View Full Version : Jackie & schnauzers

11-23-2001, 11:55 PM
Hi Jackie,
Everytime I see or hear anything that has to do with schnauzers, I think of you. When I am set up with my booth and making the pet mats and people come up and ask for schnauzers I always make some kind of conversation and I talk about you. Believe me I have allot of customers coming up and asking for your breed. They are quite popular. I actually had 6 requests for another breed (poodles) and they were almost in a row. I am working on that breed. Seems like the people out here like the small lap dogs and of course allot of them are snow birds so they do prefer the smaller ones. But anyway, just thought that I would let you know that the next time your ears are ringing it's because I am talking about you and Perry and Daisy at my booth. ;)

11-24-2001, 09:27 AM
Thanks Carla, nobody loves no Schnauzers more than me, that's for sure. I hope you are doing well with the mats, they are great, I can't wait to give them to Don and Colleen at Christmas, I know they will love them.
I made up a new community, it's under come see me in General, if you want to put a link in to your mats on the link page that would be great.
I'm glad you are getting back on PetTalk I know how busy you are with your business and Robbie. How do you like Arizona?

11-24-2001, 12:42 PM
It's 11:30 am and Robbie is down for a nap so here is my chance to post. Yes we love Arizona. We are just below Phoenix and far enough away that we don't really see that much smog. We have gone into Phoenix a few times and when you are traveling on the highway to get there you can see all of the smog that covers the valley. Yuck!! We are living in Chandler which is an up and coming city, allot of new developments and stores. We like it so far. Our place is nice and our view is pretty. We watch all the people try to play golf while we sit on the patio and sip our hot tea and eat our fresh baked crumpets......ha ha ha just kidding. Just plain ol' cup o' joe for me.
All is well with the pet mats. I am set up at this nice swap meet in Mesa, which Mesa is the 2nd largest city in AZ. It brings in allot of people over the weekend and business has been great. I get so many comments on the mats and everyone who walks by has to stop and look through my books to see if I have their breed, especially the rare ones. I would love to add my link to your communities page. I have a comm page too that has the pet mats and candy bars on it. This site is the one that has the albums of all of the dog and cat breeds. I do like the layout of it. Homestead is very hard to do anything with, takes soooo long to upload stuff. I am looking to expand some of my products and I am working on getting some dog and cat magnets from this company. They are very realistic and I know that they will sell very well. I would also like to make these wooden dog leash racks but I am still in the process of trying to figure out how and the application. But anyways.... things are well and we like it and all. Just need to get going on meeting somemore people ya know but that will come with time.
Angel and I still need to get together and meet up at one of these doggie parks so we can hang out and chat. And of course we will have pics of our visit :D
Talk with you soon.

11-24-2001, 03:51 PM
Carla, it sounds like everything is going well, I like the idea of the leash holders and the magnets, I think they would go well.
I have only been to Phoenix once, we went a very long time ago, I think Lorie our youngest was about 16 and she is 36 now. Anyway we really liked it, stayed at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, what a beautiful place it was, don't know what it's like now. Anyway I'm sure glad you like living in Arizona, do you miss New England?
We used to go back to Rhode Island every year, my cousin owns a hotel and we used to stay there, but everybody is about gone now, and we don't go anywhere without Daisy and Perry so don't make that trip.
Talk to you later

11-29-2001, 02:44 PM
Hi Jackie,
I wanted to post this pic and I am not sure if I had already posted it so here it is again.
I also wanted to tell you about this auction I saw on Yahoo. It was called Iron Schnauzer Shadow and it looks like it's something that goes on your lawn. It's real neat and since you are the top schnauzer lover here at Pettalk I wanted to let you know about it and here is the ID # for the item 57606202. Let me know what you think of it and if you have seen this before.

11-29-2001, 03:36 PM
PurrfectPaws, I saw it too. It is cute! I can totally see it on your lawn somewhere, maybe standing by a bush, Jackie!

Here is the picture:


And here is the direct URL to the auction. http://page.auctions.shopping.yahoo.com/auction/57606202

11-29-2001, 04:01 PM
Thanks Carla and Souraya, I put it in my favorites, that is so neat I'll keep an eye on the auction. I'll have to try to sweet talk Don into one. :D

11-29-2001, 11:27 PM
Thanks Souraya for posting the pic. It came out real nice and clear. The black looks so good on the green lawn huh??

keep your eye on it Jackie and do a little sweet talkin' to Don......heee hheee

11-30-2001, 08:07 AM
Jackie, You had better have done your "sweet talking" last night cause it looks like the auction ends today!!!! :D