-2003, 09:54 AM
I think that you arre all right , Jen as my vet told me that the flea control is adjusted to not hurt the Cats! As they know that some cats wil llick it off! But you should call to make sur as I used a different product! Gary!