View Full Version : Really sad poems

07-20-2003, 12:03 PM
These are so incredibly sad. Here they are.

Someone hurt you, hit you, beat you
would not give you food
The only water that you got
was from a muddy pool
And yet when help did finally come
though you were almost dead
You wagged your tail in greeting
and you tried to raise your head
What gave you strength or made you hope
what helped to see you through
The agonizing hunger
and lonliness you knew
Yet you forgave and took a chance
and graced us with your love
For us to know such spirit was
a gift from God above
I would've died that day if not for you.
I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes.
I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands.
I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care
Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted,
skin that isn't flea bitten,
good food and enough of it,
beds to sleep on,
someone to love me,
to show me I deserve love just because I exist.
Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands
Your big heart saved me...
You saved me from the terror of the pound,
Soothing away the memories of my old life.
You have taught me what it means to be loved.
I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me.
I have heard you ask yourself in times of despair
Why you do it-
When there is no more money, no more room, no more homes
You open your heart a little bigger, stretch the money a
little tighter
Make just a little more room...to save one more like me.
I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes
In the best way I know how
Reminding you why you go on trying.
I am the reason
The dogs before me are the reason
As are the ones who come after.
Our lives would've been wasted, our love never given
We would die if not for you.
I will never know what I did to deserve such an awful life full of abuse and neglect
My life had become so sad and lonely it was like living in an endless, dark tunnel.
I remember looking up one day and seeing a bright light shining at the end of the tunnel.
the light was so bright I thought that God must have sent an angel to finally end my suffering.

God did send an angel, he sent you.

The bright light I had seen was your smiling face.
You promised me that my days of neglect and abuse were over.
My battered body and broken spirit hardly dared to believe it was true.
You opened your heart and your home and gave me more love and comfort and
safety than I had ever known before.
You gave me the softest bed my tired, aching bones had ever felt and more
toys and attention than I had ever dreamed existed.

I no longer cringed when a hand was raised near me, because your hands had only
kindness and treats to offer me.

I no longer feared the sound of feet approaching, because your feet had never kicked me
, they had only taken me on wonderful adventures to exciting new places.

You made my spirits soar and helped my soul find peace and contentment.

From the day I met you, I never suffered again.
I see by his coat he must be a stray,
the untidy look gives him away.
He's lost his will and is so thin
hasn't eaten, since God knows when.
I know as I coax him through the door,
There's always room for one more.

The other night in the freezing rain,
That little female came again.
Matted and soaked crying in need,
lost and alone with babies to feed.
Her pleading eyes I couldn't ignore,
There's always room for one more.

There's a new face on the docks today,
hungry but clean, to our dismay,
I stroked her head, her body rippled,
when she got up, I saw she was crippled
she started to go, but fell on the floor.
There's always room for one more.
There's the poor doggy standing in the rain.
I've tried to entice him, time and again.
One ear's lopsided, the other's been torn,
Blind in one eye, lost and forlorn.
He's coming now, so I'll open the door.
There's always room for one more.
***Dear God, Please send me somebody who'll care!
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain,
And Dear God, I pray as I run in the rain,
That someone will love me and give me a home.
A warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone.
My last owner tied me all day in the yard
Sometimes with no water and God that was hard!
So I chewed my leash God, and I ran away
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray.
But now God, I'm tired and hungry and cold.
And I'm so afraid that I'll never grow old.
They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones
While I run the streets just looking for bones!
I'm not really bad God, Please help if you can,
For I have become just a "Victim of Man!"
I'm wormy Dear God, and I'm ridden with fleas and
All that I want is an owner to please!
If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good
And I won't chew their shoes, but I'll do as I should.
I'll love them, protect them and try to obey
When they tell me to sit, to lie down or to stay!
I don't think I'll make it too long on my own,
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die!
And I've got so much love and devotion to give,
That I should be given a new chance to live.
So Dear God PLEASE, Please answer my Prayer and
Send me somebody who WILL really care...
That is, Dear God, If YOU'RE REALLY there!
I wish someone would tell me what it is that I've done wrong.
Why I've had to stay chained up and left alone so long.
They seemed so glad to have me when I came here as a pup.
There were so many things we'd do while I was growing up.
They couldn't wait to train me as companion and as a friend.
And told me how they'd never fear being left alone again.
The children said they'd feed me and brush me every day.
They'd play with me and walk me if only I could stay.
But now the family "hasn't time"; they often say I shed.
They do not want me in the house, not even to be fed.
The children never walk me. They always say, "Not now!"
I wish that I could please them. Won't someone tell me how?
All I had, you see, was love. I wish they would explain.
Why they said they wanted me, then left me on a chain.
I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter...the cast-offs of human

I saw in their eyes love and hope,
fear and dread, sadness and
betrayal. And I was angry.

"God", I said, "this is terrible! Why
don't you do something?"

God was silent for a moment, and
then He spoke softly. "I have done something", he replied. "I created you."