View Full Version : Rotten Experience At Petsmart

07-19-2003, 01:15 PM
I just wanted to tell everyone about my bad experience at PetSmart. I shop exclusively at PetSmart (I used to anyway), today I went in and put (2) 40 lb. cartons of cat litter, (1) 20 lb. bag of nutro max cat food, and (5) 4-packs of canned food in my buggy. I went to check-out and the cashier told me she could not lift the purchases without hurting herself, and I would have to do it. So I lifted both cartons of litter out, the bag of cat food, and the packs of catfood, she scanned them, and then I had to put them back in the buggy. She copped an attitude, when I asked of the scanner was not long enough to reach to the buggy. She never once offered any help or what she could do, only what she couldn't do. I will ow be shopping at PetSupllies Plus. Thanks for letting me vent.:( :( :mad: :mad: :mad:

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-19-2003, 01:23 PM
My mom works at PetsMart and often tells me of customers who expect her to lift heavy ass things out of their cart. My mother also has a bad back. Then the CUSTOMER gets an attitude.

This employee shouldn't have gotten an attitude with you, but instead should have called someone who can handling picking that stuff up. Some people just aren't very understanding at all.

I'm sorry you had such an experience. But I certainly wouldn't let just one bad-attitude employee discourage me from shopping somewhere.

07-19-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm sorry that you had a bad time at Petsmart. I agree that the cashier should not have gotten an attitude with you and should have called for someone else to help. But I too have been on her end, at my old job I refused to lift heavy food for people. I have a really bad back and I am not risking throwing my back out and winding up in the hospital because I lifted something I know I couldn't lift. But I always asked the person if they could lift it themselves and if they couldn't, then I would get a coworker to do it.

07-19-2003, 06:18 PM
Doesn't your Petsmart have those unit price scan sheets- they scan the sheets not the item-the checker doesn't have to lift anything out of the cart and neither do you until you get to the car. I pity both the checker and the checkee-those bags are heavy!!

07-19-2003, 07:21 PM
That is my point, more than anything, else. The cashier only told me what she couldn't/wouldn't do, and didn't offer any solutions. How do the items get on the shelves???I spent toooo many years in customer service, to put with lacking service.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-20-2003, 03:46 PM
I'm sure PetsMart won't hurt. ;) ;)

07-21-2003, 07:54 AM
I find it quite interesting how poor customer service is, if these people can't or won't do their job, maybe they should find something they are capable of doing. How hard is a cashier job???

07-21-2003, 09:26 AM
im sorry you had such a bad experience.i agree that someone shoud have been called to help you.that is a lot of lifting to do and the employee shouldnt have just stood there.

07-21-2003, 10:22 AM
Your point would have been made a lot more effectively by voicing your complaint with the store manager or even the district manager. By choosing to just stop shopping there you’ve done nothing to stop the bad service. As a former retail employee, I always preferred to be told if there was any problem with any of my employees, or for that matter, a problem with the store or merchandise.

07-21-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by mesiecat
I find it quite interesting how poor customer service is, if these people can't or won't do their job, maybe they should find something they are capable of doing. How hard is a cashier job???

Exactly...that's one of the reasons I recently quit my job (I was a tech) and now have a great job with NO lifting!!!:)

07-21-2003, 07:31 PM
According to the emplyess, there was no one present, in charge." I did send a letter to the district manager and an email to their corporate site.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-21-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by mesiecat
I find it quite interesting how poor customer service is, if these people can't or won't do their job, maybe they should find something they are capable of doing. How hard is a cashier job???

There's more to being a cashier than just ringing people out. Why are you sending a letter to their corprate office if you're not going to shop there anymore?

Don't judge what you don't understand. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

07-21-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by mesiecat
According to the emplyess, there was no one present, in charge." I did send a letter to the district manager and an email to their corporate site.

I had an issue with the Petco here when it first opened, and I went right to their website and emailed a complaint.
A few days later, I received a message back from the manager of our store, with his apologies, and he wanted to know the date of the "incident"

I found it more personal that the manager from the store here actually got in touch with me, and they didn't just send me some coupons or anything.

I know it's not the same company, but I'm sure you'll hear back from them.