View Full Version : Keep my boys in your thoughts, please!

07-18-2003, 09:47 PM
Skylar and my two foster boys are going in tomorrow morning for the "big snip" :eek: :eek:

On average, I help over 100 animals out of their spay/neuter surgery every week. But now that it is MY babies, I am freaking out.

So I'd appreciate it if you keep the boys in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow :) I will post some pictures of them all tomorrow evening when they get home. Thank goodness they will not have to spend the night.

07-18-2003, 09:51 PM
Good luck tomorrow boys. I'm sure everything will be fine, they will be in my thoughts.

07-18-2003, 09:57 PM
Aw yes, the nervous mommy on the day of the "big snip".
How well we know how you feel.

Your boys will be in my prayers and in my thoughts.
Can't wait to see their pictures.

I'm sure they will be getting lots of lovies tomorrow night when they get home.

Cinder & Smoke
07-18-2003, 10:01 PM
Hi God~

Not *TOOOO* sereeus, this tyme;
but it needs Your Help...

Miz Aly is sendin her 3 boyz in fur da *big Snip* tumorrow;
and we'd like it iffin You could go along an make sure da Sir Jury Folkz do it rite.

Be awful nice if You could reech down wiffa GodsPawz -
hold Miz Aly's hanz an also let da lil KittyKidz feel Your Presence.


/s/ da Prayer Pups

sasha the cat
07-18-2003, 10:01 PM
and we're done (if you are boys!). The purrboys will be A okay so don't worry. Mew, mew not like when I was spayed -- ouch! Surgery on my tummy...

KatMa survived, so will you purr-purrrrr.

Good luck boys. Sports models = best boys!!:D :D

Steffi N
07-18-2003, 10:06 PM
I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow. I know you will give Skylar and the boys extra cuddles. Looking forward to more pictures of our little "bug" and his foster brothers.

07-18-2003, 11:04 PM
Hi Aly!

I certainly understand your nervous feelings, I'm always like that too.... but I'm sure the boys will be just FINE! Can't wait to see the pics! Saying a prayer for them as well!

Love, Hugs and Purrs!;)

07-19-2003, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
...I certainly understand your nervous feelings, I'm always like that too.... but I'm sure the boys will be just FINE! ...

:o :rolleyes: :eek: What can I say? I was a panicked loon when my boys went in, but all went smoothly.

Will be holding you and your fur-kids in my thoughts and prayers.

Hang in there! :D :cool:

I Love Brian, Forever <3
07-19-2003, 12:23 AM
Good luck, guys! I'm sure all will go well.:) :D

Keep us posted!

07-19-2003, 01:48 AM
After I drop them off, I'm going to be at the shelter until it is time to pick them up. So at least I'll have a ton of little furry friends to help me not panic.

The kitties are really hungry right now and driving me up the wall. I feel so bad and wish I could feed them :( I can't wait until this is over. I keep telling them sorry. They'll find out why tomorrow!!

Miss Meow
07-19-2003, 03:12 AM
Good luck for tomorrow. I'm sure they'll be waiting for you tomorrow afternoon, alert and happy to see you again :)

07-19-2003, 04:56 AM
Sasha the cat says it: with boys it's not that much of a problem. Filou and Tigris confirm it and send nosekissies for your three:) :D

07-19-2003, 11:40 AM
My cat boys have their paws crossed and are feeling really sympathetic for your three. They all went through it too. Fingers crossed and good thoughts on the way from me too.

07-19-2003, 04:40 PM
Everything went very smoothly and all 3 kitties are doing just fine. I dropped them off at 8am and was able to pick them up at 3pm. They let me pick them up early since they know me and know I have experience with post-surgery care. When we got home, Skylar ate right away, then used the litter box and came to me purring VERY LOUDLY. The other two boys used the litter box right away then went to eat, purring the whole time. So all is well and good. Everyone is grooming themselves right now trying to recover from that degrading surgery ;)

We did have a scary experience last night. I will have to tell you guys about that later.

07-19-2003, 05:29 PM
I can understand you've been nervous, but I'm glad they're all doing fine now!

We did have a scary experience last night. I will have to tell you guys about that later

Hope it's nothing too bad...? :(


07-20-2003, 12:58 AM
Glad everything went ok.
Hope it wasn't too scary!

07-20-2003, 02:14 AM
It will be over soon, and you will be getting lots of love and kisses from your Meowmie!

07-20-2003, 10:14 AM
I am glad that everything went OK1 Juke Joint Joseph , the Grey and White says it cramps his style! Then I tell him he would ahve to pay all his Whiskas Temptations in Kitten support and he Brightened right up!!!!

07-20-2003, 11:45 AM
Waiting on pins and needles here to hear what this scary experience was. Hope it wasn't anything too serious.