View Full Version : Uncertain Future

07-20-2003, 02:20 PM
Hi Everyone!
Its' Connie...yesterday morning I went to a local farmer's market to get Sweetpea some fresh greens.They sell everything there including ducks,chickens & so on and yes, bunnies!You'd think I'd know better than to waunder over for a look,but I am drawn to it like a magnet at times!It makes me sick to see these poor,helpless animals awaiting an uncertain future.Most sit in dirty cages,with dirty/empty feed/water bowls.Oh God grant me a place in the country and so I could take animals like this home.I know thats' not the answer,but...places like this shouldn't be allowed to sell animals.I have called the Humane Society several times,but they can't be bothered and tell me there is nothing they can do...right!
Yesterday,a man with a young son bought an 8 week old bunny.The man asked the seller,"what do we feed it"?The seller replied,"oh anything".I was horrified!I followed the man with the bunny to his car.There I struck up a conversation with him on how to properly care for the bunny.He seemed greatful for the advice,but he couldn't believe that there was so much involved in the care of a rabbit.I told him it was like any other animal...you either look after them or you don't.I hope and pray this bunny will be alright.:confused: I just hope they don't tire of it after a while and toss it out like what happens to so many animalsI also approached the seller and told him,"if you are going to sell these animals,then at least offer some basic information for the people buying.Then at least they have a fair idea of how to go about caring for the animal."The seller just looked at me,then with a sly smile told me to mind my own business!Well,let me tell you,I'm not a trouble maker,but when I see neglect,mistreatment amoung animals I get VERY UPSET!!Sorry to go on so,but I feel if anyone can understand how I feel,it would be you all at PetTalk.I just wish I had a sure fire way to keep these people from selling these animals the way they do:confused: :(
God Bless all the Forgotten Creatures Large & Small,
Connie,Sweetpea & Lucky

07-20-2003, 02:22 PM
I'm afraid you cannot keep them from selling them, but you could give at least the bunny-sellers copies of a rabbit-care FAQ sheet from the House Rabbit Society or something ... with a list of foods and maybe your vet's name/phone number? Would your vet be okay with that?

07-20-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Karen
I'm afraid you cannot keep them from selling them, but you could give at least the bunny-sellers copies of a rabbit-care FAQ sheet from the House Rabbit Society or something ... with a list of foods and maybe your vet's name/phone number? Would your vet be okay with that?

Hi Karen!
Thanks for your advice.I think my vets would certainly be okay with my giving their name/number to new bunny owners and I think I may even print out some general care ect. sheets and hand them out if the need arises again.Thanks again from Sweetpea,me & all the helpless bunnies out there!How many rabbits do you have....bet they are beautiful!?:)