View Full Version : Salem welcomes us home...

Dixie Belle
06-15-2001, 09:56 AM
Last night, my husband and I came home from his parents house. We came around to the steps and started calling Salem (the little kitty we rescued) We could hear him, but couldn't find him. We finally decided he was stuck somewhere in our four-wheeler. We were getting all upset. But I kept listing, and I realized that he wasn't in the 4wheeler. I started to look up. My husband noticed me doing that and started to look up....and there he was half-way up and oak tree!!! Poor guy was scared to death!! With a lot of coaching on our part, he finally climbed down enough that my husband could reach him and get him out. What I welcome home!!!

06-15-2001, 10:08 AM
Whew! Glad he's ok.! Scary!


06-15-2001, 11:46 AM
Thanks for sharing your little slice of life story. Such is the life of a kitty! I love the name Salem.

06-15-2001, 12:00 PM
What a silly Salem! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif i always laugh when the cats get stuck in the trees or on the roof. (okay i laugh after i panic and figure out how to get them down and all four paws are on the ground) they just don't seem to get it that they are equipped to climb down just as easily as up! I think sometimes they must do it so that we have to prove our love for them by some death defying feat of madness.... sure i'll climb up after you and let you dig your claws into my shoulder as i back down from this tree! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif