View Full Version : Bassett's got me strung out almost as far as I can go..

07-19-2003, 09:42 PM
I feel SO BAD for my sweetie. She is having to wear this cone, and it's totally freaking her out. She hates the bandages, and I know the bigger burn is hurting her. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that she will only have to be coned for another week, but I just don't know how we are gonna do it :( Today she acted like she was high on drugs or something.. she was twitching her skin like crazy, growling and hissing at nothing, and just had this weird wide-eyed look. I just don't know how I'm going to help her through this! :( :( :(

Prairie Purrs
07-19-2003, 09:53 PM
Is Bassett taking meds now? If not, maybe a little Rescue Remedy in her water would help her. I'm sure she'll feel better when the burns are closer to healed.

My Cricket sends her sympathies. She had to wear a cone off and on for weeks while I was trying to get her to stop chewing on her tail (she had hyperesthesia). Every time I'd give her a break from the cone, she'd go after that tail again.

07-19-2003, 09:54 PM
Oh gosh Naomi, this is breaking my heart to hear what Bassett is going through. I'm sorry to say this as the vet did a wonderful job on the surgery, but I think it was a little irresponsible of them not to check her more while she was on the thermol blanket.
This is worse than her surgery.
It's obvious by the sounds of it, that she is in pain. Isn't there anything that the vet can do to help poor Bassett feel more comfortable.
Oh Naomi, I am crying for you, as you must be going through hell watching your poor baby suffer like this.
I pray and hope that this will end soon.
Hang in there little one. You made it this far, don't give up.
I wish I knew what you could do to help her through this. Just try to comfort her as much as you can.

07-19-2003, 10:05 PM
I didn't even consider the rescue remedy. That might not be a bad idea. Also, lately, Tilly has been very hostile toward Bassett, I think because Bassett has a medicine-y smell... would the rescue remedy help with that too? She is still on medication for hypertension.. I will ask the vet if there is something I can do for her. I will also ask the vet about something for the pain. I'm using antiseptic wash with a pain killer in it, and using polysporin, but that burn looks rotten :(

I don't know what to do regarding the surgeon. One side of me says I should get angry that they didn't do anything about this. The other says I should see it as an unforseen complication from a very intense and complex surgery. Nathan is going to the Critical Care Unit on Monday to drop off a payment for me, and he said he would let them know all the trauma Bassett has been through. On top of all that, I've spent almost $150 on medical supplies already, including ordering her a special cone in the hopes she will be more comfortable, vetrap, and burn pads which are $10 for only 4 of them.. well I'm using 2 every day. I don't know that I want the clinic to do anything about my costs, but I think they should at least know about it.

Right now, Bassett is sleeping. I will just leave her be all day tomorrow, and if her bandages fall off, well.. they do.. I'm not putting her through another bandage change if she's going to react the same way tomorrow as she did today :(

07-20-2003, 02:20 AM
Bassett, you poor darling! You must be feeling very uncomfortable right now ... but remember, you are on the home stretch! The big scary surgery has now been and gone so you need to hang in there for your Meowmie. She is very stressed at the moment, so don't forget to cuddle with her give her kitty kisses!

Naomi, it must be difficult with all these complications ... its hard when you think something's over, when it keeps going on and on ... hang in there, too, my prayers are with you!

07-20-2003, 02:48 AM
Thanks for the well wishes.

Once I got the bandages on, and she had a little nap, she seemed to calm down some. She even came and gave me kisses and lots and lots of purrs. I know it's an emotional thing.. she's just so tired of it all. I won't be home tomorrow (I have a wedding shower to go to) so maybe having a quiet house will be good for her.

I'll keep you posted.


Ally Cat's Mommy
07-20-2003, 04:12 AM
Oh Dear - I feel so sorry for both of you! I know Bassett must be in a lot of pain from the burn - I am still recovering from a 4 x 4 inch 2nd dregree burn on my leg - it was really painful! I can imagine how confused Bassett must be, 'cos you can't explain to an animal why they are sore.

I know the vet was really good with the surgery and the payment etc, but that does not absolve them from blame when they do something wrong! I can't help thinking that, seeing as they know your financial situation, and they were, after all, the cause of Bassett's burns, they should be treating the burns for free, or at least supply the dressings etc - they must get it much cheeper than you do, as they buy wholesale. JMHO!

Saying a prayer for you now:

Dear Lord,

We thank you for your strength and guidance, and for helping Naomi and Bassett through the surgery. We stand in agreement that Bassett's wounds will be healed, and she will be fully receovered. We thank you that you are laying your loving hands on Bassett, and taking away the pain of her wounds.

