View Full Version : The Osbournes. Poor Lulu

Chris J
07-20-2003, 02:04 PM
A coyotes jumped a low fence into the backyard of the Osbournes house and killed poor Lulu http://www.mtv.com/onair/osbournes/images/sub_zoo_lulu.jpg

So sad :(


07-20-2003, 02:35 PM
Poor, poor Lulu! So glad Ozzy was able to save Pipi in time! They need a higher fence!

07-20-2003, 04:20 PM
:( :( :( Oh no!!!!!! She was such a cutie...Glad to read Ozzy saved Pipi though. They do have their share of sorrows. How sad!:(

07-20-2003, 04:22 PM
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats awful! I haven't read the article yet. Geez, that makes me so sad :( :( :( :( :(

07-20-2003, 04:55 PM
Oh my. Poor Lulu. That's horrible. Lucky lil' Pippi

07-20-2003, 05:37 PM
I watch the Osbournes all the time, but I just tried to watch a rerun and got way too sad. They showed little Lulu playing :(

07-20-2003, 07:28 PM
That's so sad!! :(

07-21-2003, 01:46 PM
Awwww poor Lulu:(

Thank God Ozzy was able to save Pipi from the coyotes (that must have been a sight)

07-22-2003, 10:45 PM
I was just in California this weekend! At first, it sounds funny that there'd be a coyote up at their house, but now that I think about it, they are kind of on a hilly street, with lots of 'land'. Poor Lulu...maybe they'll be able to come up with a "security" measure for wild animals coming onto their property.