In Jesus' name


PLEASE, all PT'ers - stand in agreement with me that Bassett is healed

sasha the cat
07-20-2003, 04:59 AM
Nomilynn, mew-mew I hope Bassett is feeling better! Poor angel. KatMa hates it when any animal is hurt.

Mew, I'm sending kittykisses, purrs, nose twinkies, and sweet mewls to Bassett to help her recover.

07-20-2003, 05:01 AM
Poor poor Bassett! That must be such an uncomfortable time for her and it must break your heart to see her like this!

I've noticed the same in Luna last month after she had surgery between her shoulder blades (a lump has been removed). During the entire healing process, she was nervous and growled, and she was twitching her skin until the stitches have been removed. And Bassett's scar is so much bigger than Luna's, so I can only try to imagine how much she is suffering! Poor girl, I hope the rescue remedy will give her some relief!


07-20-2003, 05:22 AM
Poor Bassett. Even if the burn areas do not hurt, they no doubt itch. You all know the itch associated with a healing wound or scab. Maybe there is a hydrocortisone cream that could be put on the area to ease the itch.

Felicia's Mom
07-20-2003, 06:43 AM
I will be praying for you and Bassett.

07-20-2003, 08:24 AM
Poor Bassett! I had second and third degree burns on my tummy once and I can tell you the itching was awful. Bassett is probably frustrated because she can't wash the burn and help relieve the itch. It can be madening, believe me. Just imagine the most horribe itch you've ever had and not being able to scratch it. You may check with the vet and see about a anti itch cream like Jen suggested.

Prayers on the way too!

07-20-2003, 08:43 AM
I am sorry you are going through this, for both you and Bassett. Remember that this IS a temporary thing. This won't be forever, and you don't have to think, "How will I deal with this forever?" It is just temporary. Now, you need to recognize that NAOMI has been through alot, too (we will get to Bassett in a moment). You are prolly feeling alot of the tension/fear/sadness, etc., come out now, now that Bassett has made it through the woods. Prolly much like a grieving person goes through stages. For so long, you had to be tough to be there for Bassett. So, these 'other' things weren't an issue. Now, that you can breathe easier, some of the 'other' things are becoming annoying/irritating/bothersome, etc.

I know how you feel about Bassett's burns. When Binx was still laid up from his nuetering ten days after the sir jury, and three ER vets later, I was pretty peeved at the surgeon. I was about ready to aim when I recieved a bill in the mail for the three days worth of antibiotics they provided- after all, they were the ones that infected him (that is how I see it). In 24 hours time, I spent over 200, all because of his 'simple' nuetering. The surgeon has the audacity to say, "maybe it is connected to his mouth problem".

Back to you- whatever is the cause of Bassett's burns, that is secondary now. Keeping her ok is the focus. I know the cone thing is awful. BUT, it isn't going to kill her. She might hate it, but, so what. We all have had to endure things we hate. I am not saying don't feel bad for her, but, you got to just ignore that for awhile. Have you tried telling her what is going on? As to the other's reacting to her, and her own animosity, that sounds pretty normal to me. Fear will bring it out, uncertainty will bring it out.

Finally, instead of the cone, would you be able to purchase a baby's onsie? Put it on her backwards, so her privates are still accessible, and snap it on one side of her neck, or, cut a whole in it. Or, try a children's t-shirt, on backwards. It provides another layer of protection to the burns, and doesn't involve the cone.
This was an idea given to me by Albea when Binx had his problems. It worked for us.

Good luck!!! And, we are all still praying for you guys.

07-20-2003, 10:27 AM
Oh, poor Bassett:( I wish I could help in some way, but I just don't know how. I hope that she gets better very soon, and that her behavior goes back to normal. I know those cones are horrible, Bassett, but try really really hard for me to tolerate it for your Meowmie, she is very, very worried about you, and wants you to get better and stop hurting.

Bassett will be in my prayers.

07-20-2003, 11:02 AM
I have never heard of animals getting burns during surgery or recovery from surgery. It surely sounds as though someone dropped the ball and didn't check Bassett often enough. I would ask around about that. Since your vet bills are sky high to begin with, I would certainly try to get the vet to pay for the treatment of the burns. Fair is fair.

Have you asked the vet for some meds to relax Luna? I bet her skin is itching more than painful. Does it look like it is clearing up?

It is such a shame that you and Bassett have to go through this, after all the success with the surgery. It just isn't FAIR!

Chin up.

By the way, the cone isn't going to kill the cat. She will have to hang in there until the wounds heal. Miley had one on for awhile and she hated it, but she dealt with it. She may have one on tomorrow, who knows!

Good luck, keep us posted. Keep your chin up. Lots of hugs and headbumpies coming your way!


07-20-2003, 11:14 AM
Oh poor Bassett. Prayers of course are going your way. The paralegal in me sees that there was negligence by the vet in not checking on the heating pad and they should assume at least part of the responsibility for the result; i.e., paying for at least part of the treatment. Providing you with the necessary bandages is the least s/he could do. I wouldn't hurt to ask -- the worst thing they can say is no, but I bet they'd be willing to compromise. I know you'll keep us posted.

Gentle kisses and head bumpies from Mishi and Mitzi.

07-20-2003, 12:16 PM
OH no poor Bassett!!! I know the cone thing is rough, Tama's got one on right now too cause he's got a hot spot.

Hang in there Bassett, don't let the burns get you down!!!

07-21-2003, 02:37 AM
Thanks everyone :) Your support means a LOT.

I just got home from a wedding shower, and so I won't be changing Bassett's bandages tonight. She seems ok, and they are in place really well, so I think I'll leave well enough alone. I will be calling the vet tomorrow, so I'll give you a better update tomorrow :)

Thanks again,

07-21-2003, 05:07 PM
I called and made an appointment for an xray. Her breathing isn't.. right.. and I can't tell if it's stress from all this fuss over her or if it's something more serious. I'm SO SO SO terrified. I don't want the chyle fluid to come back. Her breathing gets more .. funny.. after she's tried desperatly to clean herself around the cone, so I think/hope/pray that it's just the struggle to twist around with all the bandages and the cone and stuff.

Please, please, please pray she's ok :(

07-21-2003, 05:15 PM
Prayers are on their way.

07-21-2003, 05:16 PM
Oh Naomi I am so distressed to hear what a rough time you and Bassett are having right now, as if you both have not been through enough.

I tend to agree with the others, was it not negligent on their part that poor Bassett was burned in the first place.

I know how they hate the cone so much too, Lexie only had it for ten days or so, and I left it off as much as I could and watched her 24/7, it distressed me as much seeing her with it on, but she will get through it.

I am thinking of you right now and hoping with all my heart her breathing difficulties are not serious.

Take care of yourself, and big hug to you, and nose kisses from Lexie and Ash.


07-21-2003, 05:19 PM
I'm so sorry about your setback. I hope her breathing is just from the stress of the itchiness and the cone. I don't blame you for being worried after everything that has happened.

07-21-2003, 06:21 PM
How sad, to have a set back now.:( Prayers are on their way.

07-21-2003, 10:24 PM
Oh, I hope there is nothing wrong with sweet Bassett.
She's in my prayers.

07-21-2003, 10:52 PM
Are you guys having a heat wave too?

Could that be making the situation worse???

07-22-2003, 02:01 AM
I just got Bassett's bandaged up. If she had not been coned, there were three times when I'm sure she would have bitten me :( But, she's all wrapped up and I think it must have felt good to have the scabs washed, because she really streched out for it. I think they are itchy, and I KNOW they hurt because I accidently pushed on the one underneath her (it had it's gauze on and everything already) as I was putting the vetrap around her, and she jumped and growled.. I felt so bad I wanted to puke but at least it was already covered and I wasn't touching bare scab. :( :( Still, I feel bad that I hurt her. I think she forgave me though, because she got to have her supper as soon as she was all wrapped up - maybe that's the key to keeping her still!

Amberlee - It isn't too hot for me, but Bassett is really affected by heat - she always has. Also, she has always gotten so worked up by any amount of fuss.. well, she's been consistantly fussed with for a month now, and I KNOW she's just had enough. I'm hoping that her breathing is a result of depression/stress/anxiety, and she's worked herself up into a bit of a tizzy, and it's not the disease returning.

Another thing that I JUST remembered - part of her surgery included having the omentum moved up into the chest cavity so it could absorb any potential fluid leaks (theoretically), and Dr. Schiller did tell me that sometimes, depending on how she's moving around, that might affect her breathing. Also, her lung surfaces are compromised.. maybe she's just having a rough go of it right now?

Here's hoping and praying that it's nothing serious. I don't know that she or I could deal with any more heartache :( I'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow.

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-22-2003, 06:12 AM
Naomi and Bassett....

It is breaking my heart to read this thread.... sometimes this crazy life calls for a little more strength than what we have.

I am praying for you guys. I don't have any expert advice or anything... but I am believing for a miracle for you guys. I do know that when I am sick and not feeling good I tend to be a grouch too... so Bassett is probably just tired.. and tired of not feeling well. *HUGS* for both of you.

Father God...

I just want to lift up Naomi and Bassett to you Lord. Father I pray that you can give them peace and some rest for this situation Lord.... and I pray your mighty hand move in their situation.... and I am claiming a miracle for them. I know through you all things are possible ... so I am praying that you speak to Bassett and let her know that you are with her and that her mommy loves her very much. Please give Naomi peace and strength... and comfort her. We are lifting this situation up to you Lord.... and calling forth a blessing that Naomi's vet will help with the recovery bills for Bassetts burn... I know that no prayer is too small for you Lord... so I am calling it forth as if it were so ....

In Jesus' name I pray

07-22-2003, 09:34 AM
Thinking of you and Bassett. *hugs*

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2003, 12:36 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry for this setback! I'm hoping and praying it's just because of all the fuss like you say, and nothing serious. Seeing as how she has to still be healing inside too, I'm hoping she didn't hurt something inside as she's twisting around, dealing with the cone.

Please let us know what the vet says - although I know you will because you know we're all worried about sweet Bassett too.

07-22-2003, 12:56 PM
How frustrating Naomi - one step forward then two steps back!!
I do hope Bassett will recover and get back her good health very soon. You must be going out of your mind with worry - we're here for you and I'm sending {{{{{HUGS}}}} across the pond to you.


07-22-2003, 12:59 PM
This has gone on for so long, no wonder poor Bassett is so grumpy. Praying that this will all be over soon and Bassett heals up nicely.
Hugs to you Naomi.

07-22-2003, 01:02 PM
Oh Naomi -we send our best thoughts to you and Bassett:)

07-22-2003, 03:17 PM
Dear Bassett and Naomi,
I am so sorry to hear of the difficulty you are having. Hang in there, and positive thoughts are coming to you.

07-22-2003, 03:29 PM
Sorry to hear things are not going well. Miracles do happen and one day when this is all over you'll breathe a big sigh of relief. Prayers on the way.

07-22-2003, 05:46 PM
So far, no news. Bassett wouldn't hold still, so they couldn't take a clear xray (teehee ;)) So I will be taking her to a different hospital tonight sometime to try again. The vet dind't want to just say "yeah from what I can see everything looks ok" and be wrong, so we need to be sure. However, until that time, Bassett gets to be bandage free (she's very happy about that) and she's wearing one of my VERY old baby undershirts to keep her wounds protected and my furniture from blood (my shirt is covered in her blood, but I'm not changing until she's done for the day).

I will let you know when I know more.. sigh..


07-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Oh, so she's still bleeding?

I'm sure your old baby shirt is so much more comfortable for her than the bandages.

Keeping the fingers crossed for a good x-ray result here, best wishes,


07-22-2003, 09:20 PM
Well, some good news and bad news. The bad news is, there was fluid on her chest. The vet was able to pull most of it off, but not all. He thinks there is still some fluid in and around the omentum, and he didn't want to go digging around in there. The good news is, it's NOT chyle.. PHEW!!! It's more of that watery, bloody fluid. The question now, of course, is why. It's been a month since her surgery, and I don't know if having that fluid there after all this time is normal or what. Also, since she's been so stressed out with all this fussing, maybe she hurt herself inside somewhere and started weeping a bit? Who knows - I'm talking to Dr. Schiller about it tomorrow (hopefully) if I can get a hold of her before I go to work (I finally found a job!). I will keep you all posted. Please don't stop praying now - I don't think we are out of the woods just yet.


07-23-2003, 12:57 AM
you are still in my thoughts and prayers!

07-23-2003, 05:52 AM
You are both still in our prayers.

07-23-2003, 08:14 AM
Still keeping you both in my prayers.


07-23-2003, 11:01 AM
Prayers will never stop until Bassett is completely healed from the surgery and her burns.

Steffi N
07-23-2003, 07:59 PM
I am saddened to read that dear Bassett is having a setback. She is so special to us all and we hope that she will heal completely.

07-23-2003, 08:18 PM
Oh Naomi,

I am SO sorry to hear what you and Bassett have been going through. I haven't been on site much because of my new job. I come home every night and am too pooped to even sign on, although I do check my e-mails in case there's anything important.

I am praying for the both of you. I think though, you should question the vet about the fluid. Burns can cause fluid to build up (ya know, like a blister???) I think someone at the vets was slacking off while poor Bassett was recovering. IMO, I think you should tell them you are holding them responsible for all the expenses you've had out of pocket for the burns.

Hang in there. Congrats on the new job!!

07-23-2003, 08:33 PM
The clinic has offered me a solution, but unfortunatly it isn't one that will help me at all. They said they would take Bassett, and treat her until she is totally healed from her burns for free. Well, I just started working and I'm not about to spend even MORE money to get her there when I'm treating the burns at home. I will call them tomorrow morning and try to figure something out. I wasn't the one who arranged this plan, so I will tell them that it's not an option tomorrow.

On another note, when I took Bassett in yesterday afternoon for xrays and a drain, the bill came to $533!!! I was REALLY REALLY mad about that. There is no real reason it needs to be that much money, but they made me pay for an exam ("well THIS vet has never seen Bassett before") pre and post medical procedure costs, etc etc. What a huge crock of you know what. Needless to say, unless it's an emergency, I'm never going back to that clinic. I don't have that kind of money.

07-24-2003, 06:05 AM
:( :( I am so sorry this is so hard. The light at the end of the tunnel will be a perfectly healthy Bassett, and I am just SO certain that soon this will be all behind you. Prayers and Hugs.

07-24-2003, 06:38 AM
I really hope Bassett is well again soon.

07-25-2003, 03:08 PM
I was just wondering how our dear Bassett is doing and how are you holding up Naomi?

07-27-2003, 11:25 AM

Killearn Kitties
07-28-2003, 07:05 AM
Any updates on our poor Bassett? I keep thinking about her - hope she's bearing up.

Steffi N
07-28-2003, 07:50 AM
Yes, please let us know how our dear Bassett is doing. We hope she is okay and that you are too, Naomi.

07-28-2003, 02:11 PM
I sent an e-mail to her last night, but haven't heard anything yet. I'm getting a little worried as she hasn't posted anything since the 23rd. Gosh I pray that everything is going well.

Has anyone heard from Naomi at all, please let us know.

07-28-2003, 02:23 PM
Her last post was from 25th -buit it was in the middle of puzzle 283 which she hosted -now I am getting worried too.

07-28-2003, 03:01 PM
Sorry I should have explained myself better, I meant that she hasn't posted any updates on Bassett here since the 23rd.

07-28-2003, 08:56 PM
Oh my goodness :o I'm so sorry! I had some friends over on the weekend, and I just started a new job last week, and I've been REALLY busy! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted an update.. but the reason has been no news is good news. She is still doing fine, and her burns are getting better every time I change the bandages. I take her to the vet on Wednesday for her annual shots and another xray, so I may have more news then. Also, because I have tomorrow off, I'm going to try giving Dr. Schiller a call and ask her about that fluid Bassett had a while ago and if it was normal to see it after a surgery like this (at least it's not chyle! woohoo!).

Again, I'm SOOO sorry I didn't respond sooner. I have just been running around like crazy, and tonight is the first night I've had to just sit and do nothing in about 6 days :p

I apologize; I didn't mean to worry anyone.

Naomi :)

07-28-2003, 09:10 PM
It is so good to hear from you Naomi and it is even better to hear that dear Bassett is doing better.
Apologize excepted.:D

07-28-2003, 09:31 PM
Glad to hear that alls going well with Bassett (and you too:))!

Steffi N
07-28-2003, 09:35 PM
Thank you, Naomi, for letting us know that Bassett is doing okay. I hope the news from the vet visit on Wednesday is good.
We are happy and relieved. I hope you are enjoying your new job and that you had a nice weekend with your friends.

07-28-2003, 10:02 PM
Glad to hear she's almost better! :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-29-2003, 01:51 AM
What a pleasure to hear some GREAT NEWS on this thread.

Grateful thanks for prayers answered.

"Again I say to you -- if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Matthew 18: 19-20

07-29-2003, 02:49 AM
Phewww what a relief. It's just purrfect if this was the first weekend at which your main concern wasn't Bassett:) -this is a really good sign:)

Scritchies for her (and for Nutmeg and Tilly):)

07-29-2003, 06:12 AM
My mom always used to say that......"NO news, is good news". Very glad that you had time to be pre-occupied.

07-30-2003, 01:57 AM
Thanks everyone. It did feel nice to not really have to *worry* about her so much. She goes to the vet tomorrow afternoon for her annual vaccinations, her rabies, and possibly another xray, if the vet feels it's necessary. I'm not stressing her out with bandages tonight, as I know they will have to be off tomorrow at the vet, so she's wearing a baby t-shirt.. she looks TOO cute! hehe :) Sorry, I don't have the camera - it's with Nathan right now :) Anyway, I will let you all know how things are tomorrow when I get back from the vet. Hopefully, this whole ordeal is ALMOST a memory!!!